Sencha Touch Cmd tool 3.0 install not working on Mac - macos

-bash: sencha: command not found
I just spent a few hours trying to make this Sencha Cmd works on my MacBook, but just couldn't. I uninstalled a previous version and just couldn't get it to work again. I always get the
-bash: sencha: command not found
error. I did try everything in this post, without success.... I even get an error when I call
stating that it's not found... Do you have any idea what could be the problem ?
I'm fairly new to the Linux command world so I might miss a point here. Maybe I might use "sudo" to be granted acces to bask_profile ?
EDIT : I got it working for the current bash session. I position myself at the user root (~/) and call ". .bash_profile"(the space is important here). BUT... it only works for the current session. As soon as I close Terminal and reopen it, I loose everything :-(

OK, just so you know, I managed to fix the damn thing be opening and editing the ".bash_profile" file in a text editor (TextMate for me). This is an hidden file, but you can configure your Mac to show those files in Finder. The file is located at your user's root. It is quite annoying to have to spend hour messing in path and environment variables in 2013... Installer should do those things and reports error if something happens in the install process.


Git Bash error in VS code unexpected token '&'

I'm a beginner and I'm getting a bash syntax error Unexpected token '&'
Initially, I was getting this error while using a virtual environment in python.
But today I cleaned my PC and reinstalled the window and now I can't even run normal programs.
Cause of Error -> I'm using VS Code and terminal as Git Bash.
After wasting days I got to know that this is happening because Bash and PowerShell have different syntax
and when I'm running the code the vs code is not adapting to bash's syntax (and yes it works on PowerShell).
And Default terminal is also set to Git Bash in my JSON setting file like this:
"": "Git Bash",
I tried changing to another famous way:
and it does not work either and says deprecated method.
How can I change the default Syntax of vs code terminal?
Do I have to reinstall the bash and change something in my options?
And I was using bash b4 as well but never faced this issue but then I recently started using virtual env
then this error occurred for the first time.
So I'm confused whether this is an in-built problem or something that I can fix?
And I found many ppl with the same type of question (which are posted recently that leads me to think it could be a fault from their side) in StackOverflow but no one was able to define it hence I'm adding this one.
Yes, i was right. The issue was in the VScode itself. Today there was an update and everything seems to be normal/working now.
But today I cleaned my pc and reinstalled the window and now i can't even run normal programs.
Make sure your %PATH% environment variable does include C:\Program Files\Git\bin\ in order to know about bash.exe
Try and launch, for testing, VSCode after setting the PATH in a CMD with:
set GH=C:\path\to\git
set PATH=%GH%\bin;%GH%\usr\bin;%GH%\mingw64\bin;%GH%\mingw64\libexec\git-core;%PATH%
rem Then, in the same CMD
"%LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\bin\code.cmd"

failed to run '/usr/bin/bash': no such file or directory

I've been using gitbash these past few days and it's working just fine. But a while ago, after install a pdf reader with patch file, when I opened my gitbash it gave me the error which says "Failed to run '/usr/bin/bash': No such file or directory". I don't know what happened and why, but I think the patch file of the application that I installed has something to do with it. My pc antivirus prompted a warning, and I took actions. Then the trouble in the gitbash happened. Please help me, I don't want to reinstall gitbash again coz I also have to install some things.
Had the same issue, searched for it, this is one of the first few results. So if you are looking why you got this message recently: check your antivirus and that the folder and the file actually exist. As previous answers mentioned, reinstall helps bring it back, but antivirus might break it again. So I would check your antivirus GUI and see if you can restore it and add an exception.
Mine was that Avast antivirus classified it as 'IDP.Generic' threat (weirdly only when I would close the shell with ctrl+c or ctrl+d on Windows 10).
to resolve this issue simply reinstall git.
I disabled Avast antivirus software
Then uninstalled and reinstalled git
It worked for me:)
Like jack this was caused by my virus scanner(avast). To resolve I opened the quarantine page restored and added exemption.
Try 'echo $PATH' in CygWin Terminal to get the PATH it must written something like
Depending on the Chroot in you sshd_config it looks for the /bin/bash file
you will have three options
you might have to copy the files into the Chroot mentioned folder and give the permission.
You can update with you Chroot
Or bind mounting would also help
To resolve this issue simply deactivate your antivirus while reinstalling git.

Mac OS X 10.8.1 - Files no longer being watched

Just updated to OS X 10.8.1. I'm not sure if this is the cause, but basically immediately after, programs are unable to check for file changes.
In my makefile, the following command does not work (it doesn't trigger on file changes)
watchr -e "watch('scripts/.*\.js') {system 'make scripts'}"
On Sublime Text, when I make a new file in a folder, that new file is not shown in the sidebar, but it is created correctly in the directly.
This command, however works (based on Node's watch command, I believe):
stylus -w -u nib styles/ie8.styl -o public/styles
Anyone know what's going on or how to debug?
Edit: This isn't working now after rebooting again. I hate this! :/
I also ran into this issue with Sublime Text 2 as well as Guard (it started using a polling fallback).
I believe I found a fix:
Download Onyx and run it with all of the options under the automation tab checked
After it's done shut down your machine and turn it back on
At this point I was suddenly able to see new directories created using mkdir in terminal from within the Sublime Text 2 file browser. Guard was also working without the polling fallback.
I hope this helps, it was really starting to get on my nerves.
This isn't going to be very informative but maybe it will help...
There is a thread in the Sublime Text forums discussing this issue and it doesn't seem to be secluded to OS X 10.8.1.
There also seems to be a thread about watchr not always working, and that issue seems to be platform independent as well.
I would bet that you've become the unwitting victim of the 'Mac OSX' env vars change ...
Please take a look at the following to determine if your env vars are set correctly on Mountain Lion as the environment.plist is now deprecated ...
Env Plist Deprecated
Mac OSX - Sublime

Can't launch anything from terminal after uninstalling fink! Mac Lion

I've got a big problem, I can't launch anything from the terminal, not python, not emacs (or aquamacs), not even 'which'.
I was using homebrew to try to install ffmpeg and was having difficulties so I decided to pay attention to the warning that always come up advising me to uninstall fink. I removed the sw directory from my root directory, which is what the fink website told me to do and was confirmed on many blogs and message boards after a quick google search.
And since then nothing has worked, I'm almost certain that this was the cause of the problem because after removing sw I immediately tried home brew again and it said 'brew: command not found'. I get the same warning with any and every program I try to launch.
I use Mac OS Lion on a 6 year old MacBook.
Any ideas?
You probably busted your PATH. You can use absolute paths to commands until you get it fixed. For example:
/bin/mv ~/.profile ~/.profile.bak
/bin/mv ~/.bash_profile ~/.bash_profile.bak
Then open a new Terminal window, where standard things should now work. and repair your profile script.

How to open Terminal at last open directory?

Every time I open my Terminal application at work it starts from a clean slate (e.g. it opens from the ~/ directory). But at home on my laptop my Terminal always remembers the last directory I was in (and all the commands on the screen) and displays them to me.
I'm trying to get this to happen when I'm at work but I can't find any information on it (I've no idea why or how my laptop managed to set itself to work that way?).
The only thing I've found out is that I can change the preferences so the Terminal executes a particular command when the app is started up, but that's not quite what I want (simply because I'm not sure what command I would run to get the Terminal to go to the directory I was looking at when I had the Terminal open last).
Any ideas?
Since you're using Lion, it should do that automatically.
You might have disabled the Resume functionality systemwide or in Terminal.
Make sure it's enabled systemwide. You can also try to manually enable it for Terminal:
defaults write NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool true
