Xcode: Unable to run simulator error - xcode

An error was encountered while running (Domain = NSMachErrorDomain, Code = -308)
That is the popup message I get every time. I found another question on here that had a bunch of solutions. I tried a dozen of them without much luck. After seeing the error message it will load the "Home" screen of the simulator but will have trouble running my app.
I made a new blank project and only added a text label to see if the error still happened with a next to blank app and it did.
Any ideas?

Open the iOS Simulator and restore it by clicking on Reset Content and Settings.


Getting started/ welcome screen issue

I downloaded VS code and following the getting started videos and figuring out the layout. I managed to get installing the first extension, but when I closed and reopened the app minutes later, I am no longer able to open the getting started page and the welcome screen has changed.
I got this error popup:
Unable to open 'vs_code_welcome_page': Unable to resolve resource walkThrough:/c%3A/Program%20Files...
I checked workbench.welcomepage.walkthrough and was turned on.

Xamarin - How to see the iOS Simulator app log

I recently upgraded some Firebase packages in my iOS Xamarin app, and now the thing refuses to work. The app opens (shows a splash screen) and immediately closes without producing an error.
While I want to fix the package problem, I have no clue where to start. I set a breakpoint on the App.xaml.cs constructor, but this never gets hit when I run the iOS version. So my next idea was to read the output like I do on Android.
I've been Googling around for a few hours, and everyone seems to say 'Go to Debug > Open System Log...', but this is absolutely rubbish! The system log seems to show everything except for my app running... (E.g. I run the app in the simulator, reload the system logs, and the freshest thing is from 10 minutes ago...)
I'm at my wits end here. Does anyone know a trick for viewing my app output in the simulator? Even just an exit code would be useful 😥
You could view the logs in these locations:
Mac – ~/Library/Logs/Xamarin/Simulator.Server
Windows – %LOCALAPPDATA%\Xamarin\Logs\Xamarin.Simulator

An error occured while attempting to download the container from application Xcode

While running my app on iPhone, I needed to view the database contents. So I selected Devices in Xcode and chose my device. Thereafter, I selected my app and clicked on the Settings button which shows 3 options: Show container, Download container and Remove container. On clicking the Download container option, I was asked where I want to store the container. After selecting the location, I am getting the following error: An error occured while attempting to download the container from application "MyApp".....
On selecting Show container option, a list opens up but there is no file inside it.
The same problem occurs with other apps too that I run using Xcode.
Any ideas as to why this happens and how to fix it?
Restarting the device in question worked for me. Hope it helps!

Why iPad app build fails in xcode with a error creating temporary directory?

I'm using Xcode 4.6, and trying to run a simple app in iPad 6.1 Simulator, build fails with error message
mkdir: /Users/chakradar.r/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/dino-eddkhtnsnrlgwjgqnaceabrxcjsh/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/dino.app/wwwof: File exists
that is a temporary directory, i even tried building it after removing the directory, it again fails with a similar message.
Once my Xcode went unresponsive so I force quit Xcode while this application was running, I suspect that could be the reason for the failure. Error message is not helping, how can I fix this situation?
While I don't know the exact reason you're getting this error. Here are some generic steps that you can try in these situations:
In the simulator app go to 'iOS Simulator' (in the top menu), choose 'Reset Content and Settings...'
In Xcode go to 'Product' then 'Clean'
In Xcode go to 'Window' then 'Organizer', click on the 'Projects' icon on the top, find your project in the list on the left and click 'Delete...' beside the 'Derived Data'
Restart your Mac (Yes, sometimes this really resolves some issues)
You can try any of these options individually or all of them.
I too even don't know the exact root cause but
Killed both Xcode and Simulator and ran the app again and it started working for me.

suddenly getting wait_fences: failed to receive reply: 10004003

I have an Xcode 4.2 project with ios5 targeting 4.3 and am now suddenly getting "wait_fences: failed to receive reply: 10004003" error.
It occurs on the 4.3 Simulator (don't have a 4.3 device). It does NOT occur on 5.0 simulator or device.
App runs as before and when the keyboard appears, all is good. When I tap the keyboard. I get the error. Description is displayed once in the console. Subsequent runs still crash app but error is not written to console! (So I'm assuming subsequent crashes are the same) It's suddenly started occurring and I can't see anywhere the in the code, changes could affect it.
Has anyone else experienced this same issue and or managed to resolve it?
NB: I have already read the other posts regarding this error.
Have now confirmed that it is not the code so my iOS Simulator must have been corrupted some how.
