How to find the dpi of a monitor on which a specific window is placed in linux? - xlib

I want to change the font size when my application window moves from one monitor to another depending on the underlying dpi of destination monitor.
I played with xrandr, xdpyinfo and xlib. I looked at the source code but I couldn't find a way to associate the monitor on which the window (window id) is placed.
Qt has QDesktopWidget, which provides physicalDpiX/Y but only (so it seems) for the primary monitor.
xrandr.h contains XRROutputInfo which delivers mm_width and mm_height, but how can I make the connection to a window id?
Since this question got some attention, I want so share my research. I haven not found a perfect solution. It looks like it's not possible.
But playing with the following code snip will probably help you. The idea is to calculate the underlying display by comparing the window position. If the position is larger then the first screen's resolution, and must be the 2nd monitor. Pretty straight forward.
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// compile: g++ screen_dimension.cpp -lX11 -lXrandr
int main()
int wid = atoi( getenv( "WINDOWID" ) );
printf("window id: %i\n", wid);
Display * dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
int screen = DefaultScreen(dpy);
Window root = DefaultRootWindow(dpy);
XRRScreenResources * res = XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent(dpy, root);
XRROutputInfo * output_info;
for (int i = 0; i < res->noutput; i++)
output_info = XRRGetOutputInfo (dpy, res, res->outputs[i]);
if( output_info->connection ) continue; // No connection no crtcs
printf(" (%lu %lu) mm Name: %s connection: %i ncrtc: %i \n", output_info->mm_width
, output_info->mm_height
, output_info->name
, output_info->connection
, output_info->ncrtc
for( int j = 0; j < output_info->ncrtc; j++ ) {
XRRCrtcInfo * crtc_info = XRRGetCrtcInfo( dpy, res, res->crtcs[ j ] );
if( not crtc_info->noutput ) continue;
printf("%i w: %5i h: %5i x: %5i y: %i\n", j
, crtc_info->width
, crtc_info->height
, crtc_info->x
, crtc_info->y
There are actually 2 functions to query resources about the screens:
XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent and XRRGetScreenResources. The first one returns some cached value, while the latter one asks the server which may introduce polling. The description (search for RRGetScreenResources):
Someone went through the trouble timing it:
XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent: Tipically from 20 to 100 us. h
XRRGetScreenResources: Typically from 13600 to 13700 us.

Ok, since there is no further discussion here and I am convinced my little program (see above) works, I declare it now as: Answered!
Compile instructions are
g++ screen_dimension.cpp -lX11 -lXrandr
(also added as comment above)

Why so complicated ?! Just get the info from screen where your window is attached.
double dDisplayDPI_H,dDisplayDPI_V;
dDisplayDPI_H = ((double)DisplayWidth( dpy, scr ))/(((double)DisplayWidthMM( dpy, scr ))/25.4);
dDisplayDPI_V = ((double)DisplayHeight( dpy, scr ))/(((double)DisplayHeightMM( dpy, scr ))/25.4);


