How to fix the URL triangle lock for Magento website? - magento

How can I fix this issue. I am using Magento.
Click here to the Website Link

All your resource and image path must be replace with https I have found on your site like link all link and images and file path link change to https.

The code in your home page has 93 instances where you have hard-coded http:// in the URL. There are 41 instances with the https:// prefix. While not all cause the mixed content warning, there are several that are resources served over http. You can go to the console in most modern browsers and see the resources that are causing the warning.
Here are some options:
Use relative URLs for your internal resources.
Use URLs without a scheme (http: or https:).
Code everything to use HTTPs.


Laravel website behind the reverse proxy and subfolder?

I have a Laravel website with LAMP stack and host on a ec2 server. I setup the Virtual Host configuration for the host name and it works fine. One day, The client said they want to use their domain to visit the website like They use the reverse proxy to point our ec2 server. The first problem we met is the virtual host has failed and we fixed it by adding server alias setting.
The url has connected to the server correctly and the second problem is coming up. Because of the subfolder of the url, all the assets paths are failed. For example, we had fonts, styles and js paths that generated by laravel-mix:
"/js/app.js": "/js/app.js",
"/css/app.css": "/css/app.css",
"/js/login.js": "/js/login.js"
Those paths are absolute and it turns to 404 found on the website if we use the mix() helper function to load assets. The rendered url on the blade pages are wrong.
It would be
instead of
And the fonts loaded from the vendor and styles, which use the relative paths and are converted to absolute as well. So we had to workaround this by adding the option processCssUrls: false to webpack.mix.js.
The third problem is the redirection when user logs in out. The defaults redirect url is /. I know we can change the redirect urls in middleware and controllers but it feels like so much workaround over this. Is there any better way to solve those problems?
To declare the question again, how to setup a Laravel project behind the reverse proxy with subfolder?

Laravel ssl lock is not showing

I have added ssl to my website
lock is only appearing on homepage. On other pages, lock does not appear. I tried to clear cache but issue is still here.
Is it a Laravel issue or ssl problem ?
If mixed content is the problem then why homepage has a lock. ?
Chrome says your site uses sources (such as images) from non-secured origins. You should use in your views the asset_secure helper instead of asset. If you already do, check if you use in other sources from non-secured origins. Otherwise it has to do with your SSL.
You have mixed content on some of your pages. If you look at your browser console you'll see a message like the following:
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ''. This content should also be served over HTTPS.
You need to serve all of your content over HTTPS.

Is wordpress supposed to automatically load images over https?

When I try to access my website over https, I get a mixed content error. Looking at the console, The offending resources are all images that are uploaded using the wordpress media uploader.
But isn't wordpress smart enough to know that it should serve those images over ssl if the https version of the website is requested? If not, is there an easy solution to resolve this issue (besides from editing every post to replace say with //
Wordpress has a plugin that does this trick. Wordpress HTTPS(SSL)
It replaced all images loaded through "HTTP" with "HTTPS".

Magento SSL links not given out from Magento functions

Im having an issue with SSL links in Magento.
I have SSL setup and working...all usual settings.
When i view the source of a page, i can still see HTTP links...and this is invalidating the SSL.
The urls in question (relating to currnecy, store switcher, navigation) are all given out by Magento functions. Such as:
Does anyone know what may be their something i may have missed?
Need any more info, pls let me know...
This is a good thing in the fact that it 'help' prevent search engine from seeing links to your catalog and product page as also been https (causing duplicate content). Also to my knowledge, only if you have resources (images, css, js) it will affect (invalidate) your ssl (because of browser cookies). If you view source on a page with ssl magento will automatically convert those resources to https

Magento - admin and frontend calling https URL's incorrectly

I have recently downloaded a site from my hosting server to my localhost. I have set up everything on localhost to use the local db, however when I run the frontend, the image files don't load as Magento is looking for them under https:// instead of http://, the same goes for the entire back-end. The pages load in the backend but also no styles are applied as Magento is looking for them under https://. I'm not running secure_url, only unsecure_url on both back and frontend.
Here is a screenshot of Web Inspector.
How can I fix this?
// edit
Well, my backend is a mess, here is a screenshot of the Config->Web section, specifically the URLs:
It's always a good idea to clear out var/cache if you haven't done so already. Do you have a trailing slash on your base_url too?
If you already emptied your var/cache folder, there is one other possible source for your problem.
Go to System/Developer/ and disable Javascript Settings/Merge JavaScript Files and CSS Settings/Merge CSS Files. Then go to System/Cache and press the Flush JavaScript/CSS Cache button.
If there are no redirection-rules that redirect HTTP->HTTPS in .htaccess or httpd.conf, you can also check the configuration in Magento:
Magento Admin area: Menu -> System -> Configuration -> Web
There, too, you can configure secure/non-secure connection
