what is use of Tuple.getStringByField("ABC") in Storm - apache-storm

I am not able to understand the use of the Tuple.getStringByField("ABC") in Apache Storm.
The following is the code:
Public Void execute(Tuple input){
if (input.getSourceStreamId.equals("signals"))
if ("refresh".equals(str))
Here what is input.getStringByField("action") is doing exactly..
Thank you.

In storm, both spout and bolt emit tuple. But the question is what are contained in each tuple. Each spout and bolt can use the below method to define the tuple schema.
public void declareOutputFields(
OutputFieldsDeclarer outputFieldsDeclarer)
// tell storm the schema of the output tuple
// tuple consists of columns called 'mycolumn1' and 'mycolumn2'
outputFieldsDeclarer.declare(new Fields("mycolumn1", "mycolumn2"));
The subsequent bolt then can use getStringByField("mycolumn1") to retrieve the value based on column name.

getStringByField() is like getString(), except it looks up the field by it's field name instead of position.


kafka stream make a local aggregation

I am trying to make a local aggregation.
The input topic has records containing multiple elements and I am using flatmap to split the record into multiple records with another key (here element_id). This triggers a re-partition as I am applying a grouping for aggregation later in the stream process.
Problem: there are way too many records in this repartition topic and the app cannot handle them (lag is increasing).
Here is a example of the incoming data
key: another ID
"cat_1": {
"element_1" : 0,
"element_2" : 1,
"element_3" : 0
"cat_2": {
"element_1" : 0,
"element_2" : 1,
"element_3" : 1
And an example of the wanted aggregation result:
key : element_2
"cat_1": 1,
"cat_2": 1
So I would like to make a first "local aggregation" and stop splitting incoming records, meaning that I want to aggregate all elements locally (no re-partition) for example in a 30 seconds window, then produce result per element in a topic. A stream consuming this topic later aggregates at a higher level.
I am using Stream DSL, but I am not sure it is enough. I tried to use the process() and transform() methods that allow me to benefit from the Processor API, but I don't known how to properly produce some records in a punctuation, or put records in a stream.
How could I achieve that ? Thank you
transform() returns a KStream on which you can call to() to write the results into a topic.
In a punctuation you can call context.forward() to send a record downstream. You still need to call to() to write the forwarded record into a topic.
To implement a custom aggregation consider the following pseudo-ish code:
builder = new StreamsBuilder();
final StoreBuilder<KeyValueStore<Integer, Integer>> keyValueStoreBuilder =
stream = builder.stream(topic, Consumed.with(Serdes.Integer(), Serdes.Integer()));
stream.transform(() ->
new Transformer<Integer, Integer, KeyValue<Integer, Integer>>() {
private KeyValueStore<Integer, Integer> state;
public void init(final ProcessorContext context) {
state = (KeyValueStore<Integer, Integer>) context.getStateStore(stateStoreName);
timestamp -> {
// You can get aggregates from the state store here
// Then you can send the aggregates downstream
// with context.forward();
// Alternatively, you can output the aggregate in the
// transform() method as shown below
public KeyValue<Integer, Integer> transform(final Integer key, final Integer value) {
// Get existing aggregates from the state store with state.get().
// Update aggregates and write them into the state store with state.put().
// Depending on some condition, e.g., 10 seen records,
// output an aggregate downstream by returning the output.
// You can output multiple aggregates by using KStream#flatTransform().
// Alternatively, you can output the aggregate in a
// punctuation as shown above
public void close() {
}, stateStoreName)
With this manual aggregation you could implement the higher level aggregation in the same streams app and leverage re-partitioning.
process() is a terminal operation, i.e., it does not return anything.

