VS 2013 - Can't get rid off some formatting option - visual-studio-2013

How can I can rid off those formatting option that draws dots every line?

Is the shortcut command to enable and disable "View White Space". Input them one after the other.


Is there a way to do multiline editing a-la Visual Studio in Sublime?

Visual Studio allows selecting a vertical piece of text, and then editing it. One has to hold Shift + Alt and move the cursor up-down left-right to make the selection.
I know there is Ctrl + D multi-cursor thing in Sublime, but it's not quite the same.
So is there a way to do the multi-line editing a-la Visual Studio in Sublime?
Move cursor where you want, hold ctrl + shift press ↓ a few times.
Press tab, then ← twice, type "Hello World,",
Press esc to leave multi-line mode.
You also can perform "square selection" using your mouse middle button.
Answer: Standard way: Ctrl + Alt + Cursor (which flips the screen orientation on my laptop). The way that works: Keyboard Column Selection for Sublime Text 2 on Windows

How to remove these green arrows in Visual Studio 2010 IDE?

It seems that I pressed something on the keyboard and these green arrows appeared
they're very annoying. Anyone knows how to get rid of them?
Go to the Edit menu, then Advanced, and deselect View White Space.
Ctrl + R, Ctrl + W toggles the white space display.

VS2010 formatting hotkey?

Is there a hot key to force VS to format the current line/block in C#? (Similar to what happens when you add a semicolon to the end of a line or add a closing brace)
You can see the shortcuts (they are dependent on your settings) in the Edit/Advanced menu, where you have Format Document and Format Selection.
Place the cursor on one brace, then press Ctrl+Shift+{, then Ctrl+E, F.
You can also format the entire document by pressing Ctrl+E, D.
There are:
Ctrl + K + D - it formats the whole document.
Ctrl + K + f - it formats the current selection.
These also appear under the Edit -> Advanced menu.
See this document on MSDN, these appear under Edit.FormatDocument and Edit.FormatSelection.

Keyboard shortcut for Visual Studio/Resharper tooltips?

Is there a keyboard shortcut to display tooltips provided by Visual Studio & Resharper when you hover over a bit of code? I'm already aware of Quick Documentation (Ctrl + Q) and Quick Watch (Ctrl + Alt + Q).
Do you mean Ctrl + K, Ctrl + I? This is the command Edit.Quickinfo.
(sorry, I am unable to add a comment with the PC I have now)
For the single variable, do you mean in debug mode ?
2nd Edit: I think VS names these tooltips 'datatips'. Unfortunately, there is no command to show them, so no possible shortcut.
You can do it by binding this command to a key:
Unfortunately it works with what you have selected, not with what you are hovering over. Not only do you have to do the extra click, but you need to select the entire variable name and all of its prefixes as well.
Old question but useful to know.
My shortcuts:
PinToSource set to alt-F1
ClearAllDataTips set to shift-alt-F1
It is equivalent to

Visual Studio 2008 - jump to line number shortcut

I can go to a specific line number by double clicking in the status bar in Visual Studio. Is there a keyboard shortcut that does the same thing?
Ctrl + G
Check out all the keyboard shortcuts at:
Ctrl + G works for me.
If it doesn't work for you, you can always map whatever shortcut you want under Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard.
EDIT: Yes, as #Brian mentions, the command in this case is Edit.GoTo
I just realised that the default in C# settings for this command is Ctrl + G, whereas in VB Settings, there is no default keyboard short - it's mapped to show the immediate window - strange I think. I swapped the mappings so that the two environment behave the same.
Every IDE or even text editor I have ever used either uses Ctrl + L or Ctrl + G for this purpose.
I assume this could stand for Ctrl + Line or Ctrl + Goto
Yep Ctrl + G.
From this answer you can get a nice Shortcut poster.
