Take multiple .zip files and extract them to external location - windows

This is something that I thought would be extremely simple to do. A math teacher handles her notes through Dropbox and gets .zip files emailed to her containing updates (by updates- they're the full folders so she can delete the old and extract the new ones in their places). She asked if it was possible to extract the zip files, then copy them to the dropbox. Coming from a Linux/Mac point of view I thought it would be easy- unzip command with -d... Little did I know Windows doesn't support unzip. I've tried googling ways to do this, and found that windows doesn't seem to have a default 'unzip' command of any kind? And when trying to copy the files, wildcards don't work either??? She gets 7+ .zip files at a time, all are named "Unit (number).zip" So I was using Unit*.zip. Any help/ideas would be appreciated- I already suggested she tries ubuntu because she constantly states how she likes the way my laptop looks.

WinZip can quickly unzip multiple files through its drag and drop interface. You can select multiple WinZip files, right click, and drag them to a folder to unzip them all with one operation.
From an open folder window, highlight the WinZip files you want to Extract
Right click in the highlighted area and drag to the destination folder
Release the right mouse button
Choose WinZip Extract to here
To unzip multiple Zip files without drag and drop:
From an open folder window, highlight the WinZip files you want to Extract
Right click in the highlighted area
Choose WinZip Extract to ...
Enter the destination folder
Source http://kb.winzip.com/kb/entry/77/

You can easily use the GUI for this:
Here is a trick I have found for extracting multiple zips at once without installing any extra programs:
Select the zip files that you want to extract
Right-drag them to an empty space (in the same folder is fine)
Select Extract and follow the prompts
Yes, it is not quite as nice as using the command prompt, but it does get the job done.
Also, wildcards do work with command prompt. Perhaps you weren't issuing the command correctly. This command works fine for me:
copy Unit*.zip D:\folder2\


Get file paste directory on Windows and Mac

I'm trying to spy on the target directory when a user pastes a file. Let's say I copy/cut a file from somewhere on my computer. Then I paste it into another place. I want to be able to know the paste target directory programmatically.
Some questions on Stackoverflow mentioned using a global hook on Windows to be notified when a paste operation happens. But it doesn't give you the paste directory.
On Mac, file drag and drop has a promised delay feature. I'm not sure about normal file copy and paste.
Kind of get stuck now. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

How do I use Mac OS aliases in Sublime Text 3?

I want to open the tree of folders which contains any code on my Mac in Sublime 3. Something like this:
But I don't have all of it in one folder, and it isn't convenient enough to open many folders in Sublime every time I close the app. So I have created 'aliases' (via Finder) to my folders and put them to one (folder), which i want to open with Sublime.
That didn't work out. Sublime opens these aliases as hex code. While ordinary folders open well.
So the main question: is there a way to make this work as I thought via preferences, or any plugin?
Use symbolic links instead by opening Terminal and using ln -s <SOURCE> <ALIAS>.
You can keep any number of folders you want collected in one place by using projects. Simply drag the folders you want, in the order you want, into the sidebar. Then, select Project -> Save Project As... and save the file anywhere you want with the .sublime-project extension. While you're at it, make sure you have
"hot_exit": true
in your user settings, as this enables you to close windows which have a project assigned to them, and all open files and unsaved changes are automatically preserved. When you next open the project, everything will be the same.

Force Firefox not to change file extension?

Is it possible to force Firefox not to change the file extension of a file the user downloads? Currently I have the problem that I have a .reg file to download, but Firefox, even though in the Download dialog it says "Text file (*.reg)", saves it as a .reg.txt file, which is highly annoying. How to fix this?
You could try to do the following things:
1.) https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/change-firefox-behavior-when-open-file
Maybe extension (in your case .reg) is associated with Notepad and you could changed it in Options/Applications
a) Click the menu button and choose Options.
b) Select the Applications panel.
c) The Applications panel will display. Select the type of file for which you want to change the default action.
2.) https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=511624
This is an old bug, but if you use the affected version of firefox...
When you right click on a link to a batch file and click save as, it will allow you to save it, but it automatically adds .txt to the end of the filename without informing you.
You are unable to save it as .bat
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1.Right click on a batch file link
2.Click save as
3.Save it
Actual Results:
filename is file.bat.txt
Seems to be a Firefox on Windows bug. My coworker was implementing download of .reg files and I use Firefox, I tested for him and got a .reg.txt. Just renaming it after download was sufficient to make the .reg work, but I got curious if that would happen on Linux also.
Grabbed my laptop where I have Ubuntu installed and the file was downloaded with the correct extension (just didn't run because .reg is a windows extension, it did open in the text editor). It was not automatically renamed as a .txt.

