How do I get this code in Racket to return only the non-repeating items? - scheme

The code works like this, I pass several lists and it returns me all lists in just one. What I want it to do is that after joining the elements in a list, it removes the repeating elements. To be clearer:
The code is working like this:
> (koo '(p x k c l) '(l x y c) '(x k))
'(p x k c l l x y c x k)
I want him to come back to me like this:
> (koo '(p x k c l) '(l x y c) '(x k))
'(p y )
Here the code:
(define (koo . c)
(if (null? c)
(concatenate1 (first c)
(apply xor* (rest c)))))
(define (concatenate1 l1 l2)
(if (null? l1)
(cons (first l1) (concatenate1 (rest l1) l2))))

A not very efficient version using just basic racket functions:
(define (unique-elements lst)
(let ((dup (check-duplicates lst)))
(if dup
(unique-elements (remove* (list dup) lst))
(define (xor* . lol) (unique-elements (append* lol)))
Looks for the first duplicate element, and if any, removes all instances of that element from the list, and repeat until there are no duplicates.
Documentation for check-duplicates.
Documentation for remove*
Documentation for append*


Compose a list by repeating the elements of a list in Scheme

I know that
(define (repe k n) (make-list k n))
compose a list where n appears k times but... How can I construct a similar sentence for which k is the first element and n the second of a previous list?
(define (repe x) (make-list car(x) cdr(x)) list)
does not seem to work.
On the other hand, I want the second element of the list n not to be a number but a letter. How can it be done (since make-list seems to be defined just for numbers)?
Functions are applied like this: (car x) and (cdr x), not like car(x) and cdr(x).
And (cdr x) is a list - the second element is (car (cdr x)), or (cadr x) for short.
Your description isn't entirely clear, but it seems like you're looking for
(define (repe xs) (make-list (car xs) (cadr xs)))
> (repe (list 4 #\Z))
'(#\Z #\Z #\Z #\Z)
> (repe (list 3 "hello"))
'("hello" "hello" "hello")
> (repe '(2 (+ 1 1)))
'((+ 1 1) (+ 1 1))

Scheme set made from parts of set

Hi i'm trying to define a function which should make a set from the parts of that set.
Should be defined like: P(A) = P(A-{x}) U { {x} U B} for all B that belongs to P(A-{X}) where X belongs to A.
A test would be:
(parts '(a b c))
=> ((a b c) (a b) (a c) (a) (b c) (b) (c)())
I've been trying with this one:
(define (mapc f x l)
(if (null? l)
(cons (f x (car l)) (mapc f x (cdr l)))))
Maybe something like this? (untested)
(define (power-set A)
[(null? A) '()] ; the power set of an empty set it empty
[else (append (map (lambda (S) (cons x S)) ; sets with x
(power-set (cdr A)))
(power-set (cdr A)) ; sets without x
This is essentially 'combinations' function (
Following short code in Racket (a Scheme derivative) gets all combinations or parts:
(define (myCombinations L)
(define ol (list L)) ; Define outlist and add full list as one combination;
(let loop ((L L)) ; Recursive loop where elements are removed one by one..
(for ((i L)) ; create progressively smaller combinations;
(define K (remove i L))
(set! ol (cons K ol)) ; Add new combination to outlist;
(loop K)))
(remove-duplicates ol))
(myCombinations '(a b c))
'(() (a) (b) (a b) (c) (a c) (b c) (a b c))

