Ruby Convert integer to binary to integer array of set bits - ruby

Lets say I have an integer 98.
The binary representation of this string would be:
(98).to_s(2) # 1100010
Now I want to convert this binary string to an integer array of all the bits that are set. This would give me:
How would I go about this?
Update: The conversion of int to int array does not necessarily need to involve String, it is just what I knew. I assume non String operations would also be faster.
Ruby is amazing seeing all these different ways to handle this!

This would work:
i = 98
(0...i.bit_length).map { |n| i[n] << n }.reject(&:zero?)
#=> [2, 32, 64]
Fixnum#bit_length returns the position of the highest "1" bit
Fixnum#[n] returns the integer's nth bit, i.e. 0 or 1
Fixnum#<< shifts the bit to the left. 1 << n is equivalent to 2n
Step by step:
(0...i.bit_length).map { |n| i[n] }
#=> [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
(0...i.bit_length).map { |n| i[n] << n }
#=> [0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 32, 64]
(0...i.bit_length).map { |n| i[n] << n }.reject(&:zero?)
#=> [2, 32, 64]
You might want to reverse the result.
In newer versions of Ruby (2.7+) you could also utilize filter_map and nonzero? to remove all 0 values:
(0...i.bit_length).filter_map { |n| (i[n] << n).nonzero? }
#=> [2, 32, 64]

Reverse the string, map it to binary code values of each digit, reject zeros. Optionally reverse it again.{ |c, i| c.to_i * 2**i }.reject{ |b| b == 0 }.reverse
Or you could push the values to array with each_with_index
a = []
s.reverse.each_with_index do |c, i|
a.unshift c.to_i * 2**i
what is probably faster and more readable, but less idiomatic.

map {|x,i| x=="1" ? 2**i : nil }.compact.reverse
Phew! Let's break that down:
First get the binary String as your example (98).to_s(2)
We will need to start 0-index from right hand side, hence .reverse
.chars.each_with_index gives us pairs such as [ '1', 4 ] for character at bit position
The .map converts "1" characters to their value 2 ** i (i.e. 2 to the power of current bit position) and "0" to nil so it can be removed
.compact to discard the nil values that you don't want
.reverse to have descending powers of 2 as your example

Here are a couple of ways:
s = (98).to_s(2)
sz = s.size-1
s.each_char.with_index.with_object([]) { |(c,i),a| a << 2**(sz-i) if c == '1' }
# => [64, 32, 2]
n = 2**(98.to_s(2).size-1)
arr = []
while n > 0
arr << n if 90[n]==1
n /= 2
#=> [64, 32, 2]


