rest api design and workflow to upload images. - image

I want to design an api that allows clients to upload images, then the application creates different variants of the images, like resizing or changing the image format, finally the application stores the image information for each of the variants in a database. The problem occurs when I try to determine the proper strategy to implement this task, here are some different strategies i can think of.
Strategy 1:
Send a post request to /api/pictures/,
create all the image variants and return 201 created if all image files were created correctly and the image information was saved to the database, otherwise it returns a 500 error.
pros: easy to implement
cons: the client has to wait a very long time until all variants of the images are created.
Strategy 2:
Send a post request to /api/pictures/, create just the necessary information for the image variants and store it in the database, then returns a 202 accepted, and start creating the actual image variant files, the 202 response includes a location header with a new url, something like /api/pictures/:pictureId/status to 'monitor' the state of the image variants creation process. The client could use this url to check whether the process was completed or not, if the process was completed return a 201 created, if the process is pending return a 200 ok, if there is an error during the process, it ends and returns a 410 gone
pros: the client gets a very fast response, and it doesn't have to wait until all image variants are created.
cons: hard to implement server side logic, the client has to keep checking the returned location url in order to know when the process has finished.
Another problem is that, for example when the image variants are created correctly but one fails, the entire process returns a 410 gone, the client can keep sending requests to the status url because the application will try to create the failed image again, returning a 201 when its end correctly.
Strategy 3:
This is very similar to strategy 2 but instead of return a location for the whole 'process', it returns an array of locations with status urls for each image variant, this way the client can check the status for each individual image variant instead of the status of the whole process.
pros: same as strategy 2, if one image variant fails during creation, the other variants are not affected. For example, if one of the variants fails during creation it returns a 410 gone while the images that were created properly returns a 201 created.
cons: the client is hard to implement because it has to keep track of an array of locations instead of just one location, the number of requests increases proportionally to the number of variants.
My question is what is the best way to accomplish this task?

Your real problem is how to deal with asynchronous requests in HTTP. My approach to that problem is usually to adopt option 2, returning 202 Accepted and allowing the client to check current status with GET on the Location URI if he wants to.
Optionally, the client can provide a callback URI on a request header, which I will use to notify completion.

Related - different maxHttpBufferSize values depending on the nature of the request

I am creating an application that allows users to submit JSON or Base64 image data via
The goal I am trying to achieve is:
if JSON is submitted, the message can have a maximum size of 1MB
if a Base64 image is submitted, the message can have a maximum size of 5MB
From the docs I can see that:
you can specify a maxHttpBufferSize option value that allows you to limit the maximum message size
namespaces allow you to split logic over a single connection
However, I can't figure out the correct way to get the functionality to work the way I have described above.
Would I need to:
set up 2 separate io instances on the server, one for JSON data and the other for Base64 images (therefore allowing me to set separate maxHttpBufferSize values for each), and then the client can use the correct instance, depending on what they want to submit (if so, what is the correct way of doing this?)
set up 1 instance with a maxHttpBufferSize of 5MB, and then add in my own custom logic to determine message sizes and prevent further actions if the data is JSON and over 1MB in size
set this up in some totally different way that I haven't thought of
Many thanks
From what I can see in the API, maxHttpBufferSize is a parameter for the underlying Engine.IO server (of which there is one instance per Socket.IO Server Instance). Obviously you're free to set up two servers but I doubt it makes sense to separate the system into two entirely different applications.
Talk of using Namespaces to separate logic is more about handling different messages at different endpoints (for example you would register a removeUserFromChat message handler to a user connecting via an /admin namespace, but you wouldn't want to register this to a user connecting via the /user namespace).
