How to get input field name that value has changed [ Angular 6 ] - angular-reactive-forms

I tried reactive form valueChanges but valueChanges method doesn't return input field name which has changed.
I thought code like this. but I think this is not smart way. Because I have to compare every each input field. so I need more smart way.
// get init view data from local storage
this.localstorageService.getPlaceDetail().subscribe(data => {
this.initPlaceDetail = data;
// watch changed value
this.editPlaceForm.valueChanges.subscribe(chengedVal => {
if (chengedVal['ja_name'] !== {
this.changedJA = true;
if (chengedVal['ja_romaji'] !== {
this.changedJA = true;
// ...... I have to check all input fields??

I'm adding form controls from an array and something like this worked for me. Just reference the item you need instead of expecting the valueChanges observable to pass it to you.
myFields.forEach(item => {
const field = new FormControl("");
field.valueChanges.subscribe(v => {
console.log( + " is now " + v);

This is my way to get changed control in form.
I shared for whom concerned.
Method to get list control changed values
private getChangedProperties(form): any[] {
let changedProperties = [];
Object.keys(form.controls).forEach((name) => {
let currentControl = form.controls[name];
if (currentControl.dirty)
changedProperties.push({ name: name, value: currentControl.value });
return changedProperties;
If you only want to get latest changed control you can use
var changedProps = this.getChangedProperties(this.ngForm.form);
var latestChanged = changedProps.reduce((acc, item) => {
if (this.changedProps.find(c => == && c.value == item.value) == undefined) {
return acc;
}, []);

Instead of listening to whole form changes you can listen to value changes event for each form control as shown in below code:
this.myForm.get('ja_name').valueChanges.subscribe(val => {
this.formattedMessage = `My name is ${val}.`;


How to get data stored as subject rxjs

I am working on displaying the details of event clicked. I have stored all the events inside an array.
When the user clicks on the event then its id is passed which checks inside the array and it passes the result into service.
let obj =;
let newArr = Object.values(obj);
let result = newArr.filter(function(el) {
return el["id"] == id;
let url = `/article/${id}`;
private detailSubject = new Subject<any>();
sendMessage(formData: any) {{formData});
getMessage(): Observable<any> {
return this.detailSubject.asObservable();
Now in my article/id page.
I am not being able to retrieve this passed array.
I have following code
ngOnInit() {
res => {
error => {
console.log("Error loading data");
this.articleService.sendMessage(result); // <--
let url = `/article/${id}`;
this.router.navigate([url]); // <-- Subject.subscribe() after, so value already emitted
You already added BehaviorSubject tag. So use it. Also, getMessage(): Observable<any> { doesnt do anything except returns Observable. Feels redundant:
private detailSubject = new BehaviorSubject<any>(null);
message$ = this.detailSubject.asObservable();
sendMessage(formData: any) {{formData});
ngOnInit() {

kendo pivotgrid Rows and Columns expand is always false

I am trying to save PivotGrid state for future load. I have two problems
1: the expand property of row items is not changed at run time. Test here : When the user expands an item at runtime the expand property of the returned row by dataSource.rows() is the same as what it was at initialization.
2: I can't find a way to save/load the selected feilds (slices) using the "Fields to Include" menu along side with rows,columns and measures.
I'm working in React but you should be able to do something similar.
This is a bug, to work around it you can listen to expandMember and collapseMember events to manually track the axis and path of expanded rows/columns. see code below.
If you mean the Configurator, just set its dataSource to that of the pivot grid after you create it. See below in createGrid().
Bonus, see the end of createGrid to auto expand the items in the Configurator.
createGrid = () => {
dataSource: {
data: data,
schema: schema,
columns: this.state.columns,
rows: this.state.rows,
measures: this.state.measures,
filter: this.state.filter
expandMember: this.onExpand,
collapseMember: this.onCollapse
let grid = $(`#pivot-grid`).data('kendoPivotGrid');
if (grid) {
if (this.state.expands) {
this.state.expands.forEach(expand => {
if (expand.axis === 'rows') {
} else {
dataSource: grid.dataSource,
filterable: true
// Expand the items in the configurator fields.
let tree = $('.k-treeview').data('kendoTreeView');
if (tree) {
onExpand = e => {
expands: [...this.state.expands, {
axis: e.axis,
path: e.path
onCollapse = e => {
expands: this.state.expands.filter(ex => ex.axis !== e.axis && JSON.stringify(ex.path) !== JSON.stringify(e.path))
Here is my try on this
what i like is, that it actually updates the data source as you would expect
function onExpandOrCollapseMember(e, expand) {
var pivot = e.sender;
var axisToUpdate = '_' + e.axis;
var field = _.find(pivot.dataSource[axisToUpdate], f => JSON.stringify( === JSON.stringify(e.path));
field.expand = expand;
And on the pivot options i pass in
expandMember: e => onExpandOrCollapseMember(e,true),
collapseMember: e => onExpandOrCollapseMember(e, false),