Program that changes a number from the base n to another base m

I was just curious as to how to change a number from number base m to another base n with a Ruby program, not a gem. Has anyone done this and would like to share their thoughts or ideas? Just thought it would be fun to try out a program like this :)
I've done it for bin to dec, dec to bin, dex to hex, hex to dec, but would want to know how to do it from m to n.
def bin2dec(num)
sum = 0
i = 0
while i < num.length
sum += 2 ** i * num[num.length - i - 1].to_i
i += 1
return sum
bin = gets.chomp
out = bin2dec(bin)
print out
def dec2bin(dec)
out = ""
num = dec
while num != 0
out = "#{num % 2}" + out
num = num / 2
return out
dec = gets.to_i
print dec2bin(dec)
These functions are built in.
To convert "EFFE" from base 16 (hex) to base 8 (octal)...
# => "167776"
To put this in a method...
def convert_base(string, from_base, to_base)
If you want a method which converts any positive base to any other positive base, start looking at Integer#digits. It takes an argument (10 by default), but nothing stops you from getting a number in base 543.
For 11 <= n <= 36, Ruby has a convention that allows integers to be expressed in base n with the 10 digits 0-9 and the first n-10 characters of the alphabet. It is for that reason that we obtain the following results:
1270.to_s(36) #=> "za"
"za".to_i(36) #=> 1270
1270.to_s(37) #=> ArgumentError (invalid radix 37)
"za".to_i(37) #=> ArgumentError (invalid radix 37)
Ruby's representation of integers, however, is just a convention.
I will only deal with non-negative integers and will refer to them as "numbers". Negative integers can be negated, converted to a number of a different base and then that number negated.
We could express numbers of any base as arrays of digits, where each digit is expressed as a base 10 integer. For example, we could write:
46 in base 10 as [4, 6]
za in base 36 as [36, 10]
a two-digit base N number as [n, m], where n and m are both between 0 and N-1.
We can write a method to convert a base 10 number to this array representation:
def base10_to_base_n(n10, radix)
arr = []
while n10 > 0
n10, rem = n10.divmod(radix)
arr << rem
base10_to_base_n(123, 10)
#=> [1, 2, 3]
base10_to_base_n(131, 2)
#=> [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
abase10_to_base_n(1234, 16)
#=> [4, 13, 2]
base10_to_base_n(9234, 99)
#=> [93, 27]
Note that, in the third example:
4*(16**2) + 13*(16**1) + 2*(16**0) #=> 9234
Next we create a method that does the reverse: converts a number in a given base, described as an array of digits (the argument base_n) to a base 10 number.
def base_n_to_base_10(base_n, radix)
pow = 1
arr = base_n.reverse
base_n.reverse.reduce do |n10, digit|
pow *= radix
n10 + digit*pow
base_n_to_base_10([1, 2, 3], 10)
#=> 123
base_n_to_base_10([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], 2)
#=> 131
base_n_to_base_10([4, 13, 2], 16)
#=> 1234
base_n_to_base_10([93, 27], 99)
#=> 9234
As expected, if
radix = 87
n10 = 6257
base87 = base10_to_base_n(n10, radix)
#=> [71, 80]
base_n_to_base_10(base10_to_base_n(n10, radix), radix)
#=> 6257
base10_to_base_n(base_n_to_base_10(base87, radix), radix)
#=> [71, 80]
If you wanted to do it without the built-in methods...
def convert_base(string, from_base, to_base)
characters = (0..9).to_a + ('A'..'Z').to_a
string = string.to_s.upcase.gsub(/[^0-9A-Z]/i, '') # remove non alphanumeric
digits = string.split('')
decimal_value = digits.inject(0){|sum, digit| (sum * from_base) + characters.find_index(digit) }
result = []
while decimal_value > 0
result << characters[decimal_value % to_base]
decimal_value = decimal_value / to_base
result = result.join.reverse
return result if result.length > 0
convert_base('effe', 16, 8)
# => "167776"

How to sort by value in hash?

So I made a random number generator which is supposed to count the frequency of the numbers and display them in sorted order. I'm trying to use .sort but I can't figure out where to put it to sort the values of the hash in order. What I have so far:
count = 0
puts "Enter a number of random integers to generate"
resp = gets.to_i
p "number of integers generated is #{resp}"
puts "Now enter the maximum value the integers can be"
max_value = gets.to_i
p "max value is set to #{max_value}"
size =
while (count < resp)
int_value = (rand(MIN_VALUE..max_value))
count = count + 1
puts size
freq =
size.each { |x| freq[x] += 1 }{ |key, value| "#{key}x#{value}" }.join(',')
freq.each do |key,value|
puts "Frequency of #{key} is: #{value}"
Any help is greatly appreciated!
More or less the same soup, generating random numbers in an Integer#times loop:
upper_number = 10
sample_size = 100
freq = # initializing the hash with a default value of zero, for counting
sample_size.times { freq[rand((1..upper_number))] += 1 } # here the loop generating and counting
freq #=> {5=>13, 7=>10, 1=>11, 2=>13, 8=>13, 9=>6, 3=>6, 6=>9, 10=>11, 4=>8}
Then you can sort by frequencies (reverse order: -v) and by sample value (k), [-v, k]:
freq.sort_by{ |k, v| [-v, k] }.to_h #=> {2=>13, 5=>13, 8=>13, 1=>11, 10=>11, 7=>10, 6=>9, 4=>8, 3=>6, 9=>6} # for this run
freq.sum { |_, v| v} #=> 100 # of course
arr = [4, 1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 1, 3, 4, 3, 4]
You can use the form of Hash::new that takes an argument, called its default value (which often, as here, is zero), to obtain the frequency of the elements of arr:
freq = arr.each_with_object( { |n,h| h[n] += 1 }
#=> {4=>4, 1=>2, 3=>3, 2=>1, 5=>1}
We see that
#=> 2
#=> 0
The second result follows because freq was defined to have a default value of 0. All that means is that if freq does not have a key k, freq[k] returns zero (and that does not alter freq).
Here are solutions to two possible interpretations of your question. Both use the method Enumerable#sort_by.
Sort the unique values of arr by decreasing frequency
freq.sort_by { |_,v| -v }.map(&:first)
#=> [4, 3, 1, 2, 5]
Sort the values of arr by decreasing frequency
arr.sort_by { |n| -freq[n] }
#=> [4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 5]
Replace -v and -freq[n] with v and freq[n] to sort by increasing frequency.
I've used the local variable _ to represent the keys in the first interpretation to signify that it is not used in the block calculation. This is common practice.

