Querying single database row using rxjava2 - rx-android

I am using rxjava2 for the first time on an Android project, and am doing SQL queries on a background thread.
However I am having trouble figuring out the best way to do a simple SQL query, and being able to handle the case where the record may or may not exist. Here is the code I am using:
public Observable<Record> createRecordObservable(int id) {
Callable<Record> callback = new Callable<Record>() {
public Record call() throws Exception {
// do the actual sql stuff, e.g.
// select * from Record where id = ?
return record;
return Observable.fromCallable(callback).subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation());
This works well when there is a record present. But in the case of a non-existent record matching the id, it treats it like an error. Apparently this is because rxjava2 doesn't allow the Callable to return a null.
Obviously I don't really want this. An error should be only if the database failed or something, whereas a empty result is perfectly valid. I read somewhere that one possible solution is wrapping Record in a Java 8 Optional, but my project is not Java 8, and anyway that solution seems a bit ugly.
This is surely such a common, everyday task that I'm sure there must be a simple and easy solution, but I couldn't find one so far. What is the recommended pattern to use here?

Your use case seems appropriate for the RxJava2 new Observable type Maybe, which emit 1 or 0 items.
Maybe.fromCallable will treat returned null as no items emitted.
You can see this discussion regarding nulls with RxJava2, I guess that there is no many choices but using Optional alike in other cases where you need nulls/empty values.

Thanks to #yosriz, I have it working with Maybe. Since I can't put code in comments, I'll post a complete answer here:
Instead of Observable, use Maybe like this:
public Maybe<Record> lookupRecord(int id) {
Callable<Record> callback = new Callable<Record>() {
public Record call() throws Exception {
// do the actual sql stuff, e.g.
// select * from Record where id = ?
return record;
return Maybe.fromCallable(callback).subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation());
The good thing is the returned record is allowed to be null. To detect which situation occurred in the subscriber, the code is like this:
.subscribe(new Consumer<Record>() {
public void accept(Record r) {
// record was loaded OK
}, new Consumer<Throwable>() {
public void accept(Throwable throwable) {
// there was an error
}, new Action() {
public void run() {
// there was an empty result


writing a typesafe visitor with labeled rules

I am migrating my prototype from a listener to a visitor pattern. In the prototype, I have a grammar fragment like this:
thingList: thing+ ;
: A aSpec # aRule
| B bSpec # bRule
Moving to a visitor pattern, I am not sure how I write visitThingList. Every visitor returns a specializes subclass of "Node", and I would love somehow when to be able to write something like this, say a "thingList" cares about the first thing in the list some how ...
visitThingList(cx: ThingListContext): ast.ThingList {
const firstThing = super.visit(cx.thing(0));
The problem with this is in typing. Each visit returns a specialized type which is a subclass of ast.Node. Because I am using super.visit, the return value will be the base class
of my node tree. However, I know because I am looking at the grammar
and because I wrote both vistARule and visitBRule that the result of the visit will be of type ast.Thing.
So we make visitThingList express it's expectation with cast ...
visitThingList(cx: ThingListContext): ast.ThingList {
const firstThing = super.visit(cx.thing(0));
if (!firstThing instanceof ast.Thing) {
throw "no matching visitor for thing";
// firstThing is now known to be of type ast.Thing
In much of my translator, type problems with ast Nodes are a compile time issue, I fix them in my editor. In this case, I am producing a more fragile walk, which will only reveal the fragility at runtime and then only with certain inputs.
I think I could change my grammar, to make it possible to encode the
type expectations of vistThingList() by creating a vistThing() entry point
thingList: thing+ ;
thing: aRule | bRule;
aRule: A aSpec;
bRule: B bSpec;
With vistThing() typed to match the expectation:
visitThing(cx: ThingContext): ast.Thing { }
visitThingList(cx: ThingListContext) {
const firstThing: ast.Thing = this.visitThing(cx.thing(0));
Now visitThingList can call this.visitThing() and the type enforcement of making sure all rules that a thing matches return ast.Thing belongs to visitThing(). If I do create a new rule for thing, the compiler will force me to change the return type of visitThing() and if I make it return something which is NOT a thing, visitThingList() will show type errors.
This also seems wrong though, because I don't feel like I should have to change my grammar in order to visit it.
I am new to ANTLR and wondering if there is a better pattern or approach to this.
When I was using the listener pattern, I wrote something like:
enterThing(cx: ThingContext) { }
enterARule(cx : ARuleContext) { }
enterBRule(cx : BRuleContext) { }
Not quite: for a labeled rule like thing, the listener will not contain enterThing(...) and exitThing(...) methods. Only the enter... and exit... methods for the labels aSpec and bSpec will be created.
How would I write the visitor walk without changing the grammar?
I don't understand why you need to change the grammar. When you keep the grammar like you mentioned:
thingList: thing+ ;
: A aSpec # aRule
| B bSpec # bRule
then the following visitor could be used (again, there is no visitThing(...) method!):
public class TestVisitor extends TBaseVisitor<Object> {
public Object visitThingList(TParser.ThingListContext ctx) {
public Object visitARule(TParser.ARuleContext ctx) {
public Object visitBRule(TParser.BRuleContext ctx) {
public Object visitASpec(TParser.ASpecContext ctx) {
public Object visitBSpec(TParser.BSpecContext ctx) {
I do not know how, as i iterate over that, to call the correct visitor for each element
You don't need to know. You can simply call the visitor's (super) visit(...) method and the correct method will be invoked:
class TestVisitor extends TBaseVisitor<Object> {
public Object visitThingList(TParser.ThingListContext ctx) {
for (TParser.ThingContext child : ctx.thing()) {
return null;
And you don't even need to implement all methods. The ones you don't implement, will have a default visitChildren(ctx) in them, causing (as the name suggests) all child nodes under them being traversed.
In your case, the following visitor will already cause the visitASpec and visitBSpec being invoked:
class TestVisitor extends TBaseVisitor<Object> {
public Object visitASpec(TParser.ASpecContext ctx) {
return null;
public Object visitBSpec(TParser.BSpecContext ctx) {
return null;
You can test this (in Java) like this:
String source = "... your input here ...";
TLexer lexer = new TLexer(CharStreams.fromString(source));
TParser parser = new TParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
TestVisitor visitor = new TestVisitor();

