Oracle Designer wants the OCI.dll - oracle

I have a problem with the Oracle Designer 10g which I have downloaded recently. The problem is that the program is missing the OCI.dll file. Due to this file I can't open it the program.
How to solve the problem?

Here is a link to an oracle client that will install an OCI.dll on your windows system.
The other thing to check before you do this is to ensure that the Windows environment variable include a path to the oracle bin folder
Running echo $PATH from the command line will show all the existing variables. If you do not see a path to an Oracle Bin folder then you need to add the path if it exists or install the client


Problem in Oracle 19c installation on Windows 10

I am trying to Run setup.exe as part of Oracle 19c installation on windows 10.
I have downloaded the zip file and extracted it in a folder inside C drive.
When I try to run setup.exe by right click and run as administrator option, a command prompt just flashes for a split of a second and nothings starts after that.
I have found the solution:
After extraction, rename the extracted directory to db_home
Move the db_home directory to the root of your Hard Drive ( in my case its C:\db_home )
run setup.exe as an administrator.
You will see a cmd window pop up and then the red window with the Oracle symbol in it.
Do NOT skip step 2nd step as that is how I was finally able to get it to install.
This also worked with 19c.
I also faced the problem. After seeing this thread, in a while, I figured it out. Apparently, keeping the db_home folder inside a folder that has space in its name caused me the same issue.
I had the same problem and read something about problems with extremely long paths in packages and using the native Windows unzip utility. I unzipped the package using 7-zip instead and it solved the problem.
I was trying to install from d partition and does not work. Then I just move all the installation folder to c partition and it works fine.
I'm an Oracle DBA and I don't know when the change happened or what the source of issue is, but when installing the Oracle client you can no longer have a space " " in the path for the Oracle setup.exe file.
It doesn't matter what utility extracted the files or what drive or path is used (except there is and always has been an issue with very long path names) - it just cannot have a space in the path.
I hope this helps.
This issue has a simple solution:
When we run the Setup file we see a flash CMD in the background...
Your System Environment variable path(DB home) has Space in it.
It should be no space(db_home)
This personally works for me to install.

I could not find a NETWORK\ADMIN folder in ORACLE installtion path

I have installed oracle 11g 64 bit version followed by 32 bit version.
I have heard that the TNS files will be in the folder structure - ...NETWORK\ADMIN folder in ORACLE installation path.
But there is no such folder created after oracle installation/
Following #NidhinSPradeep suggestion I've reinstalled 12.2 client using Runtime option and it resolved the issue.
My machine had 12.1 32-bit Oracle client installed first at C:\app\client\administrator\product\12.1.0\client_1
and 12.2 64-bit installed second at C:\app\client\%UserName%\product\12.2.0\client_1
12.2 was installed as InstantClient type and NETWORK\ADMIN folder was missing for this installation.
This generated following error while using OraClient12Home1(64bit) in Toad Data Point:
[Oracle Database Error] Server did not respond within the specified timeout interval
I've reinstalled 12.2 client using Runtime option. NETWORK\ADMIN folder appeared and Toad Data Point error got resolved. If you reinstalling same version, change location from suggested (client_2) to whatever your existing location. Generally it is client_1.
Check your ORACLE_HOME if correctly points to the given directory in the system variables. It may be sometimes Oracle would not be able to find the mentioned ORACLE_HOME directory.
Other probable reason would be the directory permissions. Make sure that all directories and subdirectories have proper permissions for the user from which Oracle is being installed.
Hope that helps :)

sql developer, strange error while

After installing Oracle Db, Sql developer is asking "Enter the full pathname for java.exe" .
I have installed java deveopment kit, so I browse for java exe file in jdk1.8.0_151 /bin. After clicking ok, the same widnow with the same msg is still there ("Enter the full pathname for java.exe"), does anybody know how to fix that?
I have tried to reinstall , but nothing changed.
Did you consider downloading Windows 64-bit with JDK 8 included so that you wouldn't need to worry about JDK? Installation notes say:
This archive includes both SQL Developer and an embedded copy of the Java 8 Development Kit (JDK). Simply extract the zip to a fresh directory and run the sqldeveloper.exe in the top directory. The EXE is configured to run the embedded JDK by default.
More info here.

PHP 5.3.1 not loading php_oci8.dll on Windows

I'm trying to load the oracle extension on php but im having the error:
Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'D:\Program Files\xampp\php\ext\php_oci8.dll' - The specified procedure could not be found.
in Unknown on line 0
I have done so far:
Included on windows path the the fullpath of oracle instant client
on php.ini, the extension_dir is pointing to the right place
on php.ini extension=php_oci8.dll is ok
restarted the apache, and nothing works.
Problem solved by copying the files orannzsbb11.dll , oci.dll and oraociei11.dll to c:\windows\system32
I solved this problem by adding "C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\v5.3\ext" to my Windows PATH environment variable. You'll just have to remember to change the path if you upgrade PHP. I think this is better than copying dlls which could lead to issues down the road if you end up with multiple dlls with different versions on the same machine.
You will need to download Oracle Instant client from this hyperlink .
Add the path to the instant client on the user environment vriables and the system variables.
For me, this was caused by not having the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (for VC9) installed. I had to get the x64 package as I'm running Windows 7 64bit. Hopefully this helps someone with the same problem. After installing it, PHP no longer reported those errors.
Possibly quite obvious to some, but wasn't initially for me: if you're still seeing this The specified procedure could not be found. in Unknown on line 0 error, even after installing the instant client, SDK, and so on - make sure you put the Oracle instant client path in your system "PATH" variable, not the user variable, as user obviously doesn't get used when Apache runs. You can verify that the instant client path is set properly by reviewing the PATH value shown in your phpinfo() output.
I found the main cause behind this issue is the oci8 driver version of oracle. Finally i was able to connect to oracle and the steps i described here at

