Xamarin - How to see the iOS Simulator app log - xamarin

I recently upgraded some Firebase packages in my iOS Xamarin app, and now the thing refuses to work. The app opens (shows a splash screen) and immediately closes without producing an error.
While I want to fix the package problem, I have no clue where to start. I set a breakpoint on the App.xaml.cs constructor, but this never gets hit when I run the iOS version. So my next idea was to read the output like I do on Android.
I've been Googling around for a few hours, and everyone seems to say 'Go to Debug > Open System Log...', but this is absolutely rubbish! The system log seems to show everything except for my app running... (E.g. I run the app in the simulator, reload the system logs, and the freshest thing is from 10 minutes ago...)
I'm at my wits end here. Does anyone know a trick for viewing my app output in the simulator? Even just an exit code would be useful šŸ˜„

You could view the logs in these locations:
Mac ā€“ ~/Library/Logs/Xamarin/Simulator.Server
Windows ā€“ %LOCALAPPDATA%\Xamarin\Logs\Xamarin.Simulator


Nativescript Angular iOS crashing after splash screen (started randomly)

Today, randomly, my app stopped running on iOS anymore. I have been working on it daily for weeks and nothing has changed this morning. Works fine on Android. On iOS it shows the splashscreen like normal and then just quit out. There are no errors shown in the console. I am using Sidekick cloud build for iOS. I am running on a physical device. In fact it does not run on my iPod, but it will run fine on my iPad.
Has anyone had this problem? Is there a reason no errors are visible?
SpringBoard: Forcing crash report of (reason: 1, description:
org.nativescript.myapp failed to scnene-create after 4.77s (launch
took 15.23s of total time limit 10.00s))
Found some insights for this and looks like it is crashing because you are spending too much time doing CPU work on the splash screen.
iOS will kill your app if it takes it too much time to load.
The crash report for this would have an exception code of 8badf00d(this is in Hexadecimal) and it will also say ā€œfailed to scene-create in timeā€.
That is exactly you are also getting.
So try not to load to my things on app initilization and get away from Splash screen as soon as possible.

Electron app not working on Windows

I have an electron app I develop on MacOS and build for Windows. I can properly install the .exe that's generated from electron-builder on to Windows.
When I run the app on Windows, I get a spinning loader for 1-2 sec. and then nothing happens. The app, when running properly, shows an icon in the task bar and opens a browser window for the user to login.
I'm using electron-log, but nothing is printed to the logs. It seems like the app is dying before it can start. I'm looking through Event Viewer and don't see anything obvious. I feel like I'm missing something and don't have a great way to understand what's happening.
Any suggestions on where to look on Windows 10 to understand why an electron app isn't doing anything?

How do I view console output on Apple Watch when not connected to the debugger?

So I'm trying to track down an issue that crops up when I'm NOT debugging with Xcode on the Apple watch, and I've discovered that the Apple Watch has some serious problems with console output if it wasn't launched via the debugger. Given the following code:
- (IBAction)onPrint:(id)sender
NSLog(#"############## Printing! ##################");
printf("************** Printf! ******************\n");
When launching via the debugger, it shows both lines in Xcode's console window. Great, no problems there.
If, however, I launch the watch app manually (from the watch itself), I get nothing in the console log via the devices window in Xcode, and nothing in the Console app on the mac (other than the normal "kernel[0] : prevent idle sleep list" messages the watch emits to the console from time to time).
I also tried connecting to the watch extension process using the Debug -> Attach to Process menu in Xcode, but it still won't print anything. Clear console, reload console... nothing works. I've looked all over SO for answers, and tried everything marked as an accepted answer or not, but nothing seems to work. This app is as simple as it can get: A single button that executes the code above to print to the console.
Is it just broken? Or is there some other arcane magic I must weave? I'm running Xcode 8.1 and WatchOS 3.1 on an Apple Watch 2.
It looks like this is just a limitation of WatchOS. The only way I've been able to get data back is by storing logs in a file and then fetching the file later.
Thing that can help you is called sysanalyse: you'll have to add special profile to both iPhone and Watch, and this will allow to see your app's logs in Console and via sysanalyse reports. Instructions and profiles are provided here.
If you are debugging background tasks, important to know: watchos's daemon will not terminate process what had already used it's background execution time limit if it is connected to debugger.
This is really odd because I was able to see log statements on the console. It's just now, I'm not. This is for Watch OS 6, xcode 11.2.1.