How to retrieve data by property in Couchbase Lite?

My documents have the property docType that separated them based on the purpose of each type, in the specific case template or audit. However, when I do the following:
The results of them are always the same, it returns every time all documents stored without filtering them by the docType.
Below, you can check the query function.
public static Query getData(Database database, final String type) {
View view = database.getView("data");
if (view.getMap() == null) {
view.setMap(new Mapper() {
public void map(Map<String, Object> document, Emitter emitter) {
emitter.emit(document.get("_id"), null);
}, "4");
return view.createQuery();
Any hint?
This is not a valid way to do it. Your view function must be pure (it cannot reference external state such as "type"). Once that is created you can then query it for what you want by setting start and end keys, or just a set of keys in general to filter on.

Parallel Stream repeating items

I am retrieving big chunks of data from DB and using this data to write it somewhere else. In order to avoid a long processing time, I'm trying to use parallel streams to write it. When I run this as sequential streams, it works perfectly. However, if I change it to parallel, the behavior is odd: it prints the same object multiple times (more than 10).
public void retrieveAllTypeRecords() throws SQLException {
logger.info("Retrieve batch of Type records.");
try {
Stream<TypeRecord> typeQueryAsStream = jdbcStream.getTypeQueryAsStream();
typeQueryAsStream.forEach((type) -> {
logger.info("Printing Type with field1: {} and field2: {}.", type.getField1(), type.getField2()); //the same object gets printed here multiple times
//write this object somewhere else
logger.info("Completed full retrieval of Type data.");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("error: " + e);
public Stream<TypeRecord> getTypeQueryAsStream() throws SQLException {
String sql = typeRepository.getQueryAllTypesRecords(); //retrieves SQL query in String format
TypeMapper typeMapper = new TypeMapper();
JdbcStream.StreamableQuery query = jdbcStream.streamableQuery(sql);
Stream<TypeRecord> stream = query.stream()
.map(row -> {
return typeMapper.mapRow(row); //maps columns values to object values
return stream;
public class StreamableQuery implements Closeable {
public Stream<SqlRow> stream() throws SQLException {
final SqlRowSet rowSet = new ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet(preparedStatement.executeQuery());
final SqlRow sqlRow = new SqlRowAdapter(rowSet);
Supplier<Spliterator<SqlRow>> supplier = () -> Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(new Iterator<SqlRow>() {
public boolean hasNext() {
return !rowSet.isLast();
public SqlRow next() {
if (!rowSet.next()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return sqlRow;
}, Spliterator.CONCURRENT);
return StreamSupport.stream(supplier, Spliterator.CONCURRENT, true); //this boolean sets the stream as parallel
I've also tried using typeQueryAsStream.parallel().forEach((type) but the result is the same.
Example of output:
[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] INFO TypeService - Saving Type with field1: L6797 and field2: P1433.
[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] INFO TypeService - Saving Type with field1: L6797 and field2: P1433.
[main] INFO TypeService - Saving Type with field1: L6797 and field2: P1433.
[ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] INFO TypeService - Saving Type with field1: L6797 and field2: P1433.
Well, look at you code,
final SqlRow sqlRow = new SqlRowAdapter(rowSet);
Supplier<Spliterator<SqlRow>> supplier = () -> Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(new Iterator<SqlRow>() {
public SqlRow next() {
if (!rowSet.next()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return sqlRow;
}, Spliterator.CONCURRENT);
You are returning the same object every time. You achieve your desired effects by implicitly modifying the state of this object when calling rowSet.next().
This obviously can’t work when multiple threads try to access that single object concurrently. Even buffering some items, to hand them over to another thread will cause trouble. Therefore, such interference can cause problems with sequential streams as well, as soon as stateful intermediate operations are involved, like sorted or distinct.
