I am using printf command to log some values in a file as follows:
printf "Parameter = $parameter v9_value = $v9_val v9_line = $V9_Line_Count v16_val = $v16_val v16_line = $V16_Line_Count"
But the output I am getting as follows:
v16_line = 8elayServerPort v9_value = 41 v9_line = 8 v16_val = 4571
Seems like the line is printed in rotation manner, and last values are coming from starting.
Expected Output:
Parameter = RelayServerPort v9_value = 41 v9_line = 8 v16_val = 4571 v16_line = 8
But v16_line = 8 is overwritten on Parameter = R in line.
printf doesn't add a NL on the end. You need to add \n to the end of your printf.
Not seeing the rest of your program, or where you get your variable values, it's hard to say what else could be the issue.
One thing you can do is to redirect your output to a file and look at that file either through a good program editor or using cat -v which disables control characters.
See if you see ^M in your output. If you do, it could be that you have ^R in your variables.
Also remove $v16_val from your printf (temporarily) and see if your output looks better. If so, that $v16_val might have a CR (^M) in it.
I'm trying to remove a large amount of text from a file before inserting a few new lines. I can delete everything after the word 'CParticleSystemDefinition' with a single line of code like this
perl -0777 -pi -we "s/CParticleSystemDefinition\x22\K.*/\n}/s" "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\content\dota_addons\custom\particles\generic_gameplay\winter_effects_creep.vpcf"
But when I try to change the code slightly so that it adds a few new lines like this, it doesn't work
perl -0777 -pi -we "s/CParticleSystemDefinition\x22\K.*/\n m_Children = \n [\n {\n m_ChildRef = resource:\x22particles/generic_gameplay/winter_effects_breath.vpcf\x22\n },\n ]\n}/s" "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\content\dota_addons\custom\particles\generic_gameplay\winter_effects_creep.vpcf"
So, basically, what I want to do is make this file
_class = "CParticleSystemDefinition"
m_bShouldHitboxesFallbackToRenderBounds = false
m_nMaxParticles = 24
m_flConstantRadius = 15.000000
m_flConstantLifespan = 0.500000
m_ConstantColor =
m_bShouldSort = false
m_Renderers =
_class = "C_OP_RenderSprites"
m_bMod2X = true
m_nOrientationType = 3
m_hTexture = resource:"materials/particle/footprints/footprints_generic.vtex"
m_flAnimationRate = 1.000000
m_Emitters =
_class = "C_OP_ContinuousEmitter"
m_flEmitRate = 10.000000
m_flStartTime = 0.500000
m_nScaleControlPoint = 5
look like this
_class = "CParticleSystemDefinition"
m_Children =
m_ChildRef = resource:"particles/generic_gameplay/winter_effects_breath.vpcf"
Do it in two steps -- clear the rest of the file after that phrase, then add the desired text
perl -0777 -i.bak -wpe"s{Definition\x22\K.*}{}s; $_ .= qq(\n\tm_Children...)" file
where I've used ellipses to indicate the rest, for clarity. I added .bak to keep a backup file, until this is tested well enough.
Adding a string in the replacement part is fine as well of course -- I don't readily see what fails (and how?) in your code. Breaking it up into two steps simply makes it easier to review and organize it better but one can also run that code in the replacement part, using /e modifier
perl -0777 -i.bak -wpe"
# any valid Perl code, what it evaluates to is used as replacement
" file
If you don't want tabs, which may or may not get expanded depending on various settings and on what's done with this, can prepare and use a string of spaces instead. Then we might as well build the replacement more systematically
perl -0777 -i.bak -wpe"
$s4 = q( ) x 4; # four spaces
$_ .= qq(\n${s4}m_Children =\n$s4) . join qq(\n$s4),
qq($s4).q(m_ChildRef = ...) # etc
" file
Now one can either make this into a better system (adding a suitable programming construct for each new level of indentation for example, like map over such lines so to add indentation to all in one statement), if there is a lot -- or condense it if there's really just a few lines.
Again, this can run inside the regex's replacement side, with the additional /e modifier.
This can be done line-by-line in one pass as well, using the read-write (+<) mode for open
perl -MPath::Tiny -wE"
$f = shift // die qq(Need a filename);
open $fh, qq(+<), $f or die qq(Cant open $f: $!);
while (<$fh>) { last if /Definition\x22$/ }; # past the spot to keep
truncate $fh, tell($fh); # remove the rest
say qq(File now:\n), path($f)->slurp; # (just to see it now)
say $fh $_ for # add new content
qq(new line 1),
qq(new line 2)
" filename
(Carefully with read-write modes. Please read the docs with care first.)
