Date Picker Validation Start Date - validation

I am new to the environment and need help writing a validation statement in APEX.
I have a Start Date and End Date field on a page with a Date Picker Type.
The End Date validation has already been set ( end date must be equal to or greater than start date )
Now I need to implement this validation for start date:
User should be able to choose either the current date (today) or a future date.
Is there a way to disable previous days on Apex? Or would I need to write a validation statement? If so, what validation statement could I use?

Check out the settings for the date picker, specifically the minimum date.
Use the help to work out exactly what you need. APEX will then handle the validations for you.


Dynamic Date Selection Tableau

Here is a sample data that I am working with. I want to make it more dynamic. Meaning, if a user selects a date, I need to display the 7 day, 14 day change based on the selected date. I have created a parameter with the date filter and also created a formula for 7 day change like this : LOOKUP(SUM([Sample]),-7) and LOOKUP(SUM([Sample]),-14)
I tried using these formulas, but it wont work when I filter to a particular date. Any help is appreciated.
Date Sample
7/1/22 491,556
7/2/22 74,027
7/3/22 65,938
7/4/22 74,099
7/5/22 636,580
7/6/22 508,986
7/7/22 630,481
7/8/22 495,756
7/9/22 71,503
7/10/22 64,875
7/11/22 73,174
7/12/22 642,674
7/13/22 517,709
7/14/22 638,848
7/15/22 490,698
7/16/22 68,802

Laravel 5.8 - Validate future date

How do I validate that a given date is in the future and not a past date? Alternatively, does Html 5 allows one to disable past date from a date field?
I have a form in my app that allows user to select start date for an event from an HTML date input field. I want users to only choose a date in the future and not a past date.
I think you can use it like this:
$rules = [
'start_date' => 'date_format:d/m/Y|after:3/13/2019',
See also the laravel documentation:
after:today works as #Tim Lewis commented above.
As for HTML validation, date fields still aren't fully supported. Safari being the main culprit.
You can use min="2020-01-01" format against the input, but you'll need to either add that date server-side or using JavaScript so it's tomorrow's date.
I have tried code and found that if you want to validate only year than you can write something like
$rules = ['dob'=>'required|date_format:Y|before:today']
is fixed keyword and with help of 'Y' you can validate only year
and before:today validate if year is older than today or not.
you can use d-m-Y format instead only Y.
happy coding...

How can I dynamically set the time period on a Workflow Time Trigger?

I have a custom object with Start and End date fields, and also a Status field.
When a new record is created, if the Start date specified is in the future, I would like to be able to have a Workflow update the Status field to 'Active' when the Start date is today. However, I only appear to be able to select a fixed number of days after which my Field Update task can be triggered. What I want is to set that number of days equal to Start date - Today's date.
Can this be done?
OK, I realised I can set the time delay to zero days after the Start date. Not intuitive (For me), but it makes sense.

disable drupal date validation

I have a date field (widget = select list) in a drupal 7 content type, And I want to be able to enter a date like 2012/2/31 without any validation error?
what can I do?
The problem is 2012/2/31 is not a date, it's just a text string that resembles the formatting of a real date.
If you don't want to use proper, valid dates, then you simply shouldn't be using a date field. I'd advise adding a text field instead and then using the Field validation module to define a pattern to test the input against. That way you can accept any kind of string that resembles a date, not just real dates.
You can use date module, it provides you a date picker widget and output will be same as 2012/2/31, either you have to use textfield widget.
Date Module

SSRS how to show only month/year as a parameter using/customizing calendar control

I use SSRS 2005.I currently have two datetime parameters (for start and end dates) as parameters for my report. I get the default calendar controls to select the dates.
I want to show only month and year in the calendar control which can be selected by user. Is that possible?
I can create two text fields and let user enter month & year in each text field and i've two validate these two text fields. I dont want to do this because needs typing into the fields.
I can create four dropdown lists for start month, start year and end month and end year with values but this involves clicking/scrolling a bit more. Dont want to do this either.
Can somebody suggest a solution?
Thank you
This cannot be done using the calendar control.
You can either use the calendar control ignoring the day or implement one of the other two solutions you mentioned.
In case of combobox, you can use select distinct month/year from your data to fill values.
To make this less annoying for your user's to run the report, default your month/year from/to values to these that usually the user selects to run the report.
Personally I would prefer textboxes with default values
eg. If user runs the report for current year from January to current month then the defaults would be
Month from: = 1
Month to: = Datepart("m", Now())
Year from, Year to: = Datepart("yyyy", Now())