Check if numbers summed in array match input parameter

I'm following Ruby practice problem from a website and I'm completely stuck on figuring out a solution to this problem. Basically, given a function has_sum?(val, arr), return true if any combination of numbers in the array (second parameter) can be added together to equal the first parameter, otherwise return false. So:
has_sum?(5, [1, 2, 3, 4]) # true
has_sum?(5, [1, 2, 6]) # false
I'm completely stuck and not quite sure how to accomplish this... Here's what I have so far.
def has_sum?(val, arr)
arr.each_with_index do |idx, v|
# ??? no idea what to do here except add the current num to the next in the list
Any help would be greatly appreciated - thanks!
An array can produce a sum when there is a subset of any length that adds up to that sum:
def has_sum?(val, arr)
(arr.size + 1).times
.flat_map { |i| arr.combination(i).to_a }
.any? { |s| s.inject(:+) == val }
has_sum?(5, [5])
# => true
has_sum?(5, [1, 2, 3])
# => true
has_sum?(5, [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
# => true
has_sum?(5, [1, 2, 7])
# => false
This is not very efficient as it generates all the possibilities before testing. This should terminate sooner:
def has_sum?(val, arr)
(arr.size + 1).times.any? { |i|
arr.combination(i).any? { |s| s.inject(:+) == val }
Even more efficiently, a recursive implementation, with the idea that a sum of an empty array is zero (and has_sum(nonzero, []) should return false); for a larger array, we pop off its head, and see if the sum of the rest of the array is okay if we count, or don't count, the head element. Here, we don't do the useless summing of the whole array over and over again:
def has_sum?(val, arr)
if arr.empty?
first, *rest = arr
has_sum?(val, rest) || has_sum?(val - first, rest)
This solution employs dynamic programming. I assume that zeroes have been removed from the array. If all numbers in the array are positive, we can also remove elements that are larger than the target sum.
def sum_to_target(arr, target)
h = arr.each_index.with_object({}) do |i,h|
v = arr[i]
h.keys.each do |n|
unless h.key?(n+v) # || (n+v > target)
h[n+v] = v
return reconstruct(h, target) if n+v == target
h[v] = v unless h.key?(v)
return reconstruct(h, target) if v == target
def reconstruct(h, target)
a = []
loop do
i = h[target]
a.unshift i
target -= i
return a if target == 0
Additional efficiency improvements are possible if arr contains only postive values.1
sum_to_target [2,4,7,2], 8
#=> [2, 4, 2]
arr = [64, 18, 64, 6, 39, 51, 87, 62, 78, 62, 49, 86, 35, 57, 40, 15, 74, 10, 8, 7]
a = sum_to_target(arr, 461)
#=> [64, 18, 39, 51, 87, 62, 78, 62]
Let's check that.
#=> 461
a = sum_to_target([-64, 18, 64, -6, 39, 51, -87, 62, -78, 62, 49, 86, 35, 57,
40, 15, -74, 10, -8, -7], 190)
#=> [18, 64, -6, 39, 51, -87, 62, 49]
#=> 190
arr = { rand 1..5_000 }
#=> [3471, 1891, 4257, 2265, 832, 1060, 3961, 875, 614, 2308, 2240, 3286,
# ...
# 521, 1316, 1986, 4099, 1398, 3803, 4498, 4607, 2262, 3941, 4367]
arr is an array of 1,000 elements, each a random number between 1 and 5,000.
answer = arr.sample(500)
#=> [3469, 2957, 1542, 950, 4765, 3126, 3602, 755, 4132, 4281, 2374,
# ...
# 427, 4238, 4397, 2717, 912, 1690, 3626, 169, 3607, 4084, 3161]
answer is an array of 500 elements from arr, sampled without replacement.
target = answer.reduce(:+)
#=> 1_226_020
target is the sum of the elements of answer. We will now search arr for a collection of elements that sum to 1,226,020 (answer being one such collection).
require 'time'
t =
#=> 2016-12-12 23:00:51 -0800
a = sum_to_target(arr, target)
#=> [3471, 1891, 4257, 2265, 832, 1060, 3961, 875, 614, 2308, 2240, 3286,
# ...
# 3616, 4150, 3222, 3896, 631, 2806, 1932, 3244, 2430, 1443, 1452]
Notice that a != answer (which is not surprising).
#=> 1226020
#=> 60 seconds
For this last example, methods that use Array#combination would have to wade though as many as
(1..arr.size).reduce(0) { |t,i| t + arr.combination(i).size }.to_f
