TeamCity pass codebase changes to next build - teamcity

I have a TeamCity build that sometimes fails too early.
What I mean by that is that the first few steps are for "provisioning" (setting up the testing environment) and the testing of my code itself comes later.
Sometimes (for whatever reason) the build fails during one of the "provisioning" steps. This is not a problem since running the build again usually works fine.
But - the "changes" are not passed along to the next run of the build.
I am using this command as part of my build to output the "changes" that came from my codebase:
copy "" changelog.txt
So I need a way to tell TeamCity "hey, ignore the last run, that failure doesn't count because it didn't test my code, I want the next run to contain the same 'changes' in"
How can I do that?

Have you tried build chains with dependencies? They can be set up to only execute if the build (including tests) is successful:


Bamboo build error: How to properly clean bamboo caches?

The problem:
Bamboo executes old unit tests that don't exist my current develop branch which causes a build error.
The situation that causes this problem:
After a big refactoring process of my maven java project, where I basically moved, modified and renamed every file, I committed my changes to my remote repository.
That triggered my bamboo build plan, to start the build process.
The git code checkout seems to work, but the next step, running the unit tests, fails!
Looking in the log file I see that an old, no more existing java Unit test class gets executed and of course fails because of NullPointerExceptions.
Things I tried to fix this problem
A. Remove caches in the Administration section
I went to Bamboo->Administration->Repository Settings and selected
the cache of my project and deleted it.
I started the build plan again
BUILD ERROR ! Same problem
B. Delete the cache directory in the file system
Start a RDP session on the bamboo server
stop bamboo
go to D:\bamboo-home_64\xml-data\build-dir_git-repositories-cache
delete all files in this folder
start bamboo
start the build plan again
BUILD ERROR! same problem
Meta info
bamboo version: 6.1.0 build 60103 - 18 Jul 17
I don't know what I can do to fix this..
There's Clean working directory task. Add it as first task to your Job and see if it solves the issue.

Triggering post build and passing in branch name from successful build

I've used Google and looked at the Docs but can't find an answer.
I want to trigger another build or a rake script to do some cleaning up of files after a successful build. I currently use Rake to do my build and pass in to it.
I would like to know if I can pass the same branch name of the successful build to the triggered build or script. I can then use this to do some tidying up.
In addition to finished build trigger, you need to add snapshot dependency, with "Run build on the same agent" option enabled. This way, cleanup will run after each build, on the same agent.
You then will be able to refer to original build's branch name using dependencies parameters:

How to integrate MSTest in your TeamCity build process

How do I run MSTest as part of my build process in TeamCity? What are the pitfalls?
This answer is specifically for TeamCity 7.1 on Windows, but may apply to other environments.
In your TeamCity build configuration, on the General Settings page
Artifact paths: Artifacts\MSTest => MSTest
Create a new Command Linebuild step
Custom script: if not exist Artifacts\MSTest mkdir Artifacts\MSTest
Create a new MSTestbuild step
List assembly files: **\bin\**\*.Tests.dll
Results file: Artifacts\MSTest\testResults.trx
Using wildcards when specifying which test assemblies to run
You can use wildcards when specifying which test assemblies to run in the MSTest build step, although it is unclear exactly how they work. A bug report has been filed.
The build process doesn't stop when tests fail
Be aware that if some of your tests fail and the build is marked as failed, the MSTest build step itself does not fail. This causes problems if you have build steps after the MSTest build step which you don't want to run if you have test failures (e.g. it may not make sense to produce an installer or documentation of a build you know has bugs). The problem will hopefully be fixed in later versions of TeamCity.
If you want your build process to stop when you have test failures, you can create a new build step that uses the TeamCity REST API to detect if the current build has been marked as failed (remember that when tests fail, the build step is not marked as failed, but the build is), and then fail the current build step explicitly. Example:
Create a new Powershell build step
Script: Source code
Source code: See script below
Make sure your newly created build step comes immediately after your MSTest build step
Make sure every build step after this one has Execute step set to Only if all previous steps were successful
$xml = [xml](curl --request GET http://USERNAME:PASSWORD#HOSTNAME/httpAuth/app/rest/builds/
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Select-Xml $xml -XPath "/build" | % { $status = $_.Node.status }
if ($status -eq "FAILURE") {
throw "Failing build step on purpose"

Failed build trigger in team city TeamCity

Is it possible to Trigger an exe to run on a failed build? Can you do this within Team City?
If you specifically want the failed builds, you can set up the dependent build as Eric said, and have that secondary buildscript use the REST API to pull up a list of the failed builds for the actual project.
If the latest build is in that failed builds list, then tell the build script to run the executable. If not, then you're all done!
I don't think it's possible to trigger an executable to run only on failed TeamCity builds. TeamCity usually allows you to do things either always or only upon successful builds.
It would be possible to trigger an executable to run after this build is finished (failed or successful).
If that would work for you, you could set up a new build configuration that runs the executable. The new build configuration would have a "finish build" trigger. This would cause the executable to be run whenever the other build is completed.
You should add another build step with the exe you want to run and set the correct option to execute.execution options

How to make Xcode "Run Script" to always run

I have a "run script" step that dynamically creates resources/files that I copy into the build dirs. Every run of this script produces different content so I want it to run on every build. The script gets run correctly on a clean build however once a build is made the step is not run again since no source has been modified.
I tried setting the input of the step to /dev/random but it does not seem to trigger a changed environment and does not re run the step.
Is there a way I can set this up so this step gets run ever time build is pressed, as opposed to only when the source is modified or clean?
You should put the Run Script build phase in a separate Aggregate Target, and make your main target dependent on the Aggregate Target. The Aggregate should be built every time.
