There is already a topic about this task, but I'd like to ask about my specific approach.
The task is:
Let A be a non-empty array consisting of N integers.
The abs sum of two for a pair of indices (P, Q) is the absolute value
|A[P] + A[Q]|, for 0 ≤ P ≤ Q < N.
For example, the following array A:
A[0] = 1 A1 = 4 A[2] = -3 has pairs of indices (0, 0), (0,
1), (0, 2), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2). The abs sum of two for the pair
(0, 0) is A[0] + A[0] = |1 + 1| = 2. The abs sum of two for the pair
(0, 1) is A[0] + A1 = |1 + 4| = 5. The abs sum of two for the pair
(0, 2) is A[0] + A[2] = |1 + (−3)| = 2. The abs sum of two for the
pair (1, 1) is A1 + A1 = |4 + 4| = 8. The abs sum of two for the
pair (1, 2) is A1 + A[2] = |4 + (−3)| = 1. The abs sum of two for
the pair (2, 2) is A[2] + A[2] = |(−3) + (−3)| = 6. Write a function:
def solution(A)
that, given a non-empty array A consisting of N integers, returns the
minimal abs sum of two for any pair of indices in this array.
For example, given the following array A:
A[0] = 1 A1 = 4 A[2] = -3 the function should return 1, as
explained above.
Given array A:
A[0] = -8 A1 = 4 A[2] = 5 A[3] =-10 A[4] = 3 the
function should return |(−8) + 5| = 3.
Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions:
N is an integer within the range [1..100,000]; each element of array A
is an integer within the range [−1,000,000,000..1,000,000,000].
The official solution is O(N*M^2), but I think it could be solved in O(N).
My approach is to first get rid of duplicates and sort the array. Then we check both ends and sompare the abs sum moving the ends by one towards each other. We try to move the left end, the right one or both. If this doesn't improve the result, our sum is the lowest. My code is:
def solution(A):
A = list(set(A))
n = len(A)
beg = 0
end = n - 1
min_sum = abs(A[beg] + A[end])
while True:
min_left = abs(A[beg+1] + A[end]) if beg+1 < n else float('inf')
min_right = abs(A[beg] + A[end-1]) if end-1 >= 0 else float('inf')
min_both = abs(A[beg+1] + A[end-1]) if beg+1 < n and end-1 >= 0 else float('inf')
min_all = min([min_left, min_right, min_both])
if min_sum <= min_all:
return min_sum
if min_left == min_all:
beg += 1
min_sum = min_left
elif min_right == min_all:
end -= 1
min_sum = min_right
beg += 1
end -= 1
min_sum = min_both
It passes almost all of the tests, but not all. Is there some bug in my code or the approach is wrong?
After the aka.nice answer I was able to fix the code. It scores 100% now.
def solution(A):
A = list(set(A))
n = len(A)
beg = 0
end = n - 1
min_sum = abs(A[beg] + A[end])
while beg <= end:
min_left = abs(A[beg+1] + A[end]) if beg+1 < n else float('inf')
min_right = abs(A[beg] + A[end-1]) if end-1 >= 0 else float('inf')
min_all = min(min_left, min_right)
if min_all < min_sum:
min_sum = min_all
if min_left <= min_all:
beg += 1
end -= 1
return min_sum
Just take this example for array A
-11 -5 -2 5 6 8 12
and execute your algorithm step by step, you get a premature return:
return min_sum
though there is a better solution abs(5-5)=0.
Hint: you should check the sign of A[beg] and A[end] to decide whether to continue or exit the loop. What to do if both >= 0, if both <= 0, else ?
Note that A.sort() has a non neglectable cost, likely O(N*log(N)), it will dominate the cost of the solution you exhibit.
By the way, what is M in the official cost O(N*M^2)?
And the link you provide is another problem (sum all the elements of A or their opposite).
I'm trying to generalize the algorithm Paul Hankin provided in Maximizing the overall sum of K disjoint and contiguous subsets of size L among N positive numbers such that the solution is not limited to each subset being exactly size L and where the goal is not to maximize the overall sum, but to return the set with the largest subsets possible.