#~> 1.07+301
arr = [2,4,7,2]
target = 8
Suppose we temporarily redefine reconstruct to return the hash passed to it.
def reconstruct(h, target)
We then obtain the following:
h = sum_to_target(arr, target)
#=> {2=>2, 6=>4, 4=>4, 9=>7, 13=>7, 11=>7, 7=>7, 8=>2}
h is defined as follows.
Given an array of non-zero integers arr and a number n, if n is a key of h there exists an array a containing elements from arr, in the same order, such that the elements of a sum to n and the last element of a equals h[n].
which, admittedly, is a mouthful.
We now use the reconstruct (as defined in the "Code" section) to construct an array answer that will contain elements from arr (without repeating elements) that sum to target.
reconstruct(h, target) #=> [2, 4, 2]
Initially, reconstruct initializes the array answer, which it will build and return:
answer = []
h will always contain a key equal to target (8). As h[8] #=> 2 we conclude that the last element of answer equals 2, so we execute
answer.unshift(2) #=> [2]
The problem is now to find an array of elements from arr that sum to 8 - 2 #=> 6. As h[6] #=> 4, we conclude that the element in answer that precedes the 2 we just added is 4:
answer.unshift(4) #=> [4, 2]
We now need 8-2-4 #=> 2 more to total target. As h[2] #=> 2 we execute
answer.unshift(2) #=> [2, 4, 2]
Since 8-2-4-2 #=> 0 we are finished and therefore return answer.
Notice that 4 precedes the last 2 in arr and the first 2 precedes the 4 in arr. The way h is constructed ensures the elements of answer will always be ordered in this way.
Now consider how h is constructed. First,
h = {}
As arr[0] #=> 2, we conclude that, using only the first element of arr, all we can conclude is:
h[2] = 2
h #=> {2=>2}
h has no key equal to target (8), so we continue. Now consider arr[1] #=> 4. Using only the first two elements of arr we can conclude the following:
h[2+4] = 4
h #=> {2=>2, 6=>4}
and since h has no key 4,
h[4] = 4
h #=> {2=>2, 6=>4, 4=>4}
h still has no key equal to target (8), so we press on and examine arr[2] #=> 7. Using only the first three elements of arr we conclude the following:
h[2+7] = 7
h[6+7] = 7
h[4+7] = 7
h #=> {2=>2, 6=>4, 4=>4, 9=>7, 13=>7, 11=>7}
and since h has no key 7:
h[7] = 7
h #=> {2=>2, 6=>4, 4=>4, 9=>7, 13=>7, 11=>7, 7=>7}
We added four elements to h, but since arr contains only positive numbers, those with keys 9, 13 and 11 are of no interest.
Since h still does not have a key equal to target (8), we examine the next element in arr: arr[3] #=> 2. Using only the first four elements of arr we conclude the following:
h[4+2] = 2
h[6+2] = 2
Here we stop, since 6+2 == target #=> true.
h #=> {2=>2, 6=>2, 4=>4, 9=>7, 13=>7, 11=>7, 7=>7, 8=>2}
Notice that we did not compute h[2+2] = 2 since h already has a key 4. Further, had arr contained additional elements we still would have terminated the construction of the hash at this point.
Had we modified the code to take advantage of the fact that arr contains only positive values, the final hash would have been:
h #=> {2=>2, 6=>2, 4=>4, 7=>7, 8=>2}
If this is still not clear, it might be helpful to run the code for this example with included puts statements (e.g., puts "i=#{i}, h=#{h}, v=#{v}" after the line v = arr[i] in sum_to_target, and so on).
1 The line unless h.key?(n+v) can be changed to unless h.key?(n+v) || (n+v > target) if it is known that the array contains no negative elements. (Doing so reduced the solution time for example #4 by 4 seconds.) One could also compute #all_positive = arr.all?(&:positive?) and then make that line conditional on #all_positive.
I would do nested loops.
for x = 0 to length of array
for y = x + 1 to length of array
if number at x + number at y = sum return true
return false
Basically it will check the sum of each number with each of the numbers after it.
EDIT: this will only sum 2 numbers at a time. If you want to be able to sum any amount of numbers this wont work.

