Pair? function applying on Quote in Racket - scheme

In order to implement derivative of given polynomial, I need to factorize the polynomial, i.e., (* 3 x y) should be the product of 3 and (* x y).
So I implemented a function multiplicand to get the second factor of a product:
(define (multiplicand p)
(let ((second-factor (cdr (cdr p))))
(if (pair? second-factor) (cons '* second-factor)
and the test code is
(multiplicand '(* x y))
But the output is '(* y). It seems that the condition (pair? second-factor) equals #true with second-factor values 'y.
Can anybody help me with this, thanks a lot.

Bear in mind that (cdr (cdr ...)) is returning a list (not an element!), so pair? will return true if the list has enough elements (three or more). Perhaps you were aiming for something like this?
(define (multiplicand p)
(if (null? (cdddr p)) ; assuming list has at least 3 elements
`(* ,(second p) (* ,(third p) ,(fourth p)))))
(multiplicand '(* x y))
=> (* x y)
(multiplicand '(* 3 x y))
=> (* 3 (* x y))

Manipulating symbolic expressions is what match is made for:
(define (multiplicand p)
(match p
[(list '* m n) n]
[_ (error 'multiplicand (~a "expected product, got: " p))]))


How do I get this code in Racket to return only the non-repeating items?

The code works like this, I pass several lists and it returns me all lists in just one. What I want it to do is that after joining the elements in a list, it removes the repeating elements. To be clearer:
The code is working like this:
> (koo '(p x k c l) '(l x y c) '(x k))
'(p x k c l l x y c x k)
I want him to come back to me like this:
> (koo '(p x k c l) '(l x y c) '(x k))
'(p y )
Here the code:
(define (koo . c)
(if (null? c)
(concatenate1 (first c)
(apply xor* (rest c)))))
(define (concatenate1 l1 l2)
(if (null? l1)
(cons (first l1) (concatenate1 (rest l1) l2))))
A not very efficient version using just basic racket functions:
(define (unique-elements lst)
(let ((dup (check-duplicates lst)))
(if dup
(unique-elements (remove* (list dup) lst))
(define (xor* . lol) (unique-elements (append* lol)))
Looks for the first duplicate element, and if any, removes all instances of that element from the list, and repeat until there are no duplicates.
Documentation for check-duplicates.
Documentation for remove*
Documentation for append*

Multiple different errors in scheme

I'm working on this project in Scheme and these errors on these three particular methods have me very stuck.
Method #1:
; Returns the roots of the quadratic formula, given
; ax^2+bx+c=0. Return only real roots. The list will
; have 0, 1, or 2 roots. The list of roots should be
; sorted in ascending order.
; a is guaranteed to be non-zero.
; Use the quadratic formula to solve this.
; (quadratic 1.0 0.0 0.0) --> (0.0)
; (quadratic 1.0 3.0 -4.0) --> (-4.0 1.0)
(define (quadratic a b c)
(REAL? (sqrt(- (* b b) (* (* 4 a) c))))
((let ((X (/ (+ (* b -1) (sqrt(- (* b b) (* (* 4 a) c)))) (* 2 a)))
(Y (/ (- (* b -1) (sqrt(- (* b b) (* (* 4 a) c)))) (* 2 a))))
((< X Y) (CONS X (CONS Y '())))
((> X Y) (CONS Y (CONS X '())))
((= X Y) (CONS X '()))
assertion-violation: attempt to call a non-procedure [tail-call]
('(0.0) '())
assertion-violation: attempt to call a non-procedure [tail-call]
('(-4.0 1.0) '())
I'm not sure what it is trying to call. (0.0) and (-4.0 1.0) is my expected output so I don't know what it is trying to do.
Method #2:
;Returns the list of atoms that appear anywhere in the list,
;including sublists
; (flatten '(1 2 3) --> (1 2 3)
; (flatten '(a (b c) ((d e) f))) --> (a b c d e f)
(define (flatten lst)
((NULL? lst) '())
((LIST? lst) (APPEND (CAR lst) (flatten(CDR lst))))
(ELSE (APPEND lst (flatten(CDR lst))))
Error: assertion-violation: argument of wrong type [car]
(car 3)
assertion-violation: argument of wrong type [car]
(car 'a)
I'm not sure why this is happening, when I'm checking if it is a list before I append anything.
Method #3
; Returns the value that results from:
; item1 OP item2 OP .... itemN, evaluated from left to right:
; ((item1 OP item2) OP item3) OP ...
; You may assume the list is a flat list that has at least one element
; OP - the operation to be performed
; (accumulate '(1 2 3 4) (lambda (x y) (+ x y))) --> 10
; (accumulate '(1 2 3 4) (lambda (x y) (* x y))) --> 24
; (accumulate '(1) (lambda (x y) (+ x y))) --> 1
(define (accumulate lst OP)
(define f (eval OP (interaction-environment)))
((NULL? lst) '())
((NULL? (CDR lst)) (CAR lst))
(ELSE (accumulate(CONS (f (CAR lst) (CADR lst)) (CDDR lst)) OP))
syntax-violation: invalid expression [expand]
#{procedure 8664}
syntax-violation: invalid expression [expand]
#{procedure 8668}
syntax-violation: invalid expression [expand]
#{procedure 8672}
syntax-violation: invalid expression [expand]
#{procedure 1325 (expt in scheme-level-1)}
This one I have no idea what this means, what is expand?
Any help would be greatly appreciated
code has (let () ...) which clearly evaluates to list? so the extra parentheses seems odd. ((let () +) 1 2) ; ==> 3 works because the let evaluates to a procedure, but if you try ((cons 1 '()) 1 2) you should get an error saying something like application: (1) is not a procedure since (1) isn't a procedure. Also know that case insensitivity is deprecated so CONS and REAL? are not future proof.
append concatenates lists. They have to be lists. In the else you know since lst is not list? that lst cannot be an argument of append. cons might be what you are looking for. Since lists are abstraction magic in Scheme I urge you to get comfortable with pairs. When I read (1 2 3) I see (1 . (2 . (3 . ()))) or perhaps (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 '()))) and you should too.
eval is totally inappropriate in this code. If you pass (lambda (x y) (+ x y)) which evaluates to a procedure to OP you can do (OP 1 2). Use OP directly.

