Quartz Composer mouse hover and scroll - scroll

I'm really new to origami and quartz. I've only spent a few hours on it today and am still a little lost.
I'm trying to show some interaction for a website in a web browser. What patch would I use to register a mouse hover on a button or window? More specifically I've attached a link to show what kind of interaction i'm trying to achieve (Living Options section).
Also how do you use the mouse scroll patch?

To register a mouse hover, you would use the setup pictured above. First you need to define a Hit Area (the area to be hovered). Plugged into this you need an Interaction patch. Finally, you need to define which kind of mouse interaction you want to track – in this case Mouse Over. You have have a number of options here:
Plug the Mouse Over output port into another patch, e.g. the Text patch.
Create a Wireless Broadcaster (pictured) to send the interaction anywhere else in your composition (via a Wireless Receiver).
Publish the output up one layer. To do this, hover over the desired port and hit 'p'. The output will now be available from the parent patch.


How can I omit capturing of a button/region using DirectShow APIs?

I am using "Push Source Desktop" filter for capturing screen in my application.
I hide my application while recording is going on. Only a button for stopping the recording is visible on screen.
The button also gets recorded by the filter. During playback of the saved recording the button is visible along with rest of the screen region.
Is there any way I can prevent the button from getting recorded ?
My aim is to record the screen without the button. I cannot hide the button as it required for stopping the recording of my application.
I have tried to alter the alpha component of my button and make it semi-transparent. But still the filter captures the semi-transparent button.
How can I get the background region of the button and ignore the capturing of the button itself?
The problem has actually nothing to do with DirectShow. Long story short, DirectShow starts when you send the image you already have using DirectShow API and form factor of your software item.
Your question is how to display something on the desktop and grab from the same desktop excluding the part you present to user. I don't think you can implement it accurately without going in too many details, but quite so often you can do a trick like this: you know the position of your UI element so you can identify what's below it in terms of window Z-order (another application window or desktop etc). You can ask this window to repaint into your DC, and then combine the parts into the video you send downstream as a DirectShow source.

Windows Mobile 6.5 - camera life preview and image capture using my own dialog

Im writing an application for workers in our factory and one of requirements is that they should be able to take images using camera integrated in PDA with WM6.5.
The main difficulty is, that thay MUST NEVER EVER be able to enter windows, Start button, desktop etc. They are allowed ONLY to see my fullscreen application.
I succesfully deactivated BlueTooth + red, green and volume buttons (if you are interested, im pasting links here)
And now I have to implement the camera function. But as CameraCaptureDialog opens a new dialog and shows start button, task bar and allows user to open list of applications, I must not use it.
I must create my own dialog that will show the Live Preview in a panel or in an imageBox and photo will be taken using a button.
I searched the whole internet and found only DirectShow.NETCF (but people do not recommend it) and CameraCaptureDialog.
Can I somehow redirect the CameraCaptureDialog to my dialog? Or can I access camera directly via .NET framework? Or can I modify the CameraCaptureDialog not to show Start button, menu etc?
Looks like you have a bit of a challenge. I agree that Directshow is a questionable solution, but it may be your only option. I did get http://alexmogurenko.com/blog/directshownetcf/ to work, but only on low resolutions.
A better option might be to find a device that does not show the menu bar/start button. AFAIK, the HTC HD2 has a very clean Cameracapturedialog..
Good luck.

Any possibility to get a notification if another application receives a scroll event?

I'm developing an application in Cocoa which allows users to draw on any given window in OS X. The drawings move along with the corresponding window when dragged on screen. To complete this tie between drawings and the windows (and their contents) beneath, I'd like to catch scrolling events from the window in order to react on the positioning/visibility of the drawings.
An example:
The user opens Safari and browses the web. On a specific website s/he draws a circle around a link and takes hand written notes (this is all considered a drawing, input by a pen tablet). Afterwards s/he moves the window, the drawings are also being moved so that they remain on top of the link on the website. Then s/he begins to scroll the website and the location of the link changes (moves up until it's outside of the viewport).
Now I'd like to catch that event and also move the layer with the drawings to keep them on top of the link. When the link is no longer visible, I'd turn off the visibility of the drawing and turn it back on when scrolling brings the link back on to the viewport.
I know this is a quite tricky assignment and being able to intercept such events from another application might as well be considered an OS security flaw but maybe someone out there is good enough a coder to give me a hint... :)
The Cocoa Accessibility classes may be helpful but until now I haven't found the solution.
Thanks for your help.
Oh, and if that's not tricky to you, maybe you can tell me how to get notified when Safari switches Tabs ;)
I'm not sure if you can monitor scroll events. However, it's a lot easier if you just monitor the position of the link with the Accessibility API.
Just hold a reference to that link and constantly poll it for its position, if the position changes, you know what to do.
You could also try using AXObserverAddNotification, but as far as I am aware, there is no notification you can monitor for position changes.
If you haven't discovered it already, the Accessibility Inspector can help you a lot with identifying things that you can get using the Accessibility API and pfiddlesoft's UI Browser lets you register for notifications.

Windows mobile controlling scroll bar with finger

I have a question about the windows mobile development.
I created a mobile form on the windows mobile 6.0 test project. But that example form slightly larger than the vertically normal pocketpc forms. I now everybody said you can press the scrollbar for accessing bottom or any location of the form.
But i need to use the finger for easy navigating form areas. This kind of iphone :)
Is it possible ? how can i make this ?
Windows Mobile 6.5 adds gesture support, that is supposed to allow such functionality for finger control. Of course, your code has to take advantage of it.
You can also write your own, which isn't difficult, but still cumbersome.
My answer could be classified as subjective. I try to now show the scroll bar when possible for just that reason. On most devices that have touch screen, you can scroll using you finger (and I'm a somewhat large guy -- 6'3" with farmer kid hands).
But if you are displaying a grid, that isn't always possible. The results can go off the screen very easily. Oh well, grab a pen and hit the scrollbar.
Other screen elements that can help: tab control. separate your controls into groups and put each group on a separate tab. I also do a lot of wizards with LARGE next and previous buttons.
But in all of this, if it is designed to be stylus free, just pray the user doesn't have to type anything using the screen soft keyboard. That just doesn't work with a finger.

Custom CommonDialog/PrintDialog Newbie Question

I am trying to create my first custom Print Dialog in C#. I found some samples online that I'm working with to do this.
What I want to do is to put a button underneath the Properties button in the upper right corner. The code samples I have seen so far put new controls on the bottom of the Dialog relative to the position of the OK and Cancel buttons. Those code samples allow one to retrieve the handle of the OK or Cancel buttons because they're universal constants in Dialog controls. Fair enough, but how would I go about getting the handle on the Properties button so I could insert my button underneath?
You can use SPY++ to figure out the control Id of any control, those ids a solid across Windows versions. You can read here (old but still relevant) on how to use SPY++ to obtain control Ids.
