How to include json as a query parameter in Zapier app - zoho

I am trying to create a Zapier app to create a new invoice in Zoho.
Has the requirements: Content-Type: application: x-www-form-urlencoded and input JSON string should be passed using JSONString parameter
The following URI is working for me in REST console when I set the Content Type to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" and method POST.{"customer_id":"xxxxxx","line_items":[{"item_id":"xxxxxx"}]}
However my problem is trying to implement this into Zapier. I think I need to use a function like below to convert the JSON into the right format, but I have no idea how to turn this into a query paramater called JSONString.
create_invoice_pre_write: function(bundle) {
var data = JSON.parse(; = $.param(data);
bundle.request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
return bundle.request;
Just need a point in the right direction. I'm not sure what to try next.

You can create an Invoice in Zoho Invoice through Zapier using the below snippet of code.
You can set the query params in bundle.request.params which you want to send it to ZI for the creation of Invoice.
create_invoice_pre_write: function(bundle)
var data = JSON.parse(;
bundle.request.method = "POST",
bundle.request.url = "",
bundle.request.params.authtoken = {authtoken},
bundle.request.params.organization_id = {organization_id},
bundle.request.params.JSONString = data
bundle.request.headers= "'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'";
return bundle.request;
This should be working for you. If you have any doubts do let me know.


How do I use Hl7.Fhir.Rest client to search for HealthCareService's

I am completely new to FHIR and have stumbled upon this NuGet package "Hl7.Fhir.STU3" and want to use it to search for Healthcare Services as defined here:
I so far have this limited code and understand I need to pass some form of search criteria but have no idea how to proceed. All I ever get back from the NHS client is:
"Root object has no type indication (resourceType) and therefore cannot be used to construct an FhirJsonNode. Alternatively, specify a nodeName using the parameter."
My code is:
var settings = new FhirClientSettings
Timeout = 10,
PreferredFormat = ResourceFormat.Json,
PreferredReturn = Prefer.ReturnMinimal,
var client = new FhirClient("$ers.searchHealthcareServicesForPatient", settings);
client.RequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer g1112R_ccQ1Ebbb4gtHBP1aaaNM");
client.RequestHeaders.Add("nhsd-ers-ods-code", "R69");
client.RequestHeaders.Add("nhsd-ers-business-function", "REFERRING_CLINICIAN");
client.RequestHeaders.Add("X-Correlation-Id", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
var services = client.Search<HealthcareService>();
I would really appreciate any assistance.
The URL you have set as your FHIR server endpoint is actually the URL for the operation call, so that will not work. If you set the server URL to "", you should be able to use the FhirClient to do an operation call:
// Note that you have to send parameters in with your request, so set them up first:
var params = new Parameters();
params.Add("requestType", new Coding("", "APPOINTMENT_REQUEST"));
// etc...
var result = c.TypeOperation<HealthcareService>("ers.searchHealthcareServicesForPatient", params);
The $ sign in the original url is not part of the operation name, so I have omitted that in the request. The FhirClient will add the $ on the outgoing request.

How to add data to IndexedDb in service worker which are coming as http response from api

I have a application in codeigniter and angular framework. All its data are coming from api's that are we have created in codeigniter . Now i am trying make this application a pwa . so far,caching of static file and manifes.json are working ,but when it comes to storing those data in IndexedDb and retriving them i am confused how to that.Till now i have find only examples with static json being inserted into IndexedDb ,but i want to know how to store those http response in indexedDb, so that when it goes in offline mode it automatically provide data.Also in every page have more than one http response is coming so it should also provide right data to variables..
If you any part of question than just let me know ,I will try better to explain.
And thank you all in advance.
If the response from api is JSON or some similar sort of data file then you can store in indexDB as string or manipulate as you need.Here's an example of storing JSON as string.
//JSONfile is the response from your api.
var JSONstring = JSON.stringify(JSONfile)
// Storing JSON as string in indexDB
var dbPromise ='JSON-db', 1, function (upgradeDB) {
var keyValStore = upgradeDB.createObjectStore('JSONs')
keyValStore.put(JSONstring, 'samples')
//provide better key name so that you can retrieve it easily from indexDB
Other case if response is some sort of multimedia then you can convert it into blob and then store the blob in indexDB.
return fetch(new Request(prefetchThisUrl, { mode: 'no-cors' }))
.then((resp) => {
.then((blob) => {
return db.set(prefetchThisUrl, blob);
You can then get the information from indexDB when required.For a good understanding of storing and retrieving blob from indexDB you can visit this site:
And for providing right data on your page it's not an issue,you just need to make your logic to respond to request from indexDB.Here's how you can do it.
dbPromise.then(function (db) {
var tx = db.transaction('JSONs')
var keyValStore = tx.objectStore('JSONs')
return keyValStore.get('samples')
}).then(function (val) {
var JSONobject = JSON.parse(val)}

