the package can prompt file path prompt like Bracket while editing HTML [closed] - sublimetext

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Closed 7 years ago.
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It is really handy in Bracket Editor that can prompt the file path while typing.
After search for a while I still cannot find a package that accomplish the same thing Bracket does.
Can you suggest or name one package providing similar feature in Sublime Text 3.

I use AutoFileName, although it can be a bit intrusive at times, if you're trying to type a string literal and it keeps trying to autocomplete paths. Other than that, recent versions seem to work quite well. Another option is FileSystem Autocompletion, which I haven't tried. FuzzyFilePath may also work for you, but only inserts file paths in your current project.


Name one text editor that can open zip files besides EMACS/Vim [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have searched for, downloaded and tried a lot of different editors but it seems that only EMACS and Vim are capable of opening zip files. As a noob i find both intimidating, as would be countless other programmers.
Does anyone know of an editor besides these 2 that can open zip files ?
That would be OLDSKOOLED at
It's console based, has a minimalist design but extremely functional.
Able to open ZIP, GZ and Z archives even if they're nested inside other zip files.
I absolutely love its quick folding..and the Ctrl-W paste from clipboard history.
So, there are only 3! text editors that can open zip files in the whole wide world ?

Haskell GUI library that actually installs on Windows [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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So far I’ve tried to install gtk2hs and phooey
For the former, (after several failed attempts) I’ve found another question on stackoverflow (without answers but a comment that indicates that it just doesn’t work), what exactly I tried with the latter, I can’t recall, but it appears to exist no longer.
So is there any GUI-library for Haskell that
Is reasonably easy to use
Does not lack the most common features; ie there should be (at least)
Something to put text at
Something to edit text
Check(✔)boxes and RatioButtons
or something with the same purpose
A way to draw arbitrary shapes
A way to respond to mouse-click and key-press
Doesn’t look overly ugly

GitHub-like Markdown editor / preview (OSX)? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I just want to preview markdown before push to GitHub.
I tried a bunch of Editors, but none of them parsed the following:
bool test = polygon.ContainsPoint(point);
That's all I wanted, but every editor I've tried so far just could not parse it right (at least out of the box). I tried MacDown, TextMate, Marked so far.
This just falls apart by the end of the file, while GitHub reads it fine.
Can you just suggest a solution that works?
Although, your syntax seems right, it looks like using the csharp alias is better handled accross editor. See the supported languages/aliases in languages.yml per language from the linguist project.
This below:
bool test = polygon.ContainsPoint(point);
is perfectly rendered in Atom, for instance, whereas using ```C# doesn't work.

IM clients (or plugins) with code formatter / highlighter [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Can anybody recommend an IM client (Linux / Mac preferred) that either support natively, or via a plugin the ability to format & highlight blocks of code that are pasted in chat windows? I'm constantly pasting and receiving blocks of code in my client (Adium at the moment) where I copy them out into an editor to perform the formatting to make it readable.
I know I can't be the only one that shuttles snippets of code around to others like this, so I figure someone must have done this already, but my searches are coming up with nothing. Please someone help me before I throw my hands up and just start another time-sink project myself :)
You could also take a look at

Is there an open source or shareware program like Quickjump? allowing jumping to a folder with a few keystrokes? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Launchy is the only alternative I have found so far. It works if you tell it what folders to index, and remember checking off the "Include directories" for each of them. It's quick and works ok, but not excellent. For instance, it does not show the path to the directory, so if you have multiple hits you need to guess which one it is. But I can open my Downloads folder with Alt+Space and then writing "do".
It is open source and supports plugins, so extending it to show the path is possible.
