Rivetjs Global onchange event handler - rivets.js

I'm trying my best to get myself around rivets, but I'm needing to do something that should be simple and I'm not quite sure how to do it.
My case scenario its simple: I have this dataset, and whenever a change occurs either in 'rows' or in a 'row', I need to dispatch this changes right away to the server.
Looks like a common pattern to me, but I can not do it without cheating.
This is my solution so far:
var data = {
rows: [
{name: 'John', age: 30},
{name: 'Mary', age: 29}
var self = this
, valRoutine = rivets.binders['value'].routine;
rivets.binders['value'].routine = function(el, value) {
var res = valRoutine.call(this, el, value);
return res;
How to do event handling in rivets? There is no default events defined? I think that "onModel[add|change|del]Event" should be in the box, am I missing something? Probably am, but the docs dont help much and its not ease to find examples, so... =/
Can anyone help on this?
Ah, by the way, samples on how to put components to work, anyone? It was one of the major reason I came across rivets.

Ok, found a much better way:
rivets.binders['update'] = {
bind: function(el) {
var self = this
, field = this.keypath
this.callback = function() {
var page = self.observer.obj;
if (page.data.main.status == 'editing') {
var data = {row:{}};
data[page.key] = page.data.main.row[page.key];
data.row[field] = page.data.main.row[field];
page.exec('update', {
data: data
}, this);
$(el).on('change', this.callback);
unbind: function(el) {
$(el).off('change', this.callback);
routine: function(el, value) {
And then, just:
<input rv-update="my_field" rv-value="data.row.my_field">
I realised that if I catch the update the way I was, at every keystroke it would be calling the server.


vue-rx: how to watch value of object from an array is not change anymore?

"vue-rx": "^6.1.0",
"rxjs": "^6.4.0",
"vue": "^2.5.17",
I'm new in vue-rx and rxjs,But when I see several demo of rx, I'm quite interested in this.So I want to use it in my project which posts a request when attribute num will not change anymore
id: 0,
name: 'giftA',
num: 0 // will turn to 1,2,3,4,5,...after running `send({id: 0})` function 1,2,3,4,5,...times
id: 1,
name: 'giftB',
num: 0
And Here is my solution:
using $watchAsObservable to watch the change of sendCalledTimes, and then using mergeMap to post the request.
the variable sendCalledTimes is a number which will sendCalledTimes++ when called send function, And after posting the request, reset this to sendCalledTimes = 0.
So that $watchAsObservable('sendCalledTimes')(vue-rx) will execute every three seconds, and will reduce request times in my project. But i think it's still not good because it just like a timer and can't watch weather num of each object in the Array changes. The good example should be like this search example.
data() {
return {
sendCalledTimes: 0,
giftArr: []
created() {
filter(val => val > 0),
// if `sendCalledTimes` is the same number as previous
// will not execute follows
// distinctUntilChanged(),
(val) => this.requestSendGift()
(val) => { }
methods: {
send (obj) {
let pushFlag = true
for (const gift in this.giftArr) {
if (gift.id === obj.id) {
pushFlag = false
if (pushFlag) {
// observable
async requestSendGift () {
for (const gift in this.giftArr) {
// example for post a request to store each gift
await axios({
data: gift,
type: 'post',
url: '...'
}).then(res => { ... })
// reset `this.sendCalledTimes`
this.sendCalledTimes = 0
Also since vue-rx doesn't have many examples on github, so i need help to solve creating good subscription for this situation.
I have tried this, but failed:
data () {
return {
giftArr: []
subscriptions: {
test: from(this.giftArr) // console.log(this.$observables.test) throw an error: typeError: Cannot read property 'giftArr' of undefined
It would be greatly appreciated if anyone can help me to solve this question.
It's a little unclear from your question exactly what you're trying to do, but I've created an example based on what I believe to be your intent.
I made some assumptions:
You have a 'gifts' array that represents all of the gifts that will ever exist.
You want to make updates to that array.
Every time you make an update to the array, you want to see the update in the form of an Observable emitting an event.
Use a Subject
I think what you want is a Subject.
const gift$ = new Subject();
Make it Emit on Updates
And you would set it up to emit every time you increment num or add a new gift.
function addGift(gift) {
function incrementGift(gift) {
All together it could look something like this:
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
const gift$ = new Subject();
const gifts = [{ id: 0, name: 'giftA', num: 0 }, { id: 1, name: 'giftB', num: 0 }];
function addGift(gift) {
function incrementGift(gift) {
function sendGift(newGift) {
const currentGift = gifts.find(g => g.id === newGift.id);
currentGift ? incrementGift(currentGift) : addGift(newGift);
gift$.subscribe(update => {
// You should see an initial logging of 'gifts' and update will be 'undefined' at first. Then you'll see a log for every 'sendGift'.
sendGift({ id: 0 });
sendGift({ id: 3, name: 'giftC', num: 0 });

