Laravel elixir compile multiple less files - laravel

I have this two files in resources/assets/less folder style.less and admin/style.less. I want to compile this files to diffrent paths as the following:
style.less compiled to public/css/
and the other one compiled to public/admin/styles/
this is What i did in the gulpfile.js
elixir(function(mix) {
mix.less('style.less', 'public/css/');
mix.less('admin/style.less', 'public/admin/styles/');
but this compile only one file.
What is the problem and how can i fix this issue?

I have a project that compiles two different less files to two different css files.
The only difference that I see is that I specify the full destination path including the file name.
So, for your case, it will be:
elixir(function(mix) {
mix.less('style.less', 'public/css/style.css')
.less('admin/style.less', 'public/admin/styles/style.css');

I have not got the answer for this yet. But have tried some alternatives, thought will share.
I was thinking we can do like below
elixir(function(mix) {
mix.less('style.less', 'public/css/')
.less('admin/style.less', 'public/admin/styles/');
But according to the documentation we can't make multiple call to sass or less method. So it is only compiling the latest less file (which in this case admin/style.css).
We can do like this
elixir(function(mix) {
mix.less(['style.less', 'admin/style2.less'], 'public/css/');
but this will compile both into the same folder.
Hoping to know, how can we do it to different folders.
I tried copying the second file into a separate folder, but that also doesn't work
elixir(function(mix) {
mix.less(['style.less', 'admin/style2.less'], 'public/css/')
.copy('public/css/style2.css', 'public/admin/style.css');
Probably this is because each requests are async and when the copy is getting called, that time the style2.css is not ready yet.

mix.less('resources/assets/less/app.scss', 'public/css').
less('resources/assets/less/admin/style.less', 'public/admin/styles');


Laravel-mix versioning when uploaded in S3 thinks in previous hash

With using webpack-s3-plugin npm package, I'm saving my laravel-mix compiled & versioned files into S3 (for cdn purposes).
Bare in mind, this was working until yesterday.
let webpackPlugins = [];
if (mix.inProduction() && process.env.UPLOAD_S3) {
webpackPlugins = [
new s3Plugin({
include: /.*\.(css|js)$/,
s3Options: {
accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_KEY,
secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET,
region: process.env.AWS_REGION,
s3UploadOptions: {
Bucket: process.env.ASSETS_S3_BUCKET,
CacheControl: 'public, max-age=31536000'
basePath: 'assets/' + process.env.APP_ENV,
directory: 'public'
mix.scripts([ // I also tried '.combine'
], 'public/js/scripts.js')
// Other bundling stuff
plugins: webpackPlugins
Now, S3's eTag doesn't match to mix-manifest.json hash. And, when I visit the page, it fetches 1 version behind, not the latest uploaded but exactly 1 previous version. However, when I check the 'updated date' on S3, it's correct. Nevertheless, it's exactly one version behind.
What I suspect is it is uploading to s3 before the bundling is completely done; however I am not sure. What am I missing here?
I used this guide if you want to know the laravel side in detail.
After diving around the S3 plugin source, I am fairly confident this is caused by the hook used to trigger the S3 upload. I don't know enough about webpack plugins to give a full description of this, but I have made an educated guess at what is causing the issue and my proposed fix seems to have sorted the issue.
The author of the plugin has accepted my pull request and the fix is currently awaiting release.
If you need a fix in the meantime, then you can do it like so (note, this is very dirty and should be treated as temporary):
Browse to your node_modules folder
Locate the folder named webpack-s3-plugin
Copy the file dist/s3_plugin.js
Paste somewhere in your project
Open the file and locate the line t.hooks.afterEmit.tapPromise
Replace with t.hooks.done.tapPromise
In your webpack.mix.js file, change the require('webpack-s3-plugin') to point to your javascript file
Just to reiterate, this is a temporary fix until the latest version of the plugin is released.

Executing shell command after Webpack post build

I have a Laravel project and as you know when you deploy your app everything in your public directory should be copied over to your htdocs or public_html directory to hide your application's code.
I am using webpack to build my react code and everything else and each time I change my javascript webpack does what I want, it sees I make a change and then it builds it.
However I want to add one additional command after it builds and that is to copy everything from the public directory into the correct directory in htdocs/public_html.
So far I read up on this question here Run command after webpack build
It works and I can get the echo to work but I'm not sure why cp isn't working. Echo works but how do I know what shell commands I can use?
I tried 'cp' and even 'copy-item' which is powershell, but none are working.
This is my plugin so far, I figured I needed to change the directory to be safe
before copying anything over but again, nothing is working.
mix.webpackConfig(webpack => {
return {
plugins: [
new WebpackShellPlugin({
onBuildStart: ['echo "Starting Build ..."'],
onBuildEnd: ["cd 'E:\\xammp\\apps\\FactorioCalculator'",
"cp '.\\public\\*' '..\\..\\htdocs\\FactorioCalculator\\' -f -r"]
You could always use the copyDirectory mix method. Just put something like the following at the bottom of your webpack.mix.js file:
mix.copyDirectory('public', '../../htdocs/FactorioCalculator/')
You might have to change your path to ..\\..\\htdocs\\FactorioCalculator\\ as per the path in your question (I only have my mac with me so I'm unable to test on my other machine).
To answer you original question, if you want to execute a command each time webpack finishes building you can use the mix.then() which takes a closure.

