Oracle Database CPU Usage on AIX - oracle

I want to find the CPU process usage for all Oracle processes on an AIX box.
On Solaris I can do the following:
prstat -n 400 -c -s cpu -p 9013 1 1
9013 oracle 3463M 2928M sleep 53 0 0:00:35 0.9% oracle/2
Total: 1 processes, 2 lwps, load averages: 2.25, 2.32, 2.40
This basically reports the CPU usage for a given process ID (in this case 9013). Given a list of all Oracle PID’s I can use this command to get the CPU usage for each one, sum them up and hey presto I have my Oracle database CPU usage.
How can I get the same with AIX?

You can try nmon or topas, which will show the current %CPU. You might also want to look into using WLM to create a class for all the Oracle processes, then use wlmstat to see the CPU usage for that class. That would save you the trouble of adding them up manually.


How to get CPU utilisation, RAM utilisation in MAC from commandline

I know that using Activity Monitor we can see CPU utilisation.But i want to get this information of my remote system through script. top command is not helpful for me. Please comment me any other way to get it.
What is the objection to top in logging mode?
top -l 1 | grep -E "^CPU|^Phys"
CPU usage: 3.27% user, 14.75% sys, 81.96% idle
PhysMem: 5807M used (1458M wired), 10G unused.
Or use sysctl
sysctl vm.loadavg
vm.loadavg: { 1.31 1.85 2.00 }
Or use vm_stat
Mach Virtual Memory Statistics: (page size of 4096 bytes)
Pages free: 3569.
Pages active: 832177.
Pages inactive: 283212.
Pages speculative: 2699727.
Pages throttled: 0.
Pages wired down: 372883.

How to obtain the virtual private memory of a process from the command line under OSX?

I would like to obtain the virtual private memory consumed by a process under OSX from the command line. This is the value that Activity Monitor reports in the "Virtual Mem" column. ps -o vsz reports the total address space available to the process and is therefore not useful.
You can obtain the virtual private memory use of a single process by running
top -l 1 -s 0 -i 1 -stats vprvt -pid PID
where PID is the process ID of the process you are interested in. This results in about a dozen lines of output ending with
So by parsing the last line of output, one can at least obtain the memory footprint in MB. I tested this on OSX 10.6.8.
I realized (after I got downvoted) that #user1389686 gave an answer in the comment section of the OP that was better than my paltry first attempt. What follows is based on user1389686's own answer. I cannot take credit for it -- I've just cleaned it up a bit.
original, edited with -stats vprvt
As Mahmoud Al-Qudsi mentioned, top does what you want. If PID 8631 is the process you want to examine:
$ top -l 1 -s 0 -stats vprvt -pid 8631
Processes: 84 total, 2 running, 82 sleeping, 378 threads
2012/07/14 02:42:05
Load Avg: 0.34, 0.15, 0.04
CPU usage: 15.38% user, 30.76% sys, 53.84% idle
SharedLibs: 4668K resident, 4220K data, 0B linkedit.
MemRegions: 15160 total, 961M resident, 25M private, 520M shared.
PhysMem: 917M wired, 1207M active, 276M inactive, 2400M used, 5790M free.
VM: 171G vsize, 1039M framework vsize, 1523860(0) pageins, 811163(0) pageouts.
Networks: packets: 431147/140M in, 261381/59M out.
Disks: 487900/8547M read, 2784975/40G written.
Here's how I get at this value using a bit of Ruby code:
# Return the virtual memory size of the current process
def virtual_private_memory
s = `top -l 1 -s 0 -stats vprvt -pid #{}`.split($/).last
return nil unless s =~ /\A(\d*)([KMG])/
$1.to_i * case $2
when "K"
when "M"
when "G"
raise"unrecognized multiplier in #{f}")
Updated answer, thats work under Yosemite, from user1389686:
top -l 1 -s 0 -stats mem -pid PID

How to detect non-busy machines over a LAN automatically?

