copy release aar file after succeful build - gradle

when building an aar file using gradle, how can I copy the created release aar to some other directory ?
(I do not want to change the default output dir just to copy the release file )

Assuming you are not using any flavors, and you are not changing the AAR name, you can use something like the following task:
task copyAAR(type: Copy) {
include( + '-release.aar')
If you changed the AAR name, replace '' with that name.


Gradle: Copy one specific file from main project directory into subproject/build/libs

Searching in vain for examples on this humble task, none worked, I need to learn how to use gradle to copy one specific file from the main directory of a gradle project (containing subprojects) and into the /build/libs folder of one of the subprojects. Structure is this:
mainProject folder
Subproject folder
build folder
libs folder
(I want to copy file.txt here)
This copy process shall be in the build.gradle (for the Subproject) file. I am using Android Studio and the subproject is a pure java application.
Thanks for any help.
You need to implement a custom task of type Copy to copy the file to the target directory. To access the file in the root project, you may use the rootProject property of the subproject.
task copyFileFromRootProject(type: Copy) {
from "${rootProject.projectDir}/file.txt"
into 'build/libs'

How to create a Zip file using gradle 2.3

I have my archive at location myProject/unzip and need to:
Zip the contents within the unzip folder and create a zip file with some name at any location within the project.
Using gradle 2.3.
Can anyone help me for this?
I am not sure what you are doing differently than the examples in the documentation from the link I gave in the comments. But this works for me with Gradle 2.3:
task myZip(type: Zip){
from "$projectDir/unzip"
archiveName = ""
destinationDir = buildDir
The input folder is called unzip and needs to present as a child in the project folder. It outputs a file in the build folder.
Be sure that there actually are some resources located in the from path, or Gradle might skip it.

Gradle Plugin output name

How could I set output name when Gradle builds custom plugin artifact?
I mean when I create a custom plugin and build it Gradle puts plugin-name-1.0.0.jar into build/libs folder.
By default it gets final .jar name from the project folder name.
But I'd like to set it a custom name.
try this :
jar {
baseName = 'custom-name'
You will get custom-name-1.0.0.jar

gradle main task to zipup sub-projects distribution files

I have a gradle project which at main is using java plugin. At subproj1 - thru subproj4 the build.gradle files are also using application plugin. It works well in sub projects to compile the jars (with a main class) and create a distribution zipfile (using resources and dist files).
Now I want to build a 'main' dist zip file, comprising of the contents of all those subproj contents. I found I can run installDist to unzip to each of the subprojects build/install/subprojN
Now at a loss howto in the main only, have a task and/or dependency to create a "main" dist zip file containing: subproj1/** subproj2/** subproj3/** subproj4/**
My thoughts are to do a copy from('.').include('subproj*/build/install//')
then zip that up. but havent figured out howto add the task only at main level, plus have it not complain: NO SOURCE
thanks in advance
Here's an example that just uses two sub-projects, and does not show the compilation of the main code. That stuff should be easy to add. The key to the solution is the zip and zipfileset via the AntBuilder.
Consider this in the main build.gradle:
task uberBuild(dependsOn: ['subProj1:build',
'subProj2:build']) {
doLast {
ant.mkdir(dir: "${projectDir}/dist")
def PATH = "build/distributions" "${projectDir}/dist/") {
zipfileset(src: "${projectDir}/subProj1/${PATH}/")
zipfileset(src: "${projectDir}/subProj2/${PATH}/")
This will write ~/dist/, which has the contents:
$ jar tf dist/

How to create directory and move WAR file using Gradle

By default, Gradle puts all WAR files that it creates in build/libs when I run gradle build on a Java project. How do I instruct Gradle to create a directory called dist under build and put all WAR files in that directory (i.e. build/dist)?
I created a new task called moveWar that accomplished what I wanted:
task moveWar(type: Copy) {
from 'build/libs'
into 'build/dist'
Then I used build.finalizedBy moveWar to move the WAR file in libs to dist after the build is finished.
Another approach I found:
war.destinationDir = file "$buildDir/dist"