Cannot get OpenAL to play sound

I've searched the net, I've searched here. I've found code that I could compile and it works fine, but for some reason my code won't produce any sound. I'm porting an old game to the PC (Windows,) and I'm trying to make it as authentic as possible, so I'm wanting to use generated wave forms. I've pretty much copied and pasted the working code (only adding in multiple voices,) and it still won't work (even thought the exact same code for a single voice works fine.) I know I'm missing something obvious, but I just cannot figure out what. Any help would be appreciated thank you.
First some notes... I was looking for something that would allow me to use the original methodology. The original system used paired bytes for music (sound effects - only 2 - were handled in code.) A time byte that counted down every time the routine was called, and a note byte that was played until time reached zero. this was done by patching into the interrupt vector, windows doesn't allow that, so I set up a timer that routing that accomplished the same thing. The timer kicks in, updates the display, and then runs the music sequence. I set this up with a defined time so that I only have one place to adjust the timing at (to get it as close as possible to the original sequence. The music is a generated wave form (and I've double checked the math, and even examined the generated data in debug mode,) and it looks good. The sequence looks good, but doesn't actually produce sound. I tried SDL2 first, and it's method of only playing 1 sound doesn't work for me, also, unless I make the sample duration extremely short (and the sound produced this way is awful,) I can't match the timing (it plays the entire sample through it's own interrupt without letting me make adjustments.) Also, blending the 3 voices together (when they all run with different timings,) is a mess. Most of the other engines I examined work in much the same way, they want to use their own callback interrupt and won't allow me to tweak it appropriately. This is why I started working with OpenAL. It allows multiple voices (sources,) and allows me to set the timings myself. On advice from several forums, I set it up so that the sample lengths are all multiples of full cycles.
Anyway, here's the code.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
FreeConsole(); //Get rid of the DOS console, don't need it
if (InitLog() < 0) return -1; //Start logging
SDL_Event event;
InitVideo(false); //Set to window for now, will put options in later
curmusic = 5;
while (event.type != SDL_KEYDOWN) SDL_PollEvent(&event);
return 0;
void CALLBACK TimerProc(HWND hWind, UINT Msg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime)
void InitAudio(void)
ALCdevice *dev;
ALCcontext *cxt;
Log("Initializing OpenAL Audio\r\n");
dev = alcOpenDevice(NULL);
if (!dev) {
Log("Failed to open an audio device\r\n");
cxt = alcCreateContext(dev, NULL);
if(!cxt) {
Log("Failed to create audio context\r\n");
if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) {
Log("Error during buffer creation\r\n");
alGenSources(4, Source);
if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) {
Log("Error during source creation\r\n");
void PlayMusic()
static int oldsong, ofset, mtime[4];
double freq;
ALuint srate = 44100;
ALuint voice, i, note, len, hold;
short buf[4][_BUFFSIZE_];
bool test[4] = {false, false, false, false};
if (curmusic != oldsong) {
oldsong = (int)curmusic;
if (curmusic > 0)
ofset = moffset[(curmusic - 1)];
for (voice = 1; voice < 4; voice++)
mtime[voice] = 0;
if (curmusic == 0) return;
//Only 3 voices for music, but have
for (voice = 0; voice < 3; voice ++) { // 4 set asside for eventual sound effects
if (mtime[voice] == 0) { //is note finished
alSourceStop(Source[voice]); //It is, so stop the channel (source)
mtime[voice] = music[ofset++]; //Get the next duration
if (mtime[voice] == 0) {oldsong = 0; return;} //zero marks end, so restart
note = music[ofset++]; //Get the next note
if (note > 127) { //Old HW data was designed for could only
if (note == 255) note = 127; //use values 128 - 255 (255 = 127)
freq = (15980 / (voice + (int)(voice / 3))) / (256 - note); //freq of note
len = (ALuint)(srate / freq); //A single cycle of that freq.
hold = len;
while (len < (srate / (1000 / _FREQ_))) len += hold; //Multiply till 1 interrup cycle
while (len > _BUFFSIZE_) len -= hold; //Don't overload buffer
if (len == 0) len = _BUFFSIZE_; //Just to be safe
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) //calculate sine wave and put in buffer
buf[voice][i] = (short)((32760 * sin((2 * M_PI * i * freq) / srate)));
alBufferData(Buffer[voice], AL_FORMAT_MONO16, buf[voice], len, srate);
alSourcei(openAL.Source[i], AL_LOOPING, AL_TRUE);
alSourcei(Source[i], AL_BUFFER, Buffer[i]);
} else --mtime[voice];
Well, it turns out there were 3 problems with my code. First, you have to link the built wave buffer to the AL generated buffer "before" you link the buffer to the source:
alBufferData(buffer,AL_FORMAT_MONO16,&wave_sample,sample_lenght * sizeof(short),frequency);
Also in the above example, I multiplied the sample_length by how many bytes are in each sample (in this case "sizeof(short)".
The final problem was that you need to un-link a buffer from the source before you change the buffer data
The music would play, but not correctly until I added that line to the note change code.

