Converting a number to normalized scientific notation - vbscript

I'm trying to create a method converting a number to normalized scientific notation, here is the code that I'm using to calculate mantissa and exponent:
ConvNSN 1000, M, P
MsgBox M & "e" & P
Sub ConvNSN(N, M, P)
If N = 0 Then
P = 0
M = 0
P = Int(Log(Abs(N)) / Log(10))
M = N / 10 ^ P
End If
End Sub
The problem I am facing is that this code gives wrong exponent value for some numbers, eg 1000, 10E+6, 10E+9, 10E+12, 10E+13, etc... Exactly for 1000 converted should be 1e3, but not 10e2. It's obvious that the same problem with numbers, whose logarithms are close to an integer value, like Log(1 - 5.55111512312578E-17) / Log(10), which result is 0, however 1 - 5.55111512312578E-17 less then 1, and result has to be negative.
How can I get rid of Double type imprecision, and get this code to work properly?
I assume the fastest and quite accurate method to calculate mantissa and exponent of number in normalized scientific notation may be as follows:
Sub ConvNSN(N, M, P)
Dim A
If N = 0 Then
P = 0
M = 0
Exit Sub
End If
A = Abs(N)
If A < 1 Then
P = Int(Log(A) / Log(10))
P = Int(Log(A) / Log(10) * (2 + Log(.1) / Log(10)))
End If
M = N / 10 ^ P
End Sub
Or another one, based on #Bob's solution:
Sub ConvNSN(N, M, P)
If N = 0 Then
P = 0
M = 0
P = Int(Log(Abs(N)) / Log(10))
M = N / 10 ^ P
End If
If Abs(M) = "10" Then
M = M / 10
P = P + 1
End If
End Sub
First one slightly faster. Both of them process exponent from -322 to 308, but return not normalized mantissa with powers of 10 less then -310. I have not tested them yet with numbers, whose logarithms are a marginally less but very close to an integer values.
I decided to attach here an extra Sub ConvEN(), allowing to represent a number in engineering notation with SI prefixes from "p" to "T":
N = .0000456789
ConvNSN N, M, P
M = Round(M, 2)
ConvEN M, P, R, S
MsgBox R & " " & S & "Units"
Sub ConvNSN(N, M, P)
Dim A
If N = 0 Then
P = 0
M = 0
Exit Sub
End If
A = Abs(N)
If A < 1 Then
P = Int(Log(A) / Log(10))
P = Int(Log(A) / Log(10) * (2 + Log(.1) / Log(10)))
End If
M = N / 10 ^ P
End Sub
Sub ConvEN(M, P, R, S)
Q = int(P / 3)
P3 = Q * 3
If Q >= -4 And Q <= 4 Then
S = Array("p", "n", ChrW(&H03BC), "m", "", "k", "M", "G", "T")(Q + 4)
S = "e" & P3 & " "
End If
R = M * 10 ^ (P - P3)
End Sub

Try this:
ConvNSN 1000, M, P
MsgBox M & "E" & P
ConvNSN 0.00000000000000001234, M, P
MsgBox M & "E" & P
ConvNSN -0.00000000000000001234, M, P
MsgBox M & "E" & P
Sub ConvNSN(N, M, P)
P = 0
If N < 0 Then
S = -1
ElseIf N > 0 Then
S = 1
M = 0
Exit Sub
End If
M = Abs(N)
If M >= 10 Then
While M >= 10
M = M / 10
P = P + 1
M = M * S
Exit Sub
End If
If M < 1 Then
While M < 1
M = M * 10
P = P - 1
M = M * S
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Based on the comments, I re-wrote this my way, ignoring the structure from the OP.
MsgBox NSN(-0.0000000000000000000123456789,4)
MsgBox NSN(1234567890000000000000000000,4)
Function NSN(Number, Accuracy)
Exponent = 0
If Number > 0 Then
Sign = 1
ElseIf Number < 0 Then
Sign = -1
NSN = 0
Exit Function
End If
Number = Number * Sign
If Number >= 10 Then
While Number >= 10
Number = Number / 10
Exponent = Exponent + 1
ElseIf Number < 1 Then
While Number < 1
Number = Number * 10
Exponent = Exponent - 1
End If
Number = Round(Number, Accuracy)
If Number = "10" Then
Number = 1
Exponent = Exponent + 1
End If
Number = Number * Sign
If Exponent = 0 Then
NSN = Number
NSN = Number & "E" & Exponent
End If
End Function