Spelling out the details, X is a set of N positive real numbers:
X={x[1],x[2],...x[N]} where x[j]>=0 for all j=1,...,N.
A contiguous subset called S[i] consists of up to L consecutive members of X starting at position n[i] and ending at position n[i]+l-1:
S[i] = {x[j] | j=n[i],n[i]+1,...,n[i]+l-1} = {x[n[i]],x[n[i]+1],...,x[n[i]+l-1]}, where l=1,...,L.
Two of such subsets S[i] and S[j] are called pairwise disjoint (non-overlapping) if they don't contain any identical members of X.
Define the summation of the members of each subset:
SUM[i] = x[n[i]]+x[n[i]+1]+...+x[n[i]+l-1]
The goal is find contiguous and disjoint (non-overlapping) subsets S[1],S[2],... of lengths ranging from 1 to L that are as large as possible and cover all N elements of X.
For example, given X = {5,6,7,100,100,7,8,5,4,4} and L = 4, the solution is S[1] = {5,6,7}, S[2] = {100, 100, 7, 8}, and S[3] = {5,4,4} such that SUM[1] = 18, SUM[2] = 215, and SUM[3] = 13. While the overall sum, no matter the subsets, will always be 246, the key is that no other subsets with lengths ranging from 1 to L will produce larger SUM[i], than those provided above.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I'll clean up the code later, but here's the solution I came up with.
Sub getLargestEvents()
'Algorithm adapted from Maximizing the overall sum of K disjoint and contiguous subsets of size L among N positive numbers
Dim X As Variant
Dim N As Integer
Dim sumOfX As Integer
Dim L As Integer
Dim S As Variant
Dim subsetOfXforS As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim SUM As Variant
Dim sumOfM As Integer
Dim numberOfEvents As Integer
Dim M As Variant
Dim maxSUM As Integer
Dim maxI As Integer
Dim maxJ As Integer
Dim beginningSUM As Variant
Dim endingSUM As Variant
'X is the array of N losses (sorted) by day
X = Array(5, 6, 7, 100, 100, 7, 8, 5, 4, 4, 100, 100, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
'N is the number of days of loss in the array X
N = UBound(X)
For i = 0 To N
sumOfX = sumOfX + X(i)
Next i
'L is the hours clause expressed in days (i.e., L = hours clause / 24)
L = 4
'S is the jagged array of N * ( L - 1 ) subsets of X containing no more than L contiguous days of loss
ReDim S(N, L - 1)
'subsetOfXforS is the array of L - 1 days of X containing j contiguous days of loss and is used to create the jagged array S
ReDim subsetOfXforS(L - 1)
For i = 0 To N
For j = 0 To L - 1
If i >= j Then
For k = 0 To j
Debug.Print X(i - j + k)
subsetOfXforS(k) = X(i - j + k)
Next k
End If
S(i, j) = subsetOfXforS
Next j
Next i
'SUM is the array of summations of the members of S
ReDim SUM(N, L - 1)
For i = 0 To N
For j = 0 To L - 1
If i >= j Then
For k = 0 To UBound(S(i, j))
If j >= k Then
Debug.Print "S(" & i & ", "; j & ")(" & k & ") = " & S(i, j)(k)
SUM(i, j) = SUM(i, j) + S(i, j)(k)
Debug.Print "SUM(" & i & ", "; j & ") = " & SUM(i, j)
End If
Next k
End If
Next j
Next i
beginningSUM = SUM
ReDim M(N, 2)
endingSUM = SUM
Do While sumOfM < sumOfX
maxSUM = 0
'Determine max value in current array
For i = 0 To N