Get max consecutive occurrences of value in array

Is there a more elegant way to achieve this below:
array = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]
My algo:
streak = 0
max_streak = 0
arr.each do |n|
if n == 1
streak += 1
max_streak = streak if streak > max_streak
streak = 0
puts max_streak
Similar to w0lf's answer, but skipping elements by returning nil from chunk:
array.chunk { |x| x == 1 || nil }.map { |_, x| x.size }.max
Edit: Another way to do this (that is less generic than Stefan's answer since you would have to flatten and split again if there was another number other than 0 and 1 in there, but easier to use in this case):
You can use:
array.chunk { |n| n }.select { |a| a.include?(1) }.map { |y, ys| ys.count}.max
ref: Count sequential occurrences of element in ruby array
You can use Enumerable#chunk:
p array.chunk{|x| x}.select{|x, xs| x == 1}.map{|x, xs| xs.size }.max
This is more concise, but if performance was important, I'd use your approach.
Edit: If you're in Ruby 2.2.2, you can also use the new Enumerable#slice_when method (assuming your input array consists of only 0s and 1s):
array.slice_when{|x,y| x < y }.map{|slice| slice.count 1 }.max
How about
array = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]
array.split(0).group_by(&:size).max.first #=> 4
The only bad thing - split(0)
Note: This only works with rails's ActiveSupport(extends Array with #split)
For ruby-only implementation
array.join.split("0").group_by(&:size).max.first #=> 4