In the most recent socket server I set up, I defined my own protocol where part of the response would contain a HTTP status code, as well as a description that could be displayed to the user. For example I would return 200 on success. If I was uploading a file via a REST HTTP Interface, I would expect a 400 (BAD REQUEST) response if my request couldn't be processed - and I believe that this makes sense for your use case. Alternatively you could define your own custom 4XX error code if the file is too large, and handle this in your UI purely based on the code returned. Obviously you don't need to follow the HTTP protocol, and the design decisions are ultimately up to you, but in my opinion it makes sense to return some kind of error response in your message handler.
I suspect that the maxHttpBufferSize has different use at lower levels than your use case. When sending content over network, content is split into 'n bytes' of packets and when a application writes 'n' bytes, the network sends a packet over network (the less the n, more overhead due to network headers. The more the n, high latency because of waiting involved in accumulating n bytes before sending). Documentation is not clear about maxHttpBufferSize but it could be the packet size (n) configuration, not limit on the max data on connection.
It seems, http request header Content-Length might serve your purpose. It gives the actual object size based on that you can make a decision.

Limiting and Sorting with Parse?

I'm trying to learn how to use Parse and while it's very simple, it's also... not? Perhaps I'm just missing something, but it seems like Parse requires a lot of client-side code, and even sending multiple requests for a single request. For example, in my application I have a small photo gallery that each user has. The images are stored on Parse and obtained from parse when needed.
I want to make sure that a user can not store any more than 15 images in their gallery at a time, I also want these images to be ordered by an index.
Currently it seems like the only viable option is to perform the following steps on the client:
Execute a query/request to get the amount of pictures stored.
If the amount is less than 15, then execute a request to upload the picture.
Once the picture is uploaded, execute a request that stores an object linking the user that uploaded the PFFile.
This is a total of 3 or? 6 requests just to upload a file, depending on if a "response" is considered a request by parse too. This also does not provide any way to order the pictures in the gallery. Would I have to create a custom field called "index" and set that to the number of photos received in the first query + 1?
It's worse than you think: to create the picture you must create a file, save it, then save a reference to the file in an object and save that, too.
But it's also better than you think: this sort of network usage is expected in a connected app, and some of it can be mitigated with additional logic on the server ("cloud code" in parse parlance).
First, in your app, consider a simple data model where _User has an array of images (represented, say, by an "UserImage" custom class). If you keep this relationship as an array of pointers on user, than a user's images can be fetched eagerly, when the app starts, so you'll know the image count as a fact along with the user. The UserImage object will have a file reference in it, so you can optionally fetch the image data and just hold the lighter metadata with the current user.
Ordering is a more ephemeral idea. One doesn't order objects as they are saved, but rather as they are retrieved. Queries can be ordered according to any attribute, and even more to the point, since you're retrieving all 15 images, you should consider ordering them for presentation a function of the UI, not the data.
Finally, parse limits your app not by transaction count, but by transaction rate, with a free limit low enough to serve plenty of users.

Tracking ajax request status in a Flux application

We're refactoring a large Backbone application to use Flux to help solve some tight coupling and event / data flow issues. However, we haven't yet figured out how to handle cases where we need to know the status of a specific ajax request
When a controller component requests some data from a flux store, and that data has not yet been loaded, we trigger an ajax request to fetch the data. We dispatch one action when the request is initiated, and another on success or failure.
This is sufficient to load the correct data, and update the stores once the data has been loaded. But, we have some cases where we need to know whether a certain ajax request is pending or completed - sometimes just to display a spinner in one or more views, or sometimes to block other actions until the data is loaded.
Are there any patterns that people are using for this sort of behavior in flux/react apps? here are a few approaches I've considered:
Have a 'request status' store that knows whether there is a pending, completed, or failed request of any type. This works well for simple cases like 'is there a pending request for workout data', but becomes complicated if we want to get more granular 'is there a pending request for workout id 123'
Have all of the stores track whether the relevant data requests are pending or not, and return that status data as part of the store api - i.e. WorkoutStore.getWorkout would return something like { status: 'pending', data: {} }. The problem with this approach is that it seems like this sort of state shouldn't be mixed in with the domain data as it's really a separate concern. Also, now every consumer of the workout store api needs to handle this 'response with status' instead of just the relevant domain data
Ignore request status - either the data is there and the controller/view act on it, or the data isn't there and the controller/view don't act on it. Simpler, but probably not sufficient for our purposes
The solutions to this problem vary quite a bit based on the needs of the application, and I can't say that I know of a one-size-fits-all solution.
