How to remove these green arrows in Visual Studio 2010 IDE? - visual-studio-2010

It seems that I pressed something on the keyboard and these green arrows appeared
they're very annoying. Anyone knows how to get rid of them?

Go to the Edit menu, then Advanced, and deselect View White Space.

Ctrl + R, Ctrl + W toggles the white space display.


Visual Studio: Is there a keyboard shortcut to jump between code editor window and find results?

I can't seem to find the exact keyboard shortcut I'm looking for.
When I do a "Find in Files" (Ctrl + Shift + F), the keyboard navigation automatically jumps to the Find results, and I can navigate the results with the arrow keys; the code editor window updates itself as I do so, and pressing Enter pops me from the Find Results Window to the code editor Window.
Now, this is great for the initial search, but what if I want to bounce back and forth, say, if I need to make changes around a few different places in my find results?
Is there a keyboard shortcut to jump back from the code editor window to the find results?
I'm using MSVS 2013, if it matters.
If you have the General Development keyboard scheme, try: Alt + F6.
This is bound to the Window.NextPane which is where you just came from, so it should take you back.
Also, Alt + F7 is Window.NextToolWindowNav which pops up a nav selection which makes it easy to move around. This nav selection is the same one for Ctrl + Tab which, once open, can be navigated up, down, left and right via arrow keys.

Is there a way to do multiline editing a-la Visual Studio in Sublime?

Visual Studio allows selecting a vertical piece of text, and then editing it. One has to hold Shift + Alt and move the cursor up-down left-right to make the selection.
I know there is Ctrl + D multi-cursor thing in Sublime, but it's not quite the same.
So is there a way to do the multi-line editing a-la Visual Studio in Sublime?
Move cursor where you want, hold ctrl + shift press ↓ a few times.
Press tab, then ← twice, type "Hello World,",
Press esc to leave multi-line mode.
You also can perform "square selection" using your mouse middle button.
Answer: Standard way: Ctrl + Alt + Cursor (which flips the screen orientation on my laptop). The way that works: Keyboard Column Selection for Sublime Text 2 on Windows

Visual Studio 2013 resize window shortcut hotkey

Is there any way to make a hotkey to resize the width of the current editor window in VS2013?
I do pretty much everything entirely through hotkeys EXCEPT resizing my windows. Most often I have 2 or 3 editors open in the same window vertically so each one is relatively narrow. Switching between the windows is easy with Ctrl + Tab but I really wish I could press a hotkey with left/right arrows to increase/decrease width of the current editor.
EDIT: Or at least go full screen into the current window temporarily. This is not the same as going full screen normally with Shift + Alt + Enter since that full screens all 3 windows still seperated.
Any way to do this?
Perhaps not quite what you want but VS has a shortcut for "Window.Float".
Options > Keyboard > Window.Float
Assign a shortcut for it (I've assigned Ctrl + W, Down Arrow)
When you float the window, you can snap it using the Windows shortcut of WinKey + Arrows.
WinKey + Left snaps the window to the next left-available position.
WinKey + Right snaps the window to the next right-available position.
WinKey + Up maximises.
WinKey + Down minimises.
Another option is to keep the tool windows "Solution exp, Team exp, .." as hidden,
and then using their shortcuts to show them again. When you are done press "Alt + _" for the alt-space menu.
For example, using the default settings, I have solution explorer hidden.
My use flow is:
Ctrl+p ctrl+p [Show the solution explorer window]
Use the keyboard to navigate or skip #1 and press "Ctrl+;" to search
When I'm done, press "esc" to hide it
or for windows where I want it to stay open: "Alt+_" then press "k" for dock

How to open/maximize a function or class in Visual Studio using keyboard

We generally minimize or shrink a function or class by clicking
symbol on left corner of every function in Visual Studio.
I want do with keyboard instead of mouse.
How can that be done.
Alternatively, you can open up Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard and assign "Edit.ToggleOutliningExpansion" to any keyboard combo you like.
You just hit Ctrl-M, Ctrl-M to toggle outlining.
I think you want ctrl-M, O and ctrl-M, L. These keys will close and open all regions in VS.
Ctrl M + Ctrl M does the trick
It should also be mentioned that you don't have to click on the - itself...anywhere in the vertical bar below will do it. That makes it easy to quickly shrink successive methods since the next method's vertical bar tends to come up under your mouse pointer after you shrink the one above it.

How do I get rid of the dots!

I was coding on a project in VS2008 and I tried to hit CTR + R +E to encapsulate a field as a property(feature of resharper) and I fummble fingered, now I have dots everywhere I have spaces and I cant figure out how to get rid of it.
The dots are centered but its very close to that. I have been serching the tools->options->Text Editor for a toggle to turn it off but I am at a lost.
Ctrl+R, Ctrl+W or
Edit –> Advanced –> View White Space
Personally, I like visible white space a lot, but only if it's changed from the strong green to a mild gray. See What are your most-recommended Visual Studio preferences?