Chunk a Ruby array according to streaks within it

Summary: The basic question here was, I've discovered, whether you can pass a code block to a Ruby array which will actually reduce the contents of that array down to another array, not to a single value (the way inject does). The short answer is "no".
I'm accepting the answer that says this. Thanks to Squeegy for a great looping strategy to get streaks out of an array.
The Challenge: To reduce an array's elements without looping through it explicitly.
The Input: All integers from -10 to 10 (except 0) ordered randomly.
The Desired Output: An array representing streaks of positive or negative numbers. For instance, a -3 represents three consecutive negative numbers. A 2 represents two consecutive positive numbers.
Sample script:
original_array = (-10..10).to_a.sort{rand(3)-1}
original_array.reject!{|i| i == 0} # remove zero
streaks = (-1..1).to_a # this is a placeholder.
# The streaks array will contain the output.
# Your code goes here, hopefully without looping through the array
puts "Original Array:"
puts original_array.join(",")
puts "Streaks:"
puts streaks.join(",")
puts "Streaks Sum:"
puts streaks.inject{|sum,n| sum + n}
Sample outputs:
Original Array:
Streaks Sum:
Original Array:
Streaks Sum:
Note a few things:
The streaks array has alternating positive and negative values.
The sum of the elements streaks array is always 0 (as is the sum of the original).
The sum of the absolute values of the streak array is always 20.
Hope that's clear!
Edit: I do realize that such constructs as reject! are actually looping through the array in the background. I'm not excluding looping because I'm a mean person. Just looking to learn about the language. If explicit iteration is necessary, that's fine.
Well, here's a one-line version, if that pleases you more:
streaks = original_array.inject([]) {|a,x| (a.empty? || x * a[-1] < 0 ? a << 0 : a)[-1] += x <=> 0; a}
And if even inject is too loopy for you, here's a really silly way:
streaks = eval "[#{original_array.join(",").gsub(/((\-\d+,?)+|(\d+,?)+)/) {($1[0..0] == "-" ? "-" : "") + $1.split(/,/).size.to_s + ","}}]"
But I think it's pretty clear that you're better off with something much more straightforward:
streaks = []
original_array.each do |x|
xsign = (x <=> 0)
if streaks.empty? || x * streaks[-1] < 0
streaks << xsign
streaks[-1] += xsign
In addition to being much easier to understand and maintain, the "loop" version runs in about two-thirds the time of the inject version, and about a sixth of the time of the eval/regexp one.
PS: Here's one more potentially interesting version:
a = [[]]
original_array.each do |x|
a << [] if x * (a[-1][-1] || 0) < 0
a[-1] << x
streaks = {|aa| (aa.first <=> 0) * aa.size}
This uses two passes, first building an array of streak arrays, then converting the array of arrays to an array of signed sizes. In Ruby 1.8.5, this is actually slightly faster than the inject version above (though in Ruby 1.9 it's a little slower), but the boring loop is still the fastest.
new_array = original_array.dup
<Squeegy's answer, using new_array>
Ta da! No looping through the original array. Although inside dup it's a MEMCPY, which I suppose might be considered a loop at the assembler level?
EDIT: ;)
original_array.each do |num|
if streaks.size == 0
streaks << num
if !((streaks[-1] > 0) ^ (num > 0))
streaks[-1] += 1
streaks << (num > 0 ? 1 : -1)
The magic here is the ^ xor operator.
true ^ false #=> true
true ^ true #=> false
false ^ false #=> false
So if the last number in the array is on the same side of zero as the number being processed, then add it to the streak, otherwise add it to the streaks array to start a new streak. Note that sine true ^ true returns false we have to negate the whole expression.
Since Ruby 1.9 there's a much simpler way to solve this problem:
original_array.chunk{|x| x <=> 0 }.map{|a,b| a * b.size }
Enumerable.chunk will group all consecutive elements of an array together by the output of a block:
>> original_array.chunk{|x| x <=> 0 }
=> [[1, [3]], [-1, [-4, -6]], [1, [1]], [-1, [-10, -5]], [1, [7]], [-1, [-8]], [1, [9]], [-1, [-3, -7]], [1, [8, 10, 4, 2, 5]], [-1, [-2]], [1, [6]], [-1, [-1, -9]]]
This is almost exactly what OP asks for, except the resulting groups need to be counted up to get the final streaks array.
More string abuse, a la Glenn McDonald, only different:
runs = do |e|
if e < 0
end.join.scan(/-+|\++/).map do |t|
p original_array
p runs
# => [2, 6, -4, 9, -8, -3, 1, 10, 5, -7, -1, 8, 7, -2, 4, 3, -5, -9, -10, -6]
# => [2, -1, 1, -2, 3, -2, 2, -1, 2, -4]
