how to use Xpath with LibXml 2 - xpath

in this address i am trying to scrape a tage (that is Larg price which is bold red one)
i use LIBXML 2.2
when i try to extract the tag through this XPATH
it works!
but to make queries easier i would like to use FireBug on Firefox.
Using FireBug it gives me this XPath
using this Xpath it does not work, seems this one does not give a complete query. how can i modify this XPath to scrape the item ?

Firefox and other browsers generate tbody tags in HTML.
In fact, the tbody is probably not there, so you can remove it in your XPath. (/html/body/div[2]/form/table[3]/tr/td/div/table/tr[2]/td[2]/span/b) You can test this by just saving the HTML from your application and viewing it in a text editor.
Since it seems the intent is to pull information from a web page however, your application will probably be more resistant to changes in the web page if you use XPath less dependent on the tree structure (i.e. //b[#class='priceLarge']).
EDIT: It seems that in addition to the tbody problem, Firefox is rendering the div (ID: divsinglecolumnminwidth) element as containing the form element (ID: handleBuy).
Looking at the html with an XML editor shows that the form element is a sibling of that div element, so the expression should start with /html/body/form/table[3].
One tool, among many others, to test your XPath expressions is HAP Testbed.


How to use Selenium using Xpath to determine the classes of an element?

I am trying to use xpath within selenium to select a div element that is within a td.
What I am really trying to do is determine the class of the div and if it is either classed LOGO1, LOGO2, LOGO3 and so on. Originally I was going to just snag the image:url to determine with logo.jpg was used but whoever made the target website used one image for each logo type and used css to determine which portion of the image will be displayed. So Imagine 4 images on one sprite image. This is the reason why I have to determine the class of the div instead of digging through the css paths.
In selenium I am using storeElementPresent | /html/body/form/center/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div[3]/div[2]/fieldset/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/div/table/tbody/tr[${i}]/td[8]/div//class | cardLogo .
The div has multiple classes so I am thinking that this is the issue, but any help is appreciated. Below is the target source. This is source from within the table in the tbody. Selenium has no problems identifying all the way up to td[8] but then fails to gather the div. Please help!
<td class="togglehidefields" style="width:80px;">
<div class="cardlogo LOGO1" style="background-image:url("></div>
<span id="ContentPlaceHolder1_grdCCChargebackDetail_lblCardNumber_0">7777</span>
I was fiddling with selenium.getAttribute() but it kept erroring out, any ideas there?
This <div/> element has one class attribute with one value, but this one is tokenized when parsed as HTML.
As selenium only supports XPath 1.0, you will need to check for classes like this:
//div[contains(#class, "LOGO1") or contains(#class, "LOGO2")]
Extend that pattern as needed and embed it in your expression.
With XPath 2.0 and better, you could tokenize and use the = operator which works on a set-based semantics:
//div[tokenize(#class, ' ') = ("LOGO1", "LOGO2")]
Old post but I'll put the solution I used up just in case it can help anyone.
xpath=//div[contains(#class,'carouselNavNext ')]/.[contains(#class, 'disabled')]
Fire of your contains, and then follow with /. to check children AND the current element.

get current element using Simple HTML DOM

I'm trying to use Simple HTML DOM to find objects via XPath.
It's working pretty well but I can't seem to get the current element:
all return an empty array
returns a normal table with HTML, so the object IS valid.
Simple HTML DOM doesn't recognize '.' for getting the current element,
in fact, it uses Regex to find elements using XPath.
In order to solve this problem I used DOMXPath instead of Simple HTML DOM,
which has a lot more options and functionality.

XPath "Not". Ignore branches with a specific tag

I have loaded a web page into the HTML Agility Pack and have a DOM. I want to use XPATH to pull out all of the text on the page (but not the javascript found within <script> tags).
I figure I need a //text() and then a 'not' to ignore any tag within the branch that has a <script> in it.
I have tried
but neither work. An example of the XPath property of a node that they return is (notice the Script)
I have consulted with both of these posts.
Is it possible to do 'not' matching in XPath?
Grab all text from html with Html Agility Pack (This is a good post but it brings out the JS)
Any suggestions?
Your first attempt rejects all text nodes that are script elements, and your second rejects all text nodes that have script node children. Of course, in both cases, the condition is never true.
You haven't explained your requirements clearly, but I guess you want to reject all text nodes that have script elements as their parent, which would be

XPath Expression

I am new to XPath. I have a html source of the webpage
Now I want to extract the following data from the above page
Full Date
Email - just below the date
I also want to find the existence of the button "Reply to this post" on the page
Can anyone help me in writing the three XPath expressions for the above three data.
You don't need to write these yourself, or even figure them out yourself. If you use the Firebug plugin, go to the page, right click on the elements you want, click 'Inspect element' and Firebug will popup the HTML in a viewer at the bottom of your browser. Right click on the desired element in the HTML viewer and click on 'Copy XPath'.
That said, the XPath expression you're looking for (for #3) is:
...obtained via the method described above.
I noticed that the DTD is HTML 4/01 Transitional and not XHTML for the first link, so there's no guarantee that this is a valid XML document, and it may not be loaded correctly by an XML parser. In fact, I see several tags that aren't properly closed (i.e. <hr>, etc)
I don't know the first one off hand, and the third one was just answered by Alex, but the second one is /html/body/a[0].
As of your first page it's just impossible to do because this is not the way xpath works. In order for an xpath expression to select something that "something" must be a node (ie an element)
The second page is fairly easy, but you need an "id" attribute in order to do that (or anything that can make sure your button is unique). For example if you are sure the text "Reply to this post" correctly identify the button just do it with
//button["Reply to this post"]

extract xpath

I want to retrieve the xpath of an attribute (example "brand" of a product from a retailer website).
One way of doing it is using addons like xpather or xpath checker to firefox, opening up the website using firefox and right clicking the desired attrbute I am interested in. This is ok. But I want to capture this information for many attributes and right clicking each and every attribute maybe time consuming. Also, the other problem I have is that attributes I maybe interested in will be there for one product. The other attributes maybe for some other product. So, I will have to go that product & then do it manually again.
Is there an automated or programatic way of retrieving the xpath of the desired attributes from a website rather than having to do this manually?
You must notice that not all websites use valid XML that you can use xpath on...
That said, you should check out some HTML parsers that will allow you to use xpath on HTML even if it is not a valid XML.
Since you did not specify the technology you are working with - I'll suggest the .NET HTML Agility Pack, if you need others, search for questions dealing with this here on SO.
The solution I use for this kind of thing is to write an xpath something like this:
It works by finding all elements (labels) with the text you want and then looking to the next sibling in the HTML. Without a specific URL to see I can't help any further.
This is a generalised version you can make more specific versions by replacing the asterisks is tag types, and you can navigate differently by replacing the axis following sibling with something else.
I use xPaths in to make APIs for this kind of thing all the time, It's just a matter of finding a xPath that's generic enough to find the HTML no matter where it is on the page, but being specific enough to get the right data.