Angular5 RXJS recursive http requests

I currently have this situation:
#Service My Service
private users = ['user1','user2'];
//Generate list of requests to join
private getHttpList(): any[] {
let gets = new Array();
for(let index in this.users)
gets.push(this.http.get('' + this.users[index]))
return gets;
getList(): Observable<any[]> {
return forkJoin(this.getHttpList())
And in my component, I do the subscribe
this.MyService.getList().subscribe(results => {
for(let res in results) {
//...Do something here
//..I wanna do the get in of{user}/starred
Suppose that I just know that the "starred url" after the result of getList(), how to I can "synchronous" this part, or what's the correct form to do this?
**I try do it hardcoded --Result id wrong, because the "res" is a "interable"
this.MyService.getList().subscribe(results => {
let url = '';
for(let res in results) {//This don't do the things "synchronous"
this.http.get(url + res.login +'/starred').catch(err => {
throw new Error(err.message);
}).subscribe(starred_res => {
//So we set the starred_list
res.starred_list = starred_res
As I understand you want to get starred list for every user.
The simplest way is to get all starred lists and match them with users result.
// Get users
this.MyService.getList().subscribe((results: any[]) => {
const url = '';
// Create requests to get starred list for every user
const starredRequests =
res => this.http.get('' + res.login + '/starred')
// Wait when all starred requests done and map them with results array
Observable.forkJoin(starredRequests).subscribe(starred => {
results.forEach((res, index) => {
res.starred_list = starred[index];

How to return from within an observer?

I was trying to return filter function but return doesn't seem to work with callbacks. Here$) is an observable emitting boolean values and$) is an observable emiting objects of video class.
How do I run this synchronously, can I avoid asynchronus callback altogether given that I can't modify the observables received from store.
isPersonalized$ =$);
videos$ =$)
.map((vids) => this.myFilter(vids));
myFilter(vids) {
return this.fileterX(vids);//Return from here
else {
return this.filterY(vids);//Or Return from here
fileterX(vids) {
return vids.filter((vid) => vids.views>100;);
fileterY(vids) {
return vids.filter((vid) => vids.views<20;);
I got it working this way, you don't need myFilter(vids) at all if you can get the branching out on isPersonalized$'s subscribe. Here is the updated code.$);
videos$: Observable<any>;
ngOnInit() {
this.isPersonalized$.subscribe((x) => {
if (x) {
this.videos$ =$)
.map((vids) => this. fileterX(vids));
} else {
this.videos$ =$)
.map((vids) => this. fileterY(vids));
fileterX(vids) {
return vids.filter((vid) => vids.views>100;);
fileterY(vids) {
return vids.filter((vid) => vids.views<20;);
It looks like you want to evaluate the latest value of isPersonalized$ within the map function, i'd do that via withLatestFrom (Example: The first one toggles true/false every 5s, the second emits an increasing number every 1s):
const isPersonalized$ = Rx.Observable.interval(5000)
.map(value => value % 2 === 0);
const getPlayerSearchResults$ = Rx.Observable.interval(1000)
.map(bothValues => {
const searchResult = bothValues[0];
const isPersonalized = bothValues[1];

How to return result from angular2-modal, or in general from ng2-components

I am using the this great angular2-modal but can't figure out how to return a result value from my custom modal.
I instantiate it like this:
let dialog: Promise<ModalDialogInstance>;
let bindings = Injector.resolve([
provide(ICustomModal, { useValue: this.gewaehltesBild })
var self = this;
dialog =
new ModalConfig("md", true, 27));
dialog.then((resultPromise) => {
return resultPromise.result.then((result) => {
this.lastModalResult = result;
this.mitarbeiter.avatarImg = this.gewaehltesBild;
}, () => this.lastModalResult = 'Rejected!');
I have tried to send my returnvalue with
but result is always null. Is there a convention in angular2 how to return values from components, that is used by angular2-modal?
Thank you!
Works fine for me, I too am using custom dialog and here is how i catch the result
var dialog =,
new ModalConfig('lg', true, 27));
.then((d) => d.result)
.then((r) => { console.log(r); }, (error) => { console.log(r); });
When i call close on the instance
It does print Hello