Using strings rather than maths can help. Add your own error checking.
Num = "1000000.0005"
NumOfDigits = 4
Mag = Instr(Num, ".")
Num = Replace(Num, ".", "")
MSD = Left(Num, 1)
Rest = Mid(num, 2, NumOfDigits)
msgbox MSD & "." & Rest & " x 10^" & (Mag -2)


Return the largest disjoint and contiguous subsets ranging from size 1 to L among N positive numbers

I'm trying to generalize the algorithm Paul Hankin provided in Maximizing the overall sum of K disjoint and contiguous subsets of size L among N positive numbers such that the solution is not limited to each subset being exactly size L and where the goal is not to maximize the overall sum, but to return the set with the largest subsets possible.
Spelling out the details, X is a set of N positive real numbers:
X={x[1],x[2],...x[N]} where x[j]>=0 for all j=1,...,N.
A contiguous subset called S[i] consists of up to L consecutive members of X starting at position n[i] and ending at position n[i]+l-1:
S[i] = {x[j] | j=n[i],n[i]+1,...,n[i]+l-1} = {x[n[i]],x[n[i]+1],...,x[n[i]+l-1]}, where l=1,...,L.
Two of such subsets S[i] and S[j] are called pairwise disjoint (non-overlapping) if they don't contain any identical members of X.
Define the summation of the members of each subset:
SUM[i] = x[n[i]]+x[n[i]+1]+...+x[n[i]+l-1]
The goal is find contiguous and disjoint (non-overlapping) subsets S[1],S[2],... of lengths ranging from 1 to L that are as large as possible and cover all N elements of X.
For example, given X = {5,6,7,100,100,7,8,5,4,4} and L = 4, the solution is S[1] = {5,6,7}, S[2] = {100, 100, 7, 8}, and S[3] = {5,4,4} such that SUM[1] = 18, SUM[2] = 215, and SUM[3] = 13. While the overall sum, no matter the subsets, will always be 246, the key is that no other subsets with lengths ranging from 1 to L will produce larger SUM[i], than those provided above.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I'll clean up the code later, but here's the solution I came up with.
Sub getLargestEvents()
'Algorithm adapted from Maximizing the overall sum of K disjoint and contiguous subsets of size L among N positive numbers
Dim X As Variant
Dim N As Integer
Dim sumOfX As Integer
Dim L As Integer
Dim S As Variant
Dim subsetOfXforS As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim SUM As Variant
Dim sumOfM As Integer
Dim numberOfEvents As Integer
Dim M As Variant
Dim maxSUM As Integer
Dim maxI As Integer
Dim maxJ As Integer
Dim beginningSUM As Variant
Dim endingSUM As Variant
'X is the array of N losses (sorted) by day
X = Array(5, 6, 7, 100, 100, 7, 8, 5, 4, 4, 100, 100, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
'N is the number of days of loss in the array X
N = UBound(X)
For i = 0 To N
sumOfX = sumOfX + X(i)
Next i
'L is the hours clause expressed in days (i.e., L = hours clause / 24)
L = 4
'S is the jagged array of N * ( L - 1 ) subsets of X containing no more than L contiguous days of loss
ReDim S(N, L - 1)
'subsetOfXforS is the array of L - 1 days of X containing j contiguous days of loss and is used to create the jagged array S
ReDim subsetOfXforS(L - 1)
For i = 0 To N
For j = 0 To L - 1
If i >= j Then
For k = 0 To j
Debug.Print X(i - j + k)
subsetOfXforS(k) = X(i - j + k)
Next k
End If
S(i, j) = subsetOfXforS
Next j
Next i
'SUM is the array of summations of the members of S
ReDim SUM(N, L - 1)
For i = 0 To N
For j = 0 To L - 1
If i >= j Then
For k = 0 To UBound(S(i, j))
If j >= k Then
Debug.Print "S(" & i & ", "; j & ")(" & k & ") = " & S(i, j)(k)
SUM(i, j) = SUM(i, j) + S(i, j)(k)