Often, #3 is fine, and your React components simply decide whether to show a spinner based on whether a prop is null.
When you need better tracking of requests, you may need this tracking at the level of the request itself, or you might instead need this at the level of the data that is being updated. These are two different needs that require similar, but slightly different approaches. Both solutions use a client-side id to track the request, like you have described in #1.
If the component that calls the action creator needs to know the state of the request, you create a requestID and hang on to that in this.state. Later, the component will examine a collection of requests passed down through props to see if the requestID is present as a key. If so, it can read the request status there, and clear the state. A RequestStore sounds like a fine place to store and manage that state.
However, if you need to know the status of the request at the level of a particular record, one way to manage this is to have your records in the store hold on to both a clientID and a more canonical (server-side) id. This way you can create the clientID as part of an optimistic update, and when the response comes back from the server, you can clear the clientID.
Another solution that we've been using on a few projects at Facebook is to create an action queue as an adjunct to the store. The action queue is a second storage area. All of your getters draw from both the store itself and the data in the action queue. So your optimistic updates don't actually update the store until the response comes back from the server.

Is it wrong to return 202 "Accepted" in response to HTTP GET?

I have a set of resources whose representations are lazily created. The computation to construct these representations can take anywhere from a few milliseconds to a few hours, depending on server load, the specific resource, and the phase of the moon.
The first GET request received for the resource starts the computation on the server. If the computation completes within a few seconds, the computed representation is returned. Otherwise, a 202 "Accepted" status code is returned, and the client must poll the resource until the final representation is available.
The reason for this behavior is the following: If a result is available within a few seconds, it needs to be retrieved as soon as possible; otherwise, when it becomes available is not important.
Due to limited memory and the sheer volume of requests, neither NIO nor long polling is an option (i.e. I can't keep nearly enough connections open, nor even can I even fit all of the requests in memory; once "a few seconds" have passed, I persist the excess requests). Likewise, client limitations are such that they cannot handle a completion callback, instead. Finally, note I'm not interested in creating a "factory" resource that one POSTs to, as the extra roundtrips mean we fail the piecewise realtime constraint more than is desired (moreover, it's extra complexity; also, this is a resource that would benefit from caching).
I imagine there is some controversy over returning a 202 "Accepted" status code in response to a GET request, seeing as I've never seen it in practice, and its most intuitive use is in response to unsafe methods, but I've never found anything specifically discouraging it. Moreover, am I not preserving both safety and idempotency?
So, what do folks think about this approach?
EDIT: I should mention this is for a so-called business web API--not for browsers.
If it's for a well-defined and -documented API, 202 sounds exactly right for what's happening.
If it's for the public Internet, I would be too worried about client compatibility. I've seen so many if (status == 200) hard-coded.... In that case, I would return a 200.
Also, the RFC makes no indication that using 202 for a GET request is wrong, while it makes clear distinctions in other code descriptions (e.g. 200).
The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.
We did this for a recent application, a client (custom application, not a browser) POST'ed a query and the server would return 202 with a URI to the "job" being posted - the client would use that URI to poll for the result - this seems to fit nicely with what was being done.
The most important thing here is anyway to document how your service/API works, and what a response of 202 means.
From what I can recall - GET is supposed to return a resource without modifying the server. Maybe activity will be logged or what have you, but the request should be rerunnable with the same result.
POST on the other hand is a request to change the state of something on the server. Insert a record, delete a record, run a job, something like that. 202 would be appropriate for a POST that returned but isn't finished, but not really a GET request.
