Combining koa-router with koa-handlebar - template-engine

I am trying to use koa-handlebars (a server-side templating engine) with koa-routers in koa.
.get('/', function* () {
this.body = this.render('myViewHere', {});
There is no documentation on this!
The only documentation is this:
app.use(function* () {
yield this.render('myViewHere', {});

I had to use the middleware on the router for it to work.
// more code above...
var handlebars = require("koa-handlebars");
var router = require('koa-router');
var myRouter = new router();
defaultLayout: 'main'
myRouter.get('/', function* () {
yield this.render('myView', {});
// more code below...

Actually I suggest you to use koa-ejs with koa. it's relatively supported module, which easy to use.
You can use koa-hbs, but you will encounter issues when using it with partials.


Spying on puppeteer calls

I'm building a web scraper that uses puppeteer. I'd obviously like to ensure that I don't break things as I work the kinks out and so I'm writing some implementation tests.
How would I go about testing out the code below? The issue is that newPage() is nested and I can't figure out how to create a spy for it.
Any ideas? Should I structure the code differently to make it easier to test (from what I've read this a big no-no). Happy to hear your suggestions.
let browser = puppeteer.launch()
let page = browser.newPage();
describe('searchAddress', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
browserSpy = spyOn(puppeteer,'launch')
pageSpy = spyOn(puppeteer,'newPage') // <--- ????
it('should ensure the calls were made', async () => {
await myFn()
In this case the spyOn(puppeteer,'launch') should return an object that contains a spy object for newPage call. I mean the followings:
describe('searchAddress', () => {
let newPageSpy;
let browserSpy;
beforeEach(() => {
newPageSpy = jasmine.createSpy();
let browserMock = { newPage: newPageSpy };
browserSpy = spyOn(puppeteer, 'launch').and.returnValue(browserMock);
it('should ensure the calls were made', async () => {
// ACT
await myFn();

How to replace share() function with singletone()

In Laravel 5.4 is the share-function no longer supported. It is recommended to use singleton(). So I tried several things.
This is the code I would like to replace with singleton()
$this->share(function () use ($config) {
return new Configuration($config);
}), true
Any Solution to fix this code.
$this->app->singleton('Configuration', function () use ($config) {
return new Configuration($config);
If you have container instance then
$container->singleton('Configuration', function () use ($config) {
return new Configuration($config);
You can read more about bindings here
Thanks for response
I have used wrap()
$this->wrap(function () use ($config) {
return new Configuration($config);
}), true
And this works for me..
referred from here new method

How to fix module exports not defined in javascript

module.exports = {
LogValue1: function (data)
return somevalue;
var fetch = require('./static/fetchData');
If the problem is the require part, you need to you requireJs for that.
Just add to your page.

How to use Magiczoom Callbacks

The magiczoom documentation describes callbacks that will execute at given times, but it's unclear how to use or assign those callbacks.
For example, how would I print a console message onZoomReady?
The closest I've found is a MagicZoom.defaults.onready property, but it's unclear how to set it via javascript (my attempts aren't working as expected).
The callbacks are configured via mzOptions, for example:
var mzOptions = {
onZoomReady: function() { … } }
var mzOptions = {};
mzOptions.onZoomReady = function() { … };
You can do something like this:
function() {
console.log('onUpdated', arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]);
That will log stuff in the console like this:
onUpdated (id-of-mz-wraper) (html of old element) (html of new element)
Other options that you can use are as per the documentation:
MagicZoom.registerCallback('onZoomReady', function() {
console.log('onReady', arguments[0]);
MagicZoom.registerCallback('onZoomIn', function() {
console.log('onZoomIn', arguments[0]);
MagicZoom.registerCallback('onZoomOut', function() {
console.log('onZoomOut', arguments[0]);

Async call in beforeAll

Here are 2 samples of the same test. The only difference is that first one uses a promise in beforeAll block to assign a value to the variable while the second one assigns the value directly.
I raised a similar question Running spec after promise has been resolved with one of the comments pointing to this issue which says that this is not supported in Jasmine. Has somebody figured out any workaround?
This fails with TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
describe('Async car test', function () {
var cars;
beforeAll(function (done) {
// getCars() is a promise which resolves to ['audi', 'bmw']
getCars().then(function (data) {
cars = data;
console.log(cars) // ['audi', 'bmw']
cars.forEach(function (car) {
it('car ' + car, function () {
This works fine
describe('Car test', function () {
var cars = ['audi', 'bmw'];
cars.forEach(function (car) {
it('car ' + car, function () {
Posting it as an answer, because I can't see things properly in comments.
I'm actually generating tests in my spec as well, and I'm using , I think you probably cannot generate it directly from resolved promise. And wrapping in another it doesn't work for you. This should work:
var using = require('jasmine-data-provider');
using(cars.forEach, function (car) {
it(car + ' should be' + car, function () {
This is not an issue with jasmine, it is an issue with your code.
beforeAll does not block subsequent code below the statement. it blocks code that is defined in it('should ...', (done)=>{...});
it('should have cars', (done) => {
cars.forEach(function (car) {
Since Jasmine does not support adding tests at runtime, the trick is to request the asynchronous data before starting Jasmine, and then using the retrieved data during runtime instead. This can be achieved with a singleton and programmatically starting Jasmine.
See here for a working example.
// car-collection.js
class CarCollection {
static load() {
return this.request()
then((data) => = data);
static request() {
// in practice this function would do something cooler
return Promise.resolve(['audi', 'bmw']);
modules.export = CarCollection;
Since CarCollection has methods that are static they will be shared across imports and will persist.
// launcher.js
const Jasmine = require('jasmine');
const CarCollection = require('./car-collection');
.then(() => {
console.log(`car count is ${}`); // prints: car count is 2
const jasmine = new Jasmine();
jasmine.loadConfigFile(...); // path to jasmine.json
An important step here is configure jasmine to know where to look for the test files. Either by loading a config or passing specifics into the execute function.
// car.spec.js
const CarCollection = require('./car-collection');
describe('test', function () { => {
it('test' + car, () => {
Now run node ./launcher.js and the tests should run.