filter function using tail recursion

Currently I have
(define filter
(λ (f xs)
(letrec [(filter-tail
(λ (f xs x)
(if (empty? xs)
(filter-tail f (rest xs)
(if (f (first xs))
(cons (first xs) x)
(filter-tail f xs '() ))))
It should be have as a filter function
However it outputs as
(filter positive? '(-1 2 3))
>> (3 2)
but correct return should be (2 3)
I was wondering if the code is correctly done using tail-recursion, if so then I should use a reverse to change the answer?
I was wondering if the code is correctly done using tail-recursion.
Yes, it is using a proper tail call. You have
(define (filter-tail f xs x) ...)
Which, internally is recursively applied to
(filter-tail f
(some-change-to xs)
(some-other-change-to x))
And, externally it's applied to
(filter-tail f xs '())
Both of these applications are in tail position
I should use a reverse to change the answer?
Yep, there's no way around it unless you're mutating the tail of the list (instead of prepending a head) as you build it. One of the comments you received alluded to this using set-cdr! (see also: Getting rid of set-car! and set-cdr!). There may be other techniques, but I'm unaware of them. I'd love to hear them.
This is tail recursive, requires the output to be reversed. This one uses a named let.
(define (filter f xs)
(let loop ([ys '()]
[xs xs])
(cond [(empty? xs) (reverse ys)]
[(f (car xs)) (loop (cons (car xs) ys) (cdr xs))]
[else (loop ys (cdr xs))])))
(filter positive? '(-1 2 3)) ;=> '(2 3)
Here's another one using a left fold. The output still has to be reversed.
(define (filter f xs)
(reverse (foldl (λ (x ys) (if (f x) (cons x ys) ys))
(filter positive? '(-1 2 3)) ;=> '(2 3)
With the "difference-lists" technique and curried functions, we can have
(define (fold c z xs)
(cond ((null? xs) z)
(else (fold c (c (car xs) z) (cdr xs)))))
(define (comp f g) (lambda (x) ; ((comp f g) x)
(f (g x))))
(define (cons1 x) (lambda (y) ; ((cons1 x) y)
(cons x y)))
(define (filter p xs)
((fold (lambda (x k)
(if (p x)
(comp k (cons1 x)) ; nesting's on the left
(lambda (x) x) ; the initial continuation, IC
(display (filter (lambda (x) (not (zero? (remainder x 2)))) (list 1 2 3 4 5)))
This builds
/ \
comp cons1 5
/ \
comp cons1 3
/ \
IC cons1 1
and applies '() to it, constructing the result list in the efficient right-to-left order, so there's no need to reverse it.
First, fold builds the difference-list representation of the result list in a tail recursive manner by composing the consing functions one-by-one; then the resulting function is applied to '() and is reduced, again, in tail-recursive manner, by virtues of the comp function-composition definition, because the composed functions are nested on the left, as fold is a left fold, processing the list left-to-right:
( (((IC+k1)+k3)+k5) '() ) ; writing `+` for `comp`
=> ( ((IC+k1)+k3) (k5 '()) ) ; and `kI` for the result of `(cons1 I)`
<= ( ((IC+k1)+k3) l5 ) ; l5 = (list 5)
=> ( (IC+k1) (k3 l5) )
<= ( (IC+k1) l3 ) ; l3 = (cons 3 l5)
=> ( IC (k1 l3) )
<= ( IC l1 ) ; l1 = (cons 1 l3)
<= l1
The size of the function built by fold is O(n), just like the interim list would have, with the reversal.