Issue while updating store from updater function of commitMutation

I have a mutation
mutation createQuoteLineMutation {
createQuoteLine {
quoteLine {
product {
My updater function is as below.
updater: (store) => {
const payload = store.getRootField('createQuoteLine');
const newQuoteLine = payload.getLinkedRecord('quoteLine');
const quote = store.getRoot().getLinkedRecord('getQuote');
const quoteLines = quote.getLinkedRecords('quoteLines') || [];
const newQuoteLines = [...quoteLines, newQuoteLine];
quote.setLinkedRecords(newQuoteLines, 'quoteLines');
This works fine for the first time, but the consequent mutations all the previously added quoteLines change to new one I'm assuming this is because newQuoteLine points to same object all the time.
adding below line at the end of updater function unlink quoteLine from createQuoteLine also does not work.
payload.setValue(null, 'quoteLine');
Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.
I have seen a quite similar problem, but I am not sure if it's the same. Try to pass an clientMutationId to the mutation, and increment it along.
const commit = (
onCompleted: (response) => void,
) => {
const variables = {
input: {
clientMutationId: temp++,
commitMutation(Environment, {
onError: null,
updater: store => {
// ....
Try something like this and let me know if it fixes :).

How to get input field name that value has changed [ Angular 6 ]

I tried reactive form valueChanges but valueChanges method doesn't return input field name which has changed.
I thought code like this. but I think this is not smart way. Because I have to compare every each input field. so I need more smart way.
// get init view data from local storage
this.localstorageService.getPlaceDetail().subscribe(data => {
this.initPlaceDetail = data;
// watch changed value
this.editPlaceForm.valueChanges.subscribe(chengedVal => {
if (chengedVal['ja_name'] !== this.initPlaceDetail.languages.ja.name.text) {
this.changedJA = true;
if (chengedVal['ja_romaji'] !== this.initPlaceDetail.languages.ja.name.romaji) {
this.changedJA = true;
// ...... I have to check all input fields??
I'm adding form controls from an array and something like this worked for me. Just reference the item you need instead of expecting the valueChanges observable to pass it to you.
myFields.forEach(item => {
const field = new FormControl("");
field.valueChanges.subscribe(v => {
console.log(item.name + " is now " + v);
This is my way to get changed control in form.
I shared for whom concerned.
Method to get list control changed values
private getChangedProperties(form): any[] {
let changedProperties = [];
Object.keys(form.controls).forEach((name) => {
let currentControl = form.controls[name];
if (currentControl.dirty)
changedProperties.push({ name: name, value: currentControl.value });
return changedProperties;
If you only want to get latest changed control you can use
var changedProps = this.getChangedProperties(this.ngForm.form);
var latestChanged = changedProps.reduce((acc, item) => {
if (this.changedProps.find(c => c.name == item.name && c.value == item.value) == undefined) {
return acc;
}, []);
Instead of listening to whole form changes you can listen to value changes event for each form control as shown in below code:
this.myForm.get('ja_name').valueChanges.subscribe(val => {
this.formattedMessage = `My name is ${val}.`;

