Populate Field in Table to Display Dateadd Results - populate

I asked this question before but I still have not received a response, so I'll ask again hoping that someone has an answer:
Dave, a Stackoverflow member was kind enough to answer my question initial question in how to get my "dateadd" field to display on my report; however, I am still not getting the exact results of what I need. While the field with the dateadd formula displays ouput on the report, it does NOT generated output in the Estimated Date for Completion field of the table based on date info entered in the Test Date field. Is this doable?
Please help..

Not sure if this will help but I had a similar issue and this is what I did....
ACTION DESIRED: Have one date field trigger (calculate) future or past date values in other date fields in a form and (Most importantly)have those values save in the master database table and queries.
Re Insp Date
Re Insp Date 90 Day (To be set to -90 from "Re Insp Date")
Re Insp Date 60 Day (To be set to -60 from "Re Insp Date")
Re Insp Date 30 Day (To be set to -30 from "Re Insp Date")
Opened up the properties of what is to be the "trigger" date field
Went to 'All' tab
Opened up a 'Code Builder' Event Procedure in the "After Update"
Entered the following VBA code
Private Sub Re_Insp_Date_AfterUpdate()
Re_Insp_Date_90_Day = Re_Insp_Date - 90
Re_Insp_Date_60_Day = Re_Insp_Date - 60
Re_Insp_Date_30_Day = Re_Insp_Date - 30
End Sub
NOTE: If there are spaces in the name fields, an underscore has to replace the spaces. As shown in the VBA code above, Re Insp Date field name must be coded as Re_Insp_Date. (This is why many suggest you use no spacing in when naming database fields, tables, queries, forms, objects, etc)
Hopefully this helps someone else in the future.
Anyway, there it is.


DAX - Month Name column error when dropped in value field

I have a simple date table (marked as a Date Table)
the Date column is native to it, the rest are calculated columns.
This issue will be about these of them:
Month Name = FORMAT(Dates[Date], "Mmmm")
Month = Month(Dates[Date])
Both set to "Don't summarize".
I dropped them into value field of a visual out of curiousity, and a curious thing happened - despite "don't summarize" they took MIN form of value to display, but Month Name came out incorrect.
Image 1: 3 out of 4 lines in the column First Month Name are wrong, unlike Month which is fine.
Image 2: added Date to the row fields to check - line by line it's fine, but subtotal still wrong:
Image 3: I filtered Month Name in data view for February, to see which lines are for Month value of 1 - there is none.
This is a blank new report, no measures, no filters - that's all it is.
If someone can explain why this happens, thanks in advance
The columns with "Earliest"/"First"/"Min" are summarizing because they are implicit measures in a matrix visual. Since there are multiple months in one quarter it has to aggregate somehow.
The month name is a text field, so it sorts alphabetically by default. If you want it to sort by month number instead, you can use the Sort by Column feature to sort Month Name by Month.

Date Picker Validation Start Date

I am new to the environment and need help writing a validation statement in APEX.
I have a Start Date and End Date field on a page with a Date Picker Type.
The End Date validation has already been set ( end date must be equal to or greater than start date )
Now I need to implement this validation for start date:
User should be able to choose either the current date (today) or a future date.
Is there a way to disable previous days on Apex? Or would I need to write a validation statement? If so, what validation statement could I use?
Check out the settings for the date picker, specifically the minimum date.
Use the help to work out exactly what you need. APEX will then handle the validations for you.

Quicksight parse date into month

Maybe I missed it but I'm attempting to create a dynamic 'Month' parameter based on a datetime field - but can't seem to get just the month! ? Am I missing something ?
here's my source DTTM date/time field -
In Manage Data > Edit [selected] Data Set > Data source
Just add 'calculated field':
truncDate('MM', date)
where MM returns the month portion of the date.
See manual of truncDate function
The only place in Quicksight that you can get just a month, e.g. "September" is on a date-based axis of a visual. To do so, click the dropdown arrow next to the field name in the fields list, select "Format: (date)" then "More Formatting Options..." then "Custom" and enter MMMM in the Custom format input box.
Quicksight menu selection as described
This will then show the full month name on the date axis in your visual. NB It will use the full month name on this visual for ALL time period "Aggregations" - e.g. if you change the visual to aggregate by Quarter, it will display the full name of the quarter's first month etc.
If you are talking about "Parameters" in the Quicksight analysis view then you can only create a "Datetime" formatted parameter and then only use the "Date picker" box format for this parameter in a control (+ filter).
If you use a calculated field in either data preparation or analysis view the only date functions do not allow full month names as an output, you can get the month number as an integer or one of the allowed date formats here:
You'll need to hardcode the desired results using ifelse, min, and extract.
Extract will pull out the month as an integer. Quicksight has a desire to beginning summing integers, so we'll put MIN in place to prevent that.
ifelse(min(extract('MM',Date)) = 1,'January',min(extract('MM',Date)) = 2,'February',min(extract('MM',Date)) = 3,'March',min(extract('MM',Date)) = 4,'April',min(extract('MM',Date)) = 5,'May',min(extract('MM',Date)) = 6,'June',min(extract('MM',Date)) = 7,'July',min(extract('MM',Date)) = 8,'August',min(extract('MM',Date)) = 9,'September',min(extract('MM',Date)) = 10,'October',min(extract('MM',Date)) = 11,'November',min(extract('MM',Date)) = 12,'December','Error')
Also, I apologize if this misses the mark. I'm not able to see the screeshot you posted due to security controls here at the office.
You can use the extract function. Works like this:
event_timestamp Nov 9, 2021
extract('MM', event_timestamp)
You can add a calculated field using the extract function:
extract returns a specified portion of a date value. Requesting a time-related portion of a date that doesn't contain time information returns 0.
extract('MM', date_field)

How do I format general data type to date format?

I have a general formatted column with dates written as 'Jan 17'. I tried to highlight the column and change the category to a couple different date formats and nothing happens. I tried custom and different date formats as well as manually using mmyy, none work. I am building a dashboard in Tableau and I need the data in a date format otherwise the measure is not calculated correctly.
Would this work?
Sub ChangeFormat()
Columns("C:C").Select 'your range here
Selection.NumberFormat = "[$-en-US]mmmm d, yyyy;#"
End Sub

SSRS how to show only month/year as a parameter using/customizing calendar control

I use SSRS 2005.I currently have two datetime parameters (for start and end dates) as parameters for my report. I get the default calendar controls to select the dates.
I want to show only month and year in the calendar control which can be selected by user. Is that possible?
I can create two text fields and let user enter month & year in each text field and i've two validate these two text fields. I dont want to do this because needs typing into the fields.
I can create four dropdown lists for start month, start year and end month and end year with values but this involves clicking/scrolling a bit more. Dont want to do this either.
Can somebody suggest a solution?
Thank you
This cannot be done using the calendar control.
You can either use the calendar control ignoring the day or implement one of the other two solutions you mentioned.
In case of combobox, you can use select distinct month/year from your data to fill values.
To make this less annoying for your user's to run the report, default your month/year from/to values to these that usually the user selects to run the report.
Personally I would prefer textboxes with default values
eg. If user runs the report for current year from January to current month then the defaults would be
Month from: = 1
Month to: = Datepart("m", Now())
Year from, Year to: = Datepart("yyyy", Now())
