Limiting and Sorting with Parse? - parse-platform

I'm trying to learn how to use Parse and while it's very simple, it's also... not? Perhaps I'm just missing something, but it seems like Parse requires a lot of client-side code, and even sending multiple requests for a single request. For example, in my application I have a small photo gallery that each user has. The images are stored on Parse and obtained from parse when needed.
I want to make sure that a user can not store any more than 15 images in their gallery at a time, I also want these images to be ordered by an index.
Currently it seems like the only viable option is to perform the following steps on the client:
Execute a query/request to get the amount of pictures stored.
If the amount is less than 15, then execute a request to upload the picture.
Once the picture is uploaded, execute a request that stores an object linking the user that uploaded the PFFile.
This is a total of 3 or? 6 requests just to upload a file, depending on if a "response" is considered a request by parse too. This also does not provide any way to order the pictures in the gallery. Would I have to create a custom field called "index" and set that to the number of photos received in the first query + 1?

It's worse than you think: to create the picture you must create a file, save it, then save a reference to the file in an object and save that, too.
But it's also better than you think: this sort of network usage is expected in a connected app, and some of it can be mitigated with additional logic on the server ("cloud code" in parse parlance).
First, in your app, consider a simple data model where _User has an array of images (represented, say, by an "UserImage" custom class). If you keep this relationship as an array of pointers on user, than a user's images can be fetched eagerly, when the app starts, so you'll know the image count as a fact along with the user. The UserImage object will have a file reference in it, so you can optionally fetch the image data and just hold the lighter metadata with the current user.
Ordering is a more ephemeral idea. One doesn't order objects as they are saved, but rather as they are retrieved. Queries can be ordered according to any attribute, and even more to the point, since you're retrieving all 15 images, you should consider ordering them for presentation a function of the UI, not the data.
Finally, parse limits your app not by transaction count, but by transaction rate, with a free limit low enough to serve plenty of users.


What is the best practice to get the required data into VueJS component?

I'm building my first VueJS application which is intended to be used by hundreds of people in the future. I tried to make the individual components reusable and indpendent as possible. To achieve this i decided to let every component fetch its required data themselves. This works fine but i'm not sure if its best practice. I could also pass the data between the components or even using the 2-way data binding functionality.
The sketch bellow describes one of the situations i have. Note that 1 account has 1..* users. As you can see i need to fetch the accounts to display them in the accountOverviewComponent.
Currently i only fetch the accounts in the accountOverviewComponent and fetch the users when the account edit button by the passed accountId in the accountOverviewComponent is clicked. This way i don't fetch data i don't need at the time.
I can also include the users (god knows which data/relations will be added in future) to the fetch account response as wel so i can pass all required data to the accountShowComponent when a account edit button is clicked. This way i can save requests to the server with the side note that i fetch users of accounts i dont need. A possible disadvantage is that the account is updated in the accountShowComponent and not in the accountOverviewComponent (for example when the accountShowComponent is a modal on top of the accountOverviewComponent. So i need to pass the updatet account back or re-fetch the accounts after a save or something.
As third option I can do the same in option 2 but than with the 2-way data binding which handles the data synchronization between the components. This will probably restrict the usage of the accountShowComponent to cases where the accountShowComponent is used "on top" of a parent which contains the data.
I can also store the data in a Vuex store and update the stores all the time. I read that this is bad practive as it should be only used for data which is required accros the SPA. I think Vuex is overkill in "simple" situations like this?
What is the best practice of the described situation? I have a bunch of comparable situations/scenarios in my application. Performance (also for mobile devices), scalability and being "future proof" (extendability/modularity) are important for me. Can someone help me out because i'm a bit lost in the options i have?
The reason i think Vue is overkill is comming from this article which makes totally sense from a software engineer perspective to me (i may be wrong). As my components have a kind of "parent - child" relation so i can solve my "issue" easily with passing data (or use 2-way data binding) and callback-events.
The number one use case for storing data in a centralized store like Vuex, is, because the data must be accessible in multiple places of your application, by components which oftentimes are not related in any way (they neither are parents or children of each other). An example of this would be certain user settings to configure how your application looks or what date format should be used, to name a concrete example.