Debug.Print "SUM(" & i & ", "; j & ") = " & SUM(i, j)
End If
Next k
End If
Next j
Next i
beginningSUM = SUM
ReDim M(N, 2)
endingSUM = SUM
Do While sumOfM < sumOfX
maxSUM = 0
'Determine max value in current array
For i = 0 To N
For j = 0 To L - 1
If i >= j Then
If beginningSUM(i, j) > maxSUM Then
maxSUM = SUM(i, j)
maxI = i
maxJ = j
End If
Debug.Print "beginningSUM(" & i & ", " & j & ") = " & beginningSUM(i, j)
End If
Next j
Next i
sumOfM = sumOfM + maxSUM
'Store max value
M(numberOfEvents, 0) = maxI
M(numberOfEvents, 1) = maxJ
M(numberOfEvents, 2) = maxSUM
Debug.Print "maxI: " & maxI & ", maxJ: " & maxJ & ", maxSUM: " & maxSUM
'Remove values that can no longer apply
For i = 0 To N
For j = 0 To L - 1
If i >= j Then
If (maxI - maxJ <= i And i <= maxI) Or (maxI < i And i - j <= maxI) Then
endingSUM(i, j) = 0
Debug.Print "endingSUM(" & i & ", " & j & ") = " & endingSUM(i, j) & " <- removed"
endingSUM(i, j) = beginningSUM(i, j)
Debug.Print "endingSUM(" & i & ", " & j & ") = " & endingSUM(i, j)
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
beginningSUM = endingSUM
numberOfEvents = numberOfEvents + 1
Debug.Print "Final Event Set"
For a = 0 To numberOfEvents - 1
Debug.Print "i: " & M(a, 0) & ", j: " & M(a, 1) & ", M: " & M(a, 2)
Next a
End Sub
Here's a better solution:
Sub getLargestEvents()
'Algorithm adapted from
Dim N As Long 'limit of +2,147,483,647
Dim X As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim L As Integer
Dim S As Variant
Dim j As Integer
Dim tempS As Variant
Dim largestEvents As Variant
Dim numberOfEvents As Long
Dim sumOfM As Double
Dim maxSUM As Double
Dim maxI As Long
Dim maxJ As Long
X = Array(5, 6, 7, 100, 100, 7, 8, 5, 4, 4, 100, 100, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
'N is the number of days of loss in the array X
N = UBound(X)
'L is the hours clause expressed in days (i.e., L = hours clause / 24)
L = 4
'S contains the sums of all events that contain no more than L contiguous days of loss
ReDim S(L * N, L)
'Debug.Print "i, j, S(i, j):"
For i = 1 To N
For j = 1 To L
If i >= j Then
S(i, j) = X(i) + S(i - 1, j - 1)
'Debug.Print i & ", " & j & ", " & S(i, j)
End If
Next j
Next i
tempS = S
ReDim largestEvents(N, 3)
Do While WorksheetFunction.SUM(S) > 0
maxSUM = 0
numberOfEvents = numberOfEvents + 1
'Determine max value in current array
For i = 1 To N
For j = 1 To L
If i >= j Then
If tempS(i, j) > maxSUM Then 'tempS(i, j) > maxSUM Then
maxSUM = S(i, j)
maxI = i
maxJ = j
End If
'Debug.Print "tempS(" & i & ", " & j & ") = " & tempS(i, j)
End If
Next j
Next i
sumOfM = sumOfM + maxSUM
'Store max value
largestEvents(numberOfEvents, 1) = maxI
largestEvents(numberOfEvents, 2) = maxJ
largestEvents(numberOfEvents, 3) = maxSUM
'Debug.Print "maxI: " & maxI & ", maxJ: " & maxJ & ", maxSUM: " & maxSUM
'Remove values that can no longer apply
For i = 1 To N
For j = 1 To L
If i >= j Then
If (maxI - maxJ < i And i <= maxI) Or (maxI < i And i - j < maxI) Then
tempS(i, j) = 0
'Debug.Print "tempS(" & i & ", " & j & ") = " & tempS(i, j) & " <- removed"
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
S = tempS
Debug.Print "Start Date, Length, Amount"
For i = 1 To numberOfEvents
Debug.Print "start date: " & largestEvents(i, 1) - largestEvents(i, 2) + 1 & ", length: " & largestEvents(i, 2) & ", amount: " & largestEvents(i, 3)
Next i
End Sub
Function getUserSelectedRange(description As String) As Range
'Code adapted from
Set getUserSelectedRange = Application.InputBox("Select a range of " + description, "Obtain Range Object", Type:=8)
End Function