For j = 0 To L - 1
If i >= j Then
If beginningSUM(i, j) > maxSUM Then
maxSUM = SUM(i, j)
maxI = i
maxJ = j
End If
Debug.Print "beginningSUM(" & i & ", " & j & ") = " & beginningSUM(i, j)
End If
Next j
Next i
sumOfM = sumOfM + maxSUM
'Store max value
M(numberOfEvents, 0) = maxI
M(numberOfEvents, 1) = maxJ
M(numberOfEvents, 2) = maxSUM
Debug.Print "maxI: " & maxI & ", maxJ: " & maxJ & ", maxSUM: " & maxSUM
'Remove values that can no longer apply
For i = 0 To N
For j = 0 To L - 1
If i >= j Then
If (maxI - maxJ <= i And i <= maxI) Or (maxI < i And i - j <= maxI) Then
endingSUM(i, j) = 0
Debug.Print "endingSUM(" & i & ", " & j & ") = " & endingSUM(i, j) & " <- removed"
endingSUM(i, j) = beginningSUM(i, j)
Debug.Print "endingSUM(" & i & ", " & j & ") = " & endingSUM(i, j)
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
beginningSUM = endingSUM
numberOfEvents = numberOfEvents + 1
Debug.Print "Final Event Set"
For a = 0 To numberOfEvents - 1
Debug.Print "i: " & M(a, 0) & ", j: " & M(a, 1) & ", M: " & M(a, 2)
Next a
End Sub
Here's a better solution:
Sub getLargestEvents()
'Algorithm adapted from
Dim N As Long 'limit of +2,147,483,647
Dim X As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim L As Integer
Dim S As Variant
Dim j As Integer
Dim tempS As Variant
Dim largestEvents As Variant
Dim numberOfEvents As Long
Dim sumOfM As Double
Dim maxSUM As Double
Dim maxI As Long
Dim maxJ As Long
X = Array(5, 6, 7, 100, 100, 7, 8, 5, 4, 4, 100, 100, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
'N is the number of days of loss in the array X
N = UBound(X)
'L is the hours clause expressed in days (i.e., L = hours clause / 24)
L = 4
'S contains the sums of all events that contain no more than L contiguous days of loss
ReDim S(L * N, L)
'Debug.Print "i, j, S(i, j):"
For i = 1 To N
For j = 1 To L
If i >= j Then
S(i, j) = X(i) + S(i - 1, j - 1)
'Debug.Print i & ", " & j & ", " & S(i, j)
End If
Next j
Next i
tempS = S
ReDim largestEvents(N, 3)
Do While WorksheetFunction.SUM(S) > 0
maxSUM = 0
numberOfEvents = numberOfEvents + 1
'Determine max value in current array
For i = 1 To N
For j = 1 To L
If i >= j Then
If tempS(i, j) > maxSUM Then 'tempS(i, j) > maxSUM Then
maxSUM = S(i, j)
maxI = i
maxJ = j
End If
'Debug.Print "tempS(" & i & ", " & j & ") = " & tempS(i, j)
End If
Next j
Next i
sumOfM = sumOfM + maxSUM
'Store max value
largestEvents(numberOfEvents, 1) = maxI
largestEvents(numberOfEvents, 2) = maxJ
largestEvents(numberOfEvents, 3) = maxSUM
'Debug.Print "maxI: " & maxI & ", maxJ: " & maxJ & ", maxSUM: " & maxSUM
'Remove values that can no longer apply
For i = 1 To N
For j = 1 To L
If i >= j Then
If (maxI - maxJ < i And i <= maxI) Or (maxI < i And i - j < maxI) Then
tempS(i, j) = 0
'Debug.Print "tempS(" & i & ", " & j & ") = " & tempS(i, j) & " <- removed"
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
S = tempS
Debug.Print "Start Date, Length, Amount"
For i = 1 To numberOfEvents
Debug.Print "start date: " & largestEvents(i, 1) - largestEvents(i, 2) + 1 & ", length: " & largestEvents(i, 2) & ", amount: " & largestEvents(i, 3)