Coldfusion automatically save data

Instead of the traditional Posting of forms (with a save button) to save data to a database using coldfusion.
Is there a sensible way of having information saved as the user exits the field.
Is this even good practice?
All you need to do is via JavaScript, assign a change event to every field, then define that the event will make an Ajax call to save the data in that particular field. You should need a single target URL that takes some primary key and the field name in question.
What you really need to consider though, is the bandwidth required to support such a process. What is your current load? Concurrent users? Concurrent form usage?
If you have 100 people filling out a 10 field form, you currently have 100 HTTP POST requests to deal with. Can you handle 1000 HTTP POST calls if every field saves on its own? What about 1000 people at a time? 10k? 100k? And larger forms, how many of those do you have?
The functionality is fairly trivial to implement, what is not trivial is the potential impact on your infrastructure.

Perform sever-side caching of 3rd party images

I just added some functionality to my site which, when a user hovers their mouse over a link (to a 3rd party page), a preview of the link is created from the meta tags on the target page and displayed. I'm worried about the implications of hot-linking in my current implementation.
I'm now thinking of implementing some kind of server-side caching such that the first request for the preview fetches the info and image from the target page, but each subsequent request (up to some age limit) is served from a cache on my host. I'm relatively confident that I could implement something of my own, but is there an off-the-shelf solution for something like this? I'm self-taught so I'm guessing that my DIY solution would be less than optimal. Thanks.
Edit I implemented a DIY solution (see below) but I'm still open to suggestions as to how this could be accomplished efficiently.
I couldn't find any off-the-shelf solutions so I wrote one in PHP.
It accepts a URL as a HTTP GET parameter and does some error checking. If error-checking passes, it opens a JSON-encoded database from disk and parses the data into an array of Record objects that contain the info that I want. The supplied URL is used as the array key. If the key exists in the array, the cached info is returned. Otherwise, the web page is fetched, meta tags parsed, image saved locally, and cached data returned. The cached info is then inserted into the database. After the cached info is returned to the requesting page, each record is examined for its expiration date and expired records are removed. Each request for a cached record extends its expiration date. Lastly, the database is JSON-encoded and written back to disk. Execute backend code before response

I need to know the relative position of an object in a list. Lets say I need to know the position of a certain wine of all wines added to the database, based in the votes received by users. The app should be able to receive the ranking position as an object property when retrieving a "wine" class object.
This should be easy to do in the backend side but I've seen Cloud Code and it seems it only is able to execute code before or after saving or deleting, not before reading and giving response.
Any way to do this task?. Any workaround?.
I think you would have to write a Cloud function to perform this calculation for a particular wine.
This would be a function you would call manually. You would have to provide the "wine" object or objectId as a parameter and then get have your cloud function return the value you need. Keep in mind there are limitations on cloud functions. Read the documentation about time limits. You also don't want to make too many API calls every time you run this. It sounds like your computation could be fairly heavy if your dataset is large and you aren't caching at least some of the information.

VieModel collection not saved during State Save/Tombstone

If I lock my phone while running my application and unlock it say after 30 minutes or 60 minutes, my screen appears blank. All my data (its a huge list compare it to a user's twitter feed) which was in an Observable collection in my ViewModel has disappeared. When I refresh I get NullReferenceException. Note that I am not handling any state save while locking and unlocking the phone. Is that the reason for the loss of my data? How can I handle it? Since there is a limit on the state data which can be saved of 4Mb Max, will it affect the functioning of my application even if I do implement it?
I have tried the following things:
and many more.
The problem which I now face is that my application's viewModel contains an observable collection which I have binded to the UI. This observable collection is a collection of my user-defined class which contains complex data members. One of them is a dictionary. When i try to save my viewModel using XMLSerialization it throws an error as XML serialization doesn't support Dictionary.
I have also tried to write my viewmodel after Data contract serialization onto the IS during App_Deactivated and retrieve it on App_Activated. But my collection is null on resume. On opening the IS file it shows that the collection was not written onto the file. Am I missing some key ingredient in-order to solve this problem?
Note: I need my list. I cannot refresh data.
I'd suggest that this is the wrong approach.
Tombstoning is designed to allow you to save your state, not your data. You want to store the following:
The page you're currently on
The parameters, if any, that were used to get your list of data that you are currently showing
Any selection state (has the user selected a row, etc)
Any page state (is it in edit-mode, etc)
Not all of these things will apply, but it should provide you with an idea of what you should be storing.
This will be a significantly smaller set of data using simple data types rather than large chains of complex objects.
Store the properties/parameters that you use to get your data
When the app resumes go get your data again using the params. If this take a while give the user some form of progress notification. If you can't accurately do this then display activity on the screen until the load finishes so the user knows that something is happening.