It's all very puritan and not well practiced in the wild, so you're probably safe by returning 202. GET should return 200. POST can return 200 if it finished or 202 if it's not done.
In case of a resource that is supposed to have a representation of an entity that is clearly specified by an ID (as opposed to a "factory" resource, as described in the question), I recommend staying with the GET method and, in a situation when the entity/representation is not available because of lazy-creation or any other temporary situation, use the 503 Service Unavailable response code that is more appropriate and was actually designed for situations like this one.
Reasoning for this can be found in the RFCs for HTTP itself (please verify the description of the 503 response code), as well as on numerous other resources.
Please compare with HTTP status code for temporarily unavailable pages. Although that question is about a different use case, it actually relates to the exact same feature of HTTP.

When do you use POST and when do you use GET?

From what I can gather, there are three categories:
Never use GET and use POST
Never use POST and use GET
It doesn't matter which one you use.
Am I correct in assuming those three cases? If so, what are some examples from each case?
Use POST for destructive actions such as creation (I'm aware of the irony), editing, and deletion, because you can't hit a POST action in the address bar of your browser. Use GET when it's safe to allow a person to call an action. So a URL like:
Should bring you to a confirmation page, rather than simply deleting the item. It's far easier to avoid accidents this way.
POST is also more secure than GET, because you aren't sticking information into a URL. And so using GET as the method for an HTML form that collects a password or other sensitive information is not the best idea.
One final note: POST can transmit a larger amount of information than GET. 'POST' has no size restrictions for transmitted data, whilst 'GET' is limited to 2048 characters.
In brief
Use GET for safe andidempotent requests
Use POST for neither safe nor idempotent requests
In details
There is a proper place for each. Even if you don't follow RESTful principles, a lot can be gained from learning about REST and how a resource oriented approach works.
A RESTful application will use GETs for operations which are both safe and idempotent.
A safe operation is an operation which does not change the data requested.
An idempotent operation is one in which the result will be the same no matter how many times you request it.
It stands to reason that, as GETs are used for safe operations they are automatically also idempotent. Typically a GET is used for retrieving a resource (a question and its associated answers on stack overflow for example) or collection of resources.
A RESTful app will use PUTs for operations which are not safe but idempotent.
I know the question was about GET and POST, but I'll return to POST in a second.
Typically a PUT is used for editing a resource (editing a question or an answer on stack overflow for example).
A POST would be used for any operation which is neither safe or idempotent.
Typically a POST would be used to create a new resource for example creating a NEW SO question (though in some designs a PUT would be used for this also).
If you run the POST twice you would end up creating TWO new questions.
There's also a DELETE operation, but I'm guessing I can leave that there :)
In practical terms modern web browsers typically only support GET and POST reliably (you can perform all of these operations via javascript calls, but in terms of entering data in forms and pressing submit you've generally got the two options). In a RESTful application the POST will often be overriden to provide the PUT and DELETE calls also.
But, even if you are not following RESTful principles, it can be useful to think in terms of using GET for retrieving / viewing information and POST for creating / editing information.
You should never use GET for an operation which alters data. If a search engine crawls a link to your evil op, or the client bookmarks it could spell big trouble.
Use GET if you don't mind the request being repeated (That is it doesn't change state).
Use POST if the operation does change the system's state.
Short Version
GET: Usually used for submitted search requests, or any request where you want the user to be able to pull up the exact page again.
Advantages of GET:
URLs can be bookmarked safely.
Pages can be reloaded safely.
Disadvantages of GET:
Variables are passed through url as name-value pairs. (Security risk)
Limited number of variables that can be passed. (Based upon browser. For example, Internet Explorer is limited to 2,048 characters.)
POST: Used for higher security requests where data may be used to alter a database, or a page that you don't want someone to bookmark.
Advantages of POST:
Name-value pairs are not displayed in url. (Security += 1)
Unlimited number of name-value pairs can be passed via POST. Reference.