Scheme - Return a list of pairs from 2 given lists

I'm working on this procedure which is supposed to return a list of pairs from 2 given lists. So for example (pairs '(1 2 3) '(a b c)) should return '((1.a) (2.b) (3.c)).
This is my logic so far. I would take the first element of each list and recursively call the procedure again with cdr as the new arguments. My result is returning a list such as this: (1 a 2 b 3 c)
Where is my logic going wrong? I know there is a list missing somewhere, but I'm not an expert at Scheme.
Any suggestions?
(define pairs
(lambda (x y)
(if (or (null? x) (null? y))
(cons (car x)
(cons (car y)
(pairs (cdr x)(cdr y)))))))
(pairs '(1 2 3) '(a b c))
Notice that you produce a value that prints as (1 . 3) by evaluating (cons 1 3). However in your program you are doing (cons 1 (cons 3 ...)) which will prepend 1 and 3 to the following list.
In other words: Instead of (cons (car x) (cons (car y) (pairs ...))
use (cons (cons (car x) (car y) (pairs ...)).
Using map simplifies it a lot:
(define (pairs x y)
(map (λ (i j) (list i j)) x y))
(pairs '(1 2 3) '(a b c))
'((1 a) (2 b) (3 c))
The result you're looking for should look like this:
((1 a) (2 b) (3 c))
In reality this structure is similar to this:
(cons 1 a)
(cons 2 b)
(cons 3 c)
So what you're looking for is to append pairs to a list instead of adding all items to the list like you do. Simply your result looks like this:
(1 (2 (pairs ...)))
Your code should look like this:
(define pairs
(lambda (x y)
(if (or (null? x) (null? y))
(cons (car x) (car y))
(pairs (cdr x) (cdr y))))))
This code might work, but it isn't perfect. We could make the code pass the list we create as a third parameter to make the function tail recursive.
You'd have something like this:
(define pairs
(lambda (x y)
(let next ((x x) (y y) (lst '()))
(if (or (null? x) (null? y))
(reverse lst)
(next (cdr x)
(cdr y)
(cons (car x) (car y))
As you can see, here since we're adding next element at the beginning of the list, we have to reverse the lst at the end. The difference here is that every time next is called, there is no need to keep each state of x and y in memory. When the named let will return, it won't be necessary to pop all the values back to where it called. It will simply return the reversed list.
That said, instead of using reverse we could simply return lst and use (append lst (cons (car x) (car y))) which would append the pair at the end of the list... Since lists are linked lists... in order to append something at the end of the list, scheme has to walk over all list items... which migth not be good with big list. So the solution is to add everything and at the end reorder the list as you wish. The reverse operation would happen only once.

filter function using tail recursion

Currently I have
(define filter
(λ (f xs)
(letrec [(filter-tail
(λ (f xs x)
(if (empty? xs)
(filter-tail f (rest xs)
(if (f (first xs))
(cons (first xs) x)
(filter-tail f xs '() ))))
It should be have as a filter function
However it outputs as
(filter positive? '(-1 2 3))
>> (3 2)
but correct return should be (2 3)
I was wondering if the code is correctly done using tail-recursion, if so then I should use a reverse to change the answer?
I was wondering if the code is correctly done using tail-recursion.
Yes, it is using a proper tail call. You have
(define (filter-tail f xs x) ...)
Which, internally is recursively applied to
(filter-tail f
(some-change-to xs)
(some-other-change-to x))
And, externally it's applied to
(filter-tail f xs '())
Both of these applications are in tail position
I should use a reverse to change the answer?
Yep, there's no way around it unless you're mutating the tail of the list (instead of prepending a head) as you build it. One of the comments you received alluded to this using set-cdr! (see also: Getting rid of set-car! and set-cdr!). There may be other techniques, but I'm unaware of them. I'd love to hear them.
This is tail recursive, requires the output to be reversed. This one uses a named let.
(define (filter f xs)
(let loop ([ys '()]
[xs xs])
(cond [(empty? xs) (reverse ys)]
[(f (car xs)) (loop (cons (car xs) ys) (cdr xs))]
[else (loop ys (cdr xs))])))
(filter positive? '(-1 2 3)) ;=> '(2 3)
Here's another one using a left fold. The output still has to be reversed.
(define (filter f xs)
(reverse (foldl (λ (x ys) (if (f x) (cons x ys) ys))
(filter positive? '(-1 2 3)) ;=> '(2 3)
With the "difference-lists" technique and curried functions, we can have
(define (fold c z xs)
(cond ((null? xs) z)
(else (fold c (c (car xs) z) (cdr xs)))))
(define (comp f g) (lambda (x) ; ((comp f g) x)
(f (g x))))
(define (cons1 x) (lambda (y) ; ((cons1 x) y)
(cons x y)))
(define (filter p xs)
((fold (lambda (x k)
(if (p x)
(comp k (cons1 x)) ; nesting's on the left
(lambda (x) x) ; the initial continuation, IC
(display (filter (lambda (x) (not (zero? (remainder x 2)))) (list 1 2 3 4 5)))
This builds
/ \
comp cons1 5
/ \
comp cons1 3
/ \
IC cons1 1
and applies '() to it, constructing the result list in the efficient right-to-left order, so there's no need to reverse it.
First, fold builds the difference-list representation of the result list in a tail recursive manner by composing the consing functions one-by-one; then the resulting function is applied to '() and is reduced, again, in tail-recursive manner, by virtues of the comp function-composition definition, because the composed functions are nested on the left, as fold is a left fold, processing the list left-to-right:
( (((IC+k1)+k3)+k5) '() ) ; writing `+` for `comp`
=> ( ((IC+k1)+k3) (k5 '()) ) ; and `kI` for the result of `(cons1 I)`
<= ( ((IC+k1)+k3) l5 ) ; l5 = (list 5)
=> ( (IC+k1) (k3 l5) )
<= ( (IC+k1) l3 ) ; l3 = (cons 3 l5)
=> ( IC (k1 l3) )
<= ( IC l1 ) ; l1 = (cons 1 l3)
<= l1
The size of the function built by fold is O(n), just like the interim list would have, with the reversal.