Kissfftr different results x86 - Atheros AR9331

This is my first question on stackoverflow and my englsich is unfortunately poor. But I want to try it.
A customized routine of twotonetest of kissfft brings on two different systems very different results.
The under ubuntu translated with gcc on x86 program brings the correct values. That with the openWRT SDK translated for the Arduino YUN (Atheros AR9331) program displays incorrect values​​. It seems as if since the definition of FIXED_POINT is ignored.
Defined is:
#define FIXED_POINT 32
the function:
double GetFreqBuf( tBuf * io_pBuf, int nfft)
kiss_fftr_cfg cfg = NULL;
kiss_fft_cpx *kout = NULL;
kiss_fft_scalar *tbuf = NULL;
uint32_t ptr;
int i;
double sigpow=0;
double noisepow=0;
long maxrange = SHRT_MAX;
cfg = kiss_fftr_alloc(nfft , 0, NULL, NULL);
tbuf = KISS_FFT_MALLOC(nfft * sizeof(kiss_fft_scalar));
kout = KISS_FFT_MALLOC(nfft * sizeof(kiss_fft_cpx));
/* generate the array from samples*/
for (i = 0; i < nfft; i++) {
//nur einen Kanal, eine Krücke, würde nun auch mit 2 kanälen gehen, aber so ist schneller
if (io_pBuf->IndexNextValue >= (i*2))
ptr = io_pBuf->IndexNextValue - (i*2);
ptr = io_pBuf->bufSize - ((i*2) - io_pBuf->IndexNextValue);
tbuf[i] = io_pBuf->aData[ptr] ;
kiss_fftr(cfg, tbuf, kout);
for (i=0;i < (nfft/2+1);++i) {
double tmpr = (double)kout[i].r / (double)maxrange;
double tmpi = (double)kout[i].i / (double)maxrange;
double mag2 = tmpr*tmpr + tmpi*tmpi;
if (i!=0 && i!= nfft/2)
mag2 *= 2; /* all bins except DC and Nyquist have symmetric counterparts implied*/
/* if there is power between the frq's, it is signal, otherwise noise*/
if ( i > nfft/96 && i < nfft/32 )
noisepow += mag2;
sigpow += mag2;
//printf("TEST %d Werte, noisepow: %f sigpow: %f noise # %fdB\n",nfft,noisepow,sigpow,10*log10(noisepow/sigpow +1e-30) );
return 10*log10(noisepow/sigpow +1e-30);
As input samples of 16-bit sound from the same file be used. Results differ for example from-3dB to-15dB. AWhere could you start troubleshooting?
Possibility #1 (most likely)
You are compiling kissfft.c or kiss_fftr.c differently than the calling code. This happens to a lot of people.
An easy way to force the same FIXED_POINT is to edit the kiss_fft.h directly. Another option: verify with some printf debugging. i.e. place the following in various places:
printf( __FILE__ " sees sizeof(kiss_fft_scalar)=%d\n" , sizeof(kiss_fft_scalar) )
Possibility #2
Perhaps the FIXED_POINT=16 code works but the FIXED_POINT=32 code does not because something is being handled incorrectly either inside kissfft or on the platform. The 32 bit fixed code relies on int64_t being implemented correctly.
Is that Atheros a 16 bit processor? I know kissfft has been used successfully on 16 bit platforms, but I'm not sure if FIXED_POINT=32 real FFTs on a 16 bit fixed point has been used.
viel Glück,

