Access parse current user from Apple Watch - parse-platform

I am making an application for the Apple Watch.
I successfully linked my watch extension to parse. However, I can't access parse data stored on the phone.(In my case PFUser.currentuser() )
What would be the best way to get my current user?

Parse SDK 1.7.2 is out right now and I feel this is exactly what you are looking for.
It brings full support for sharing data with App Extensions and Apple Watch Apps.
Read more in this blog post
Or in the docs on how to set it up:


Need to tell users when update occurs

I want to notify all the app users to update the app (through a popup in the app itself) whenever there is a new version deployed in the stores. Can someone suggest the best way to do that?
Luckily, we do have solution for iOS app store
string url = "";
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
Task<string> jsonString = httpClient.GetStringAsync(string.Format(
var lookup = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(jsonString.Result);
But Now I need to get the current version of App from Google Play Store?
Let's say you want to notify the users about a new version of the app every time they open the application, then you should just trigger a simple GET call to retrieve the latest version info or use a third party lib to act accordingly.
0 cost simple solutions
One option would be to ask the API (if there is any) if a new version is available - basically delegate the problem to someone else. If there is no backend the app could do the check itself. There are different options from having a simple txt file hosted somewhere with the latest app version to scraping App Store and Play Store for the current published version of the app.
Existing solutions
Use Push Notifications to notify your users
You will find more if you google it
Platform specific solutions
For iStuff (Apple) you could use iTunes Search API as mentioned here
Other platforms may have their own APIs
Depends on the specific case you can decide what will work better for you.
P.S.: Be sure to handle the versioning correctly by bumping the app version on each release.

azure media service for xamarin?

I have created a console application with azure media service.
in the app i am using the plugin
the way i am doing is
static IAsset CreateAssetAndUploadSingleFile(string filePath, string assetName, AssetCreationOptions options)
IAsset asset = _context.Assets.Create(assetName, options);
var assetFile = asset.AssetFiles.Create(Path.GetFileName(filePath));
return asset;
so i just want to know whether this plugin will work on xamarin(i am not a xamarin devoloper) as its a portable project.
if its not do we have any alternative plugin?
my basic purpose is upload and encode.
That package is for our current .NET SDK
It does not support .NET Core. See the dependencies.
It's not compiled for Xamarin though, so I don't believe that it works in Xamarin, but i'm not a Xamarin expert at all.
What is your scenario exactly? Why would you want to call the Media Services account directly from Xamarin anyways? You would only need to do that if you are creating a management application for the account Administrator. Otherwise, dont put Media Services directly into any client code! You should hide it in your middle-tier, and only pass Streaming URLs or SAS locators to the client application to upload content to.
For the upload from phone scenario, middle tier should create an Asset, get a writable SAS Locator for the Asset, hand that to the client side. Client can then use Azure Storage APIs to upload the content to that SAS URL directly (it ends up in an Azure storage container then.)
I believe that Xamarin has client side support for the Azure Storage APIs available.
As john answered, you don't do this stuff on a client, you will need to use SaS tokens and what not. I could explain everything here, but there are some nice guides and examples online.
Build 2018 video explaining how it works (including Azure Functions):
The github example of this video:
To understand it better, I recommend this guide, it is old but it does cover the entire process, just make sure to combine new documentation with this old one.
Old docu:
Official current documentation:
Probably useful for new readers.

Application that simulates copy/paste doesn't work after being sandboxed. How to get it working?