I'm new to python and this site so thank-you in advance for your... understanding. This is my first attempt at a python script.
I'm having what I think is a performance issue trying to solve this problem which is causing me to not get any data back.
This code works on a small text file of a couple pages but when I try to use it on my 35MB real data text file it just hits the CPU and hasn't returned any data (>24 hours now).
Here's a snippet of the real data from the 35MB text file:
What's your cat doing?
What I'm trying to copy into a new file:
What's your cat doing?
My Python code is:
import re
with open('testdata.txt') as myfile:
content = myfile.read()
text = re.search(r'\d{11}.*\n.*\n.*(\d{4})\D+(\d{2})\D+(\d{1})\D+(\d{2})\D+(\d{2})\D+\d{2}\D+\d{1}', content, re.DOTALL).group()
with open("result.txt", "w") as myfile2:
Regex isn't the fastest way to search a string. You also compounded the problem by having a very big string (35MB). Reading an entire file into memory is generally not recommended because you may run into memory issues.
Judging from your regex pattern, it seems like you want to capture 4-line groups that start with an 11-digit string and end with some time-line string. Try this code:
import re
start_pattern = re.compile(r'^\d{11}$')
end_pattern = re.compile(r'^\d{4}\D+\d{2}\D+\d{1}\D+\d{2}\D+\d{2}\D+\d{2}\D+\d{1}$')
capturing = 0
capture = ''
with open('output.txt', 'w') as output_file:
with open('input.txt', 'r') as input_file:
for line in input_file:
if capturing > 0 and capturing <= 4:
capturing += 1
capture += line
elif start_pattern.match(line):
capturing = 1
capture = line
if capturing == 4:
if end_pattern.match(line):
output_file.write(capture + '\n')
capturing = 0
It iterates over the input file, line by line. If it finds a line matching the start_pattern, it will read in 3 more. If the 4th line matches the end_pattern, it will write the whole group to the output file.
I am trying to set variables for gnuplot environment with set for cycle command.
I am using 4.6 version and according the gnuplot documention (page 70) the syntax is following:
for [intvar = start:end{:increment}]
for [stringvar in "A B C D"]
set for [i = 1:10] style line i lc rgb "blue"
But i get this error:
gnuplot> set for [var in gpvars] replace(var,'#_#',' ')
line 0: Unrecognized option. See 'help set'.
My script:
GPPARS=( "xlabel "Time"" "ylabel "value1"" "y2label "value2"" "format x "%H:%M"")
for (( i=0; i < ${#GPPARS[#]}; i++)); do
echo "arg=${FILE}"
GPPARS_MOD+=( "`echo "${FILE}" | sed -e 's/ /#_#/g'`" )
gnuplot << EOF
replace(S,C,R)=(strstrt(S,C)) ? \
replace( S[:strstrt(S,C)-1].R.S[strstrt(S,C)+strlen(C):] ,C,R) : S
set terminal png
set output "${OUTDIRNAME}/graph.png"
set timefmt "${TIMEFORMAT}"
set xdata time
set for [var in gpvars] {
replace(var,'#_#',' ')
exit 0
I am also using function replace, because spaces ( gnuplot ignores escape sequences )The function works flawlessly for plot for cycle.
I have tried with and without function and with variables without spaces, but the result is same.
As a side note -- I'm not sure that I believe your bash array will group things the way you want it to ... for me, your quotations get stripped. try:
GPPARS=( "xlabel 'Time'" "ylabel 'value1'" "y2label 'value2'" "format x '%H:%M'")
instead. (interior double quotes replaced with single quotes)
This is a tricky one -- It's a good thing you're using gnuplot 4.6, otherwise I'm not sure how to go about solving it. (EDIT -- using gnuplot 4.4, you could use a combination of word, words, if, reread, exists and macros, but it's quite a messy solution)
Note that what you have doesn't work because it is akin to:
MYLABEL='xlabel "foo"'
Gnuplot doesn't expand MYLABEL prior to doing the set command so that you can do things like:
MYLABEL="totally cool X label here!"
set xlabel MYLABEL
What you want could be accomplished using macros (but alas, not with iteration):
set macro
MYLABEL='xlabel "foo"'
But that doesn't quite work here either because macro expansion happens before anything else (e.g. function evaluation). What you need here is gnuplot's more general iteration introduced in 4.6 combined with eval
do for [ var in gpvars ] {
eval( 'set '.replace(var,'#_#',' ') )
EDIT -- gnuplot 4.2+ solution
#top of script -- Nothing should go here.
replace(S,C,R)=(strstrt(S,C)) ? \
replace( S[:strstrt(S,C)-1].R.S[strstrt(S,C)+strlen(C):] ,C,R) : S
if( ! exists("N") ) N=1
set macro
do_set=replace(word(TODO,N),'#_#',' ')
set #do_set
if( N <= words(TODO) ) reread
#rest of script here ...
