Laravel 5 multiple paginations on one page - laravel

I'm trying to have 2 paginations on a single page.
{{!! $items->appends(['page2' => Request::input('page2', 1)])->render() !!}}
But it is not working, as using custom $pageName for pagination ($items->setPageName('custom_page_parameter')) links are not working in laravel 5.
Here is how I did it in laravel 4:
Laravel Multiple Pagination in one page
What is Laravel 5 way of doing this?

I've spent far too much time trying to find out how to do this, so thought I'd share my findings in case there is another poor soul like me out there. This works in 5.1...
In controller:
$newEvents = Events::where('event_date', '>=', Carbon::now()->startOfDay())
->paginate(15,['*'], 'newEvents');
$oldEvents = Events::where('event_date', '<', Carbon::now()->startOfDay())
->orderBy('event_date', 'desc')
->paginate(15,['*'], 'oldEvents');
Then continue as usual in the view: `
// some code to display $newEvents
{!! $newEvents->render() !!}
// some code to display $oldEvents
{!! $oldEvents->render() !!}
Now, what this doesn't do is remember the page of $oldEvents when paging through $newEvents. Any idea on this?
pull request addressing the original issue
API docs for method

$published = Article::paginate(10, ['*'], 'pubArticles');
$unpublished = Article::paginate(10, ['*'], 'unpubArticles');
The third argument for paginate() method is used in the URI as follows:

In Controller:
$produk = Produk::paginate(5, ['*'], 'produk');
$region = Region::paginate(5, ['*'], 'region');
in view:
{{$produk->appends(['region' => $region->currentPage()])->links()}}
{{$region->appends(['produk' => $produk->currentPage()])->links()}}
reference to :[Laravel 5] Multi Paginate in Single Page

Try using the \Paginator::setPageName('foo'); function befor buidling your paginator object:
$models = Model::paginate(1);
return view('view_foo', compact('models'));
This question might help too: Laravel 5 pagination, won't move through pages with custom page name
Also note there is a bug atm:


"next" page problem with Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator in the last page

I am trying to use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator to paginate a Laravel Collection within a Livewire component in the following way:
public function render(): Factory|View|Application
$perPage = 3;
$items = $this->myCollection->forPage($this->page, $perPage);
$paginator = new Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator($items, $this->myCollection->count(), $perPage, $this->page);
return view('livewire.listing', [
'paginatedMyCollection' => $paginator,
and in the listing.blade.php:
#foreach ($paginatedMyCollection as $element)
#livewire('row', ['element' => $element], key($element->id))
{{ $paginatedMyCollection->links() }}
It works fine(*)! for example:
except when the last page of the collection is reached. In this case, the «next page» button is erroneously constructed, resulting in the following presentation:
I have checked the Illuminate package and it seems that instead of using '' is taking this '' that does not work.
Can anyone help with this? Thanks and regards.
(*) The small buttons at the beginning and end of the page numbers could be filled with any character...
I think this is CSS issue.
Laravel Pagination is using tailwind per default.
If you are using Bootstrap, you can add Paginator::useBootstrapFive(); in app\Providers\AppServiceProvider boot() function
I am not sure how many libraries is supported, but you can always publish vendor view for pagination and edit it
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-pagination

laravel route::post wrong method gets called

Starting off with a bit of background information, i have 3 models - Course, Pathway, Module.
Course HAS-MANY Pathway
Pathway HAS-MANY Module
Course HAS-MANY-THROUGH Module (through Pathway)
I have set up routes for creating Course, Pathway and Module. However, when I try to save the newly created model instance, it calls the wrong route method - does not even hit the store method of the relevant Controller
I understand that the order of the routes is important. I tried changing them around but it still does not work as intended.
Here's what I have so far
// modules
Route::get('/courses/{course}/edit/pathways/{pathway}/modules/create', [App\Http\Controllers\ModulesController::class, 'create'])->name('createModule');
Route::post('/courses/{course}/edit/pathways/{pathway}/modules', [App\Http\Controllers\ModulesController::class, 'store'])->name('storeModule');
// Pathways
Route::get('/courses/{course}/edit/pathways/create', [App\Http\Controllers\PathwaysController::class, 'create'])->name('createPathway');
Route::get('/courses/{course}/pathways/{pathway}/edit', [App\Http\Controllers\PathwaysController::class, 'edit'])->name('editPathway');
Route::delete('/courses/{course}/pathways/{pathway}', [App\Http\Controllers\PathwayController::class, 'destroy'])->name('destroyPathway');
Route::post('/courses/{course}/edit/pathways', [App\Http\Controllers\PathwaysController::class, 'store'])->name('storePathway');
// VQs/Qualifications
Route::resource('courses', App\Http\Controllers\CourseController::class, [
'names' => [
'index' => 'allCourses',
'create' => 'createCourse',
'store' => 'storeCourse',
'show' => 'showCourse',
'edit' => 'editCourse',
'update' => 'updateCourse',
'destroy' => 'destroyCourse',
The problem is that when I try to store a Pathway or Module, it hits the Route::post('/courses/{course}') route.
I tried changing around the order of the routes, but none of that worked. I've also made sure that the create forms action is of the right Url Route. its all still the same.
I also can't tell which controller method is being called. Tried doing a dd() on CourseController#create, PathwaysController#create, ModulesController#create but none of them get hit.
Any help as to why this is happening will be greetly appreciated
here are some of my routes:
Since your URLs are quite similar.
How about refactoring your URL.
Also, writing a cleaner code would save you lots of headaches.
At the top:
use App\Http\Controllers\ModulesController;
use App\Http\Controllers\PathwaysController;
'{course}/edit/pathways/{pathway}/create', //e.g: modules/courses/engligh/edit/pathways/languages/create
[ModulesController::class, 'create']
)->name('create'); //modules.create
[App\Http\Controllers\ModulesController::class, 'store']
)->name('store'); //
'{course}/edit/pathways/create', //e.g: courses/english/edit/pathways/create
[PathwaysController::class, 'create']
)->name('create'); //courses.create
[App\Http\Controllers\PathwaysController::class, 'edit']
[App\Http\Controllers\PathwayController::class, 'destroy']
[App\Http\Controllers\PathwaysController::class, 'store']
Run php artisan route:list to view your routes
Fixed it. Turns out there wasn't a problem with my routes at all.
The problem was that I had vertical navs and tab-panes on that page, and most of them had a form in them. I had not closed the form in one of the tab-panes and so this form was getting submitted to the action of the form above in that page.
i.e. Make sure to close forms using:
{{ Form::close() }}