How to change settings for SQL Developer to correctly recognize current version of SDK

I've installed Oracle 11g r2 to my machine and when I opened Oracle SQL Developer it says: java 1.6.0_02 is not supported and telling me to install new java version.
Then I've installed JDK 1.6.0_27 and set the path in environment variables and run Oracle SQL Developer again, but the same error occurred.
How can I change the settings for Oracle SQL Developer to recognize 1.6.0_27 as my SDK?
In windows 10, I needed to go to following folder and change following product.conf file and set SetJavaHome directive.
in my machine:
with following line.
SetJavaHome C:\Tools\oraclejdk8
Thanks to comment from #thatjeffsmith, in MacOS or Linux/Unix, go to:
to set same SetJavaHome directive.
sqldeveloper.conf under sqldeveloper/bin in the SQLDeveloper base directory has an entry for the java home being used.
(So, on Windows, if you have unzipped SQLDeveloper to C:\sqldev then sqldeveloper.conf is under C:\sqldev\sqldeveloper\bin)
Something like:
SetJavaHome C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20
Quit SQLDeveloper, remove this entry and relaunch SQLDeveloper. You should be prompted for the location of Java.
Go to sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin and edit sqldeveloper.conf file.
There you'll see
SetJavaHome C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_21
Change it to correct jdk path
With SQL Developer 19.1 (2018) I tried to install it with Java 11 but it failed, so for luck I still have an old java 8 version jdk8u202-b08.
If that happens you need to remove this folder
And then run the exe again
Yes, Oracle just made a dumb installation package to makes us waste our time...good job guys!!!
The thing is, there should be a wizard/installer to configure the java path, this is because the jdk that comes pre-configured just doesn't work. Personally, I had to edit to the sqldeveloper.conf
under sqldeveloper\bin just has Nivas said and change the pre-configured path "SetJavaHome ../../jdk" to "SetJavaHome C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_73" - for earlier versions of sqldeveloper it's a requirement to have Java8 and be sure that if you install SQLDeveloper x64 version that the java version that you set in your path is also x64.
If you have MacOS:
->SQLDeveloper didn't worked on 15.0.1.(Oracle has mentioned that Developer supports either Oracle JDK 8 or 11.)
->Install JDK8 (macOSx64)
->Go to cd /Users/amritshukla/.sqldeveloper/20.4.1
->Edit product.conf to add this line: SetJavaHome /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_291.jdk/Contents/Home
->Launch SQLDeveloper
This workaround helped many people (including me) during the last 12 months, so you must try it if you still have the problem:
Go to sqldeveloper\jdk\jre\bin folder and locate "msvcr100.dll"
Copy this dll to C:\Windows\System32 folder
Obs: you will need to provide administrator authorization to finish the file copy, so you must be logged on as a true windows administrator.
After copying the file, just try to start the sqldeveloper again. No reboot needed.
Hope this helps you too!
If you have MacOS :
Get the JDK home path
eg: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-11.0.4.jdk/Contents/Home
Go to
eg : cd /Users/sarath_sukumaran/.sqldeveloper/19.2.1
Edit product.conf to set SetJavaHome
eg : SetJavaHome /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-11.0.4.jdk/Contents/Home
Re-open the SQL Developer and check the Java version from 'About Oracle SQL Developer' > Version
Adding a solution for Mac.
Edit this file: /Applications/
Uncomment the below line for SetJavaHome and give it the full path to JDK1.8. As of today, it does not work with JDK 11.
# By default, the product launcher will search for a JDK to use. If you wish
# to specify a JDK to use for all users of this install, uncomment the line
# below and set the path the the preferred JDK
# SetJavaHome /path/jdk
If you are using SQL developer > 4.x you can find this setting at this location on windows:
<USER HOME PATH>\AppData\Roaming\sqldeveloper\<VERSION>\product.conf
and change SetJavaHome to your JDK path. You can get the user home path on the command prompt using %homepath%.
Building on top of other answers:
For macOS 12.3.1 (M1 processor), SQL Developer 21.4.3, using sdkman to install Zulu 11.
mkdir -p ~/.sqldeveloper/21.4.3 (this directory didn't exist so I had to create it)
echo 'SetJavaHome $HOME/.sdkman/candidates/java/11.0.15-zulu/zulu-11.jdk/Contents/Home' >> ~/.sqldeveloper/21.4.3/product.conf
One solution is to install the latest Oracle SQL Developer. Link # SQL Developer Downloads . This installation will install and use the latest Java version 1.8.x.
The sqldeveloper.conf file resides at a newer location at ...\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin .
In order to change the version of SDK linked to your SQL developer, uninstall the other versions of SDK and install the required version. Once you install the required version, try running SQL developer it will automatically prompt you to attach the path. ANd you can provide the new path.
None of the sqldeveloper.conf had an entry in my case, and i downloaded another zip installation, which gave me same error for same JDK versoin, without me configuring anything, S
Issue: I was getting following error when try to open oracle sql developer
Oracle SQL Developer
Unable to launch the Java Virtual Machine
Located at path:
C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-8.0.322.6-hotspot\jre\bin\msvcr100.dll
File msvcr100.dll was missing in the location *C:\Program
Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-8.0.322.6-hotspot\jre\bin*.
copied that file from C:\Windows\System32\msvcr100.dll TO
C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-8.0.322.6-hotspot\jre\bin*
This helped me to lauch the oracle SQL developer.
