Send some requests in Apache jmeter - jmeter

I am working on Apache Jmeter. I am going to simulate DOS attack with this software, so I need a script for benign client and script for malicious client. benign client send a request every second and malicious client send 10 request per second. How should I do it?

HTTP Request sampler will be quite enough to simulate your scenario.
Make sure that you provide enough threads on Thread Group level
Amount of request per second can be precisely controlled by Constant Throughput Timer


Front-facing REST API with an internal message queue?

I have created a REST API - in a few words, my client hits a particular URL and she gets back a JSON response.
Internally, quite a complicated process starts when the URL is hit, and there are various services involved as a microservice architecture is being used.
I was observing some performance bottlenecks and decided to switch to a message queue system. The idea is that now, once the user hits the URL, a request is published on internal message queue waiting for it to be consumed. This consumer will process and publish back on a queue and this will happen quite a few times until finally, the same node servicing the user will receive back the processed response to be delivered to the user.
An asynchronous "fire-and-forget" pattern is now being used. But my question is, how can the node servicing a particular person remember who it was servicing once the processed result arrives back and without blocking (i.e. it can handle several requests until the response is received)? If it makes any difference, my stack looks a little like this: TomCat, Spring, Kubernetes and RabbitMQ.
In summary, how can the request node (whose job is to push items on the queue) maintain an open connection with the client who requested a JSON response (i.e. client is waiting for JSON response) and receive back the data of the correct client?
You have few different scenarios according to how much control you have on the client.
If the client behaviour cannot be changed, you will have to keep the session open until the request has not been fully processed. This can be achieved employing a pool of workers (futures/coroutines, threads or processes) where each worker keeps the session open for a given request.
This method has few drawbacks and I would keep it as last resort. Firstly, you will only be able to serve a limited amount of concurrent requests proportional to your pool size. Lastly as your processing is behind a queue, your front-end won't be able to estimate how long it will take for a task to complete. This means you will have to deal with long lasting sessions which are prone to fail (what if the user gives up?).
If the client behaviour can be changed, the most common approach is to use a fully asynchronous flow. When the client initiates a request, it is placed within the queue and a Task Identifier is returned. The client can use the given TaskId to poll for status updates. Each time the client requests updates about a task you simply check if it was completed and you respond accordingly. A common pattern when a task is still in progress is to let the front-end return to the client the estimated amount of time before trying again. This allows your server to control how frequently clients are polling. If your architecture supports it, you can go the extra mile and provide information about the progress as well.
Example response when task is in progress:
{"status": "in_progress",
"retry_after_seconds": 30,
"progress": "30%"}
A more complex yet elegant solution would consist in using HTTP callbacks. In short, when the client makes a request for a new task it provides a tuple (URL, Method) the server can use to signal the processing is done. It then waits for the server to send the signal to the given URL. You can see a better explanation here. In most of the cases this solution is overkill. Yet I think it's worth to mention it.
One option would be to use DeferredResult provided by spring but that means you need to maintain some pool of threads in request serving node and max no. of active threads will decide the throughput of your system. For more details on how to implement DeferredResult refer this link

Sending same HTTP request concurrently in Jmter

We have a test scenario where we want to upload a file in a multithread manner i.e., concurrently upload a file based on thread count.
The transaction involves a couple of HTTP requests where only the upload HTTP request needs to be triggered simultaneously (not in a loop).
Throughput controller does not help since it again sends the HTTP request one after the other.
Synchronizing Timer does not work either since the same HTTP request needs to be triggered concurrently for a single Thread.

At what point are WebSockets less efficient than Polling?