Disadvantages of POST:
Page that used POST data cannot be bookmark. (If you so desired.)
Longer Version
Directly from the Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
9.3 GET
The GET method means retrieve whatever information (in the form of an entity) is identified by the Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to a data-producing process, it is the produced data which shall be returned as the entity in the response and not the source text of the process, unless that text happens to be the output of the process.
The semantics of the GET method change to a "conditional GET" if the request message includes an If-Modified-Since, If-Unmodified-Since, If-Match, If-None-Match, or If-Range header field. A conditional GET method requests that the entity be transferred only under the circumstances described by the conditional header field(s). The conditional GET method is intended to reduce unnecessary network usage by allowing cached entities to be refreshed without requiring multiple requests or transferring data already held by the client.
The semantics of the GET method change to a "partial GET" if the request message includes a Range header field. A partial GET requests that only part of the entity be transferred, as described in section 14.35. The partial GET method is intended to reduce unnecessary network usage by allowing partially-retrieved entities to be completed without transferring data already held by the client.
The response to a GET request is cacheable if and only if it meets the requirements for HTTP caching described in section 13.
See section 15.1.3 for security considerations when used for forms.
9.5 POST
The POST method is used to request that the origin server accept the
entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the resource
identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line. POST is designed
to allow a uniform method to cover the following functions:
Annotation of existing resources;
Posting a message to a bulletin board, newsgroup, mailing list,
or similar group of articles;
Providing a block of data, such as the result of submitting a
form, to a data-handling process;
Extending a database through an append operation.
The actual function performed by the POST method is determined by the
server and is usually dependent on the Request-URI. The posted entity
is subordinate to that URI in the same way that a file is subordinate
to a directory containing it, a news article is subordinate to a
newsgroup to which it is posted, or a record is subordinate to a
The action performed by the POST method might not result in a
resource that can be identified by a URI. In this case, either 200
(OK) or 204 (No Content) is the appropriate response status,
depending on whether or not the response includes an entity that
describes the result.
The first important thing is the meaning of GET versus POST :
GET should be used to... get... some information from the server,
while POST should be used to send some information to the server.
After that, a couple of things that can be noted :
Using GET, your users can use the "back" button in their browser, and they can bookmark pages
There is a limit in the size of the parameters you can pass as GET (2KB for some versions of Internet Explorer, if I'm not mistaken) ; the limit is much more for POST, and generally depends on the server's configuration.
Anyway, I don't think we could "live" without GET : think of how many URLs you are using with parameters in the query string, every day -- without GET, all those wouldn't work ;-)
Apart from the length constraints difference in many web browsers, there is also a semantic difference. GETs are supposed to be "safe" in that they are read-only operations that don't change the server state. POSTs will typically change state and will give warnings on resubmission. Search engines' web crawlers may make GETs but should never make POSTs.
Use GET if you want to read data without changing state, and use POST if you want to update state on the server.
My general rule of thumb is to use Get when you are making requests to the server that aren't going to alter state. Posts are reserved for requests to the server that alter state.
One practical difference is that browsers and webservers have a limit on the number of characters that can exist in a URL. It's different from application to application, but it's certainly possible to hit it if you've got textareas in your forms.
Another gotcha with GETs - they get indexed by search engines and other automatic systems. Google once had a product that would pre-fetch links on the page you were viewing, so they'd be faster to load if you clicked those links. It caused major havoc on sites that had links like delete.php?id=1 - people lost their entire sites.
Use GET when you want the URL to reflect the state of the page. This is useful for viewing dynamically generated pages, such as those seen here. A POST should be used in a form to submit data, like when I click the "Post Your Answer" button. It also produces a cleaner URL since it doesn't generate a parameter string after the path.
Because GETs are purely URLs, they can be cached by the web browser and may be better used for things like consistently generated images. (Set an Expiry time)
One example from the gravatar page:
GET may yeild marginally better performance, some webservers write POST contents to a temporary file before invoking the handler.
