Cloud9 IDE - equal symbol in filename - cloud9-ide

For my CMS, I need to create file with an equal symbol in the filename.
For the moment, it is not possible through the IDE, how can I request this feature?

Cloud9 IDE does not have a specific place to make feature requests so you need to email their support for that.


Is there a way to code a bulk download (zip?) for users to download all attachments on my page?

My app serves up a bunch of files as links that the user has to download individually. The customer wants me to provide a bulk download option as well. I'm using ColdFusion, but can probably use other languages or translate into one I can use. I mostly likely cannot download a commercial tool to do it. Thanks!
Use curl - in your case it would be libcurl. This would require C++ bindings.
Create a list of your links in a string or a file that your app would access.
Get started with the curl cli.
See here - and here -
Once you are comfortable with this, use libcurl linked within your app and download the files using the libcurl API.
Thanks for your reply - I appreciate it. A coworker found the best answer for ColdFusion. There's a tag called cfzip that does it all.

Titanium - change language programmatically

I want to change the language of the app inside it. I want to allow the user to change the language from settings.
Is it possible?? because I can't find a setLocale() method or something similar.
I'm afraid this isn't possible using the build in tools. The build in tools are used by Android and iOS specifically to change the language based on the OS settings.
The way you can do this is by making it custom. Defining your own global function to get translations from (instead of the L() function). But this also requires you to put your translation files somewhere else.
The following line works although it is not documented. I think it will be documented soon and you will get a convenient way to change language on run time. Of course you will have define your own translation.
It is possible. I am using this module from the marketplace:

Inno Setup message list somewhere?

Is there an official list of Inno Setup messages like "WinVersionTooLowError" somewhere? I need to change the "This will install AppName on your computer" but don't know how. Thanks!
The default language file should have a complete list, you can view the online CVS version here.
The translation download page contains this note:
Starting with version 5.1.0, the Inno Setup compiler will accept a
translation even if it's missing messages (it will use the default
English messages to replace them) or contains unknown messages.
so you should be able to create a custom English language file that only changes a couple of strings if that is what you want, but it is also possible to override the strings without using language files.
You might also want to take a look at Inno Setup Easy Translator

Notifications template bug in TeamCity (BUILD_NUMBER)?

I've set up TeamCity to notify the whole team when a new internal release is ready. The email contains links to server folders where the distributive has been placed. The link pattern is quite simple, the only thing that's 'dynamic' is the lowest-level folder - it's name matches the version number.
The folder is generated by MsBuild using TeamCity's "build.number" property. All is good with it, its name contains only what has been specified in the pattern (e.g. But the strange thing is that {BUILD_NUMBER} in notifications template returns **#** (with the # sign).
So the email ends up with bad links.
Has anyone noticed this? Is there a fix?
Someone else asked essentially the same question on the JetBrains TeamCity blog, as well as on the Developer Community forums.
It appears the community has already seen this issue, but there doesn't seem to be a easy fix or workaround:)
The reported bug seems to have got a fix in version 5.1.

Replacement for default Visual Studio Resx editor?

Anyone has suggestion for something that's better than Visual Studio default Resource string editor? Not looking for standalone Resx editor, just something that has better navigation between strings in Grid, better support for long strings, etc.
ResXManager is another great free tool that integrates with Visual Studio.
From the site:
You can quickly navigate through all resource files and view the content in a well-arranged data grid. It makes it easy to find untranslated strings or clean up orphaned entries. All strings can be quickly edited in place, ...
The tool is still updated and is available as VS2012-2017 extension and standalone executable to support VS2010 and older.
This tool ResEx inherited from Dimitris Papadimitriou is awesome.
Features I love:
Warns you if you are missing a {0} that is defined in the default resx file
Translate side by side
Warnings about shortcut characters
A wee bit on the late side:
I find Zeta Resource editor very useful.
More or less the same feature, and quite polished:
Warning of inconsistent formatting arguments
Load from VS solution
Nesting of translations
Colors indicating translation status
Addendum: it seems Google Translate / Bing Translate have changed into being a paid services. Auto-translation is still available, yet you need an API key and billing information.
There is a extension for Visual Studio Code which works pretty well and it's cross platform.