How to handle duplicate messages using Kafka streaming DSL functions

My requirement is to skip or avoid duplicate messages(having same key) received from INPUT Topic using kafka stream DSL API.
There is possibility of source system sending duplicate messages to INPUT topic in case of any failures.
Source System --> INPUT Topic --> Kafka Streaming --> OUTPUT Topic
Currently I am using flatMap to generate multiple keys out the payload but flatMap is stateless so not able to avoid duplicate message processing upon receiving from INPUT Topic.
I am looking for DSL API which can skip duplicate records received from INPUT Topic and also generate multiple key/values before sending to OUTPUT Topic.
Thought Exactly Once configuration will be useful here to deduplicate messages received from INPUT Topic based on keys but looks like its not working, probably I did not understand usage of Exactly Once.
Could you please put some light on it.
My requirement is to skip or avoid duplicate messages(having same key) received from INPUT Topic using kafka stream DSL API.
Take a look at the EventDeduplication example at https://github.com/confluentinc/kafka-streams-examples, which does that. You can then adapt the example with the required flatMap functionality that is specific to your use case.
Here's the gist of the example:
final KStream<byte[], String> input = builder.stream(inputTopic);
final KStream<byte[], String> deduplicated = input.transform(
// In this example, we assume that the record value as-is represents a unique event ID by
// which we can perform de-duplication. If your records are different, adapt the extractor
// function as needed.
() -> new DeduplicationTransformer<>(windowSize.toMillis(), (key, value) -> value),
* #param maintainDurationPerEventInMs how long to "remember" a known event (or rather, an event
* ID), during the time of which any incoming duplicates of
* the event will be dropped, thereby de-duplicating the
* input.
* #param idExtractor extracts a unique identifier from a record by which we de-duplicate input
* records; if it returns null, the record will not be considered for
* de-duping but forwarded as-is.
DeduplicationTransformer(final long maintainDurationPerEventInMs, final KeyValueMapper<K, V, E> idExtractor) {
if (maintainDurationPerEventInMs < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("maintain duration per event must be >= 1");
leftDurationMs = maintainDurationPerEventInMs / 2;
rightDurationMs = maintainDurationPerEventInMs - leftDurationMs;
this.idExtractor = idExtractor;
public void init(final ProcessorContext context) {
this.context = context;
eventIdStore = (WindowStore<E, Long>) context.getStateStore(storeName);
public KeyValue<K, V> transform(final K key, final V value) {
final E eventId = idExtractor.apply(key, value);
if (eventId == null) {
return KeyValue.pair(key, value);
} else {
final KeyValue<K, V> output;
if (isDuplicate(eventId)) {
output = null;
updateTimestampOfExistingEventToPreventExpiry(eventId, context.timestamp());
} else {
output = KeyValue.pair(key, value);
rememberNewEvent(eventId, context.timestamp());
return output;
private boolean isDuplicate(final E eventId) {
final long eventTime = context.timestamp();
final WindowStoreIterator<Long> timeIterator = eventIdStore.fetch(
eventTime - leftDurationMs,
eventTime + rightDurationMs);
final boolean isDuplicate = timeIterator.hasNext();
return isDuplicate;
private void updateTimestampOfExistingEventToPreventExpiry(final E eventId, final long newTimestamp) {
eventIdStore.put(eventId, newTimestamp, newTimestamp);
private void rememberNewEvent(final E eventId, final long timestamp) {
eventIdStore.put(eventId, timestamp, timestamp);
public void close() {
// Note: The store should NOT be closed manually here via `eventIdStore.close()`!
// The Kafka Streams API will automatically close stores when necessary.
I am looking for DSL API which can skip duplicate records received from INPUT Topic and also generate multiple key/values before sending to OUTPUT Topic.
The DSL doesn't include such functionality out of the box, but the example above shows how you can easily build your own de-duplication logic by combining the DSL with the Processor API of Kafka Streams, with the use of Transformers.
Thought Exactly Once configuration will be useful here to deduplicate messages received from INPUT Topic based on keys but looks like its not working, probably I did not understand usage of Exactly Once.
As Matthias J. Sax mentioned in his answer, from Kafka's perspective these "duplicates" are not duplicates from the point of view of its exactly-once processing semantics. Kafka ensures that it will not introduce any such duplicates itself, but it cannot make such decisions out-of-the-box for upstream data sources, which are black box for Kafka.
Exactly-once can be use to ensure that consuming and processing an input topic, does not result in duplicates in the output topic. However, from an exactly-once point of view, the duplicates in the input topic that you describe are not really duplicates but two regular input messages.
For remove input topic duplicates, you can use a transform() step with an attached state store (there is no built-in operator in the DSL that does what you want). For each input records, you first check if you find the corresponding key in the store. If not, you add it to the store and forward the message. If you find it in the store, you drop the input as duplicate. Note, this will only work with 100% correctness guarantee if you enable exactly-once processing in your Kafka Streams application. Otherwise, even if you try do deduplicate, Kafka Streams could re-introduce duplication in case of a failure.
Additionally, you need to decide how long you want to keep entries in the store. You could use a Punctuation to remove old data from the store if you are sure that no further duplicate can be in the input topic. One way to do this, would be to store the record timestamp (or maybe offset) in the store, too. This way, you can compare the current time with the store record time within punctuate() and delete old records (ie, you would iterator over all entries in the store via store#all()).
After the transform() you apply your flatMap() (or could also merge your flatMap() code into transform() directly.
It's achievable with DSL only as well, using SessionWindows changelog without caching.
Wrap the value with duplicate flag
Turn the flag to true in reduce() within time window
Filter out true flag values
Unwrap the original key and value
Serde<K> keySerde = ...;
Serde<V> valueSerde = ...;
Duration dedupWindowSize = ...;
Duration gracePeriod = ...;
DedupValueSerde<V> dedupValueSerde = new DedupValueSerde<>(valueSerde);
new StreamsBuilder()
.stream("input-topic", Consumed.with(keySerde, valueSerde))
.mapValues(v -> new DedupValue<>(v, false))
.windowedBy(SessionWindows.ofInactivityGapAndGrace(dedupWindowSize, gracePeriod))
(value1, value2) -> new DedupValue<>(value1.value(), true),
.<K, DedupValue<V>, SessionStore<Bytes, byte[]>>with(keySerde, dedupValueSerde)
.filterNot((wk, dv) -> dv == null || dv.duplicate())
.selectKey((wk, dv) -> wk.key())
.to("output-topic", Produced.with(keySerde, valueSerde));
Value wrapper:
record DedupValue<V>(V value, boolean duplicate) { }
Value wrapper SerDe (example):
public class DedupValueSerde<V> extends WrapperSerde<DedupValue<V>> {
public DedupValueSerde(Serde<V> vSerde) {
super(new DvSerializer<>(vSerde.serializer()), new DvDeserializer<>(vSerde.deserializer()));
private record DvSerializer<V>(Serializer<V> vSerializer) implements Serializer<DedupValue<V>> {
public byte[] serialize(String topic, DedupValue<V> data) {
byte[] vBytes = vSerializer.serialize(topic, data.value());
return ByteBuffer
.allocate(vBytes.length + 1)
.put(data.duplicate() ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0)
private record DvDeserializer<V>(Deserializer<V> vDeserializer) implements Deserializer<DedupValue<V>> {
public DedupValue<V> deserialize(String topic, byte[] data) {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
boolean duplicate = buffer.get() == (byte) 1;
int remainingSize = buffer.remaining();
byte[] vBytes = new byte[remainingSize];
V value = vDeserializer.deserialize(topic, vBytes);
return new DedupValue<>(value, duplicate);