VBScript: How to select text after 6th occurence of char?

I have this string:
I need to return the text after the 6th occurence of | and before the 7th. In this example, it would be 6.
Can his be achieved using the simple String functions (Mid, Left, Right, InStr)?
In addition, you could use a RegExp to look for the possibly empty sequence of non-| before a | and after 6 such sequences:
>> Set r = New RegExp
>> r.Pattern = "^(?:[^\|]*\|){6}([^\|]*)\|"
>> WScript.Echo r.Execute("0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9")(0).SubMatches(0)
For production code, you'd need a check against non-confirming data.
s = "0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9"
For i = 1 To 6
intPos1 = InStr(intPos1 + 1, s, "|")
If intPos1 = 0 Then Exit For
If intPos1 > 0 Then
intPos2 = InStr(intPos1 + 1, s, "|")
If intPos2 > intPos1 Then MsgBox Mid(s, intPos1 + 1, intPos2 - intPos1 - 1)
End If
Or, like #Filburt said, it could be a one-liner with Split():
MsgBox Split(s, "|")(6)
Dim s, c, n, i, p, e, r
s = "0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9" ' examined string
c = "|" ' split char
n = 6 ' occurance to start from
i = 0
p = 0
r = ""
p = InStr(p + 1, s, c)
If p = 0 Then Exit Do
i = i + 1
If i = n Then
e = InStr(p + 1, s, c)
If e > 0 Then r = Mid(s, p + 1, e - p - 1)
Exit Do
End If
MsgBox r

Generating permutations in VBA

This question has been asked before, but I can't find an answer that is easily applicable to Excel VBA.
Basically I want to do exactly what this poster has asked, but in VBA. I want to create an array, n x 2^n, where each line represents a different permutation of n variables which can be either 0 or 1.
I've played around with this for ages, and it's easy enough to do for a set n with loads of loops, but for a variable n I can't find anything that works.
Any code or just suggestions of ways of going about this would be much appreciated!
This will list the value in column A
Sub EasyAsCounting()
Dim N As Long, M As Long, K As Long
N = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Enter N", Type:=1)
M = 2 ^ N - 1
For K = 0 To M
Cells(K + 1, 1) = "'" & Application.WorksheetFunction.Dec2Bin(K, N)
Next K
End Sub
This stores the array in VBA only:
Sub EasyAsCounting()
Dim N As Long, M As Long, K As Long, ary, s As String
Dim J As Long
N = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Enter N", Type:=1)
M = 2 ^ N - 1
ReDim ary(1 To M + 1, 1 To N)
For K = 0 To M
s = Application.WorksheetFunction.Dec2Bin(K, N)
For J = 1 To N
ary(K + 1, J) = Mid(s, J, 1)
Next J
Next K
'display the array
msg = ""
For K = 1 To M + 1
For J = 1 To N
msg = msg & " " & ary(K, J)
Next J
msg = msg & vbCrLf
Next K
MsgBox msg
End Sub
Here's one if you're not in Excel and don't have access to the functions. Or if you have a number greater than 511.
Sub MakePerms()
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim n As Long
Dim aPerms() As Byte
Dim lCnt As Long
Dim sOutput As String
Const lVar As Long = 4
ReDim aPerms(1 To 2 ^ lVar, 1 To lVar)
For i = 0 To UBound(aPerms, 1) - 1
n = i
lCnt = lVar
aPerms(i + 1, lCnt) = CByte(n Mod 2)
n = n \ 2
Do While n > 0
lCnt = lCnt - 1
aPerms(i + 1, lCnt) = CByte(n Mod 2)
n = n \ 2
Next i
For i = LBound(aPerms, 1) To UBound(aPerms, 1)
sOutput = vbNullString
For j = LBound(aPerms, 2) To UBound(aPerms, 2)
sOutput = sOutput & Space(1) & aPerms(i, j)
Next j
Debug.Print sOutput
Next i
End Sub