Is it possible to write (via sass commands or compiler directives) code such that SASS will output the final values of all variables to a JSON file?

How can I compile a SASS file and have it output all the final values of every variable in a json file
I asked a similar question before and someone on here thought I was trying to get you guys to do my job. I'm just trying to see if it's possible at all before I go down a path that ultimately is a waste of time. If it is possible, I don't know the magic sauce to get started.
I have CMS themes that are built on bootstrap-sass, and other sass frameworks, and I'd like my CMS to be able to access variables that we use in the SASS files as well. Seems to me that if when I compiled the SAAS file, I got a CSS, MAP, and JSON file, I'd be all set.
I could write this as some kind of mixin, but even then, I'd need to be able to get
A list of all variables
a command to output json to the dist folder.
Any pointers on these items are appreciated.
If you're using Gulp to compile your SASS there is a plugin that accomplishes this.
After installing it, and given the following Gulpfile.js:
var sassJson = require('gulp-sass-json');
var paths = {
'json_root' : './bundles/theme/scss/variables/*.scss',
'json_dest' : './json'
var sassOptions = {
errLogToConsole: true,
outputStyle: 'expanded'
gulp.task('sass-json', function () {
return gulp
gulp.task('default', ['sass-json']);
Given the SCSS file variables/colors.scss:
$red: #ed1414;
$blue: #0351e0;
$green: #259208;
Outputs the following json at ./json/colors.json
"red": "#ed1414",
"blue": "#0351e0",
"green": "#259208"
So in order to have it re-output it every time you compile, you can just create a task that encompasses this task as well as your normal style compile task.

Laravel elixir - don't generate map files

The question is - how to force Laravel Elixir not to generate map files?
At the moment if I run gulp I will have generated app.css and file. I don't know what for is this file but I think it's not necessary for me at the moment. Question is - how to force gulp not to generate this file?
At the moment my gulpfile.js looks like this:
var elixir = require('laravel-elixir');
elixir(function(mix) {
mix.sass('app.scss', 'public/css/app.css');
This is no longer achievable via elixir.extend() syntax, instead the official documentation now suggests to use this:
elixir.config.sourcemaps = false;
Starting from Elixir 3.0 you can put a JSON object that will override the default configuration in elixir.json:
"sourcemaps": false
.map files are called source maps. Their purpose is to map the contents of a concatenated, minified file to it's original files to make debugging easier.
You can disable them by changing elixirs config using extend() in your gulpfile
elixir.extend('sourcemaps', false);
Note that source maps are disabled by default when running in production.

Combining Multiple SASS files into one SASS file

Does anyone know if there is a way to combine multiple SASS/SCSS files into one SASS/SCSS file. I do mean "into one SASS/SCSS" and not into a CSS file.
For example, I have 3 scss files:
The app.scss file contains 2 imports to base.scss and layout.scss.
I would like to beable to generate 1 SCSS file that basically concatenates the files and does not process the sass.
It's fairly difficult to search for as everything that gets return is to do with combining into CSS.
Why would I want to do this? Basically, I'd like to easily reference a set of SCSS files from within a codepen (other online code editor).
I analyze all files by the mask, find all imports inside and concatenate into one file. So I don't need one entry point
npm install -D bundle-scss
"script": {
"postbuild": "npm run themes",
"themes": "bundle-scss -m \"./src/**/*.theme.scss\" -d \"./dist/themes.scss\""
scss-bundle solves this problem
Caution: Does not support newer module based imports. Issue #90
You could modify this for javascript. Kept it in typescript as I am currently solving this issue on my own (angular 6 library), and ran into this question.
According to the docs, angular material uses this implementation.
import * as path from 'path';
import { Bundler } from 'scss-bundle';
import * as fs from 'fs';
(async () => {
// Absolute project directory path.
// Assuming all of your scss files are in `./projects/my-library/src/styles`
const projectDirectory = path.resolve(__dirname, './projects/my-library/src/styles');
const bundler = new Bundler(undefined, projectDirectory);
// Relative file path to project directory path.
// The name of your file here would be `app.scss`
// Kept this here if anyone runs into this answer and wants to do this with the new angular 6 library.
const { found, bundledContent } = await bundler.Bundle('./_all-theme.scss');
if (found && bundledContent) {
// where you want to save the file, and what you would like it to be called.
const location = path.resolve(__dirname, '_theming.scss');
fs.writeFileSync(location, bundledContent);
