how to put routing and pages together - laravel

I am pretty new to Laravel, I am so confused on how to start this. but basically I have a switch statement with different display mode cases and what I am trying to do is to connect routing with blade. How do I display $mycontent in blade based on cases like these ? Thanks
switch(MyPage::$some_display_mode) {
case 'normal':
$mycontent //this is what I want to display in blade
case 'ajax':
case 'other'
I want to connect these cases normal,ajax ,other etc with with different MyPages that I have so that I can display my blade files something like this
whatever comes from the pages

You can use route groups and do something similar to this:
Route::group( [ 'prefix' => 'AJAX', 'namespace' => 'AJAX' ], function() {
Route::get( '/something', 'ajaxController#doSomething' );
There is multiple ways to group routes shown here:
laravel grouped routing
Then handle returning the view in the controller and the use template-inheritance as explaned here:
laravel template-inheritance
This way will allow you to group and keep your routes organized


laravel route::post wrong method gets called

Starting off with a bit of background information, i have 3 models - Course, Pathway, Module.
Course HAS-MANY Pathway
Pathway HAS-MANY Module
Course HAS-MANY-THROUGH Module (through Pathway)
I have set up routes for creating Course, Pathway and Module. However, when I try to save the newly created model instance, it calls the wrong route method - does not even hit the store method of the relevant Controller
I understand that the order of the routes is important. I tried changing them around but it still does not work as intended.
Here's what I have so far
// modules
Route::get('/courses/{course}/edit/pathways/{pathway}/modules/create', [App\Http\Controllers\ModulesController::class, 'create'])->name('createModule');
Route::post('/courses/{course}/edit/pathways/{pathway}/modules', [App\Http\Controllers\ModulesController::class, 'store'])->name('storeModule');
// Pathways
Route::get('/courses/{course}/edit/pathways/create', [App\Http\Controllers\PathwaysController::class, 'create'])->name('createPathway');
Route::get('/courses/{course}/pathways/{pathway}/edit', [App\Http\Controllers\PathwaysController::class, 'edit'])->name('editPathway');
Route::delete('/courses/{course}/pathways/{pathway}', [App\Http\Controllers\PathwayController::class, 'destroy'])->name('destroyPathway');
Route::post('/courses/{course}/edit/pathways', [App\Http\Controllers\PathwaysController::class, 'store'])->name('storePathway');
// VQs/Qualifications
Route::resource('courses', App\Http\Controllers\CourseController::class, [
'names' => [
'index' => 'allCourses',
'create' => 'createCourse',
'store' => 'storeCourse',
'show' => 'showCourse',
'edit' => 'editCourse',
'update' => 'updateCourse',
'destroy' => 'destroyCourse',
The problem is that when I try to store a Pathway or Module, it hits the Route::post('/courses/{course}') route.
I tried changing around the order of the routes, but none of that worked. I've also made sure that the create forms action is of the right Url Route. its all still the same.
I also can't tell which controller method is being called. Tried doing a dd() on CourseController#create, PathwaysController#create, ModulesController#create but none of them get hit.
Any help as to why this is happening will be greetly appreciated
here are some of my routes:
Since your URLs are quite similar.
How about refactoring your URL.
Also, writing a cleaner code would save you lots of headaches.
At the top:
use App\Http\Controllers\ModulesController;
use App\Http\Controllers\PathwaysController;
'{course}/edit/pathways/{pathway}/create', //e.g: modules/courses/engligh/edit/pathways/languages/create
[ModulesController::class, 'create']
)->name('create'); //modules.create
[App\Http\Controllers\ModulesController::class, 'store']
)->name('store'); //
'{course}/edit/pathways/create', //e.g: courses/english/edit/pathways/create
[PathwaysController::class, 'create']
)->name('create'); //courses.create
[App\Http\Controllers\PathwaysController::class, 'edit']
[App\Http\Controllers\PathwayController::class, 'destroy']
[App\Http\Controllers\PathwaysController::class, 'store']
Run php artisan route:list to view your routes
Fixed it. Turns out there wasn't a problem with my routes at all.
The problem was that I had vertical navs and tab-panes on that page, and most of them had a form in them. I had not closed the form in one of the tab-panes and so this form was getting submitted to the action of the form above in that page.
i.e. Make sure to close forms using:
{{ Form::close() }}

Using Laravel Inertia.js, Vue and Blade in parallel?

Is there a way to use Laravel Blade for one part of a multipage site (e-commerce), and Inertia/Vue for some specific pages (like the basket and the admin pages)? Not mixing the two on the same pages, as I see it done with other commentaries.
The first category is a load of pages that are merely static, need fast loading and robust SEO referencing (product pages and catalogues). The second do not need to be indexed, but need a lot of user interactions.
I have tried a few things with my first project, but I don’t seem to be able to call Laravel routes when Inertia is active. Plus it would not really make sense to load all Inertia and Vue in the Blade pages. So as a starter I guess I would need to load the Inertia + Vue code only on the Vue pages (admin and basket). And I guess there are a lot of other issues to take care of.
Or maybe scrap Inertia.js, and just load vanilla Vue.js on the Vue pages? But then that means loading the router and the datastore as well...
Many thanks for any idea on the best way to proceed!
You can mix pages as you want:
1. For Inertia pages.
// View:
<inertia-link href="/dashboard">dashboard</inertia-link>
// Laravel controller:
public function index(Request $request)
return Inertia::render('Dashboard/Index', [
'data' => [
// ...
2. Blade pages.
// View:
// Laravel controller:
public function index(Request $request)
return view('dashboard.index', [
'data' => [
// ...