Next i
End Sub
Function getUserSelectedRange(description As String) As Range
'Code adapted from
Set getUserSelectedRange = Application.InputBox("Select a range of " + description, "Obtain Range Object", Type:=8)
End Function
I am trying to simulate the I/O of this website page
My Input sheet looks like this:
Now after taking the values from input sheet and arranging them in ascending order I got this in a temp worksheet :
This is what my results sheet looks like:
Now I have tried this after sorting process(didn't add code for sorting since it's not the problem):
Set rng = Union(wTime.Range("D6:D25"), wTime.Range("F6:F25"), wTime.Range("H6:H25"), wTime.Range("J6:J25"))
cnt1 = 1: cnt2 = 1: cnt3 = 1: cnt4 = 1
wTime.Range("A6:A25") = Empty 'Ticker
For i = 1 To 20
bckStroke(i) = wTemp.Range("A" & i + 1).Value
brstStroke(i) = wTemp.Range("C" & i + 1).Value
btrFly(i) = wTemp.Range("E" & i + 1).Value
frStyle(i) = wTemp.Range("G" & i + 1).Value
wTime.Range("A6:A25") = Empty
For Each cel In rng
If cel.Column = 4 And cel.Value = bckStroke(i) And cel.Value <> 0 And Trim(wTime.Cells(cel.Row, 1)) <> "Y" And cnt1 < 6 Then
wRes.Cells((cnt1 + 5 + (cnt1 - 1) * 2) - 1, 4) = wTime.Cells(cel.Row, 2) 'Athlete Name
wRes.Cells(cnt1 + 5 + (cnt1 - 1) * 2, 4) = bckStroke(i) 'Time
cnt1 = cnt1 + 1
wTime.Cells(cel.Row, 1) = "Y"
End If
If cel.Column = 6 And cel.Value = brstStroke(i) And cel.Value <> 0 And Trim(wTime.Cells(cel.Row, 1)) <> "Y" And cnt2 < 6 Then
wRes.Cells((cnt2 + 5 + (cnt2 - 1) * 2) - 1, 6) = wTime.Cells(cel.Row, 2) 'Athlete Name
wRes.Cells(cnt2 + 5 + (cnt2 - 1) * 2, 6) = brstStroke(i) 'Time
cnt2 = cnt2 + 1
wTime.Cells(cel.Row, 1) = "Y"
End If
If cel.Column = 8 And cel.Value = btrFly(i) And cel.Value <> 0 And Trim(wTime.Cells(cel.Row, 1)) <> "Y" And cnt3 < 6 Then
wRes.Cells((cnt3 + 5 + (cnt3 - 1) * 2) - 1, 8) = wTime.Cells(cel.Row, 2) 'Athlete Name
wRes.Cells(cnt3 + 5 + (cnt3 - 1) * 2, 8) = btrFly(i) 'Time
cnt3 = cnt3 + 1
wTime.Cells(cel.Row, 1) = "Y"
End If
If cel.Column = 10 And cel.Value = frStyle(i) And cel.Value <> 0 And Trim(wTime.Cells(cel.Row, 1)) <> "Y" And cnt4 < 6 Then
wRes.Cells((cnt4 + 5 + (cnt4 - 1) * 2) - 1, 10) = wTime.Cells(cel.Row, 2) 'Athlete Name
wRes.Cells(cnt4 + 5 + (cnt4 - 1) * 2, 10) = frStyle(i) 'Time
cnt4 = cnt4 + 1
wTime.Cells(cel.Row, 1) = "Y"
End If
Next cel
Next i
I just want to know the simplest logic to get the desired result after arranging them in ascending order (refer temp sheet) it should be easy but I can't seem to understand it.
Conditions that I know of for now:
Each team should have unique swimmers (i.e 4 Unique names in each team)
A swimmer can appear in other team as well if he has best time in other category as well. (E.g. Marcelo will appear in top 4 team since he has the best time in all 4 categories)
Teams with shortest time should be placed 1st in the list on result sheet. I think sorting in ascending order takes care of this it's matter of selecting right swimmer from the temp sheet list.
