Executing shell command after Webpack post build - laravel

I have a Laravel project and as you know when you deploy your app everything in your public directory should be copied over to your htdocs or public_html directory to hide your application's code.
I am using webpack to build my react code and everything else and each time I change my javascript webpack does what I want, it sees I make a change and then it builds it.
However I want to add one additional command after it builds and that is to copy everything from the public directory into the correct directory in htdocs/public_html.
So far I read up on this question here Run command after webpack build
It works and I can get the echo to work but I'm not sure why cp isn't working. Echo works but how do I know what shell commands I can use?
I tried 'cp' and even 'copy-item' which is powershell, but none are working.
This is my plugin so far, I figured I needed to change the directory to be safe
before copying anything over but again, nothing is working.
mix.webpackConfig(webpack => {
return {
plugins: [
new WebpackShellPlugin({
onBuildStart: ['echo "Starting Build ..."'],
onBuildEnd: ["cd 'E:\\xammp\\apps\\FactorioCalculator'",
"cp '.\\public\\*' '..\\..\\htdocs\\FactorioCalculator\\' -f -r"]

You could always use the copyDirectory mix method. Just put something like the following at the bottom of your webpack.mix.js file:
mix.copyDirectory('public', '../../htdocs/FactorioCalculator/')
You might have to change your path to ..\\..\\htdocs\\FactorioCalculator\\ as per the path in your question (I only have my mac with me so I'm unable to test on my other machine).
To answer you original question, if you want to execute a command each time webpack finishes building you can use the mix.then() which takes a closure.


Launch ClojureScript + ghost script from terminal

I installed phantomjs and casperjs, created a new project with lein new mies casper-ghost and added the [ghost "0.1.0-alpha1] dependency to project.clj.
I then copied over the example code from https://github.com/casperjs/ghost to the core.cljs file and successfully compiled it, with ./scripts/build.
When I try to run it with casperjs out/casper_ghost.js it gives me the error:
ClojureScript could not load :main, did you forget to specify :asset-path?
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: goog
file:///usr/lib/node_modules/casperjs/bin/bootstrap.js:1 in global code
I tried creating a custom build script as follows:
(require 'cljs.build.api)
(cljs.build.api/build "src"
{:main 'hello-world.core
:output-to "out/main.js"})
And ran that successfully with lein -m clojure.main build.clj, but running out/main.js with casperjs would cause the same error.
Can someone point me in the right direction how to run the ghost scripts from the linux terminal?
Making the Google closure compiler write everything into a single file by using :optimizations "simple" to the build options did the trick.

How transpile via IDE ES6 to ES5 (and React-JSX) with WebStorm on Win10 with Babel6?

A lot of sources explain that for this you need to
create a "File Watcher"-Job in the WebStorm-Settings (Tools)
define a "Scope" in WebStorm for the files you want to process
define a .babelrc file for configuration. Babel will use this automatically so you save some params in the call
"presets": ["es2015", "react"],
"plugins": ["transform-es2015-arrow-functions"]
npm install --save-dev the corresponding packages together with the babel-cli package.
BUT... how can I run the babel-Command on Windows when babel-cli module just delivers a "babel.js" file in its bin-folder? However Windows can only execute .exe, .bat or .cmd-files.
I tried to wrap the call in a cmd-script containing babel %* as I found a solution in one web article, but this did not work for me.
The solution for me was to fill the File Watcher form in a way to have the call of the node executable as Program and add the call for babel.js as first of the Arguments
Program: C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe
Arguments: $ProjectFileDir$/node_modules/babel-cli/bin/babel.js $FilePathRelativeToProjectRoot$ --source-maps --out-dir src/test/js
Working Directory: $ProjectFileDir$
Output paths to refresh: $ProjectFileDir$\src\test\js
This makes the babel.js callable for the File Watcher.

Why does command "tsc file.ts" give no output and not produce a js file?

I have just started work on a project with some typescript code, and I'm trying to compile the .ts files to .js files from within Linux Mint, but it's not working as I'd expect.
There is a Makefile, but it's not working. Running make returns an error:
tsc --noImplicitAny --noEmitOnError --out client/welcome.js client/welcome.ts
make: *** [client/welcome.js] Error 1
I have also tried creating an example typescript file greeter.ts (as per this official tutorial) containing:
function greeter(person) {
return "Hello, " + person;
var user = "Jane User";
document.body.innerHTML = greeter(user);
and tried compiling the ts file to javascript with the command (as per the same tutorial) tsc greeter.ts however the command completes with no output, and no .js file has been created.
I haven't previously worked with typescript at all, and though I've used Makefile's before I don't know much about them either, so I'm hoping it's something really obvious!
I encountered this problem because I had the following line in my tsconfig.json:
"noEmit": true
It worked after removing it.
This means that if there is an error detected no js will be generated. I highly recommend not using this option (Changes a major benefit of why typescript)
Check your tsc version. The code you provided works fine with 1.6:
The --version command should work at the very least. See below:

How do use node-qunit?

The info on this page seems less-than-forth-coming -- https://github.com/kof/node-qunit. I've got a setup where I installed nodejs and installed the node-quit module. I have test runner and executed the command node /path/to/runner.js. Below is an example of my setup. Any ideas or examples on how to do this or maybe I'm using it wrong. I previous ran qunit tests using Rhino and EnvJs without any issues but I figured I try nodejs since I using it for other things and the packaging system can be scripted in my build. Maybe I missing an option to node to include Qunit or some environment variable not set -- that would make sense.
File Structure
cd node
npm install qunit
This will now update the file structure.
var runner = require("../../node/node_modules/qunit");
code : "/full/path/to/public/js/main.js",
tests : "/full/path/to/tests/js/tests.js"
test("Hello World", function() {
node tests/js/testrunner.js
It appears that you need to use full paths to the main.js and tests.js files and also include a relative path to the qunit module. I updated the code above as an example for others.

Path Error running CakePHP's "cake" console utility in Windows

A while ago when I started with Cake, I managed to get the console running in my Windows environment, and I have no idea how. I'm now having problems to make it work again in another computer.
This is what I've done in the new machine:
Downloaded my Cake code from source control (so all the files are exactly the same as the computer where it worked, including the configuration files)
Added PHP and "c:\my_cake_path\cake\console" to the path
If I run "cake OneOfMyShells", either standing on the /app, or in /cake/console directories, I get the following error:
Warning: get_object_vars() expects parameter 1 to be object, null given in C:\my_cake_path\cake\libs\model\connection_manager.php on line 199
Error: Missing Database Connection. Try 'cake bake'
"cake Bake", if run normally, when I try to get it to do the DB config ends up throwing another error (which is not that relevant to this)
However, if I run: cake bake -app "c:\my_cake_path\app"
Then bake works, I can do the database config, and it writes the DB config file (which is useless at this point, since I already had one)
Then, of course: cake OneOfMyShells -app "c:\my_cake_path\app"
does work perfectly well.
So, everything's working fine, I just need to manually specify the path to "app" every single time, which is very annoying.
How can I get around this? Where is Cake looking for to find the path to app?
Not much of a difference in the sense you still need to type but you can run cake from the app dir like this: C:\XXX\project\app> ..\cake\console\cake.bat
To make it smaller you can put that line on a .bat or just add the \cake\console dir the windows path
