Various debug modes of windbg - debugging

I would like also ask about one thing: somewhere I've read that windbg supports multiple modes of debugging and one of those modes is some kind of kernel debugging where system is normally running and does not wait for windbg breakpoints etc. Is this local kernel debugging mode? Also if anybody can clarify very briefly the differences between Non invasive debugging and Dormant mode. I did not catch it from MSDN. Thank you

Debugging types
You can distinguish several times
a) between kernel debugging and user mode debugging (application debugging)
b) between live debugging (running system) and post mortem debugging (crash dump analysis)
c) between local debugging and remote debugging
so in total there are 8 combinations of debugging.
For local live kernel debugging you need to put the Windows kernel in debug mode. If you don't want that, you can get "pseudo"-live local kernel debugging with SysInternals LiveKd.
Noninvasive debugging
Noninvasive debugging is a subset of user mode debugging and best described by the article you already linked to (which is a copy of WinDbg help), which says:
With noninvasive debugging, you do not have as many debugging actions. However, you can minimize the debugger's interference with the target application. Noninvasive debugging is useful if the target application has stopped responding.
In noninvasive debugging, the debugger does not actually attach to the target application. The debugger suspends all of the target's threads and has access to the target's memory, registers, and other such information. However, the debugger cannot control the target.
Dormant mode
Dormant mode is when WinDbg is running but has not attached to any target. E.g. if you just start WinDbg without any command line options and you have not pressed F6 yet to attach to a process.


How does the Visual Studio Attach to Process work?

I've always wanted to know the inner-workings of Visual Studio's debugger and debuggers in general. How does it communicate and control your code, especially when it's running inside a host process or an external network server (attach to process)? Does the compiler or linker patch your code with callbacks so that the debugger is given control? If it indeed works this way, how do interpreted languages such as JavaScript containing no debug code work?
Generally speaking, Windows provides an API for writing debuggers that let you examine and modify memory in another process and to get notifications when exceptions happen in another process.
The debug process sits in a loop, waiting for notification from events from the process under inspection. To set a breakpoint, the debugger process modifies the code in the debugee to cause an exception (typically, an int 3 instruction for x86).
The compiler and linker work together to make the symbol information about a program available in a format that can be read by debuggers. On Windows, that's typically CodeView in a separate PDB file.
In the Unix-derived world, there's an API called ptrace that does essentially the same sorts of things as Windows debugging API.
For remote debugging, a small program is placed on the remote machine that communicates with and acts on behalf of the actual debugger running on the local machine.
For interpreted languages, like JavaScript, the debugger works with the interpreter to give the same sorts of functionality (inspecting memory, setting breakpoints, etc.).
Windows includes support for debuggers. A process has to enable debugger privilege, and once this is done that process can attach to any other process and debug it using windows debugger functions
For something like javascript, seems like you would need the equivalent of a javascript debugger.
In the case of a Visual Studio multi-process project, you typically have to switch which process the debugger is attached to in order to debug that process. I don't know if there's a way to have pending breakpoints set for multiple processes at the same time. There could be other debuggers that work better with multiple processes, but I haven't used such a tool.

Is There Ever an Advantage to User Mode Debug over Kernel Mode Debug?