Querying single database row using rxjava2

I am using rxjava2 for the first time on an Android project, and am doing SQL queries on a background thread.
However I am having trouble figuring out the best way to do a simple SQL query, and being able to handle the case where the record may or may not exist. Here is the code I am using:
public Observable<Record> createRecordObservable(int id) {
Callable<Record> callback = new Callable<Record>() {
public Record call() throws Exception {
// do the actual sql stuff, e.g.
// select * from Record where id = ?
return record;
return Observable.fromCallable(callback).subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation());
This works well when there is a record present. But in the case of a non-existent record matching the id, it treats it like an error. Apparently this is because rxjava2 doesn't allow the Callable to return a null.
Obviously I don't really want this. An error should be only if the database failed or something, whereas a empty result is perfectly valid. I read somewhere that one possible solution is wrapping Record in a Java 8 Optional, but my project is not Java 8, and anyway that solution seems a bit ugly.
This is surely such a common, everyday task that I'm sure there must be a simple and easy solution, but I couldn't find one so far. What is the recommended pattern to use here?
Your use case seems appropriate for the RxJava2 new Observable type Maybe, which emit 1 or 0 items.
Maybe.fromCallable will treat returned null as no items emitted.
You can see this discussion regarding nulls with RxJava2, I guess that there is no many choices but using Optional alike in other cases where you need nulls/empty values.
Thanks to #yosriz, I have it working with Maybe. Since I can't put code in comments, I'll post a complete answer here:
Instead of Observable, use Maybe like this:
public Maybe<Record> lookupRecord(int id) {
Callable<Record> callback = new Callable<Record>() {
public Record call() throws Exception {
// do the actual sql stuff, e.g.
// select * from Record where id = ?
return record;
return Maybe.fromCallable(callback).subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation());
The good thing is the returned record is allowed to be null. To detect which situation occurred in the subscriber, the code is like this:
.subscribe(new Consumer<Record>() {
public void accept(Record r) {
// record was loaded OK
}, new Consumer<Throwable>() {
public void accept(Throwable throwable) {
// there was an error
}, new Action() {
public void run() {
// there was an empty result

String cannot be cast to an Iterable error?