Xcode 7.3 wont attach to simulator to debug

So I upgraded to Xcode 7.3.1 and now my Xcode will build, and deploy my apps (yes every app, even a brand new blank one) to the simulator but the app never launches on the simulator and the debugger never attaches, Xcode just hangs and has to be force quit. I've completely wiped out Xcode and all simulators and re-installed to no avail. I've scoured Stack Overflow and Google trying every piece of advice and still no luck. Anyone anywhere have any idea how to solve this issue? If I downgrade to 7.2.1 I'm able to debug in the simulator just fine.
Let me know if you need more information.
My Apps run just fine on the simulator, and if I try to attach the debugger to a running app it wont and Xcode hangs in the attempt, when attempting to attach this way at least Xcode doesn't have to be force quit.
FYI, I can debug on a device this is only a simulator issue.
I had this same issue, and tried fixing my projects and reinstalled Xcode twice before I was able to get Simulator to crash and give me an error report that called out Cylance. Luckily I have access to administer our Cylance portal, so I was able to work through the issue to narrow down the problem.
When running an app from Xcode, the Simulator launches but the application does not launch within the Simulator
Trying to stop the application from within Xcode does not work, and generates no messages
Trying to re-run the application from within Xcode generates the following message: ā€˜An instance of ā€œAPPLICATION NAMEā€ is already running. Choose ā€œStopā€ to terminate and launch a new instance.ā€™ But pressing Stop does nothing.
Xcode will not quit, and eventually the user must Force Quit to exit Xcode
Within the OS X console, the following messages are displayed:
6/3/16 7:35:38.000 PM kernel[0]: AMFI: com.apple.dt.ins(pid 2239) - [deny-mmap] main process is a platform binary, but mapped executable file is not: /Library/Application Support/Cylance/Desktop/CyMemDef.dylib
6/3/16 7:35:38.000 PM kernel[0]: AMFI: com.apple.dt.ins(pid 2239) - [deny-mmap] mapped file has team identifier XXXX: /Library/Application Support/Cylance/Desktop/CyMemDef.dylib
The problem is caused by Memory Protection being turned on within the policy assigned to the Mac within the Cylance portal.
To resolve the issue, place the Mac into a zone/policy that does not have Memory Protection turned on. Auto Quarantine and Protection Settings can be left on.
During my testing, I was not able to come up with a list of exclusions that allowed me to leave Memory Protection on, so I ended up disabling it completely.

Proper way to debug watchos2 app in XCode7

I'm rewriting my watch app to work in watchos2 but have problems debugging on the actual watch (XCode7). What is the correct way how to do this?
1) Obvious (but naive) approach - connect your phone with paired watch, in XCode select Extension scheme to run on Phone + Watch. Click play and it should work, right? This seems to work only just after fresh pairing and breaks very quickly (after few debug runs). See issues and behaviour below
2) Run phone app first then add run of extension - this approach worked for me longer but eventually broke as well.
3) Unpair and pair again - more than painful experience, time consuming and not practical at all. Will help for a while though.
Main problems:
phone app not communicating - I've seen not reachable or messages just time out
watch app stops running - XCode is saying it's running but it's not - won't even attach. If I run it manually on watch most of the times it will attach but then the phone app is not reachable
watch app won't even install - I suspect when the XCode is saying it's running it in fact it doesn't because when I remove the app from watch and then run XCode goes through the whole install process and "running" but the icon doesn't even appear on the main screen
phone stops reacting when I use option 2) and try to run something else while app is attached
phone seems to be blocked, selecting other apps (even going back to my app) won't work until I kill the session
Setup: The phone and watch is paired correctly, phone can see watch, watch can see phone, other apps are working. Watch "trusts" the computer as well, app is "shown on apple watch". Phone is 5s 9.0.1.
I've tried various restart combinations (phone|watch|xcode|mac), shuffled cables, disconnect, reconnect, etc. but that didn't help either.
Did anybody find a usable way how to debug watchos2 app from XCode? Nobody else seems to be complaining about this with released XCode7 though I've seen lots of similar issues in beta builds.
Use Apple watch recharging cable, connect your watch to developing Mac that runs Xcode.
It provides much more successful and fast debugging.
I have been dealing with the same issue this last days, I just updated to iOS 9.2, watchOS 2.1 and XCode 7.2, and now everything works.
After update XCode to 7.2, iOS9.2 my phone and WatchOS2.1 my Apple Watch the debug process is better. I suggest to update all your devices.