From what I understand, on a high level, user mode debugging provides you with access to the private virtual address for a process. A debug session is limited to that process and it cannot overwrite or tamper w/ other process' virtual address space/data.
Kernel mode debug, I understand, provides access to other drivers and kernel processes that need full access to multiple resources, in addition to the original process address space.
From this, I get to thinking that kernel mode debugging seems more robust than user mode debugging. This raises the question for me: is there a time, when both options of debug mode are available, that it makes sense to choose user mode over a more robust kernel mode?
I'm still fairly new to the concept, so perhaps I am thinking of the two modes incorrectly. I'd appreciate any insight there, as well, to better understand anything I may be missing. I just seem to notice that a lot of people seem to try to avoid kernel debugging. I'm not entirely sure why, as it seems more robust.
The following is mainly from a Windows background, but I guess it should be fine for Linux too. The concepts are not so different.
Some inline answers first
From what I understand, on a high level, user mode debugging provides you with access to the private virtual address for a process.
A debug session is limited to that process
No. You can attach to several processes at the same time, e.g. with WinDbg's .tlist/.attach command.
and it cannot overwrite or tamper w/ other process' virtual address space/data.
No. You can modify the memory, e.g. with WinDbg's ed command.
Kernel mode debug, I understand, provides access to other drivers and kernel processes that need full access to multiple resources,
in addition to the original process address space.
As far as I know, you have access to physical RAM only. Some of the virtual address space may be swapped, so not the full address space is available.
From this, I get to thinking that kernel mode debugging seems more robust than user mode debugging.
I think the opposite. If you write incorrect values somewhere in kernel mode, the PC crashes with a blue screen. If you do that in user mode, it's only the application that crashes.
This raises the question for me: is there a time, when both options of debug mode are available, that it makes sense to choose user mode over a more robust kernel mode?
If you debug an application only and no drivers are involved, I prefer user mode debugging.
IMHO, kernel mode debugging is not more robust, it's more fragile - you can really break everything at the lowest level. User mode debugging provides the typical protection against crashes of the OS.
I just seem to notice that a lot of people seem to try to avoid kernel debugging
I observe the same. And usually it's not so difficult once they try it. In my debugging workshops, I explain processes and threads from kernel point of view and do it live in the kernel. And once people try kernel debugging, it's not such a mystery any more.
I'm not entirely sure why, as it seems more robust.
Well, you really can blow up everything in kernel mode.
User mode debugging
User mode debugging is the default that any IDE will do. The integration is usually good, in some IDEs it feels quite native.
During user mode debugging, things are easy. If you access memory that is paged out to disk, the OS is still running and will simply page it in, so you can read and write it.
You have access to everything that you know from application development. There are threads and you can suspend or resume them. The knowledge you have from application development will be sufficient to operate the debugger.
You can set breakpoints and inspect variables (as long as you have correct symbols).
Some kinds of debugging is only available in user mode. E.g. the SOS extension for WinDbg to debug .NET application only works in user mode.
Kernel debugging
Kernel debugging is quite complex. Typically, you can't simply do local kernel debugging - if you stop somewhere in the kernel, how do you control the debugger? The system will just freeze. So, for kernel debugging, you need 2 PCs (or virtual PCs).
During kernel mode debugging, things are complex. While you are just inside an application, a millisecond later, some interrupt occurs and does something completely different. You don't only have threads, you also need to deal with call stacks that are outside your application, you'll see CPU register content, instruction pointers etc. That's all stuff a "normal" app developer does not want to care about.
You don't only have access to everything that you implemented. You also have access to everything that Microsoft, Intel, NVidia and lots of other companies developed.
You cannot simply access all memory, because some memory that is paged out to the swap file will first generate a page fault, then involve some disk driver to fetch the data, potentially page out some other data, etc.
There is so much giong on in kernel mode and in order to not break it, you need to have really professional comprehension of all those topics.
Most developers just want to care about their source code. So if they are writing programs (aka. applications, scripts, tools, games), they just want user mode debugging. If "their code" is driver code, of course they want kernel debugging.
And of course Security Specialists and Crackers want kernel mode debugging because they want privileges.

Attach to specific process using IDA + WINDBG in kernel debugging

I want to debug a specific process on a remote system and the only way i can do that is to use the kernel debugging method.
It works pretty good with just WINDBG, but i think ida can give me the extra edge i need for a better reversing experience.
So far debugging with windbg was successfull but now when i am using the windbg plugin in ida:
what i am actually experiencing is that i cant get the extra analysis from ida, all i can do is attach only to the process it self (only one available to attach to). and in the Modules window all i can see is the ntkrpamp.exe, which i assume is the kernel process.
i can use all WINDBG regular commands like !process 0 0, etc.. and can debug normally but nothing shows in the IDA window
I have never debugged dynamically using IDA but i can see it is possible..
could it work aswell in a kernel debugging session?
I just noticed it is possible to analyze a model if i set a breakpoint with the windbg plugin and when IDA hits that breakpoint, this module is added to the IDA Modules windows.
It would be a lot easier if i could just analyze it without pre-putting a breakpoint on the specific module and waiting for it to hit.