Another thing to consider is the size limit. GETs are capped by the size of the URL, 1024 bytes by the standard, though browsers may support more.
Transferring more data than that should use a POST to get better browser compatibility.
Even less than that limit is a problem, as another poster wrote, anything in the URL could end up in other parts of the brower's UI, like history.
1.3 Quick Checklist for Choosing HTTP GET or POST
Use GET if:
The interaction is more like a question (i.e., it is a safe operation such as a query, read operation, or lookup).
Use POST if:
The interaction is more like an order, or
The interaction changes the state of the resource in a way that the user would perceive (e.g., a subscription to a service), or
The user be held accountable for the results of the interaction.
There is nothing you can't do per-se. The point is that you're not supposed to modify the server state on an HTTP GET. HTTP proxies assume that since HTTP GET does not modify the state then whether a user invokes HTTP GET one time or 1000 times makes no difference. Using this information they assume it is safe to return a cached version of the first HTTP GET. If you break the HTTP specification you risk breaking HTTP client and proxies in the wild. Don't do it :)
This traverses into the concept of REST and how the web was kinda intended on being used. There is an excellent podcast on Software Engineering radio that gives an in depth talk about the use of Get and Post.
Get is used to pull data from the server, where an update action shouldn't be needed. The idea being is that you should be able to use the same GET request over and over and have the same information returned. The URL has the get information in the query string, because it was meant to be able to be easily sent to other systems and people like a address on where to find something.
Post is supposed to be used (at least by the REST architecture which the web is kinda based on) for pushing information to the server/telling the server to perform an action. Examples like: Update this data, Create this record.
i dont see a problem using get though, i use it for simple things where it makes sense to keep things on the query string.
Using it to update state - like a GET of delete.php?id=5 to delete a page - is very risky. People found that out when Google's web accelerator started prefetching URLs on pages - it hit all the 'delete' links and wiped out peoples' data. Same thing can happen with search engine spiders.
POST can move large data while GET cannot.
But generally it's not about a shortcomming of GET, rather a convention if you want your website/webapp to be behaving nicely.
Have a look at
From RFC 2616:
9.3 GET
The GET method means retrieve whatever information (in the form of
an entity) is identified by the
Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers
to a data-producing process, it is the
produced data which shall be returned
as the entity in the response and not
the source text of the process, unless
that text happens to be the output of
the process.
9.5 POST The POST method is used to request that the origin server
accept the entity enclosed in the
request as a new subordinate of the
resource identified by the Request-URI
in the Request-Line. POST is designed
to allow a uniform method to cover the
following functions:
Annotation of existing resources;
Posting a message to a bulletin board, newsgroup, mailing list, or
similar group of articles;
Providing a block of data, such as the result of submitting a form, to a
data-handling process;
Extending a database through an append operation.
The actual function performed by the
POST method is determined by the
server and is usually dependent on the
Request-URI. The posted entity is
subordinate to that URI in the same
way that a file is subordinate to a
directory containing it, a news
article is subordinate to a newsgroup
to which it is posted, or a record is
subordinate to a database.
The action performed by the POST
method might not result in a resource
that can be identified by a URI. In
this case, either 200 (OK) or 204 (No
Content) is the appropriate response
status, depending on whether or not
the response includes an entity that
describes the result.
I use POST when I don't want people to see the QueryString or when the QueryString gets large. Also, POST is needed for file uploads.
I don't see a problem using GET though, I use it for simple things where it makes sense to keep things on the QueryString.
Using GET will allow linking to a particular page possible too where POST would not work.
The original intent was that GET was used for getting data back and POST was to be anything. The rule of thumb that I use is that if I'm sending anything back to the server, I use POST. If I'm just calling an URL to get back data, I use GET.