I have a script that reads two csv files and compares them to find out if an ID that appears in one also appears in the other. The error I am receiving is as follows:
Out of memory during "large" request for 67112960 bytes, total sbrk() is 348203008 bytes
And now for the code:
use strict;
use File::Basename;
my $DAT = $ARGV[0];
my $OPT = $ARGV[1];
my $beg_doc = $ARGV[2];
my $end_doc = $ARGV[3];
my $doc_counter = 0;
my $page_counter = 0;
my %opt_beg_docs;
my %beg_docs;
my ($fname, $dir, $suffix) = fileparse($DAT, qr/\.[^.]*/);
my $outfile = $dir . $fname . "._IMGLOG";
open(OPT, "<$OPT");
my #OPT_Line = split(/,/, $_);
$beg_docs{#OPT_Line[0]} = "Y" if(#OPT_Line[3] eq "Y");
$opt_beg_docs{#OPT_Line[0]} = "Y";
open(OUT, ">$outfile");
while((my $key, my $value) = each %opt_beg_docs){
print OUT "$key\n";
open(DAT, "<$DAT");
readline(DAT); #skips header line
$_ =~ s/\xFE//g;
my #DAT_Line = split(/\x14/, $_);
#gets the prefix and the range of the beg and end docs
(my $pre = #DAT_Line[$beg_doc]) =~ s/[0-9]//g;
(my $beg = #DAT_Line[$beg_doc]) =~ s/\D//g;
(my $end = #DAT_Line[$end_doc]) =~ s/\D//g;
#print OUT "BEGDOC: $beg ENDDOC: $end\n";
foreach($beg .. $end){
my $doc_id = $pre . $_;
if($opt_beg_docs{$doc_id} ne "Y"){
if($beg_docs{$doc_id} ne "Y"){
} else {
print OUT "$doc_id,PAGE NOT FOUND IN OPT FILE\n";
print "Found $page_counter missing pages and $doc_counter missing document(s)";
Basically I get all the ID's from the file I am checking against to see if the ID exists in. Then I loop over the and generate the ID's for the other file, because they are presented as a range. Then I take the generated ID and check for it in the hash of ID's.
Also forgot to note I am using Windows
You're not using use warnings;, you're not checking for errors on opening files, and you're not printing out debugging statements showing the lines that you are reading in.
Do you know what the input file looks like? If it has no line breaks, you are reading the entire file in all at once, which will be disastrous if it is large. Pay attention to how you are parsing the file.
I'm not sure if it's the cause of your error, but inside your loop where you're reading DAT, you probably want to replace this:
(my $pre = #DAT_Line[$beg_doc]) =~ s/[0-9]//g;
with this:
(my $pre = $DAT_Line[$beg_doc]) =~ s/[0-9]//g;
and same for the other two lines there.
You're closing your OUT file handle and then trying to print to it inside the DAT loop, which, I think might be outputting to random memory, since you closed the FILEHANDLE - surprised this didn't output an error.
Remove the first close(OUT); and see if that improves.
I still don't know what your question is, if it's about the error message it means you've run out of memory. If it's about the message itself - you're trying to consume too much memory. If it's why you're consuming too much memory, I'd first ask if you read my message above, then I'd ask how much memory your system has, then I'd follow up with seeing if it improves if you take the regex away.
I seem to see double-spaced output when parsing/dumping a simple YAML file with a pipe-text field.
The test is:
public void yamlTest()
DumperOptions printOptions = new DumperOptions();
Yaml y = new Yaml(printOptions);
String input = "foo: |\n" +
" line 1\n" +
" line 2\n";
Object parsedObject = y.load(new StringReader(input));
String output = y.dump(parsedObject);
and the output is:
{foo: 'line 1
line 2
Note the extra space between line 1 and line 2, and after line 2 before the end of the string.
This test was run on Mac OS X 10.6, java version "1.6.0_29".
In the original string you use literal style - it is indicating by the '|' character. When you dump your text, you use single-quoted style which ignores the '\n' characters at the end. That is why they are repeated with the empty lines.
Try to set different styles in DumperOptions:
// and others - FOLDED, DOUBLE_QUOTED