I am building an application that simulates user input (command+c and command+v). Before sandboxing it, everything worked fine, but now I am getting these errors from the console:
Firstly, when I fire it up:
5/27/13 1:35:11.980 AM appleeventsd[54]: A sandboxed application with pid 5343, "CopyBoard" checked in with appleeventsd, but its code signature could not be validated ( either because it was corrupt, or could not be read by appleeventsd ) and so it cannot receive AppleEvents targeted by name, bundle id, or signature. Error=ERROR: #100013 { "NSDescription"="SecCodeCopyGuestWithAttributes() returned 100013, -." } (handleMessage()/appleEventsD.cp #1755)
Then, when I try to simulate command+c, I get:
5/27/13 1:52:22.980 AM WindowServer[85]: post_filtered_event_tap_data: Sender is prohibited from synthesizing events
5/27/13 1:52:23.000 AM kernel[0]: Sandbox: sandboxd(6515) deny mach-lookup
5/27/13 1:52:24.252 AM sandboxd[6515]: ([5343]) CopyBoard(5343) deny hid-control
I'm looking for a solution that would allow me to copy and paste globally in a sandboxed environment. Is it possible that the Accessibility API is a good answer? Has my problem got anything to do with how I'm simulating user input? I'm very confused, thank you very much for helping.
The sandbox is designed to prevent exactly what you seem to be trying - allowing an application to simulate a user is defined as a security issue. If you have a narrow requirement which can be done safely you can submit it to Apple thorough bug reporter as an needed improvement to the sandbox.
The Accessibility API is not supported in general for this reason - no playing with other apps! This did not go down so well with all the developers which used it...
You can use AppleEvents in limited constrained circumstances and with the appropriate entitlements.
You'll probably need to go to and read all the documents/view videos/etc you can find to see if what you wish is going to be possible.
The only point of hope I can offer you is that the sandbox is a moving target, so you may find you can do more than the above suggests. Go read. Good luck.

Help me build this tool in windows envoirnment

I made a desktop music application in adobe air.
I want to update the status of some IM clients running EG: Yahoo messenger,Gtalk,AIM,MSN etc.
with the current playing song.
I am not desktop developer.This is first time i am making something for desktop.
SO is there any way in any Programming language that i can make something which will change the Data (Status message) of a running IM client.
Please Just guide me through this problem .
Edit: I dont want to ask for username/password of users IMs accounts , so via API is not a solution in this case .
It will be like Person X running mine music application and also logged to various third party IM clients (YIM,Gtalk etc).
SO if he is playing a song in the music application , then mine app will update presence status message on the IM clients to " Listening to bla bla song ".
So it is like high-jacking/Hacking the data of the running third party IM client.
Have a look at libpurple, it might have the functionality you require.
There is also telepathy, but I think it is related to the former somehow (one uses the other or they do the same thing).
EDIT: for the recent edit: it looks to me like you want something like MSN Messenger displaying the currently playing track in Windows Media Player. This requires a plugin for the messaging client, no way around that.
Perhaps an easier way to get this done would be to develop a plugin for one of the numerous multi-platform IM clients such as GAIM or Trillian. This would let you target stuff across the board without undue effort . . .
I think your only option is to write a plugin for each chat client you want to target, which could take some time.
So let me suggest an alternative: Add audioscrobbler support to your application. You would simply send the Now Playing info to via the API (, and it will appear on the user's profile page. Most music players already support this method because it's a pretty popular service, and a lot of people link to their profiles on their blog/facebook/etc.

Twitter OAuth with MGTwitterEngine

I'm using the MGTwitterEngine to connect to twitter and I want to use OAuth with the MGTwitterEngine?
The master branch has merged OAuth and xAuth support back in.
There's a modified version of MGTwitterEngine on GitHub that is supposed to use OAuth:
i would highly suggest using xAuth instead of OAuth as the process on the user's end doesn't at all change. i wrote a tutorial about how I got it to work on iPhone only if it helps.
I suspect that if the MGTwitterEngine doesn't implement OAuth, it soon will, or will need support for it soon.
I'd suggest seeing if the current development version supports it, and if not -- and you have the motivation -- working on a patch for this functionality.
After having a look at STTwitter, FHSTwitterEngine and MGTwitterEngine I ended up using OAuthConsumer available through github.
My reasons for this were that I was writing an app for Mac OSX Lion in XCode with Objective-C. Most of the OAuth/Twitter code out there was either for other languages, iOS-specific or quite out of date and full of deprecated calls.
Apple's SDK 10.8 now has a social.framework (includes SLRequest) and and accounts.framework (includes ACAccount) which should be really useful for accessing FB, Twitter and some other social site I didn't recognise. Unfortunately that was no good for me working under 10.7 so I did not try those out practically. Would be interested to know anyone's experiences under 10.8.
OAuthConsumer was really straight forward to use to get through Twitter's API properly and is available in a few different languages. You do need to sort out your own JSON etc. but that's pretty straight-forward with NSJSONSerialization etc.
I've written up more detail on this on my blog Twitter OAuth Cocoa. If you need an OAuth, twitter-friendly bit of code, and the function-rich twitter engines aren't working for you then I'd recommend OAuthConsumer.