Magic square error in visual basic 6.0

I'm developing a program in visual basic 6.0 to display magic square. I've developed the logic, but the values are not getting displayed in the magic square. Here's the code :
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim limit As Integer
Dim a(100, 100) As Integer
limit = InputBox("Enter the limit")
If limit Mod 2 = 0 Then ' Rows and columns must be
MsgBox "Can't be done", vbOKCancel, "Error"
Else ' set number of rows and columns to limit
mfgsquare.Rows = limit
mfgsquare.Cols = limit
j = (n + 1) / 2
i = 1
For c = 1 To n * n
mfgsquare.TextMatrix(i, j) = c
If c Mod n = 0 Then
i = i + 1
GoTo label
End If
If i = 1 Then
i = n
i = i - 1
End If
If j = n Then
j = 1
j = j + 1
End If
Next c
End If
End Sub
Try this:
n = InputBox("Enter the limit")
If n Mod 2 = 0 Then ' Rows and columns must be
MsgBox "Can't be done"
Else ' set number of rows and columns to limit
mfgsquare.Rows = n + 1
mfgsquare.Cols = n + 1
For i = 1 To n
For j = 1 To n
mfgsquare.TextMatrix(i, j) = n * ((i + j - 1 + Int(n / 2)) Mod n) + ((i + 2 * j - 2) Mod n) + 1
Next j
Next i
End If

