I'm having issues with my Terminal - terminal

I'm having some issues trying to open up Atom in my terminal. I know I can open it manually but I'm trying to figure out what exactly is the issue.
This is what I'm getting when I try to open Atom in my Terminal.
Cannot locate Atom.app, it is usually located in /Applications. Set the ATOM_PATH environment variable to the directory containing Atom.app.
Anyone have an idea as to what the issue is???

If your application is called "Atom 2" or something, try this:
Open /usr/local/bin/atom
Change the line ATOM_APP_NAME=Atom.app to something like ATOM_APP_NAME='Atom 2.app'

lets get this fixed for you.
The error you're getting is indicating Atom isn't located where it should be, which is the Applications folder. Open up Applications and confirm it isn't there. If it isn't, locate where Atom is on your computer and drag it into the Applications folder. If you have Atom and Terminal both open, restart them. Then try opening Atom from the Terminal.


How can I access XAMPP/Lampp folder via Terminal on Mac

I recently started using XAMPP on Mac and it installed the "lampp" folder under "Shared" and showing as an IP address in Finder. So I can access the files via Finder but I'm unable to cd into the folder via Terminal.
The Shared folder is simply not visible. I tried /Volumes to see all volumes, but "lampp" wasn't listed, as well mounting it somehow but that also didn't work. Any ideas? It's so odd that I see the folder in Finder but not in Terminal!
I had the same problem the route for htdocs is the following:
cd /Users/***your_user_name***/.bitnami/stackman/machines/xampp/volumes/root/htdocs
"username" only replaces that line by the name of your user
Example, for me it would be:
cd /Users/adanuri/.bitnami/stackman/machines/xampp/volumes/root/htdocs
I run in to the same problem and looked for hours for a solution. I now found this page:
Since it is a VM you have to click on the Open Terminal button in the general tab of the stack manager. Then a new window opens and you can work on the terminal.
Screenshot of the stack manager with the open Terminal option
Screen Shot of the open Terminal window
If you just want the http://localhost version, go and reinstall the non VM XAMPP.
Make sure you download & install a version where the name doesn't include '-VM' here: https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html
This the path where you can find the full path of xampp htdocs folder.
In case you do not remember the path of the "htdocs" folder, you could type ls -a (ls stands for list) and see even hidden folders and files.
".bitnami" is one of those (inside the user folder) and then follow the path down to "htdocs".
All the other folders, already pointed out by #uriplata in the above answer, are visible simply using the command ls each time you change folder (with command "cd").
You have to mount the drive:
When the drive is mounted you can see it at: .bitnami/stackman/machines/volumes/root
If the drive is not mounted root will be empty. However, your data will still be there.
"Open Terminal" XAMPP management tool, see image in this link
You only must clic in "Open Terminal" at XAMPP management tool, as you can see in the attached image.

Git bash not opening on Win7

I have been using Git-1.8.3 from a flash drive successfully from both work and at home on win7 machines. Yesterday I noticed that when I try to open git-bash at home, the window flashes open and disappears instantaneously. I don't see an error message. Thinking the file may be corrupted, I tried it at work and it opens normally. Are there any logs that I can check to at least get an error message on what is happening?
Try downloading it again? If that doesn't work can you give the file name and location you are using for git bash?

Sencha Touch Cmd tool 3.0 install not working on Mac

-bash: sencha: command not found
I just spent a few hours trying to make this Sencha Cmd works on my MacBook, but just couldn't. I uninstalled a previous version and just couldn't get it to work again. I always get the
-bash: sencha: command not found
error. I did try everything in this post, without success.... I even get an error when I call
stating that it's not found... Do you have any idea what could be the problem ?
I'm fairly new to the Linux command world so I might miss a point here. Maybe I might use "sudo" to be granted acces to bask_profile ?
EDIT : I got it working for the current bash session. I position myself at the user root (~/) and call ". .bash_profile"(the space is important here). BUT... it only works for the current session. As soon as I close Terminal and reopen it, I loose everything :-(
OK, just so you know, I managed to fix the damn thing be opening and editing the ".bash_profile" file in a text editor (TextMate for me). This is an hidden file, but you can configure your Mac to show those files in Finder. The file is located at your user's root. It is quite annoying to have to spend hour messing in path and environment variables in 2013... Installer should do those things and reports error if something happens in the install process.

aptana 3 windows - terminal access denied

Wen I open the Antapa studio 3 terminal from specific project it notice me an error:
Permission denied to access C:\www\drupal\sites\all. Using default working
directory instead.
Also, I can get to the dir by cd C:\www\drupal\sites\all so it pretty wired..
Is somone handle with this issue, or is smone have any idea?
~ Almog Baku
I have exactly the same problem. You have described it exactly. I found no solution but here's my workaround. First, I want an EXTERNAL terminal window because the Aptana terminal window is too inconvenient for running git and rspec from the command line, so my solution always opens to the current project directory. Also note that I'm on a Mac and my solution is Mac specific.
From the Command menu, I selected Shell Script, and used the "Edit this Bundle" option. After some head scratching, I found that the bundle had been opened as a new project. Then I edited the open_directory_in_terminal.rb file to this:
require 'ruble'
command t(:open_terminal) do |cmd|
cmd.key_binding = 'M2+M4+O'
cmd.output = :output_to_console
cmd.working_directory = :current_project
cmd.invoke do |context|
`open -a Terminal.app "#{ENV['TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY']}"`
Basically, all this does is use the Mac OS "open" command to open the Mac terminal app on the current directory. I am sure there are more elegant (and platform independent) ways to do this, but this is what I am using. Hope it gives you some ideas.
FYI, docs on editing the bundle items are here:

How to open Terminal at last open directory?

Every time I open my Terminal application at work it starts from a clean slate (e.g. it opens from the ~/ directory). But at home on my laptop my Terminal always remembers the last directory I was in (and all the commands on the screen) and displays them to me.
I'm trying to get this to happen when I'm at work but I can't find any information on it (I've no idea why or how my laptop managed to set itself to work that way?).
The only thing I've found out is that I can change the preferences so the Terminal executes a particular command when the app is started up, but that's not quite what I want (simply because I'm not sure what command I would run to get the Terminal to go to the directory I was looking at when I had the Terminal open last).
Any ideas?
Since you're using Lion, it should do that automatically.
You might have disabled the Resume functionality systemwide or in Terminal.
Make sure it's enabled systemwide. You can also try to manually enable it for Terminal:
defaults write com.apple.Terminal NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool true
