Unable to launch iOS7.1 simulator in Xcode 6.2 instruments - xcode

Code which was working fine in xcode 6.1.1 now fails to launch the iOS 7.1 simulator in xcode 6.2 (but works fine for the iOS 8.2 sim).
Here is the command I am using:
instruments -t Automation -w /Users/USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/233D1DE0-8660-4D98-8E45-5E0794CF7366 /Users/USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/233D1DE0-8660-4D98-8E45-5E0794CF7366/data/Applications/APPNAME/APPNAME.app -v -l 20
This is the error returned:
instruments[2274:66214] -[UIAInstrument(UIAInstrument_Simulator) _startAgentForApp:withPID:]: Warning: Automation instrument could not locate sim tool.
That command launches the simulator and briefly shows the app's splash screen, then dumps out.
Any ideas?

You may go to xCode -> Preference -> downloads and see in iOS Simulator 7.1 is downloaded or not, if it is not downloaded then download and install it, it might work for you


Mac - Appium - How to setup Xcode simulator with specific OS version and .app file through command line

While setting up Appium on Mac, I am stuck at a point where we have got .app file to automate on an iphone simulator.
I am able to launch app which comes with .xcodeproj on Xcode.
But now I have an MyApp.app file to use on a Simulator. if I try to open a simulator using UDID it always open latest iOS version on Latest iPhone Simulator using this command:
open -a "Simulator" --args -CurrentDeviceUDID 8A63E11E-BEE4-4A1A-B77B-205D19A3DEE3
I need to open this on a specific iOS version on specific device then install MyApp.app on it. (also I am not able to get bundle id of app; not sure at which step I can do this)
Moreover, it Would be great if you can also share settings for Appium Inspector and where to fetch values from ?

XCode Simulator mozilla-mobile/firefox-ios: Firefox for iOS Build error

Monterey 12.6.1
Xcode :Version 14.1 (14B47b)
I am getting a compilation error even though I follow the instructions in the "README.md" file.
Open Client.xcodeproj in Xcode.
Build the Fennec scheme in Xcode.
I can't pass these steps.
I want to run firefox application on Mac OS simulator. can you help.
Error Message
I wanted to run firefox application in ios simulator. I got a compile error.

When launching an iOS simulator it closes straight away but still runs in the background

When I try to run a project (even a default single view app) in Xcode 10.2 (also occoured on Xcode 10.3 and beta 11 build 3) the simulator launches but then closes but Xcode still thinks it's running (looks like it is running headless). Any ideas on how I can see the simulator?
I have tried the following so far but the only time I can see the Simulator is on its first launch after that it disappears after launching.
Uninstalling and re-installing Xcode (making sure to delete all related directories and doing a system restart)
Adding and removing simulators from window -> Devices and simulators from within Xcode
Tried clearing the simulator cache xcrun simctl erase all
Tried running the following sudo killall -10 com.apple.CoreSimulator.CoreSimulatorService
Clearing Derived data ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/
Another thing I noticed is if I run: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Applications/Simulator.app/Contents/MacOS/Simulator I get the following error:
Bus error: 10
But if I run: sudo/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Applications/Simulator.app/Contents/MacOS/Simulator the Simulator launches fine.
Thanks for any help.

iOS Simulator 6.x does not start on xCode5 installed side-by-side with xCode6 on 10.9+

I finally upgraded to Yosemite but also had this issue on Mavericks.
I downloaded xCode5.1.1 and installed moving to Applications folder and selecting "Keep both", so it renamed the Xcode.app folder to Xcode 2.app. I renamed it to Xcode5.app then.
Now starting the xCode5 and installing all the 6.x SDKs iam unable to start the simulator. It stays black screen.
When i run the iPhone Simulaotr manually from console i get lots of "Service cannot load in requested session" messages.
It tried to load *.plist files from within the /Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1/tmp/LaunchDeamons/com.apple.....plist, but that tmp folder is empty.
In xCode5.1.1 on preferences -> Locations i set the command line tools to xCode5.1.1.
But still i cannot load the ios6.x simulator, it works for 7+, but 6 does not load at all. Its just a black screen.
Simulators older than 7.1 will not run correctly on OS X Yosemite. If you need iOS 6.1 and 7.0 simulators, you need to install Mavericks.
Similarly, if you need the iOS 5.1 and 6.0 simulators, you need Mountain Lion.

Unable to run app in Simulator Xcode 6.1

I'm getting an error message while trying to run an application developed in Xcode 5.1 iOS 7.1 on Xcode 6.1 for iOS 8.0. The error state that 'Unable to run app in Simulator' as show in below screenshot.
I have tried below mentioned solution but none seems to work :
Reset the content of simulator
Rebooted mac after installing Xcode 6.1.
Xcode -> Preference -> Locations -> Command Line Tools : Changed
Xcode 5.1.1 to 6.1
What might be fix?
Delete /etc/launchd.conf if it exists on your system and reboot. See Unable to boot iOS 8 Simulator