Random Unique Pairs

I have a list of 100 items. I'd like to randomly pair these items with each other. These pairs must be unique, so there are 4950 possibilities (100 choose 2) total.
Of all 4950 pairs, I'd like to have 1000 pairs randomly selected. But they key is, I'd like each item (of the 100 items) to overall appear the same amount of times (here, 20 times).
I tried to implement this with code a couple of times. And it worked fine when I tried with a lower amount of pairs chosen, but each time I try with the full 1000 pairs, I get stuck in a loop.
Does anyone have an idea for an approach? And what if I change the number of pairs I wish to select (e.g., 1500 rather than 1000 random pairs)?
My attempt (written in VBA):
Dim City1(4951) As Integer
Dim City2(4951) As Integer
Dim CityCounter(101) As Integer
Dim PairCounter(4951) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
i = 1
While i < 101
CityCounter(i) = 0
i = i + 1
i = 1
While i < 4951
PairCounter(i) = 0
i = i + 1
i = 1
j = 1
While j < 101
k = j + 1
While k < 101
City1(i) = j
City2(i) = k
k = k + 1
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
Dim temp As Integer
i = 1
While i < 1001
temp = Random(1,4950)
While ((PairCounter(temp) = 1) Or (CityCounter( (City1(temp)) ) = 20) Or (CityCounter( (City2(temp)) ) = 20))
temp = Random(1,4950)
PairCounter(temp) = 1
CityCounter( (City1(temp)) ) = (CityCounter( (City1(temp)) ) + 1)
CityCounter( (City2(temp)) ) = (CityCounter( (City2(temp)) ) + 1)
i = i + 1
Take a list, scramble it, and mark every two elements off as a pair. Add these pairs to a list of pairs. Ensure that list of pairs is sorted.
Scramble the list of pairs, and add each pair to a "staged" pair list. Check if it's in the list of pairs. If it's in the list of pairs, scramble and start over. If you get the entire list without any duplicates, add the staged pair list to the pair list and start this paragraph over.
Since this involves a nondeterministic step at the end I'm not sure how slow it will be, but it should work.
This is old thread, but I was looking for something similar, and finaly did it myself.
The algorithm is not 100% random (after being a bit "tired" with unsuccessfull random trials starts systematic screening of the table :) - anyway for me - "random enough") but works reasonably fast, and returns required table (unfortunalety not always, but...) usually every second or third use (look in A1 if there is your reqired number of pairs for each item).
Here is VBA code to be run in Excel environment.
Output is directed to current sheet starting from A1 cell.
Option Explicit
Public generalmax%, oldgeneralmax%, generalmin%, alloweddiff%, i&
Public outtable() As Integer
Const maxpair = 100, upperlimit = 20
Sub generate_random_unique_pairs()
'by Kaper 2015.02 for
Dim x%, y%, counter%
ReDim outtable(1 To maxpair + 1, 1 To maxpair + 1)
Range("A1").Resize(maxpair + 1, maxpair + 1).ClearContents
alloweddiff = 1
i = i + 1
If counter > (0.5 * upperlimit) Then 'try some systematic approach
For x = 1 To maxpair - 1 ' top-left or:' To 1 Step -1 ' bottom-right
For y = x + 1 To maxpair
Call test_and_fill(x, y, counter)
Next y
Next x
If counter > 0 Then
alloweddiff = alloweddiff + 1
counter = 0
End If
End If
' mostly used - random mode
x = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, maxpair - 1)
y = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(x + 1, maxpair)
counter = counter + 1
Call test_and_fill(x, y, counter)
If counter = 0 Then alloweddiff = WorksheetFunction.Max(alloweddiff, 1)
If i > (2.5 * upperlimit) Then Exit Do
Loop Until generalmin = upperlimit
Range("A1").Resize(maxpair + 1, maxpair + 1).Value = outtable
Range("A1").Value = generalmin
Application.StatusBar = ""
End Sub
Sub test_and_fill(x%, y%, ByRef counter%)
Dim temprowx%, temprowy%, tempcolx%, tempcoly%, tempmax%, j%
tempcolx = outtable(1, x + 1)
tempcoly = outtable(1, y + 1)
temprowx = outtable(x + 1, 1)
temprowy = outtable(y + 1, 1)
tempmax = 1+ WorksheetFunction.Max(tempcolx, tempcoly, temprowx, temprowy)
If tempmax <= (generalmin + alloweddiff) And tempmax <= upperlimit And outtable(y + 1, x + 1) = 0 Then
counter = 0
outtable(y + 1, x + 1) = 1
outtable(x + 1, y + 1) = 1
outtable(x + 1, 1) = 1 + outtable(x + 1, 1)
outtable(y + 1, 1) = 1 + outtable(y + 1, 1)
outtable(1, x + 1) = 1 + outtable(1, x + 1)
outtable(1, y + 1) = 1 + outtable(1, y + 1)
generalmax = WorksheetFunction.Max(generalmax, outtable(x + 1, 1), outtable(y + 1, 1), outtable(1, x + 1), outtable(1, y + 1))
generalmin = outtable(x + 1, 1)
For j = 1 To maxpair
If outtable(j + 1, 1) < generalmin Then generalmin = outtable(j + 1, 1)
If outtable(1, j + 1) < generalmin Then generalmin = outtable(1, j + 1)
Next j
If generalmax > oldgeneralmax Then
oldgeneralmax = generalmax
Application.StatusBar = "Working on pairs " & generalmax & "Total progress (non-linear): " & Format(1# * generalmax / upperlimit, "0%")
End If
alloweddiff = alloweddiff - 1
i = 0
End If
End Sub
Have an array appeared[] which keeps track of how many times each item already appeared in answer. Let's say each element has to appear k times. Iterate over the array, and while current element has its appeared value less than k, choose a random pair for it from that element who also have appeared less than k times. Add that pair to answer and increase appearance count for both.
create a 2-dimensional 100*100 matrix of booleans, all False
of these 10K booleans, set 1K of them to true, with the following constraints:
the diagonal should stay empty
no row or column should have more than 20 true values
at the end, every row and column should have 20 True values.
Now, there is the X=Y diagonal symmetry. Just add the following constraints:
the triangle at one side of the diagonal should stay empty
in the above constraints, the restrictions for rows&columns should be combined/added