Extjs 4 disable sort if grid is empty

Hello stackoverflow community,
is it somehow possible to disable the sorting mechanism in a grid for every column on a condition? Like...
if the grid hasn't any data loaded,
the sorting should be disabled,
else enabled.
I have the problem that if there is no data and you click on a column to sort, the remote sorting mechanism, will start loading the whole data and sorts it, too ...
This behaviour isn't needed or wished, so I want to disable the sorting possibility.
Your help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance and have a nice day.
This is a bit of a hack, but seems to work OK:
var data = [{
data1: 'test',
data2: 'test'
}, {
data1: 'test2',
data2: 'test2'
var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
fields: ['data1', 'data2'],
data: data
Ext.define('SampleGrid', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
store: store,
height: 250,
width: 400,
title: 'My Window',
columns: [{
text: 'test',
dataIndex: 'data1'
}, {
text: 'test2',
dataIndex: 'data2'
bbar: [{
text: 'Clear Store',
handler: function() {
var grid = this.up('grid'),
cols = grid.query('gridcolumn'),
i = 0,
len = cols.length;
for (; i < len; i++) {
cols[i].__toggleSortState = cols[i].toggleSortState;
cols[i].toggleSortState = function() {};
}, {
text: 'Reload Store',
handler: function() {
var grid = this.up('grid'),
cols = grid.query('gridcolumn'),
i = 0,
len = cols.length;
for (; i < len; i++) {
if (cols[i].__toggleSortState) {
cols[i].toggleSortState = cols[i].__toggleSortState;
renderTo: Ext.getBody()
Ext.onReady(function() {
var grd = new SampleGrid();
I am just changing the sort state when the data is removed in order to remove any current sorting then replacing the toggleSortState function with an empty one so clicking the header will not sort the column. When reloading the store I put the function back.. You will have to adapt this to your project, but could create a store aware grid with similar logic.
You can do this globally by overriding the Ext.data.Store.sort method. The system I was working on uses remoteSort and hence hits the server everytime the user clicks the column header to sort, even if the grid itself is empty, pretty much same with your problem.
This is the code that you only need to declare in a single location (ie. your ext-overrides file or commons file), instead of in every single grid:
Ext.define('Ext.overrides.data.Store', {
override: 'Ext.data.Store',
sort: function() {
//prevents the grid from submitting a request if store is empty, for remote sort
if (this.count() > 0) {
I have written the following function to achieve the same solution:
function disableColumnSorting(disable){
var grid = Ext.getCmp('billRecordGrid'),
cols = grid.query('gridcolumn'),
colLength = cols.length,
i = 0;
for(i; i < colLength; i++) {
if (disable) {
cols[i].sortable= false;
} else {
cols[i].sortable= true;
Thanks to drew630, you gave me a helpful hint, so I could solve my problem on my own.
If you do not want anything to happen when the grid is empty, you could put this in the store of the grid:
listeners: {
beforeload: function() {
return false when my conditions is met.;
This way your store will not load and nothing will happen. This is also handy when you have a pager component on the grid and where your server expects e.g. extraParams that are not yet set. If you expect extraParams, and when not yet set, the user clicks the refresh on the pager, you end up with exceptions. But with this check, you can prevent a call to the back-end if conditions are not met.
I sometimes set my api.read URL to undefined, (in cases where the store needs extraParams that are not yet set) and only when those params are available, I also set the URL (with a call in the store itself where the url is already set e.g. activateRead(). In the beforeload, I then test if the api.read is undefined or not.
Hope it helps.

KendoUI, tweaking the recurrence editor

With KendoUI 2013.3.1109
I am using KendoUI's scheduler
I am using a template for the reservation form, but via googling and perusing the forums, I read about re-using their recurrence form. I even figured out via experimenting that one could select which period options are available by, for instance, running:
frequencies: ["never", "daily", "weekly", "monthly"]
The code above will not load the 'yearly' option in the drop down.
There is no API documentation for kendoRecurrenceEditor on the website, but I was wondering if it is possible to tweak additional options, like removing the 'never' tag on when a recurrence should expire and so on.
So I initialize the Kendo recurrence editor:
change: function() {
Then I tweak what's visible inside #recurrenceEditor
var onRecurrenceEditorChange = function() {
var recurrenceKendoNumericTextBox = $('#recurrenceEditor .k-widget.k-numerictextbox.k-recur-count input[data-role="numerictextbox"]')
if (recurrenceKendoNumericTextBox != null) {
var recurrenceEditorNeverEndOption = _container.find('#recurrenceEditor label:has(.k-recur-end-never)');
if (recurrenceEditorNeverEndOption != null)
var recurrenceKendoDatePicker = _container.find('#recurrenceEditor .k-datepicker input[data-role="datepicker"]').data("kendoDatePicker");
if (recurrenceKendoDatePicker != null) {
var maxDate = window.moment().add('months', 2).toDate();
Then if you want to tweak the intervals, hack around it this way:
var recurrencePeriodKendoDropDownList = $('.k-widget.k-dropdown input[data-role="dropdownlist"]').data("kendoDropDownList");
var recurrencePeriodFilters = [
field: "value",
operator: "neq",
value: 'yearly'
}, {
field: "value",
operator: "neq",
value: 'monthly'
// if it's a newres, don't hide 'Never' option which matches to "",
field: "value",
operator: "neq",
value: someBoolConditionIhave ? "fake" : ""