How to load scripts from a custom folder in InDesign? like from a central repository

I would need a folder to be shared on the server and InDesign CS6 would need to load the scripts from that particular location.
Is this possible?
If you just want to include other scripts in your script you can do this:
$.evalFile(new File(mainscriptloc + "/c/some/folder/central.jsx"));
It will load central.jsx into the executing script just like an "include" file.
On a Mac? I found this solution useful:
The best way I found is to create a folder in any place you want your scripts to be (like a server) which is shared with all the users. Then to setup and run the scripts will be more tricky:
Open ExtendScript Toolkit
Open "Scripts" tab
Click on the top-right button and "Add Favorite"
Choose your path to the script and click ok
Now you can click on the drop down on the left and select "Favorites"
Click on the right drop down and click on your folder name
Double click on your script and run it
Now you are running scripts directly from the custom folder.
The startup script cannot be run from there... so it only works with scripts.
We create links in the users individual scripts folders that link back to the actual script in the central repository on Windows. The downside is of course that users will reasonable often accidentally copy the actual script, rather than a link to the script - and then they miss out on future updates to the script.
Below is an example of a typical users 'scripts panel' folder. Each of the shown shortcuts point at a file in our central repository.
When the user opens InDesign these shortcuts appear in their scripts panel the same way a regular script file would.
On a Mac, I suggest using symlinks (a special kind of OSX shortcut - go here for instructions and an Automator workflow download that will create one whenever you need it).
To create a shortcut, simply select the desired folder (recommended) or file located elsewhere on your computer/server and run the workflow (I suggest making a keyboard shortcut to the workflow as described in the instructions). Drag the shortcut created into your inDesign scripts folder and it will appear and operate exactly as the actual script or folder would in your Scripts Panel. Simply click on the link and inDesign will do the rest - you'll never know what you clicked is not the actual folder/file or that it's located elsewhere.
Note: if you create a shortcut to a script file rather than a folder, be sure to remove the extra text the workflow adds to the name (ie. when applied to "MyScript.jsx", the workflow will create a shortcut named "MyScript.jsx symlink". Remove the " symlink" part so inDesign will recognize the shortcut as a script file. Otherwise it will not run).
I've tested this with inDesign CC on my Mac and it works flawlessly.

How do I configure TortoiseHg to open a file in the right program based on its extension?

I'm using TortoiseHg v2.2.1 with Mercurial 1.9 in WindowsXP. How do I configure TortoiseHg to view a file based on the application Windows has associated with its extension?
For example, if I have a .docx file in the repository and I'm looking at its revision history, I'd like View at revision... to open the selected revision in MS Word. Likewise for other binary file types like ppt and xls, which I can't view using the default text editor or kdiff3.
Can I leverage that Windows already knows what program to use to open certain types of files or will I have to manually configure each file type of interest within the Tortoise config files?
I've found several SVN scripts in the TortoiseHg\diff-scripts folder that look like they solve a similar problem for diffing binaries rather than simply viewing them, but those don't seem to be activated and I'm not sure what if anything I need to mod in the MergePatterns.rc or Mercurial.ini files to make this all work.
To make "View at Revision" use whatever program is associated with the file's extension, try this trick: In the "Global Settings" in the "TortoiseHg" section, enter start "" as "Visual Editor". Note the empty "". This is necessary so that start will not use the file name, which gets passed in quotes by TortoiseHg, as the window title.
