How to obtain the virtual private memory of a process from the command line under OSX? - macos

I would like to obtain the virtual private memory consumed by a process under OSX from the command line. This is the value that Activity Monitor reports in the "Virtual Mem" column. ps -o vsz reports the total address space available to the process and is therefore not useful.

You can obtain the virtual private memory use of a single process by running
top -l 1 -s 0 -i 1 -stats vprvt -pid PID
where PID is the process ID of the process you are interested in. This results in about a dozen lines of output ending with
So by parsing the last line of output, one can at least obtain the memory footprint in MB. I tested this on OSX 10.6.8.

I realized (after I got downvoted) that #user1389686 gave an answer in the comment section of the OP that was better than my paltry first attempt. What follows is based on user1389686's own answer. I cannot take credit for it -- I've just cleaned it up a bit.
original, edited with -stats vprvt
As Mahmoud Al-Qudsi mentioned, top does what you want. If PID 8631 is the process you want to examine:
$ top -l 1 -s 0 -stats vprvt -pid 8631
Processes: 84 total, 2 running, 82 sleeping, 378 threads
2012/07/14 02:42:05
Load Avg: 0.34, 0.15, 0.04
CPU usage: 15.38% user, 30.76% sys, 53.84% idle
SharedLibs: 4668K resident, 4220K data, 0B linkedit.
MemRegions: 15160 total, 961M resident, 25M private, 520M shared.
PhysMem: 917M wired, 1207M active, 276M inactive, 2400M used, 5790M free.
VM: 171G vsize, 1039M framework vsize, 1523860(0) pageins, 811163(0) pageouts.
Networks: packets: 431147/140M in, 261381/59M out.
Disks: 487900/8547M read, 2784975/40G written.
Here's how I get at this value using a bit of Ruby code:
# Return the virtual memory size of the current process
def virtual_private_memory
s = `top -l 1 -s 0 -stats vprvt -pid #{}`.split($/).last
return nil unless s =~ /\A(\d*)([KMG])/
$1.to_i * case $2
when "K"
when "M"
when "G"
raise"unrecognized multiplier in #{f}")

Updated answer, thats work under Yosemite, from user1389686:
top -l 1 -s 0 -stats mem -pid PID


samtools calmd is pretty slow

I am using "samtools calmd" to add MD tag back to BAM file. The size of original BAM is around 50Gb (whole genome sequence by using pacbio HIFI reads). The issue that I encountered is that the speed of "calmd" is incredibly slow! The jobs have already run 12 hours, and only 600MB BAM with MD tag are generated. In this way, 50GB BAM will take 30days to be finished!
Here is the code I used to add MD tag (very normal):
rule addMDTag:
strBAMDir + "/pbmm2/v37/{wcReadsType}/Tmp/rawReads{readsIndex}.MD.bam"
ref = strRef
strBAMDir + "/pbmm2/v37/{wcReadsType}/Log/rawReads{readsIndex}.MD.log"
strBAMDir + "/pbmm2/v37/{wcReadsType}/Benchmark/rawReads{readsIndex}.MD.benchmark.txt"
"samtools calmd -# {threads} {input} {params.ref} -bAr > {output}"
The version of samtools I used is v1.10.
BTW, I use 16 cores to run calmd, however, it looks like the samtools is still using 1 core to run it:
top - 11:44:53 up 47 days, 20:35, 1 user, load average: 2.00, 2.01, 2.00
Tasks: 1723 total, 3 running, 1720 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 2.8%us, 0.3%sy, 0.0%ni, 96.8%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 529329180k total, 232414724k used, 296914456k free, 84016k buffers
Swap: 12582908k total, 74884k used, 12508024k free, 227912476k cached
93137 lix33 20 0 954m 151m 2180 R 100.2 0.0 659:04.13 samtools
May I know how to make calmd be much faster? Or is there any other tool that can do the same job more efficiently?
Thanks so much
After the collaboration with samtools maintenance team, this issue has been solved.
The calmd will be super slow if the bam was unsorted. Therefore, always make sure the BAM has been sorted before run calmd.
See the details below:
Are your files name sorted, and does your reference have more than one entry?
If so calmd will be switching between references all the time,
which means it may be doing a lot of reference loading and not much MD calculation.
You may find it goes a lot faster if you position-sort the input, and then run it through calmd.