4. Relay Logic premise: Get all the combinations possible without 2 identical strings. And then sort them lowest to largest. I'd do the following: Get all the possible combinations and their sum with the following: *Combinations may still be buggy, since it may be variable to how many numbers you may have. This is just a guide to describe the process
Sub Combinations()
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, l As Long, m As Long, n As Long, o As Long, p As Long, q As Long
Dim CountComb As Long, lastrow As Long
Range("K2").Value = Now - 5
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
CountComb = 0: lastrow = 6
For i = 1 To 6: For j = 1 To 5
For k = 1 To 6: For l = 1 To 6
If Not (i = j Or i = k Or i = l Or j = k Or j = l Or k = l) Then
Range("K" & lastrow).Value = Range("A" & i).Value & "/" & _
Range("B" & j).Value & "/" & _
Range("C" & k).Value & "/" & _
Range("D" & l).Value
lastrow = lastrow + 1
CountComb = CountComb + 1
End If
Next: Next
Next: Next
Range("K1").Value = CountComb
Range("K3").Value = Now + 21
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Function TimeSum(Persons As String, Chr As String) As Double
Dim ArrayPersons() As String: ArrayPersons = Split(Persons, Chr)
Dim SumOfTime As Double
Dim ItemPerson As Variant
Dim NumberRoutines As Long: NumberRoutines = 2
Const SheetData = "Sheet1"
For Each ItemPerson In ArrayPersons
SumOfTime = Sheets(SheetData).Columns(NumberRoutines).Find(ItemPerson).Offset(0, -1).Value + SumOfTime
NumberRoutines = NumberRoutines + 2
Next ItemPerson
TimeSum = SumOfTime
End Function
Maybe you could define better the sub to do what you desire for, but, the last coding could guide you in the right path. In a second thought, you could get combinations in a dictionary instead.
I'm developing a program in visual basic 6.0 to display magic square. I've developed the logic, but the values are not getting displayed in the magic square. Here's the code :
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim limit As Integer
Dim a(100, 100) As Integer
limit = InputBox("Enter the limit")
If limit Mod 2 = 0 Then ' Rows and columns must be
MsgBox "Can't be done", vbOKCancel, "Error"
Else ' set number of rows and columns to limit
mfgsquare.Rows = limit
mfgsquare.Cols = limit
j = (n + 1) / 2
i = 1
For c = 1 To n * n
mfgsquare.TextMatrix(i, j) = c
If c Mod n = 0 Then
i = i + 1
GoTo label
End If
If i = 1 Then
i = n
i = i - 1
End If
If j = n Then
j = 1
j = j + 1
End If
Next c
End If
End Sub
Try this:
n = InputBox("Enter the limit")
If n Mod 2 = 0 Then ' Rows and columns must be
MsgBox "Can't be done"
Else ' set number of rows and columns to limit
mfgsquare.Rows = n + 1
mfgsquare.Cols = n + 1
For i = 1 To n
For j = 1 To n
mfgsquare.TextMatrix(i, j) = n * ((i + j - 1 + Int(n / 2)) Mod n) + ((i + 2 * j - 2) Mod n) + 1
Next j
Next i
End If
what is the algorithm (or rather formula) which, for each pair integers i and j with j >= i, gives an integer k = k(i,j) such that
k(0,0) = 0
k(i,j2) = k(i,j1)+1 for j2 = j1 + 1
k(i,0) = k(i-1,i-1) + 1 , i >= 1
In other words, if you fill up the left-lower part of matrix row by row from left to right with the natural numbers, starting at 0, how can you compute the value of a cell given the index of its row i and the column index j <= i?
Thank you very much!
proof of Alleo answer:
first write your second formula from j to 1
k(i,j)= k(i,j-1) + 1
k(i,j-1) = k(i,j-2) + 1
k(i,1) = k(i,0) + 1
sum up these formulas you get :
k(i,j) = k(i,0) + 1+1 ..+1 = k(i,0) + j (1)
now from your 3rd formula:
k(i,0) = k(i-1,i-1) + 1
using (1) :
k(i-1,i-1) = k(i-1,0) + i-1
k(i,0) = k(i-1,0) + i
then since k(0,0) = 0
k(i,0) = sum(p for p=0 to i) = i*(i+1)/2 (2)
(1) & (2) => k(i,j) = i*(i+1)/2 + j
This is i*(i+1)/2 + j. You are welcome to check