Touch doesnt work with Qt5.1.1 when used with Wayland & qtwayland

I want to make Qt 5.1.1 touch example application work with qtwayland module.
I get the window on display, and also I get the touch traces from Weston. I see qtwayland is also getting triggered with the callback function that is registered for touch-up, touch-down, touch-motion.
But, QT doesn't invoke the QPushButton handler in QT application.
Connect API I am using as below:
connect(ui->b_audio, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(on_b_audio_clicked()));
Any clue why this could happen? Please suggest probable problems so that I can explore and debug.
Thanks in Advance.
In QtWayland, QWaylandInputDevice::touch_frame() passes the touch points to Qt internal window system through QWindowSystemInterface::handleTouchEvent(). Weston does not send WL_TOUCH_FRAME event at all, so the buttons or the QML MouseArea never receive touch event.
You can add the following line to the end of evdev_flush_motion() in weston/src/evdev.c:
notify_touch(master, time, 0, 0, 0, WL_TOUCH_FRAME);
And rewrite the notify_touch() in weston/src/input.c:
notify_touch(struct weston_seat *seat, uint32_t time, int touch_id,
wl_fixed_t x, wl_fixed_t y, int touch_type)
struct weston_compositor *ec = seat->compositor;
struct weston_touch *touch = seat->touch;
struct weston_touch_grab *grab = touch->grab;
struct weston_surface *es;
wl_fixed_t sx, sy;
struct weston_touch *grab_touch = grab->touch;
/* Update grab's global coordinates. */
touch->grab_x = x;
touch->grab_y = y;
switch (touch_type) {
/* the first finger down picks the surface, and all further go
* to that surface for the remainder of the touch session i.e.
* until all touch points are up again. */
if (seat->num_tp == 1) {
es = weston_compositor_pick_surface(ec, x, y, &sx, &sy);
weston_touch_set_focus(seat, es);
} else if (touch->focus) {
es = (struct weston_surface *) touch->focus;
weston_surface_from_global_fixed(es, x, y, &sx, &sy);
} else {
/* Unexpected condition: We have non-initial touch but
* there is no focused surface.
weston_log("touch event received with %d points down"
"but no surface focused\n", seat->num_tp);
grab->interface->down(grab, time, touch_id, sx, sy);
if (seat->num_tp == 1) {
touch->grab_serial =
touch->grab_time = time;
touch->grab_x = x;
touch->grab_y = y;
es = (struct weston_surface *) touch->focus;
if (!es)
weston_surface_from_global_fixed(es, x, y, &sx, &sy);
grab->interface->motion(grab, time, touch_id, sx, sy);
grab->interface->up(grab, time, touch_id);
if (grab_touch->focus_resource) {
if (seat->num_tp == 0)
weston_touch_set_focus(seat, NULL);
Meanwhile, I find that weston does not handle multi-touch properly because its mt structure (below) uses an int value 'slot' which can only track the current slot number.
struct {
int slot;
int32_t x[MAX_SLOTS];
int32_t y[MAX_SLOTS];
} mt;
In multi-touch protocol type B, each slot associates with a finger contact and you get multiple slot events in a touch frame, for example, a touch_down frame;
weston handles events from first slot event to the EV_SYN event, and it call notify_touch() if EV_SYN is encountered. Therefore, weston cannot send the two touch down events sequentially via notify_touch() with different slot number parameter.
In my reimplementation, I change the mt structure:
struct {
int current_slot;
uint32_t num_down_event;
uint32_t num_motion_event;
uint32_t num_up_event;
int slots[MAX_CONTACTS];
int32_t x[MAX_SLOTS];
int32_t y[MAX_SLOTS];
} mt;
num_down_event: track how many fingers touch down
num_motion_event: track how many fingers move
num_up_event: track how many fingers lift up
slots: track slot numbers in every touch frame
This is and we are planning to have a workaround in Qt 5.4.0. By the time that we did that, it seems that touch_frame is being sent for touch_motion but not for touch_up. (Testing with latest versions of wayland, weston and libinput)