How to make redirection to some vue form from laravel's control?

In my Laravel 5.6 application with vue.js 2.5.7 I and vue-router 3
I use Socialite for login into the system
and in case of success I need to make redirection to some vue form with success message and next options available.
For this I make redirection like:
$url= $site_hosting . "/home";
return redirect()->route($url, [])->with([
'text' => 'google_new_user',
'type' => 'success',
'action' => 'successful_login'
where url has value like
the question is that I do not know how redirecting from Laravel control to point to Vue component, defined in resources/assets/js/app.js file as
const routes = [
components: {
notFound: NotFound,
How can it be done ?
Thank you for the link, but actually I did not catch the decision.
I see in laravel's route file url with "vue_capture" defintion,
but in url examples there are
and “storage” in reg expression. What are "storage"/"vue_capture" some predefined names for some actions ?
Could you, please, give some detailed explanations how it would work, as I need FROM lasravel's action to open vue form?
Also I starting working with vue reading some docs/videos and now my router is defined as :
const router = new VueRouter( {
mode: 'hash', // default
with a lot of routes defined.
I mean mode has different value here. Will this example work with this option ?
Check out vue router.
Here's an in depth tutorial

Laravel href redirection

So I've started using Laravel and I found it very easy and now I'm creating my own restful services. My problem is I don't know if I am doing the href link correct, but yes it is working. Here is the code:
Add user
And in my controller I just render the blade:
public function create()
return view('accounts.create');
So if I click the link Add user, it will redirect me to localhost:8080/accounts/create which is working well. My question is, is there a better way of doing this? Like if ever I changed any in my routes file, I will not change anymore the href link?
Ideally, you will name the route in your routes file.
Something like,
Route::get('accounts/create', [as => 'createAccount', 'uses' => 'AccountsController#create']);
You will use it as follows
Add user
in your view.
This way, even if you change the url (accounts/create), or the action name (create), you will not have to change it in the view. Allows your view to be independent.
What you can do is give your route a name using the as key in the array in the second argument of your route:
Route::get('accounts/create', [
'as' => 'accounts.create',
'uses' => 'AccountController#create'
Then you can refer to this route in your application by it's name and it'll go to the same place even if you happen to change the URL. For an anchor tag you can do the following:
{{ URL::route('accounts.create') }}
If you're using a resource controller there will be predefined routes which you can see here under Actions Handled By Resource Controller:
You can always get a quick overview of your available routes and their names by running php artisan route:list
Route::get('accounts/create', array('as' => 'signup', 'uses' => 'UserController#create'));
Add user
This route is named as "signup" and you can change the url anytime as:
Route::get('accounts/signup', array('as' => 'signup', 'uses' => 'UserController#create'));
Yes, you can use the action() helper to call a method inside a controller and generate the route to it automatically on demand.
So let's consider you have a controller called FrontendController.php and a method called showFrontend( $section), and assuming that you have a route that matches this controller and method (let's say "frontend/show/{$section}", you can call:
action('FrontendController#showFrontend', array( 'index' ) )
That will return:
So basically it looks for the route associated to that method/controller. You can combine this with other helpers to create a whole URL.
NOTE: Consider the namespaces, in case that you have different folder for controllers, nested resources, etc.
I hope it helps!

Laravel 4: Unable to generate a URL for the named route "login" as such route does not exist

I'm creating an authorization system in my Laravel 4 project. I am trying to use the auth "before" filter.
In my routes.php file, I have:
Route::get('viewer', array('before' => 'auth', function() {
return View::make('lead_viewer');
Route::get('login', 'LoginController');
The before filter calls this line in the filters.php file:
Route::filter('auth', function()
if (Auth::guest()) return Redirect::route('login');
I can manually navigate to my login route. But the auth system isn't letting this happen. I've run composer dump-autoload a couple of times, so that isn't the problem. What am I doing, since I can actually load the login page if I do it manually?
I figure it out. Laravel is looking for a named route: I had to do this:
Route::get('login', array('as' => 'login', function() {
return View::make('login');
An interesting, not very intuitive approach in Laravel. But there must be a reason Taylor did this that I'm not seeing.
To do what you were trying to do in your initial approach you could have just done:
Route::filter('auth', function()
if (Auth::guest()) return Redirect::to('/login');
and it would have worked just fine.
If you want to use named routes then you do what you posted in your answer to your own question. Essentially...more than one way to skin a cat.
Hope that helps
I know you've probably solved this by now but after stumbling across your post while trying to solve a similar problem, I wanted to share my thoughts...
Laravel is NOT looking for a named route for the guest method, it is expecting a path.
Your example works because because the named route and the path are the same i.e. "login". Try changing your URL to something other than 'login' and watch it fail.
If you want to use a named route you should use the route helper method as so...
if (Auth::guest()) return Redirect::guest( route('login') )
Hope that helps someone.
