Receiving null parameters from request in JSP file when are being sent - ajax

I've a JSP app. It uploads a file, but to do so the user has to authenticate using a name and a password. So my JSP file starts with:
//0.2.- We get the password
String password = (String) request.getParameter("pass"); // -> This returns NULL
//0.3.- We get the "uvus"
String uvus = (String) request.getParameter("uvus"); //-> This also returns NULL
//More code
So I'm trying to know why am I getting null from those variables.
I went to the form I was uploading, and look for the data that was being sent. Using Firefox Debug Tools, I saw:
So in fact, it was being sent.
As additional info, I'm building the request like this:
var pUvus = document.getElementById("uvus").value;
var pPassword = document.getElementById("pass").value;
var file = document.getElementById("userFile");
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("upload", file.files[0]);
formData.append("uvus", pUvus);
formData.append("pass", pPassword);"POST","uploadFile.jsp",true);
At last, I would like to say that I can get vars from application object in the same JSP with no errors, and have received in another pair of JSP files vars at request object without more problems, so I think my fault should be in the way I'm building the request in Ajax, but I've no more clue about that...
Anyone can guide me?
Thanks for your help
Update: #rickz asked for how do I get the file and parse the request (what is done after my problem, trying to get the objects from the request scope):
List items;
items = servlet_up.parseRequest(request);
for(int i=0;i<items.size();i++)
FileItem item = (FileItem) items.get(i);
if (! item.isFormField())

request.getParameter() won't work for a multipart/form-data request.
If you are using org.apache.commons.fileupload then you should be using something like
name = item.getFieldName();


Unable to view PDF attached with ServiceNow table records

I am able to successfully attach PDF file with ServiceNow table record using GlideSysAttachment API and attachment.write() function in script, however whenever I download and try to open same, I get the error shown in below screenshot.
Code snippet
(function execute() {
var rec = new GlideRecord('incident');
var attachment = new GlideSysAttachment();
var incidentSysID = incident.number;
var fileName = 'Test_Incident.pdf';
var contentType = 'application/pdf'; // Also tried with contentType as 'text/pdf'
var content = pdf_content;
var agr = attachment.write(rec, fileName, contentType, content);<br>'The PDF attachment sys_id is: ' + agr);
gs.log('Got Error: ' + err);;
I also tried "AttachmentCreator" with ecc_queue within script but same error occurs. Below is code for it.
(function execute()
{var attCreator = new GlideRecord('ecc_queue');
attCreator.agent = "AttachmentCreator";
attCreator.topic = "AttachmentCreator"; = "Test.pdf" + ":" + "text/pdf";
//Also tried, "Test.pdf:application/pdf"
attCreator.source = "incident"+":"+ incident.number;
// Record Table name and sys_id of the particular record
var content = pdf_content; // pdf_content is any string variable
var stringUtil = new GlideStringUtil();
var base64String = stringUtil.base64Encode(content);
var isValid=GlideStringUtil.isBase64(base64String);
var base64String= gs.base64Encode(content);"Is valid base64 format in ecc_queue ? "+ isValid);
attCreator.payload = base64String; //base64 content of the file
I am able to attach and view excel and word files with similar scripts without any issues. I have checked system properties for attachments but everything looks fine. I am able to view the PDF file uploaded from UI to particular table records however not the one I attach via REST API or scripts.
I have also tried sending encoded data as bytes, base64 or simple string but nothing seems to work. I don't get any errors and attachment id is returned each time on creation of attachment.
After modifying my code slightly for above functions w.r.t scoped application instead of global; I got some information from logs when I debug:
05:38:38.411 Security restricted: File type is not allowed or does not match the content for file Test.pdf
05:38:38.410 Security restricted: MIME type mismatch for file: Test.pdf. Expected type:application/pdf, Actual type: text/plain
05:38:38.394 App:XYZ App x_272539_xyz_ap: Is valid base64 format in ecc_queue ? true
First a comment: This line in your code is accidentally working -- make sure you understand that a task number is not the object sys_id
var incidentSysID = incident.number; // should be incident.sys_id
Next, it's unclear where the PDF content is coming from. IF your complete code is listed, I would expect the errors given as you have noted that pdf_content is "any string variable."
ServiceNow does have a the capability to create a PDF from an HTML argument.
Generating a PDF from HTML
Here's a helpful blog post for getting a PDF (Platform generated) of an existing record:
Love PDF? PDF loves you too

How to include json as a query parameter in Zapier app

I am trying to create a Zapier app to create a new invoice in Zoho.
Has the requirements: Content-Type: application: x-www-form-urlencoded and input JSON string should be passed using JSONString parameter
The following URI is working for me in REST console when I set the Content Type to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" and method POST.{"customer_id":"xxxxxx","line_items":[{"item_id":"xxxxxx"}]}
However my problem is trying to implement this into Zapier. I think I need to use a function like below to convert the JSON into the right format, but I have no idea how to turn this into a query paramater called JSONString.
create_invoice_pre_write: function(bundle) {
var data = JSON.parse(; = $.param(data);
bundle.request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
return bundle.request;
Just need a point in the right direction. I'm not sure what to try next.
You can create an Invoice in Zoho Invoice through Zapier using the below snippet of code.
You can set the query params in bundle.request.params which you want to send it to ZI for the creation of Invoice.
create_invoice_pre_write: function(bundle)
var data = JSON.parse(;
bundle.request.method = "POST",
bundle.request.url = "",
bundle.request.params.authtoken = {authtoken},
bundle.request.params.organization_id = {organization_id},
bundle.request.params.JSONString = data
bundle.request.headers= "'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'";
return bundle.request;
This should be working for you. If you have any doubts do let me know.

