Reading Makefile variables in golang when building Android - go

In device/vendor/ we have couples of flags. For example:
I am writing a go package to do some conditional operation based on above flag. I tried couples of ways to fetch this flag's value such as via Golang's os package API and via $ operator like we do in shell script. But none of these worked.
Is there anyway to fetch the flag from Makefile at build time in go packages?

Make variables are internal to make.* They are not (directly) exposed to the recipes running in rules (or to commands run by GNU function implementations). You need to make explicit provision for feeding these values to commands that make runs, generally either by explicitly placing the wanted values into individual commands' environments or by passing them as command-line arguments to those commands.
* However, one place that make obtains variable values is from like-named environment variables, which will also be available under some circumstances to commands that make runs in turn.


Setting up default overwritable constructors and destructors or other functions for a set of commands

alias cmd_name="source mainshell cmd_name"
My plan is to alias a single main script to a set of script names. Now on invocation of any script that main script would be called and it can define certain functions or constructors and destructor. Then it can check that script file if it has a constructor definition. If it has one, call that constructor else call the default one. Then source that script and then call the destructor. This would also give that script access to the default functions setup by main script. This shall work fine but these aliases can’t be exported to subshells.
To add to that, I just want these defaults functions available to that particular aliased set of commands and want those functions to destroy once command execution is complete. That’s why I can’t just write them on .bash_profile making it absolutely global.
command_name() {
# initial code
source path/to/command_name
# destructing code
Another option which I found was to create function for each name and call my script inside. This one is exportable too. In this way i could just encapsulate every command in a function with same name and can easily have initial codes and destroying code. Here the problem is that i can’t define any more functions inside that function and it would get really clumsy too doing everything inside a function.
Another thought I had was symbolic links, but they seem to have a limit to how many I can create to a particular script.
What should be the best way to achieve this or if its somehow an inappropriate design, can someone please explain?
IIUC you're trying to achieve the following:
A set of commands that necessarily take place in the context of the current shell rather than a new shell process.
These commands have a lot of common functionality that needs to be factored out of these commands.
The common functionality must not be accessible to the current shell.
In that case, the common code would be e.g. functions & variables that you have to explicitly unset after the command has been executed. Therefore, your best bet is to have a function per-command, have that function source the common code, and have the common code also have another function (called before you return) to unset everything.
You can actually declare functions inside other functions, but the nested functions will actually be global - so name them uniquely and don't forget to unset them.
If they don't need to affect the current shell then you can just put them in their own file, source the common code, and not unset anything.
There is generally no limit to how many symlinks you can create to a single file. The limit on symlink chains (symlink to symlink to symlink etc.) is low.

What are the minimum required environment variables?

I am writing a shell.
With the execvpe system call, I can run a program and control its environment. What are the minimum values I need to pass through here?
Alternatively, I understand that child processes should have a copy of their parent's environment, possibly with some values added. While testing my shell, I am running it from within bash from within my terminal from within a window manager, etc etc. What are the bare basics that I can assume are in my environment? If I were to run my shell straight from a TTY (the "lowest level", as far as I understand), what can I expect?
That’s a very broad question.  To a certain extent,
programs should be able to run with no environment at all.
“X” display (i.e., GUI) programs need to know
where they are supposed to display. 
This information is usually provided
through the DISPLAY environment variable,
but can also be passed on the command line. 
There are probably other environment variables that are essential
(or nearly so) to “X” programs;
it’s been a while since I’ve looked under that hood.
Any program that needs to use special characteristics of your terminal
needs the TERM environment variable. 
“Special characteristics” means being able to set colors
(as ls and grep can do, subject to options),
move around the screen (like vi / vim),
or even know the size of the screen (like less). 
Note that size of the screen may also be available
through ROWS and COLUMNS.
Any program that needs to know the date and time
as perceived / understood by the user needs to know the time zone (TZ) —
although, if you’re willing to work with absolute (GMT / UTC),
you don’t need this.
The minimum that you need is a working PATH variable. Any extras beyond that depend on what programs you want to execute.
POSIX has a list of commonly-used environment variables, very few programs use more than a few of those.
Generally if you're using execvp*, you're not giving full pathnames for the executables. It makes your programs much simpler, you do not have to provide a full pathname for each executable, as is needed by the plain execv. POSIX describes these functions as
int execv(const char *path, char *const argv[]);
int execvp(const char *file, char *const argv[]);
and (referring to the parameters of the various exec* functions):
The argument path points to a pathname that identifies the new process image file.
The argument file is used to construct a pathname that identifies the new process image file. If the file argument contains a slash character, the file argument shall be used as the pathname for this file. Otherwise, the path prefix for this file is obtained by a search of the directories passed as the environment variable PATH (see XBD Environment Variables). If this environment variable is not present, the results of the search are implementation-defined.
and (remember that "file" is referring to execvp rather than execv, so the environ variable applies to the search using PATH for the "file" parameter):
For those forms not containing an envp pointer (execl(), execv(), execlp(), and execvp()), the environment for the new process image shall be taken from the external variable environ in the calling process.
So... you could technically remove the entire PATH variable, but the result would be implementation-defined.
The minimum neccessary environment is empty. You don't need anything.
$ env -i env
We can see that env -i has created a blank environment.
We can take this further:
$ env -i /bin/bash
sweh#server:/home/sweh$ env
We can see that bash has set a few variables, but nothing was inherited.
Now such an environment may break some things; e.g. a missing TERM variable means that vi or less may not work properly
$ less foo
WARNING: terminal is not fully functional
foo (press RETURN)
So, really, you need to determine what programs you expect to run inside the environment and what their needs are.