Differences between Nsight debug launch and normal OS launch

I'd like to know what sets the "Debug with Nsight" option apart from simply executing the binary through Visual Studio or the OS's command line.
The reason I ask is because my program works fine if I run it by "Debugging with Nsight", but I get a few unspecified cudaErrors with some cudaMemcpys following a driver crash when launching it with Visual Studio's launch button (or simply launching the executable), which leads me to believe that Nsight must have some kind of specific launch parameters necessary for the program to run correctly.
The driver crash followed by API errors occurs when your app hits a windows TDR event due to kernel execution taking too long. You can work around this by modifying the system registry, or putting a Quadro or Tesla GPU in TCC mode, or reducing the run-time of your kernel(s).
When you debug with nsight, your kernel execution may get halted for various reasons (single step, breakpoints, and other reasons), and then restarted, depending on what you are doing exactly in your debug session. The halting of the kernel execution allows the windows watchdog to be satisfied without a TDR event.
CUDA nSight debugger allows you to debug the CUDA kernels line by line, you can't do this with the standard Visual Studio debugger.
Presumably nSight performs some code injection to enable it to detect the runtime of kernels, its also possible on your settings that when debugging with nSight your kernels may not be executing on the GPU. These could be the cause of errors coming and going between debuggers. I know when I used them I had similar inconsistencies.
If you run your program through the nSight profiler it should be able to clearly log the memCpy errors for you.

DbgPrint in Memory Dump?

I have a driver that directly avoids the BSoD and turns the screen of Windows Vista into black with few colourful dots and stripes. I am finding a memory dump on the system afterwards and DbgView is wonderfully showing me a stack trace (stating that this might be a garbled stack and some parts might be incorrect). Pity is, the commands found in the stack are nowhere to be seen in the part of the code that is obviously breaking down the whole thing. (I can leave our the whole routine, but not parts of it.)
Does someone know a way to get debug messages either into the memory dump or out of the serial port to read them in an external debugger? (My testsystem stall if the debugger is connected, but this might be me not knowing enough on the how and why of remotely connected kernel debugging.)
I would like to get to know the point where my code fails, because browsing through code seems fine to me is getting a little futile and I could need a hint.
Description from MSDN on how to setup your debugging session.
The setup procedure is :
Setup 2 PCs, the first with your develop environment and the second which is the debug target. (Vista+Vista64 worked best for me)
Setup a debugger connection by either using a Firewire cable or a Null-Modem cable. (Null-Modem works almost always, but Firewire is better from a performance standpoint. USB is expensive and didn't work out of the box for me ...)
Setup the target computer to boot in 'debug' mode MSDN
Having WinDbg running and waiting for a kernel connection, boot the target computer in debug mode.
While boot up, WinDbg should print messages about the target system. Here you will see DbgPrint messages etc. (All DbgPrint is disabled per default in Vista (not in XP), and you must enable it link)
You can set breakpoints in modules in WinDbg by defining breakpoints.
PS: bcdedit sometimes fails to setup the debug mode. I have no clue why. But there seems a certain order in which you must tell it the debug parameters. Trying different combination's does work wonders ... .
You can use commands in WinDbg when you break into the process. A couple of interesting ones :
lm displays all modules currently loaded
lm m pattern displays all modules satisfying the search condition (e.g. "lm m kernel32*"
x module_name!function_name_pattern lists the symbols in the module (e.g. "kernel32!Create*")
bl lists all currently set breakpoints
bp module_name!function_name sets a breakpoint at the start of the function specified.
bc * deletes all breakpoints
.hh bp displays the help for "bp"
.reload /u x.sys reloads the x.sys module debug settings. (this is helpful when you want to rebuild your project, and get a 'could not create x.pdb ...' message).
Enable all DbgPrint output under Vista :
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Debug Print Filter]