I'm writing an MPI program to be run over a local area network. These machines can be ssh'd to by any student at any time.
Although I always test my program at night, the performance has been very inconsistent. My guess is that some nodes were busy when I ran the program.
So my question is: can I write a script to detect non-busy machines and update the machine file? What's an easy way to write it?
Thanks a lot.
SSH into each machine, then read the /proc/loadavg file or determine the "business" in some other way.
I think the easiest way would be installing the check_load[1] script from Nagios to every node you want to check and call it via ssh with some sensible parameters:
# /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_load -w 1,2,3 -c 3,4,5
OK - load average: 0.20, 0.43, 0.50|load1=0.200;1.000;3.000;0; load5=0.430;2.000;4.000;0; load15=0.500;3.000;5.000;0;
# /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_load -w 0.1,2,3 -c 3,4,5
WARNING - load average: 0.18, 0.43, 0.50|load1=0.180;0.100;3.000;0; load5=0.430;2.000;4.000;0; load15=0.500;3.000;5.000;0;
# /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_load -w 0.01,2,3 -c
CRITICAL - load average: 0.41, 0.46, 0.51|load1=0.410;0.010;0.100;0; load5=0.460;2.000;4.000;0; load15=0.510;3.000;5.000;0;
CRITICAL would mean "really busy", WARNING could be "is kinda busy" and OK would mean "the machine is idle".
You have to pay attention for the tresholds you have to give as 1/5/15 minute for warning and critical; for instance, a machine with 16 cores having a load of 3 is perfectly ok, while a load of 3 on a single-core machine would mean it's really really busy.
Good luck!

Difference between memory_get_peak_usage and actual php process' memory usage

Why result of php memory_get_peak_usage differs so much from memory size that is shown as allocated to process when using 'top' or 'ps' commands in Linux?
I've set 2 Mb of memory_limit in php.ini
My single-string php-script with
echo memory_get_peak_usage(true);
says that it is using 786432 bytes (768 Kb)
If I try to ask system about current php process
echo shell_exec('ps -p '.getmypid().' -Fl');
it gives me
5 S www-data 14599 14593 0 80 0 - 51322 pipe_w 6976 2 18:53 ? 00:00:00 php-fpm: pool www
RSS param is 6976, so memory usage is 6976 * 4096 = 28573696 = ~28 Mb
Where that 28 Mb come from and is there any way to decrease memory size that is being used by php-fpm process?
The memory size is mostly used by the PHP process itself. memory_get_peak_usage() returns the memory used by your specific script. Ways to reduce the memory overhead is to remove the number of extensions, statically compile PHP, etc.. But don't forget that php-fpm (should) fork and that a lot of the memory usage that's not different between PHP process is in fact shared (until it changes).
PHP itself may only be set to a 2meg limit, but it's running WITHIN a Apache child process, and that process will have a much higher memory footprint.
If you were running the script from the command line, you'd get memory usage of PHP by itself, as it's not wrapped within Apache and is running on its own.
The peak memory usage is for the current script only.

What parameters to tweak for a text-based PG restore?

Every night we dump and restore a 200 GB database using:
# Production, PG 9:
pg_dump DATNAME | some-irrelevant-pipe
# QA, PG 8.3:
some-irrelevant-pipe | psql -d DATNAME
I had to go for text-based backups in order to restore a dump from 9 on 8.3.
The restore is painfully and unreasonably slow. I noticed my log is full of these:
2011-05-22 08:02:47 CDT LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart)
2011-05-22 08:02:47 CDT HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "checkpoint_segments".
2011-05-22 08:02:54 CDT LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (7 seconds apart)
2011-05-22 08:02:54 CDT HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "checkpoint_segments".
My question is: Is it possible that the setting of checkpoint_segments is the bottleneck? What other parameters can I tweak to speed up the process?
That machine has 4 GB RAM. Other possibly relevant settings in postgresql.conf are:
shared_buffers = 1000MB
work_mem = 200MB
maintenance_work_mem = 200MB
effective_cache_size = 2000MB
# fsync and checkpoint settings are default
Did you read this ? See specially sec 14.4.9
For the purposes of restoring a database, change:
# I don't think PostgreSQL 8.3 supports synchronous_commit
synchronous_commit = off
# only change fsync = off if your version of PG is too old to support synchronous_commit. If you do support synchronous_commit, don't ever change fsync to anything but on. Ever.
#fsync = off
checkpoint_segments = 25
Regarding checkpoint_segments, set that value to the size of your disk controller's write buffer. 25 = 400MB
Also, make sure your psql is loading everything in a single transaction:
some-irrelevant-pipe | psql -1 -d DATNAME