While I understand that the answer to the above question is somewhat determined by your application's architecture, I'm interested mostly in very simple scenarios.
Essentially, if my app is pinging every 5 seconds for changes, or every minute, around when will the data being sent to maintain the open Web Sockets connection end up being more than the amount you would waste by simple polling?
Basically, I'm interested in if there's a way of quantifying how much inefficiency you incur by using frameworks like Meteor if an application doesn't necessarily need real-time updates, but only periodic checks.
Note that my focus here is on bandwidth utilization, not necessarily database access times, since frameworks like Meteor have highly optimized methods of requesting only updates to the database.
The whole point of a websocket connection is that you don't ever have to ping the app for changes. Instead, the client just connects once and then the server can just directly send the client changes whenever they are available. The client never has to ask. The server just sends data when it's available.
For any type of server-initiated-data, this is way more efficient with bandwidth than http polling. Besides giving you much more timely results (the results are delivered immediately rather than discovered by the client only on the next polling interval).
For pure bandwidth usage, the details would depend upon the exact circumstances. An http polling request has to set up a TCP connection and confirm that connection (even more data if its an SSL connection), then it has to send the http request, including any relevant cookies that belong to that host and including relevant headers and the GET URL. Then, the server has to send a response. And, most of the time all of this overhead of polling will be completely wasted bandwidth because there's nothing new to report.
A webSocket starts with a simple http request, then upgrades the protocol to the webSocket protocol. The webSocket connection itself need not send any data at all until the server has something to send to the client in which case the server just sends the packet. Sending the data itself has far less overhead too. There are no cookies, no headers, etc... just the data. Even if you use some keep-alives on the webSocket, that amount of data is incredibly tiny compared to the overhead of an HTTP request.
So, how exactly much you would save in bandwidth depends upon the details of the circumstances. If it takes 50 polling requests before it finds any useful data, then every one of those http requests is entirely wasted compared to the webSocket scenario. The difference in bandwidth could be enormous.
You asked about an application that only needs periodic checks. As soon as you have a periodic check that results in no data being retrieved, that's wasted bandwidth. That's the whole idea of a webSocket. You consume no bandwidth (or close to no bandwidth) when there's no data to send.
I believe #jfriend00 answered the question very clearly. However, I do want to add a thought.
By throwing in a worst case (and improbable) scenario for Websockets vs. HTTP, you would clearly see that a Websocket connection will always have an advantage in regards to bandwidth (and probably all-round performance).
This is the worst case scenario for Websockets v/s HTTP:
your code uses Websocket connections the exact same way it uses HTTP requests, for polling.
(which isn't something you would do, I know, but it is a worst case scenario).
Every polling event is answered positively - meaning that no HTTP requests were performed in vain.
This is the worst possible situation for Websockets, which are designed for pushing data rather than polling... even in this situation Websockets will save you both bandwidth and CPU cycles.
Seriously, even ignoring the DNS query (performed by the client, so you might not care about it) and the TCP/IP handshake (which is expensive for both the client and the server), a Websocket connection is still more performant and cost-effective.
I'll explain:
Each HTTP request includes a lot of data, such as cookies and other headers. In many cases, each HTTP request is also subject to client authentication... rarely is data given away to anybody.
This means that HTTP connections pass all this data (and possibly perform client authentication) once per request.[Stateless]
However, Websocket connections are stateful. The data is sent only once (instead of each time a request is made). Client authentication occurs only during the Websocket connection negotiation.
This means that Websocket connections pass the same data (and possibly perform client authentication) once per connection (once for all polls).
So even in this worst case scenario, where polling is always positive and Websockets are used for polling instead of pushing data, Websockets will still save your server both bandwidth and other resources (i.e. CPU time).
I think the answer to your question, simply put, is "never". Websockets are never less efficient than polling.

How to generate big number of SIP requests

I need to test an application that processes SIP requests. For now, I want to test the performance of the application, so I need a way to generate a big number of SIP requests.
I know there are tools for this (like SipP), but I don't know what is the maximum number of requests that a single computer can really send in a particular time interval.
I never done this type of test, i need help.
Well sipp can generate requests pretty quickly and if you're testing call set up and tear down, i.e. INVITE requests an d associated transaction processing, it's almost certainly the tool for the job.
If you're not concerned about SIP transaction processing and instead just want to bombard your server with SIP requests you could just whip up a console application with a UDP socket and send dummy requests by using a template request and modifying the following:
The branchid parameter on the Via header,
The tag parameter on the From header,
The Call-ID header.
Since your app will only be doing a few string search and replaces and a UDP send it will be able to generate requests probably a 100 to 1000 times faster than a server on the same hardware, that needs to parse and understand the requests, will be able to process them.

Google C2DM server side performance

My application sends notifications to the customers in bulks. For example at 8am every day a back-end systems generates notifications for 50K customers, and those notifications should be delivered in a reasonable time.
During performance testing I've discovered that sending a single push request to C2DM server takes about 400 millis which is far too long. I was told that a production quota may provide better performance, but will it reduce to 10 millis?
Besides, I need C2DM performance marks before going to production because it may affect the implementation - sending the requests from multiple threads, using asynchronous http client etc.
Does anyone knows about the C2DM server benchmarks or any performance-related server implementation guidelines?
I use appengine, which makes the delivery of a newsletter to 1 million users a very painful task. Mostly because the c2dm API doesn't support multiple users delivery, which makes it necessary to create one http request per user.
The time to the c2dm server to respond will depend on your latency from the google servers. In my case (appengine) it's very small.
My advice to you is to create as many threads as possible, since the threads will be waiting for the IO over the network. If you every pass the quota, you can always ask permission for more traffic.