Export To Excel from Asp Net Web API Controller

I am working on New web application which is Using Web API as Business Layer and Knock out Js as client side frame work to binding. I have a requirement like Pass the certain search criteria to Web API Controller and get the Data from DB and Create and Send the Excel/MS-Word file on the fly as a downloadable content.
I am new to both the Web API and Knock out, I am searching on the Net and get partial solution and I am looking here to get more optimal solution for this use case.
Below is my code:
function GetExcelFile() {
var $downloadForm = $("<form method='POST'>")
.attr("action", baseUrl + "api/FileHandler/GetExcelFileTest")
.attr("target", "_blank")
On Button Click having this code snippet to create a form on the fly and Get response from Web API.
Web API Code:
public HttpResponseMessage GetExcelFileTest()
var response = new HttpResponseMessage();
//Create the file in Web App Physical Folder
string fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".xls";
string filePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(String.Format("~/FileDownload/{0}", fileName));
StringBuilder fileContent = new StringBuilder();
//Get Data here
DataTable dt = GetData();
if (dt != null)
string str = string.Empty;
foreach (DataColumn dtcol in dt.Columns)
fileContent.Append(str + dtcol.ColumnName);
str = "\t";
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
str = "";
for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++)
fileContent.Append(str + Convert.ToString(dr[j]));
str = "\t";
// write the data into Excel file
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileName.ToString(), false))
IFileProvider FileProvider = new FileProvider();
//Get the File Stream
FileStream fileStream = FileProvider.Open(filePath);
//Set response
response.Content = new StreamContent(fileStream);
response.Content.Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("attachment");
response.Content.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName = fileName;
response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/ms-excel");
response.Content.Headers.ContentLength = fileStream.Length;
//Delete the file
// File.Delete(filePath);
return response;
Using this code I am able to download an Excel File. Still I have some more open questions to make this code optimal.
Q1) I need to Pass view model(Search Criteria) to API Controller Using the dynamically create form ? (OR) Any better ways to get Excel file from Web API.
Q2) I am sure it's not a good way to create Excel file in Physical folder and Get FileStream and send as a respone. How to do on the fly ? OR any other optimal ways.
Please suggest me to do better ways.. Thanks
Q1) You can quite easily pass the view-model, but it's also similarly easy to pull that information from the posted form.
Passing the view-model
If you want to pass the view-model to a WebAPI method then remember that said method must take as a parameter an object with the same properties. So if the object that you wish to post back always has the same properties then it's trivial to build a server-side class with the same properties and receive an instance of that class.
To post back this client-side object you can do something like this (uses jQuery, which I see you're already using):
contentType: "application/json",
data: my-view-model.toJSON(),
type: "POST",
url: baseUrl + "api/FileHandler/GetExcelFileTest" });
I haven't attached any success or error handlers here because the JavaScript isn't concerned with the return, but you might wish to add some handlers in case an exception is thrown in your WebAPI method. I recommend doing that by adding the following to the above $.ajax() call:
statusCode: {
500: function(jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
[other HTTP error codes]
[Read the documentation for the $.ajax() call here.]
One additional tip here: when you call my-view-model.toJSON() (or self.toJSON(), if called from within your view-model) Knockout will first of all determine if your view-model contains a toJSON() method. If so, it will use this method; if not then it will call the browser's implementation of this function. However, the browser's implementation of this function will serialise everything, which can be particularly length if you have, for example, long select lists in your view-model. Therefore, if you wish only to send back a subset of the view-model's properties then define your own toJSON function on your view-model like so:
var toJSON = function() {
return {
Property1: ...,
Property2: ...
[Read more about converting a view-model to JSON here.]
Posting the form as-is
If you don't wish to expend the effort to do the view-model wiring then you can just post the form exactly like you have in your question. You can then retrieve the values from the form by using
You're probably right in pointing out that it's not wise to create the Excel file in the physical folder. However, as far as I'm aware (interested if someone says otherwise) you'll have to use a 3rd-party library for this. Microsoft do offer an Office automation library but I have a suspicion that you also need Office to be installed at the same location.
Creating Excel spreadsheets dynamically is something I've done several times but for the actual creation I use Aspose.Cells, which requires a license. Although I do create a physical version and then delete it, I believe Aspose.Cells may allow you to create it as a stream. But take a look around, there are certainly other libraries which offer Excel automation.
Returning the File from the Server
Calling $.ajax({...}) alone won't allow you to present the user with a "Save as..." dialog. What I do in this situation - and this won't work if you wish to store the generated file only in memory (FileStream, for example) and not on the file system - is to respond to the $.ajax({...}) call with a filename for the generated file.
The next step is to direct the user towards that filename.
So I have something like this in my JavaScript:
dataType: "json",
type: "GET", // you'll probably want POST in your case
url: ...,
success: function(response) {
if (response && response.Uri && response.Uri.length) {
window.location.href = [root URL] + response.Uri;
But don't be alarmed by this redirect. That window.location.href points directly to a folder on the server, no controller needed. Because the browser then receives a file it presents the "Save as..." dialog while remaining on the same webpage.