implement expand function with racket

I can't seem to figure out how to write this function. What I am trying to write is a function expand that takes a list lst as a parameter of the form '(a (2 b) (3 c)) and is evaluated to '(a b b c c c)
This looks like homework, so I'm not giving you a straight answer. Instead, I'll give you some pointers in the right direction. The most useful hint, is that you should split the problem in two procedures, one for processing the "outer" list and the other for generating the repetitions encoded in the inner sublists.
Notice that both procedures are mutually recursive (e.g., they call each other). The expand procedure recurs over the list, whereas the repeat procedure recurs over the number of repetitions. This is the general structure of the proposed solution, fill-in the blanks:
; input: lst - list to be processed
; output: list in the format requested
(define (expand lst)
(cond ((null? lst) ; if the list is null
'()) ; then return null
((not (pair? (car lst))) ; if the first element of the list is an atom
(cons <???> <???>)) ; cons the atom and advance the recursion
(else ; if the first element of the list is a list
<???>))) ; call `repeat` with the right params
; input: n - number of repetitions for the first element in the list
; lst - list, its first element is of the form (number atom)
; output: n repetitions of the atom in the first element of lst
(define (repeat n lst)
(if (zero? n) ; if the number of repetitions is zero
(expand (cdr lst)) ; continue with expand's recursion
(cons <???> ; else cons the atom in the first element and
<???>))) ; advance the recursion with one less repetition
As this was answered three years ago, I don't think that I am helping with homework. Would just like to point out that the two functions really don't need to be mutually recursive. As replicate is a fairly common function, I would propose:
(define (replicate what n)
(if (zero? n)
(cons what (replicate what (- n 1)))))
(define (my-expand xs)
(if (empty? xs)
(let ((x (first xs)))
(if (list? x)
(let ((the-number (first x))
(the-symbol (cadr x)))
(flatten (cons (replicate the-symbol the-number)
(my-expand (rest xs)))))
(cons x (my-expand (rest xs)))))))
Of course it is better to use two lists and perform the flatten at the end, something like this:
(define (my-expand xs)
(define (inner-expander xs ys)
(if (empty? xs) (flatten (reverse ys))
(let ((x (first xs)))
(if (list? x)
(let ((the-number (first x))
(the-symbol (cadr x)))
(inner-expander (rest xs) (cons (replicate the-symbol the-number) ys)))
(inner-expander (rest xs) (cons x ys))))))
(inner-expander xs (list)))