How do I use a pair to find which of two functions will evaluate the largest value? Scheme

Basically there is a pair made up of two functions and the code has to take the pair input x to find the highest evaluation for x and print that evaluation.
I receive the error:
car: contract violation expected: pair? given: 4
define (max x)
(lambda (x) ;I wanted lambda to be the highest suitable function
(if (> (car x) (cdr x))
(car x)
(cdr x))))
(define one-function (lambda (x) (+ x 1)))
(define second-function (lambda (x) (+ (* 2 x) 1))) ;my two functions
((max (cons one-function second-function)) 4)
And where are the functions being called? And you have two parameters called x, they must have different names. Try this:
(define (max f) ; you must use a different parameter name
(lambda (x)
(if (> ((car f) x) ((cdr f) x)) ; actually call the functions
((car f) x)
((cdr f) x))))
Now it'll work as expected:
((max (cons one-function second-function)) 4)
=> 9

Distributive Law Simplification

I'm trying to write a procedure that makes use of the distributive property of an algebraic expression to simplify it:
(dist '(+ x y (exp x) (* x 5) y (* y 6)))
=> (+ (* x (+ 1 5))
(* y (+ 1 1 6))
(exp x))
(dist '(+ (* x y) x y))
=> (+ (* x (+ y 1))
; or
=> (+ (* y (+ x 1))
As the second example shows, there can be more than one possible outcome, I don't need to enumerate them all, just a valid one. I'm wondering if someone could provide me with at least a qualitative description of how they would start attacking this problem? Thanks :)
Oleg Kiselyov's pmatch macro makes distributing a factor across terms pretty easy:
(define dist
(λ (expr)
(pmatch expr
[(* ,factor (+ . ,addends))
`(+ ,#(map (λ (addend)
(list factor addend))
(dist '(* 5 (+ x y))) => (+ (5 x) (5 y))
The main trick is to match a pattern and extract elements from the expression from the corresponding slots in the pattern. This requires a cond and let with tricky expressions to cdr to the right place in the list and car out the right element. pmatch writes that cond and let for you.
Factoring out common terms is harder because you have to look at all the subexpressions to find the common factors and then pull them out:
(define factor-out-common-factors
(λ (expr)
(pmatch expr
[(+ . ,terms) (guard (for-all (λ (t) (eq? '* (car t)))
(let ([commons (common-factors terms)])
`(* ,#commons (+ ,#(remove-all commons (map cdr terms)))))]
(define common-factors
(λ (exprs)
(let ([exprs (map cdr exprs)]) ; remove * at start of each expr
(fold-right (λ (factor acc)
(if (for-all (λ (e) (member factor e))
(cons factor acc)
(uniq (apply append exprs))))))
(define uniq
(λ (ls)
(fold-right (λ (x acc)
(if (member x acc)
(cons x acc)))
(factor-out-common-factors '(+ (* 2 x) (* 2 y)))
=> (* 2 (+ (x) (y)))
The output could be cleaned up some more, this doesn't cover factoring out a 1, and remove-all is missing, but I'll leave all that to you.
A very general approach:
(dist expr var-list)
=> expr factored using terms in var-list
dist would have to know about "distributable" functions like +,-,*,/,etc and how each of them behave. If, say, it only knew about the first four, then :
(dist expr var-list
(if (empty? var-list) expr
(let* ([new-expr (factor expr (first var-list))])
(return "(* var " (dist new-expr (rest var-list)))))
That "return "(* var " " is not correct syntax, but you probably already knew that. I'm not a racket or lisp expert by any means, but basically this comes down to string processing? In any case, factor needs to be fleshed out so that it removes a single var from * functions and all of the var from + functions (replacing them with 1). It also needs to be smart enough to only do it when there are at least two replacements (otherwise we haven't actually done anything).