Laravel 5.7 Pagination Customization

$users = Student::paginate(2);
I was trying to paginate some data with paginate function() but am want to show only data no links
You can customize the way pagination is displayed, first step:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-pagination
This command publishes the pagination views under the resources/views/vendor directory.
Here you can modify files as you want, the bootstrap-4.blade.php file is the default view for pagination.
You can find more info in the laravel official documentation
Using the $students->links() is optional if yo have a custom blade file showing pagination. However, if you do not need detailed pagination, you can use simplePaginate
$students = Student::simplePaginate(2);
And then in blade file just loop through it :
#foreach($students as $student)
Show student details
If you want to show just next or prev page links then you can use $students->links(), otherwise do not use links at all.
it's simple you must create a function to display your students in your template, add this code in your controller :
public function index()
$students = Student::paginate(10);
return view('student.index', ['students ' => $students ]);
And on the bottom of your template for example views\student\index.blade.php add :
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
{{ $students->links() }}
if you want display additional pagination information use the following methods: :
Paginator Instance Methods

how to put routing and pages together

I am pretty new to Laravel, I am so confused on how to start this. but basically I have a switch statement with different display mode cases and what I am trying to do is to connect routing with blade. How do I display $mycontent in blade based on cases like these ? Thanks
switch(MyPage::$some_display_mode) {
case 'normal':
$mycontent //this is what I want to display in blade
case 'ajax':
case 'other'
I want to connect these cases normal,ajax ,other etc with with different MyPages that I have so that I can display my blade files something like this
whatever comes from the pages
You can use route groups and do something similar to this:
Route::group( [ 'prefix' => 'AJAX', 'namespace' => 'AJAX' ], function() {
Route::get( '/something', 'ajaxController#doSomething' );
There is multiple ways to group routes shown here:
laravel grouped routing
Then handle returning the view in the controller and the use template-inheritance as explaned here:
laravel template-inheritance
This way will allow you to group and keep your routes organized

Laravel Pagination links not including other GET parameters

I am using Eloquent together with Laravel 4's Pagination class.
Problem: When there are some GET parameters in the URL, eg: http://site.example/users?gender=female&body=hot, the pagination links produced only contain the page parameter and nothing else.
Blade Template
{{ $users->link() }}
There's a ->append() function for this, but when we don't know how many of the GET parameters are there, how can we use append() to include the other GET parameters in the paginated links without a whole chunk of if code messing up our blade template?
I think you should use this code in Laravel version 5+.
Also this will work not only with parameter page but also with any other parameter(s):
Personally, I try to avoid using Facades as much as I can. Using global helper functions is less code and much elegant.
Do not use Input Facade as it is deprecated in Laravel v6+
EDIT: Connor's comment with Mehdi's answer are required to make this work. Thanks to both for their clarifications.
->appends() can accept an array as a parameter, you could pass Input::except('page'), that should do the trick.
return view('manage/users', [
'users' => $users->appends(Input::except('page'))
You could use
Example in the Controller:
$users = User::search()->order()->with('type:id,name')
return view('users.index', compact('users'));
Example in the View:
{{ $users->appends(request()->query())->links() }}
Be aware of the Input::all() , it will Include the previous ?page= values again and again in each page you open !
for example if you are in ?page=1 and you open the next page, it will open ?page=1&page=2 So the last value page takes will be the page you see ! not the page you want to see
Solution : use Input::except(array('page'))
Laravel 7.x and above has added new method to paginator:
So you can use it like:
{{ $users->withQueryString()->links() }}
For laravel below 7.x use:
{{ $users->appends(request()->query())->links() }}
Not append() but appends()
So, right answer is:
{!! $records->appends(Input::except('page'))->links() !!}
The view must contain something like:
{!! $myItems->appends(Input::except('page'))->render() !!}
Use this construction, to keep all input params but page
{!! $myItems->appends(Request::capture()->except('page'))->render() !!}
1) you strip down everything that added to request like that
$request->request->add(['variable' => 123]);
2) you don't need $request as input parameter for the function
3) you are excluding "page"
PS) and it works for Laravel 5.1
In Your controller after pagination add withQueryString() like below
$post = Post::paginate(10)->withQueryString();
Include This In Your View
for who one in laravel 5 or greater
in blade:
{{ $table->appends(['id' => $something ])->links() }}
you can get the passed item with
test it with
you must get $something value
In Laravel 7.x you can use it like this:
{{ $results->withQueryString()->links() }}
Pass the page number for pagination as well. Some thing like this
$currentPg = Input::get('page') ? Input::get('page') : '1';
$boards = Cache::remember('boards' . $currentPg, 60, function() {
return WhatEverModel::paginate(15);
Many solution here mention using Input...
Input has been removed in Laravel 6, 7, 8
Use Request instead.
Here's the blade statement that worked in my Laravel 8 project:
Where $data is the PHP object containing the paginated data.
Thanks to Alexandre Danault who pointed this out in this comment.