Different approach for overriding variable at make launch

What is the best approach for overriding variable when launching make command?
make PREFIX="/new_path"
PREFIX="/new_path" make
I suspect that it's not exactly the same since in the first case the overriding is specified as a parameter of the make command, while in the second case (if I guess well) we use the shell definition for setting the variable then call the command make.
As you say, it depends on what you mean by "best". Both are appropriate in different circumstances.
By default makefile variable assignments take precedence over environment variable settings, and command line arguments override makefile variable assignments.
So, if you want to be sure the setting you give is used, then you should always use the command line: make PREFIX="new/path". If you want to provide a default value for a makefile to use if it doesn't already have a value, you should use the environment.

Trying to make SCons Ada Builder work with VariantDir

I'm struggling with the last pieces of logic to make our Ada builder work as expectedly with variantdir. The problem is caused by the fact that the inflexible tools gnatbind and gnatlink doesn't allow the binder files to be placed in a directory other than the current one. This leaves me with two options:
Let gnatbind write the the binder files to topdir and then let gnatlink pick it from there. This may however cause race conditions if we want to allow simulatenous builds for different architectures and compiler versions which we want.
Modify the calls to gnatbind and gnatlink to temporarily go down to the build directory, in our case build/$ARCH/src-path. I successfully fixed the gnatbind step as this is explicitly called using a env.Execute from within the Ada builder. To try to fix the linking step I've modified the Program env using
env["LINKCOM"] = SCons.Action.Action(ada_linkcom)
where ada_linkcom is defined as
def ada_linkcom(source, target,env ):
return ret
where ret is a string describing what should be done in the shell. I need this to be a function it contains a bit complicated logic to convert paths from being relative to top-level to just containing their basenames.
This however fails with an error in scons-2.3.1/SCons/ on line 347 in function do_execute. Isn't env["LINKCOM"] allowed to be a function with ada_linkcom's signature?
No, it's not. You seem to think that 'env["LINKCOM"]' is what actually calls/executes the final build command, and that's not quite correct. Instead, environment variables like LINKCOM get expanded by the Executor/Builder for each specified Action, and are then executed.
You can have Python functions as Actions, and also use a so-called "generator" to create your Action strings on-the-fly. But you have to assign this Action to a Builder, and can't set it as an environment variable directly.
Please also have a look at the UserGuide ( ), especially section 18.4 "Builders That Execute Python Functions". Our basic guide for writing Builders and Tools might also prove to be helpful:

Strange env variables in Mac OS X

I'm sometimes using some environment variables in my shell to pass some values to some shell or Ruby scripts. They use the value if the variable is set.
A few times I've noticed that some conditionals statements (based on the presence of such a variable) were executed even if I didn't set a value for the variable $DESTINATION. My scripts are exitting with an error and print the value. It's always something like /var/folders/9X/9XWGo2YVHP0iDllOTi886E+++TI/-Tmp-/[a file name]
As far as I can diagnose this, [a file name] is always something downloaded by something like Sparkle (the library that helps downloading and installing software updates in applications).
It's not that bad, but a little annoying that it is leaking in a completely different context than the one it's used in.
Anybody to confirm or deny my conclusions ?