Read the article about HTTP in the Wikipedia. It will explain what the protocol is and what it does:
Requests a representation of the specified resource. Note that GET should not be used for operations that cause side-effects, such as using it for taking actions in web applications. One reason for this is that GET may be used arbitrarily by robots or crawlers, which should not need to consider the side effects that a request should cause.
Submits data to be processed (e.g., from an HTML form) to the identified resource. The data is included in the body of the request. This may result in the creation of a new resource or the updates of existing resources or both.
The W3C has a document named URIs, Addressability, and the use of HTTP GET and POST that explains when to use what. Citing
1.3 Quick Checklist for Choosing HTTP GET or POST
Use GET if:
The interaction is more like a question (i.e., it is a
safe operation such as a query, read operation, or lookup).
Use POST if:
The interaction is more like an order, or
The interaction changes the state of the resource in a way that the user would perceive (e.g., a subscription to a service), or
o The user be held accountable for the results of the interaction.
However, before the final decision to use HTTP GET or POST, please also consider considerations for sensitive data and practical considerations.
A practial example would be whenever you submit an HTML form. You specify either post or get for the form action. PHP will populate $_GET and $_POST accordingly.
In PHP, POST data limit is usually set by your php.ini. GET is limited by server/browser settings I believe - usually around 255 bytes.
What is HTTP?
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is designed to enable
communications between clients and servers.
HTTP works as a request-response protocol between a client and server.
A web browser may be the client, and an application on a computer that
hosts a web site may be the server.
Example: A client (browser) submits an HTTP request to the server;
then the server returns a response to the client. The response
contains status information about the request and may also contain the
requested content.
Two HTTP Request Methods: GET and POST
Two commonly used methods for a request-response between a client and
server are: GET and POST.
GET – Requests data from a specified resource POST – Submits data to
be processed to a specified resource
Here we distinguish the major differences:
Well one major thing is anything you submit over GET is going to be exposed via the URL. Secondly as Ceejayoz says, there is a limit on characters for a URL.
Another difference is that POST generally requires two HTTP operations, whereas GET only requires one.
Edit: I should clarify--for common programming patterns. Generally responding to a POST with a straight up HTML web page is a questionable design for a variety of reasons, one of which is the annoying "you must resubmit this form, do you wish to do so?" on pressing the back button.
As answered by others, there's a limit on url size with get, and files can be submitted with post only.
I'd like to add that one can add things to a database with a get and perform actions with a post. When a script receives a post or a get, it can do whatever the author wants it to do. I believe the lack of understanding comes from the wording the book chose or how you read it.
A script author should use posts to change the database and use get only for retrieval of information.
Scripting languages provided many means with which to access the request. For example, PHP allows the use of $_REQUEST to retrieve either a post or a get. One should avoid this in favor of the more specific $_GET or $_POST.
In web programming, there's a lot more room for interpretation. There's what one should and what one can do, but which one is better is often up for debate. Luckily, in this case, there is no ambiguity. You should use posts to change data, and you should use get to retrieve information.
HTTP Post data doesn't have a specified limit on the amount of data, where as different browsers have different limits for GET's. The RFC 2068 states:
Servers should be cautious about
depending on URI lengths above 255
bytes, because some older client or
proxy implementations may not properly
support these lengths
Specifically you should the right HTTP constructs for what they're used for. HTTP GET's shouldn't have side-effects and can be safely refreshed and stored by HTTP Proxies, etc.
HTTP POST's are used when you want to submit data against a url resource.
A typical example for using HTTP GET is on a Search, i.e. Search?Query=my+query
A typical example for using a HTTP POST is submitting feedback to an online form.
Gorgapor, mod_rewrite still often utilizes GET. It just allows to translate a friendlier URL into a URL with a GET query string.
Simple version of POST GET PUT DELETE
use GET - when you want to get any resource like List of data based on any Id or Name
use POST - when you want to send any data to server. keep in mind POST is heavy weight operation because for updation we should use PUT instead of POST
internally POST will create new resource
use PUT - when you