Parse Rest API PUT not working for Unity WebGL

I am working on unity webgl build on our existing IOS running app. All the data about users are saving on Parse. I have implemented Rest API to communicate with Parse. Implemented Get and Post(without passing the method header) they are working fine but when i am trying to update the data using PUT :
string url = ""
string ObjectID = "ERd99Q0kmd"
string CallLink = url + "classes/PlayerProfile/" + ObjectID ;
string jsonString = "{\"TotalCoins\":40}";
WWWForm form = new WWWForm();
var headers = form.headers;
headers["X-Parse-Application-Id"] = appID;
headers["X-Parse-REST-API-Key"] = restapikey;
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
headers["Content-Length"] = jsonString.Length.ToString();
var encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
WWW www = new WWW(CallLink,encoding.GetBytes(jsonString),headers);
yield return www;
if (www.error != null)
Debug.Log( "CallGet:Error:"+www.error);
It gives Bad Request error. I also tried the header "Method" it also give Bad Request but when i tried "X-HTTP-Method-Override" it works in unity editor but still it doesn't working in Browser and getting following Error :
Request header field X-HTTP-Method-Override is not allowed by
Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response.
Please help me out how can i update the data.

servicestack - caching a service response using redis

I have a servicestack service which when called via the browser (restful) Url ex:http://localhost:1616/myproducts, it works fine.
The service method has RedisCaching enabled. So first time it hits the data repository and caches it for subsequent use.
My problem is when I try calling it from a c# client via Soap12ServiceClient. It returns the below error:
Error in line 1 position 183. Expecting element '<target response>'
from namespace '<target namespace>'..
Encountered 'Element' with name 'base64Binary',
namespace ''.
Below is my Client code:
var endpointURI = "";
using (IServiceClient client = new Soap12ServiceClient(endpointURI))
var request = new ProductRequest { Param1 = "xy23432"};
It seems that the soapwsdl used is giving the problem, but I appear to have used the defaults as generated by servicestack..
Any help will be much appreciated.
I was able over come this error by changing the cache code at the service end:
Code that returned error at client end:
return RequestContext.ToOptimizedResultUsingCache(this.CacheClient, cacheKey,
() =>
new ProductResponse(){CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
products = new productRepository().Getproducts(request)
Code that works now:
var result = this.CacheClient.Get<ProductResponse>(cacheKey);
if (result == null)
this.CacheClient.Set<ProductResponse>(cacheKey, productResult);
result = productResult;
return result;
But I am still curious to know why the first method (RequestContext.ToOptimizedResultUsingCache) returned error at c# client?
But I am still curious to know why the first method (RequestContext.ToOptimizedResultUsingCache) returned error at c# client?
From what I can tell, the ToOptimizedResultUsingCache is trying to pull a specific format (xml, html, json, etc) out of the cache based on the RequestContext's ResponseContentType (see code here and here). When using the Soap12ServiceClient the ResponseContentType is text/html (not sure if this is correct/intentional within ServiceStack). So what ToOptimizedResultUsingCache is pulling out of the cache is a string of html. The html string is being returned to the Soap12ServiceClient and causing an exception.
By pulling directly out of the cache you are bypassing ToOptimizedResultUsingCache's 'format check' and returning something the Soap12ServiceClient can handle.
** If you are using Redis and creating your key with UrnId.Create method you should see a key like urn:ProductResponse:{yourkey}.html
Thanks for your response paaschpa.
I revisited the code and I was able to fix it. Since your response gave me the direction, I have accepted your answer. Below is my fix.
I moved the return statement from RequestContext to the response DTO.
Code which throws error when used via c# client (code was returning entire requestcontext):
return RequestContext.ToOptimizedResultUsingCache(this.CacheClient, cacheKey,
() =>
new ProductResponse(){CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
products = new productRepository().Getproducts(request)
Fixed Code (return moved to response DTO):
RequestContext.ToOptimizedResultUsingCache(this.CacheClient, cacheKey,
() => {
return new ProductResponse(){CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
products = new productRepository().Getproducts(request)

ActionScript 3.0 To Send POST and get data from .Net 4 using MVC

I am trying to get my flash application to send a request back to the webserver so that it can get some information. So far after reading on stackoverflow for a while and on the net I have some code written, but its not quite working right. I need just a little help tying it all together.
Here is the controller for my webserver
// POST: /Home/HoneyPot
public ActionResult HoneyPot(bool GetData)
return View();
Here is the ActionScript code that is supposed to be making the request.
// get dynamic page element information
var myData:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://localhost:59418/HoneyPot");
myData.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
var vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
vars.Input = "GetData=true"; = vars;
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, gotPostData_Spiral);
function gotPostData_Spiral(anEvent:Event):void
var postData =;
Right now when I run the flash code I get this output back:
Error opening URL 'http://localhost:59418/HoneyPot'
Error: Error #2101: The String passed to URLVariables.decode() must be a URL-encoded query
string containing name/value pairs.
at Error$/throwError()
Thank you for the help
Instead of:
vars.Input = "GetData=true";
vars.GetData = "true";