Bash: Find the disk a certain partition is on and put result into a variable

What are some (reliable) tests to find the disk a certain partition is on and put that result into a variable?
For example, output of lsblk:
sda 8:0 0 9.1T 0 disk
└─sda1 8:1 0 9.1T 0 part /foopath
mmcblk0 179:0 0 29.7G 0 disk
├─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 256M 0 part /barpath
└─mmcblk0p2 179:2 0 29.5G 0 part /foobarpath
If partition="/dev/mmcblk0p2", how can I put mmcblk0 as the disk it is a part of into a variable? Or similarly, if partition="/dev/sda1", how to put sda as the disk it is a part of into a variable?
disk=${partition::-1} seemed to be a hack until I encountered partitions such as mmcblk0p1, hence the request for a more reliable test...
The purpose of isolating the disk and using variable is to pass it to smartctl -n standby /dev/sda to find if disk is currently spinning, etc.
Operating environment is Linux Mint 19.3 and Ubuntu 20.
Any ideas?
Thanks to #KamilCuk and #don_crissti ;)
"Print just the parent device" using lsblk
disk="$(lsblk -no pkname "${partition}")"

Disable timer interrupt on Linux kernel

I want to disable the timer interrupt on some of the cores (1-2) on my machine which is a x86 running centos 7 with rt patch, both cores are isolated cores with nohz_full, (you can see the cmdline) but timer interrupt continues to interrupt the real time process which are running on core1 and core2.
1. uname -r
2. cat /proc/cmdline
BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.10.0-693.11.1.rt56.632.el7.x86_64 \
root=/dev/mapper/centos-root ro crashkernel=auto \ rhgb quiet \
default_hugepagesz=2M hugepagesz=2M hugepages=1024 \
intel_iommu=on isolcpus=1-2 irqaffinity=0 intel_idle.max_cstate=0 \
processor.max_cstate=0 idle=mwait tsc=perfect rcu_nocbs=1-2 rcu_nocb_poll \
nohz_full=1-2 nmi_watchdog=0
3. cat /proc/interrupts
0: 29 0 0 IO-APIC-edge timer
NMI: 0 0 0 Non-maskable interrupts
LOC: 835205157 308723100 308384525 Local timer interrupts
SPU: 0 0 0 Spurious interrupts
PMI: 0 0 0 Performance monitoring interrupts
IWI: 0 0 0 IRQ work interrupts
RTR: 0 0 0 APIC ICR read retries
RES: 347330843 309191325 308417790 Rescheduling interrupts
CAL: 0 935 935 Function call interrupts
TLB: 320 22 58 TLB shootdowns
TRM: 0 0 0 Thermal event interrupts
THR: 0 0 0 Threshold APIC interrupts
DFR: 0 0 0 Deferred Error APIC interrupts
MCE: 0 0 0 Machine check exceptions
MCP: 2 2 2 Machine check polls
4. lscpu | grep CPU.s
CPU(s): 3
On-line CPU(s) list: 0-2
NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0-2
5. cat /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/current_clocksource
Thanks a lot for any help.
Even with nohz_full= you get some ticks on the isolated CPUs:
Some process-handling operations still require the occasional scheduling-clock tick. These operations include calculating CPU load, maintaining sched average, computing CFS entity vruntime, computing avenrun, and carrying out load balancing. They are currently accommodated by scheduling-clock tick every second or so. On-going work will eliminate the need even for these infrequent scheduling-clock ticks.
(Documentation/timers/NO_HZ.txt, cf. (Nearly) full tickless operation in 3.10 LWN, 2013)
Thus, you have to check the rate of the local timer, e.g.:
$ perf stat -a -A -e irq_vectors:local_timer_entry sleep 120
(while your isolated threads/processes are running)
Also, nohz_full= is only effective if there is just one runnable task on each isolated core. You can check that with e.g. ps -L -e -o pid,tid,user,state,psr,cmd and cat /proc/sched_debug.
Perhaps you need to move some (kernel) tasks to you house-keeping core, e.g.:
# tuna -U -t '*' -c 0-4 -m
You can get more insights into what timers are still active by looking at /proc/timer_list.
Another method to investigate causes for possible interruption is to use the functional tracer (ftrace). See also Reducing OS jitter due to per-cpu kthreads for some examples.
I see nmi_watchdog=0 in your kernel parameters, but you don't disable the soft watchdog. Perhaps this is another timer tick source that would show up with ftrace.
You can disable all watchdogs with nowatchdog.
Btw, some of your kernel parameters seem to be off:
tsc=perfect - do you mean tsc=reliable? The 'perfect' value isn't documented in the kernel docs
idle=mwait - do you mean idle=poll? Again, I can't find the 'mwait' value in the kernel docs
intel_iommu=on - what's the purpose of this?