Execution Error using OpenCV for video Capturing

I am facing the following problem when I execute the programme. The program crashed abnormally at line no 1 of the main function. the path of the is all correct, nothing is wrong there. All set-up of the lib-include additional libraries are done perfectly. What could be wrong here?
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
int main()
//load the video file to the memory
** CvCapture *capture = cvCaptureFromAVI("A.avi"); ** // this instruction crashed the file is there in the folder, that not an issue....
if( !capture ) return 1;
//obtain the frames per seconds of that video
int fps = ( int )cvGetCaptureProperty( capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FPS );
//create a window with the title "Video"
while(true) {
//grab and retrieve each frames of the video sequencially
IplImage* frame = cvQueryFrame( capture );
if( !frame ) break;
//show the retrieved frame in the "Video" window
cvShowImage( "Video", frame );
int c;
//wait for 1000/fps milliseconds
c = cvWaitKey(1000/fps);
//wait for 40 milliseconds
c = cvWaitKey(40);
//exit the loop if user press "Esc" key (ASCII value of "Esc" is 27)
if((char)c==27 ) break;
//destroy the opened window
//release memory
cvReleaseCapture( &capture );
return 0;
As a sanity check, let's see if the VideoCapture stuff from the OpenCV C++ API works. Let's give this a try:
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <cv.h>
using namespace cv;
VideoCapture capture("A.avi");
Mat matFrame;
capture >> matFrame; //each time you do this, the next video frame goes into the 'matFrame' object
IplImage* frame=cvCloneImage(&(IplImage)matFrame); //convert Mat to IplImage to hook in with your code
I'm mixing the C and C++ OpenCV APIs together here, but I just wanted to help you get it running.

Getting the current stack trace on Mac OS X

I'm trying to work out how to store and then print the current stack in my C++ apps on Mac OS X. The main problem seems to be getting dladdr to return the right symbol when given an address inside the main executable. I suspect that the issue is actually a compile option, but I'm not sure.
I have tried the backtrace code from Darwin/Leopard but it calls dladdr and has the same issue as my own code calling dladdr.
Original post:
Currently I'm capturing the stack with this code:
int BackTrace(Addr *buffer, int max_frames)
void **frame = (void **)__builtin_frame_address(0);
void **bp = ( void **)(*frame);
void *ip = frame[1];
int i;
for ( i = 0; bp && ip && i < max_frames; i++ )
*(buffer++) = ip;
ip = bp[1];
bp = (void**)(bp[0]);
return i;
Which seems to work ok. Then to print the stack I'm looking at using dladdr like this:
Dl_info dli;
if (dladdr(Ip, &dli))
ptrdiff_t offset;
int c = 0;
if (dli.dli_fname && dli.dli_fbase)
offset = (ptrdiff_t)Ip - (ptrdiff_t)dli.dli_fbase;
c = snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s+0x%x", dli.dli_fname, offset );
if (dli.dli_sname && dli.dli_saddr)
offset = (ptrdiff_t)Ip - (ptrdiff_t)dli.dli_saddr;
c += snprintf(buf+c, buflen-c, "(%s+0x%x)", dli.dli_sname, offset );
if (c > 0)
snprintf(buf+c, buflen-c, " [%p]", Ip);
Which almost works, some example output:
/Users/matthew/Library/Frameworks/Lgi.framework/Versions/A/Lgi+0x2473d(LgiStackTrace+0x5d) [0x102c73d]
/Users/matthew/Code/Lgi/LgiRes/build/Debug/ [0x2b006]
/Users/matthew/Code/Lgi/LgiRes/build/Debug/ [0x30438]
/Users/matthew/Code/Lgi/LgiRes/build/Debug/ [0x36e9c]
/Users/matthew/Code/Lgi/LgiRes/build/Debug/ [0x2296]
/Users/matthew/Code/Lgi/LgiRes/build/Debug/ [0x21bd]
It's getting the method name right for the shared object but not for the main app. Those just map to "tart" (or "start" minus the first character).
Ideally I'd like line numbers as well as the method name at that point. But I'll settle for the correct function/method name for starters. Maybe shoot for line numbers after that, on Linux I hear you have to write your own parser for a private ELF block that has it's own instruction set. Sounds scary.
Anyway, can anyone sort this code out so it gets the method names right?
What releases of OS X are you targetting. If you are running on Mac OS X 10.5 and higher you can just use the backtrace() and backtrace_symbols() libraray calls. They are defined in execinfo.h, and there is a manpage with some sample code.
You mentioned in the comments that you need to run on Tiger. You can probably just include the implementation from Libc in your app. The source is available from Apple's opensource site. Here is a link to the relevent file.
