Different approach for overriding variable at make launch - makefile

What is the best approach for overriding variable when launching make command?
make PREFIX="/new_path"
PREFIX="/new_path" make
I suspect that it's not exactly the same since in the first case the overriding is specified as a parameter of the make command, while in the second case (if I guess well) we use the shell definition for setting the variable then call the command make.

As you say, it depends on what you mean by "best". Both are appropriate in different circumstances.
By default makefile variable assignments take precedence over environment variable settings, and command line arguments override makefile variable assignments.
So, if you want to be sure the setting you give is used, then you should always use the command line: make PREFIX="new/path". If you want to provide a default value for a makefile to use if it doesn't already have a value, you should use the environment.


Reading Makefile variables in golang when building Android

In device/vendor/rules.mk we have couples of flags. For example:
I am writing a go package to do some conditional operation based on above flag. I tried couples of ways to fetch this flag's value such as via Golang's os package API and via $ operator like we do in shell script. But none of these worked.
Is there anyway to fetch the flag from Makefile at build time in go packages?
Make variables are internal to make.* They are not (directly) exposed to the recipes running in rules (or to commands run by GNU function implementations). You need to make explicit provision for feeding these values to commands that make runs, generally either by explicitly placing the wanted values into individual commands' environments or by passing them as command-line arguments to those commands.
* However, one place that make obtains variable values is from like-named environment variables, which will also be available under some circumstances to commands that make runs in turn.

Setting up default overwritable constructors and destructors or other functions for a set of commands

alias cmd_name="source mainshell cmd_name"
My plan is to alias a single main script to a set of script names. Now on invocation of any script that main script would be called and it can define certain functions or constructors and destructor. Then it can check that script file if it has a constructor definition. If it has one, call that constructor else call the default one. Then source that script and then call the destructor. This would also give that script access to the default functions setup by main script. This shall work fine but these aliases can’t be exported to subshells.
To add to that, I just want these defaults functions available to that particular aliased set of commands and want those functions to destroy once command execution is complete. That’s why I can’t just write them on .bash_profile making it absolutely global.
command_name() {
# initial code
source path/to/command_name
# destructing code
Another option which I found was to create function for each name and call my script inside. This one is exportable too. In this way i could just encapsulate every command in a function with same name and can easily have initial codes and destroying code. Here the problem is that i can’t define any more functions inside that function and it would get really clumsy too doing everything inside a function.
Another thought I had was symbolic links, but they seem to have a limit to how many I can create to a particular script.
What should be the best way to achieve this or if its somehow an inappropriate design, can someone please explain?
IIUC you're trying to achieve the following:
A set of commands that necessarily take place in the context of the current shell rather than a new shell process.
These commands have a lot of common functionality that needs to be factored out of these commands.
The common functionality must not be accessible to the current shell.
In that case, the common code would be e.g. functions & variables that you have to explicitly unset after the command has been executed. Therefore, your best bet is to have a function per-command, have that function source the common code, and have the common code also have another function (called before you return) to unset everything.
You can actually declare functions inside other functions, but the nested functions will actually be global - so name them uniquely and don't forget to unset them.
If they don't need to affect the current shell then you can just put them in their own file, source the common code, and not unset anything.
There is generally no limit to how many symlinks you can create to a single file. The limit on symlink chains (symlink to symlink to symlink etc.) is low.

% in Windows environmental variables value

What does % mean in windows environmental variables ?
Especially the Path, TMP, TEMP variable values have this sign. There might be other variables also, but I came across only these three.
Do I need to bother about it while setting my own path variables ?
Do I need to bother about it while setting my own path variables ?
Under normal circumstances, no, you don't. You would only do this if you wanted the effective value of PATH to depend on some other environment variable. Even then it is only a convenience, never a necessity.
As a real-world example of when it might be convenient, suppose you've written a program that automates updating the Java SDK to the latest version, so your users don't have to do it by hand. Updating the SDK moves it to a different location, so you probably want to add the new location of the SDK to the path, and remove the old one.
You could do that the hard way, by parsing PATH each time, locating the part that points to the old location and changing it appropriately. But that's a pain, and if you're doing this globally, the users don't have any choice over whether Java is in the path, even if they don't use it. So instead you might create a variable JAVA_PATH that points to the current SDK location. That way, it is easy to change, and individual users can choose whether or not to put %JAVA_PATH% in their own paths.
In Microsoft's case (the examples you noticed) the system root is never going to move, but by using a variable they could hard-code the default value of PATH rather than having to explicitly generate it during operating system installation.
PS: the environment variables referenced in PATH must all be system variables. Referencing a user variable will not work.
%VariableName% is the syntax for referencing an environment variable. The actual name is the part between the % symbols.
So your first line, when fully expanded, would evaluate to the value of the SystemRoot variable, followed by \system32;.
You'll need to use %...% if you want to make use of environment variables in the Windows shell, or if you want to define environment variables that reference other variables.

Make Variables from Parent Shell Script

In a makefile I'm reading, there are many references to a variable, projdir, defined and exported in the shell script that calls make; there are many instances of $(projdir) in the makefile.
From the make manual at http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Reference, there are only two types of variables: recursively expanded variables and simply expanded variables. It seems projdir is neither one.
Question 1: Since the makefile works, it must be true that makefiles can access shell variables defined in the parent shell environment. Why is this not documented (or perhaps I did not find the correct documentation)?
Question 2: Unrelated to question 1, I see in Section 6.2 the line all:;echo $(foo). Why is the semicolon ; needed here?
Question 1. Environment variables automatically become make variables. This is explained in section 6.10:
Variables in make can come from the environment in which make is run. Every environment variable that make sees when it starts up is transformed into a make variable with the same name and value.
Question 2: Putting a semicolon after a rule name and optional prerequisites allows you to start the recipe on the same line. This is explained in section 4.2:
The first recipe line may appear on the line after the prerequisites, with a tab character, or may appear on the same line, with a semicolon.
They used this syntax in the example in 6.2 for brevity, so they could show the whole rule inline in the sentence; I think it's rarely used in practice.
From the make manual:
Variables in make can come from the environment in which make is run. Every environment variable that make sees when it starts up is transformed into a make variable with the same name and value.
As to your second question:
Why is the semicolon ; needed here?
Without the semicolon the right-hand side of : would specify the list of dependencies. The semicolon terminates that (empty) list.
Variables have both a flavor and an origin.
Expansion type is a flavor.
make contains a flavor function which can be used to find the type of variable in question. It will return one of undefined, recursive or simple.
Variables also have an origin which is where their value has come from. What you are seeing here is one of those possible origins.
The origin function will tell you the origin of a variable.
There are seven possible origins: undefined, default, environment, environment override, file, command line, override and automatic.
So your projdir variable has a flavor of simple and an origin of environment.

What does VAR_NAME=${VAR_NAME:-"/some/path/file"} mean

What does VAR_NAME=${VAR_NAME:-"/some/path/file"} mean in an shell script?
This is for an init script, I'm writing a custom one to get some of our startup operations into init scripts so that we can start them automatically on boot, but I don't have much experience with shell scripting so I'm using a startup script for an unrelated piece of software that's we've customized in the past.
The path pointed to is to a file that contains configuration values that override defaults set in the script.
I'm having trouble figuring out what that construct really means (the :- part in particular).
The script I'm working off of also seems to chain this operation together to resolve which value to use such as:
Use Default Values. If parameter is unset or null, the expansion
of word shall be substituted; otherwise, the value of parameter shall be
It sets VAR_NAME equal to VAR_NAME if it exists or /some/path/file if it doesn't.
Chaining it would only make sense if the variable names were different going down the chain.
