How to delete version into version control of Team Foundation Server 2013? - visual-studio-2013

I'm a new user into Team Foundation Server and I have a problem, during the develop an desktop app, a team member performed a inestable version and update (realize check-in) this version into the version control and the moment when I check-in my code the server merge my code with the latest version and the system failure.
I decided delete unstable versions of control version, but I not find way perform this.
I read this article but in the article only explain how to perform Roll back version and this does not help me.

You must do a rollback to maintain history of that change.
If you rollback the checkin out is just the same as if you had never checked that code in.


When I am using Github how can I create a version 1.1 of my application while I still maintain a version 1.0?

I have an application that I am working on. It's the Master Branch. Now I would like to continue fixing bugs with that but at the same time work on the next version.
On my front-end I am using Visual Studio Community on the Mac OS.
Can someone explain to me how I can start on another version and work on that and then sometimes switch between versions to maintain the current app?

Better Version Control than TFS

I am working on TFS for Version Controlling since one year. It was good with Visual Studio but some days ago my PC Crashed and the Code on my local Machine Which were not Checked in Destroy... Then I have worked again which took much time and my project got late. Now I decide to move from TFS to another better Version controlling then TFS which handle code locally as well as on the server.
please advise me if anyone use good version control tool for Visual Studio. Thanks in advance
Just like Edward commented TFS is not a version control system. Which is a product that provides source code management (either with Team Foundation Version Control or Git), reporting, requirements management, project management, automated builds, lab management, testing and release management capabilities. It covers the entire application lifecycle, and enables DevOps capabilities.
TFS supports two types of version control: Git and Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC). One centralized and one distributed. As for which version control system should you use, you could take a look at this thread: Choosing the right version control for your project
For your case, you should be checking in frequently or setup some sort of backup system to avoid mistakes like this. Or set an alarm clock, memos to remind you to commit code to version control. If the files are gone from your file system, they're gone.

Restoring CRM Organizations after Dynamics 365 upgrade

We recently upgraded to Dynamics 365 from CRM Online 2016. As a result all our CRM Organizations and Regions are no longer appearing in the Unified Service Desk CRM Organization selection window. Kindly advise on how to restore.
It Seems that you were force updated, acoording to the Update Policy the minor version supported is n-2 (8.1 in the current scenario) if you want to go back to 8.0 it won't be possible cause isn't supported any more, if you want to go back to any of the supported previous versions could restore one of the snapshot of the database that if aven't pass more than 3 days, in that case you could create a customer support ticket and ask for an older backup
Hope it helps

Should I upgrade AjaxControlKit dlls I downloaded in May 2010?

I am running vs2008 aspnet 3.5 and the ajax dll files I am using were downloaded in May 2010.
Is there a newer ajax release that I should be using for new development?
All my old stuff is working ok.
I am going to add that I am trying to get autocompleteextender to work and i cant get it wired up.
It sounds like you are referring to the ajax control toolkit project which is hosted on codeplex
If so then yes there's been a release since May 2010. The most recent one is from November 2011 and can be downloaded here
As to whether or not you should update ... that's a question best left for you to answer. If everything is working fine and you don't find anything compelling in the new release then you're not obligated to update. Though your release is almost 2 years old now, there's likely been changes since then you would benefit from. It's at least worth your time to read up on the changes and see how they would apply to you.

Is current ankhsvn version compatible with current svn? version

Running on Windows Server 2008 R2 with Windows 7 client.
I downloaded and installed VisualSVN Server 2.5.2 without a problem. The page here indicates that this is built against Subversion 1.7.2.
I downloaded and installed TortoiseSVN 1.7.3 without a problem. The page here indicates that this is built against Subversion 1.7.2.
Now I would like to install ankhsvn for use with Visual Studio 2010. The latest version is 2.3.10509 and the page here indicates that this is built against Subversion 1.7.1.
Does anyone know if this will run correctly against my SVN server? Or do I need to wait until ankhsvn release a version built agains SVN 1.7.2? If I need to wait, how promptly do ankhsvn releases usually appear?
Source control is obviously critical so I don't want to risk losing any data by "just trying it".
Subversion versioning requires clients to have the same minor version. So any 1.7.X client should be compitable with every other 1.7.Y client.
For the server, any 1.X client will work with any 1.Y client.
Of course it's a good idea to keep things as up-to-date as possible, but you're not risking anything by combining 1.7.1 and 1.7.2.
The release of AnkhSVN based on 1.7.2 will be out in the coming days, the daily builds are already using this.
From what I'm aware of, we had to upgrade SVN on our servers to be compatible with the latest version of ankhsvn. It was a big deal, for the leads let us know we couldn't use ankh until we updated.
We are also using Tortoise.
Hope that helps.