Receiving null parameters from request in JSP file when are being sent

I've a JSP app. It uploads a file, but to do so the user has to authenticate using a name and a password. So my JSP file starts with:
//0.2.- We get the password
String password = (String) request.getParameter("pass"); // -> This returns NULL
//0.3.- We get the "uvus"
String uvus = (String) request.getParameter("uvus"); //-> This also returns NULL
//More code
So I'm trying to know why am I getting null from those variables.
I went to the form I was uploading, and look for the data that was being sent. Using Firefox Debug Tools, I saw:
So in fact, it was being sent.
As additional info, I'm building the request like this:
var pUvus = document.getElementById("uvus").value;
var pPassword = document.getElementById("pass").value;
var file = document.getElementById("userFile");
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("upload", file.files[0]);
formData.append("uvus", pUvus);
formData.append("pass", pPassword);"POST","uploadFile.jsp",true);
At last, I would like to say that I can get vars from application object in the same JSP with no errors, and have received in another pair of JSP files vars at request object without more problems, so I think my fault should be in the way I'm building the request in Ajax, but I've no more clue about that...
Anyone can guide me?
Thanks for your help
Update: #rickz asked for how do I get the file and parse the request (what is done after my problem, trying to get the objects from the request scope):
List items;
items = servlet_up.parseRequest(request);
for(int i=0;i<items.size();i++)
FileItem item = (FileItem) items.get(i);
if (! item.isFormField())
request.getParameter() won't work for a multipart/form-data request.
If you are using org.apache.commons.fileupload then you should be using something like
name = item.getFieldName();

ActionScript 3.0 To Send POST and get data from .Net 4 using MVC

I am trying to get my flash application to send a request back to the webserver so that it can get some information. So far after reading on stackoverflow for a while and on the net I have some code written, but its not quite working right. I need just a little help tying it all together.
Here is the controller for my webserver
// POST: /Home/HoneyPot
public ActionResult HoneyPot(bool GetData)
return View();
Here is the ActionScript code that is supposed to be making the request.
// get dynamic page element information
var myData:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://localhost:59418/HoneyPot");
myData.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
var vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
vars.Input = "GetData=true"; = vars;
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, gotPostData_Spiral);
function gotPostData_Spiral(anEvent:Event):void
var postData =;
Right now when I run the flash code I get this output back:
Error opening URL 'http://localhost:59418/HoneyPot'
Error: Error #2101: The String passed to URLVariables.decode() must be a URL-encoded query
string containing name/value pairs.
at Error$/throwError()
Thank you for the help
Instead of:
vars.Input = "GetData=true";
vars.GetData = "true";