Assuming that typeMapper.mapRow(row) will produce an actual data item which has no interference to other data items, you should integrate this step into the stream source, to create a valid stream.
public Stream<TypeRecord> stream(TypeMapper typeMapper) throws SQLException {
SqlRowSet rowSet = new ResultSetWrappingSqlRowSet(preparedStatement.executeQuery());
SqlRow sqlRow = new SqlRowAdapter(rowSet);
Spliterator<TypeRecord> sp = new Spliterators.AbstractSpliterator<TypeRecord>(
Long.MAX_VALUE, Spliterator.CONCURRENT|Spliterator.ORDERED) {
public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super TypeRecord> action) {
if(!rowSet.next()) return false;
return true;
return StreamSupport.stream(sp, true); //this boolean sets the stream as parallel
Note that for a lot of use cases, like this one, implementing a Spliterator is simpler than implementing an Iterator (which needs to be wrapped via spliteratorUnknownSize anyway). Also, there is no need to encapsulate this instantiation into a Supplier.
As a final note, the current implementation does not perform well for streams with an unknown size, as it treats Long.MAX_VALUE like a very large number, ignoring the “unknown” semantic assigned to it by the specification. It will be very beneficial to the parallel performance to provide an estimate size, it doesn’t need to be precise, in fact, with the current implementation, even a completely made up number, say 1000 may perform better than correctly using Long.MAX_VALUE to denote an entirely unknown size.

String cannot be cast to an Iterable error?

So I'm attempting to go through a groovyObject's fields and obtain the property of that field. So this is what I got(sorry its a little rough so cleaning would be appreciated but not necessary, I'm also doing a little debugging and other stuff with the Log and what not.):
public void traverse(final GroovyObject groovy) throws RepositoryException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException
Field[] theFields = groovy.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
final ArrayList<Field> fields = new ArrayList<Field>();
int count =0;
for(Field field : theFields)
LOG.error("{} = {}",field.getName(), groovy.getProperty(field.getName()));
//this is the guava tree traverser
TreeTraverser<GroovyObject> traverser = new TreeTraverser<GroovyObject>()
public Iterable<GroovyObject> children(GroovyObject root)
return (Iterable<GroovyObject>)root.getProperty(fields.get(0).getName());
//|-->Here I get the String cannot be cast to Iterable. Which I find odd since it is still an object just getProperty takes a string. right?
Thoughts on this? Thanks for the help!
GroovyObject.getProperty(String) retrieves the value of the given property. And if that value happens to be a String you cannot cast it to Iterable.
If you adjust your log statement, you can inspect the types of the fields:
LOG.error("{} of type {} = {}", field.getName(), field.getType(), groovy.getProperty(field.getName()));
So I figured it outl. Essentially what needs to happen is I need to make two iterators: one for the groovy objects and one for the property strings so the end goal looks like
Or something like that, I will update this when I figure it out.!
Once I make that I can go back in and think about making it more efficient

Using NHibernate.Linq and getting 2 queries for a simple select, why?

so here's the code with irrelevant bits left out:
public IEnumerable<T> GetByQuery(Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter
return Session.Linq<T>().Where(filter);
catch(Exception ex)
// custom exception handling here
return null;
and an example of it being called looks like this:
IEnumerabl<ClientReport> clientReports =
clientReportRepository.GetByQuery(item => item.ClientId = id);
So as you can see, nothing fancy and being called in this way, we're hitting one table in the database with no relationships to any other tables. But when I have show_sql = true in the configuration, It's displaying 2 of the same query.
Any ideas?
clientReports will probably execute the query every time you enumerate it (or get the Count(), for example).
To avoid that, use .ToList() in the assignment.