How to suppress the general information for top command

I wish to suppress the general information for the top command
using a top parameter.
By general information I mean the below stuff :
top - 09:35:05 up 3:26, 2 users, load average: 0.29, 0.22, 0.21
Tasks: 1 total, 0 running, 1 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 2.3%us, 0.7%sy, 0.0%ni, 96.3%id, 0.8%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 3840932k total, 2687880k used, 1153052k free, 88380k buffers
Swap: 3998716k total, 0k used, 3998716k free, 987076k cached
What I do not wish to do is :
top -u user | grep process_name
top -bp $(pgrep process_name) | do_something
How can I achieve this?
Note: I am on Ubuntu 12.04 and top version is 3.2.8.
Came across this question today. I have a potential solution - create a top configuration file from inside top's interactive mode when the summary area is disabled. Since this file is also read at startup of top in batch mode, it will cause the summary area to be disabled in batch mode too.
Follow these steps to set it up..
Launch top in interactive mode.
Once inside interactive mode, disable the summary area by successively pressing 'l', 'm' and 't'.
Press 'W' (upper case) to write your top configuration file (normally, ~/.toprc)
Exit interactive mode.
Now when you run top in batch mode the summary area will not appear (!)
Taking it one step further...
If you only want this for certain situations and still want the summary area most of the time, you could use an alternate top configuration file. However, AFAIK, the way to get top to use an alternate config file is a bit funky. There are a couple of ways to do this. The approach I use is as follows:
Create a soft-link to the top executable. This does not have to be done as root, as long as you have write access to the link's location...
ln -s /usr/bin/top /home/myusername/bin/omgwtf
Launch top by typing the name of the link ('omgwtf') rather than 'top'. You will be in normal top interactive mode, but when you save the configuration file it will write to ~/.omgwtfrc, leaving ~/.toprc alone.
Disable the summary area and write the configuration file same as before (press 'l', 'm', 't' and 'W')
In the future, when you're ready to run top without summary info in batch mode, you'll have to invoke top via the link name you created. For example,
% omgwtf -usyslog -bn1
576 syslog 20 0 264496 8144 1352 S 0.0 0.1 0:03.66 rsyslogd
If you're running top in batch mode (-b -n1), just delete the header lines with sed:
top -b -n1 | sed 1,7d
That will remove the first 7 header lines that top outputs and returns only the processes.
It's known as the "Summary Area" and i don't think there is a way at top initialization to disable those.
But while top is running, you can disable those by pressing l, t, m.
From man top:
'l' - Load Avg/Uptime On (thus program name)
't' - Task/Cpu states On (1+1 lines, see '1')
'm' - Mem/Swap usage On (2 lines worth)
'1' - Single Cpu On (thus 1 line if smp)
This will dump the output and it can be redirected to any file if needed.
top -n1 |grep -Ev "Tasks:|Cpu(s):|Swap:|Mem:"
To monitoring a particular process, following command is working for me -
top -sbn1 -p $(pidof <process_name>) | grep $(pidof <process_name>)
And to get the all process information you can use the following -
top -sbn1|sed -n '/PID/,/^$/p'
egrep may be good enough in this case, but I would add that perl -lane could do this kind of thing with lightning speed:
top -b -n 1 | perl -lane '/PID/ and $x=1; $x and print' | head -n10
This way you may forget the precise arguments for grep, sed, awk, etc. for good because perl is typically much faster than those tools.
On a mac you cannot use -b which is used in many of the other answers.
In that case the command would be top -n1 -l1 | sed 1,10d
Grabbing only the first process line (and its header), only logging once, instead of interactive, then suppress the general information for top command which are the first 10 lines.

High frequency calls to 'VM Periodic Task Thread'

Running a small jetty application on a raspberry pi I noticed that after the first access, the application keeps burning around 3% CPU. A quick inspection showed that the same is true, with less %, on my laptop. Checking with strace I find a never ending sequence of
12:58:01.999717 clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {2923, 200177551}) = 0
12:58:01.999864 futex(0x693a0f44, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE, 1, {2923, 250177551}, ffffffff) = -1 ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out)
12:58:02.050090 futex(0x693a0f28, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 0
12:58:02.050236 gettimeofday({1436093882, 50296}, NULL) = 0
12:58:02.050403 gettimeofday({1436093882, 50444}, NULL) = 0
12:58:02.050767 clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, {2923, 251228114}) = 0
(This is Java 7 on ubuntu 14.04 with Jetty 9.3.* using an h2 db, just in case this rings any bells for someone.)
I learned that it suffices to capture strace -f -tt -p <pid> -o out.txt, grep for clock_gettime, extract the pid, sort and uniq -c to find the thread calling clock_gettime most often. Plotting the delta times nicely shows a line at 50 milliseconds. Further the PID can be found in a thread dump taken with jvisualvm as the nid in hex and turns out to be 'VM Periodic Task Thread'. But why so often? This does not seem to be a standard behaviour of the JVM.