So I'm attempting to go through a groovyObject's fields and obtain the property of that field. So this is what I got(sorry its a little rough so cleaning would be appreciated but not necessary, I'm also doing a little debugging and other stuff with the Log and what not.):
public void traverse(final GroovyObject groovy) throws RepositoryException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
Field[] theFields = groovy.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
final ArrayList<Field> fields = new ArrayList<Field>();
int count =0;
for(Field field : theFields)
LOG.error("{} = {}",field.getName(), groovy.getProperty(field.getName()));
//this is the guava tree traverser
TreeTraverser<GroovyObject> traverser = new TreeTraverser<GroovyObject>()
public Iterable<GroovyObject> children(GroovyObject root)
return (Iterable<GroovyObject>)root.getProperty(fields.get(0).getName());
//|-->Here I get the String cannot be cast to Iterable. Which I find odd since it is still an object just getProperty takes a string. right?
Thoughts on this? Thanks for the help!
GroovyObject.getProperty(String) retrieves the value of the given property. And if that value happens to be a String you cannot cast it to Iterable.
If you adjust your log statement, you can inspect the types of the fields:
LOG.error("{} of type {} = {}", field.getName(), field.getType(), groovy.getProperty(field.getName()));
So I figured it outl. Essentially what needs to happen is I need to make two iterators: one for the groovy objects and one for the property strings so the end goal looks like
Or something like that, I will update this when I figure it out.!
Once I make that I can go back in and think about making it more efficient

PIG UDF handle multi-lined tuple split into different mapper

I have file where each tuple span multiple lines, for example:
name: Jim
phone: 2128789283
address: 56 2nd street, New York, USA
name: Tom
phone: 6308789283
address: 56 5th street, Chicago, 13611, USA
So above are 2 tuples in my file. I wrote my UDF that defined a getNext() function which check if it is START then I will initialize my tuple; if it is END then I will return the tuple (from string buffer); otherwise I will just add the string to string buffer.
It works well for file size is less than HDFS block size which is 64 MB (on Amazon EMR), whereas it will fail for the size larger than this. I try to google around, find this blog post. Raja's explaination is easy to understand and he provided a sample code. But the code is implementing the RecordReader part, instead of getNext() for pig LoadFunc. Just wondering if anyone has experience to handle multi-lined pig tuple split problem? Should I go ahead implement RecordReader in Pig? If so, how?
You may preprocess your input as Guy mentioned or can apply other tricks described here.
I think the cleanest solution would be to implement a custom InputFormat (along with its RecordReader) which creates one record/START-END. The Pig's LoadFunc sits on the top of the Hadoop's InputFormat, so you can define which InputFormat your LoadFunc will use.
A raw, skeleton implementation of a custom LoadFunc would look like:
import java.io.IOException;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordReader;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.TextInputFormat;
import org.apache.pig.LoadFunc;
import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigSplit;
import org.apache.pig.data.Tuple;
import org.apache.pig.data.TupleFactory;
public class CustomLoader extends LoadFunc {
private RecordReader reader;
private TupleFactory tupleFactory;
public CustomLoader() {
tupleFactory = TupleFactory.getInstance();
public InputFormat getInputFormat() throws IOException {
return new MyInputFormat(); //custom InputFormat
public Tuple getNext() {
Tuple result = null;
try {
if (!reader.nextKeyValue()) {
return null;
//value can be a custom Writable containing your name/value
//field pairs for a given record
Object value = reader.getCurrentValue();
result = tupleFactory.newTuple();
// ...
//append fields to tuple
catch (Exception e) {
// ...
return result;
public void prepareToRead(RecordReader reader, PigSplit pigSplit)
throws IOException {
this.reader = reader;
public void setLocation(String location, Job job) throws IOException {
FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, location);
After the LoadFunc initializes the InputFormat and its RecordReader, it locates the input location of your data and begins to obtain the records from recordReader, creates the resulting tuples (getNext()) until the input has been fully read.
Some remarks on the custom InputFormat:
I'd create a custom InputFormat in which the RecordReader is a modified version of
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.LineRecordReader: Most of the methods would
remain the same, except initialize(): it would call a custom LineReader
(based on org.apache.hadoop.util.LineReader).
The InputFormat's key would be the line offset (Long), the value would be a custom
Writable. This would hold the fields of a record (i.e data between START-END) as a list of key-value pairs. Each time your RecordReader's nextKeyValue() is called the record is written to the custom Writable by the LineReader. The gist of the whole thing is how you
implement LineReader.readLine().
Another, probably an easier approach would be to change the delimiter of TextInputFormat (It is configurable in Hadoop 0.23, see textinputformat.record.delimiter)
to one that is appropriate for your data structure (if it is possible). In this case you'll end up having your data in Text from which you need to split and extract KV pairs and into tuples.
If can take start as your delimiter, probably below code works without UDF
SET textinputformat.record.delimiter 'START';
a = load '<input path>' as (data:chararray);
dump a;
the output would look like:
name: Jim
enter code here`phone: 2128789283
address: 56 2nd street, New York, USA
name: Tom
phone: 6308789283
address: 56 5th street, Chicago, 13611, USA
Now both are separated into two tuples.
