How to remove a newline from template? - template-engine

This is a repost of my question in the Google Group. Hopefully I will get some response here.
Frequently I run into this problem. I want to generate a line of text if the text is not empty. If it is empty, do not generate the line. Illustration template:
namespace #classSpec.getNamespace()
class #classSpec.getName() {
If #classSpec.getComment() returns meaningful comment text, the result looks like
namespace com.example
// this is comment
class MyClass {
But if there is no comment, it will be
namespace com.example
class MyClass {
Notice the extra empty line? I do not want it. Currently the solution is to write template as
namespace #classSpec.getNamespace()
#classSpec.getComment()class #classSpec.getName() {
and make sure the getComment() will append a "\n" to the return value. This makes the template much less readable. Also, imagine I need to generate a function with multiple parameters in a for loop. If each parameter requires complex logic of template code, I need to make them all written in one line as above. Otherwise, the result file will have function like
function myFunction(
String stringParam,
Integer intParam,
Long longParam
The core problem is, the template file does not only contain scripts, but also raw text to be written in the output. For script part, we want newlines and indentations. We want the space to be trimmed just like what compilers usually do. But for raw text, we want the spaces to be exact as specified in the file. I feel we need a bit more raw text control mechanism to reconcile the two parts.
Specific to this case, is there some special symbol to treat multiple lines as single line in the output? For example, like if we can write
namespace #classSpec.getNamespace()
class #classSpec.getName() {

This is just a known bug see
Unfortunately there is no proper work-around for this yet. You might want to add your comments to the bugs above and reference your question.
Take the example below which you can try out at
#def setXTimesY(int x,int y) { #{ int result=x*y;} #(result)}
2 a=#setXTimesY(2,3)
3 b=#setXTimesY(3,5)
4 c=#setXTimesY(4,7)
this will properly create the output:
2 a= 6
3 b= 15
4 c= 28
now try to beautify the #def setXTimesY ...
#def setXTimesY(int x,int y) {
int result=x*y;
2 a=#setXTimesY(2,3)
3 b=#setXTimesY(3,5)
4 c=#setXTimesY(4,7)
will give a wrong result
2 a=(result)
3 b=(result)
4 c=(result)
#def setXTimesY(int x,int y) {
int result=x*y;
} #(result)}
2 a=#setXTimesY(2,3)
3 b=#setXTimesY(3,5)
4 c=#setXTimesY(4,7)
is better but adds a space
is another bug along the same lines

I'm experiencing the same problem. I've not been able to find a solution in the own Rythm.
To obtain a single line as result of processing several lines in the template, I've had to implement my own mechanism, in form of a post-processing. In the template, at the end of each line that I want to join the next one, I use a custom symbol/tag as token. Then, once the template has been processed, I replace that symbol/tag, together with the line break character(s) right after it, with an empty string.
For example, if you used a tag called "#join-next-line#", the template would look like this:
#for (Bar bar : foo.getBars()).join (", ") {
It's not the perfect solution, but it has worked for me.


Cypress .replace() method

I want to put found text in a list then .log() it
I copied the .replace() method from my previous code but I only know how to make it put a space after 5 letters. Is there a way to make it separate each "word" from a different div's? My log looks like this log and I want it to look like:
isSystemObject name description avatar tags isSystemObject name description avatar tags
Appreciate all the help
You can use the each() method to loop over all elements, extract the text and then apply the replace() method like this:
cy.get('#header').find('#label').each(($ele) => {
const nazwy = $ele.text().trim().replace(/(.{5})/g,"$1 ")
cy.log(nazwy)//prints label texts one by one

Cypress - counting number of elements in an array that contain a specific string

Attempting to confirm that of all the schema in the head of a page exactly 3 of them should have a specific string within them. These schemas have no tags or sub classes to differentiate themselves from each other, only the text within them. I can confirm that the text exists within any of the schema:
cy.get('head > script[type="application/ld+json"]').should('contain', '"#type":"Product"')
But what I need is to confirm that that string exists 3 times, something like this:
cy.get('head > script[type="application/ld+json"]').contains('"#type":"Product"').should('have.length', 3)
And I can't seem to find a way to get this to work since .filter, .find, .contains, etc don't filter down the way I need them to. Any suggestions? At this point it seems like I either need to import a custom library or get someone to add ids to these specific schema. Thanks!
The first thing to note is that .contains() always yields a single result, even when many element match.
It's not very explicit in the docs, but this is what it says
.contains() yields the new DOM element it found.
If you run
cy.get('head > script[type="application/ld+json"]')
.then(console.log) // logs an object with length: 1
and open up the object logged in devtools you'll see length: 1, but if you remove the .contains('"#type":"Product"') the log will show a higher length.
You can avoid this by using the jQuery :contains() selector
cy.get('script[type="application/ld+json"]:contains("#type\": \"Product")')
.then(console.log) // logs an object with length: 3
.should('have.length', 3);
Note the inner parts of the search string have escape chars (\) for quote marks that are part of the search string.
If you want to avoid escape chars, use a bit of javascript inside a .then() to filter
.then($els => $els.filter((index, el) => el.innerText.includes('"#type": "Product"')) )
.then(console.log) // logs an object with length: 3
.should('have.length', 3);

How can I parse this plaintext RP-style string into a more generic XML-style one?

I'm making an app that will translate roleplaying-style messages into something much more generic. The user has the ability to specify their preferences, like:
- /me <move>
- *<move>*
- <speech>
- "<speech>"
- [<ooc>]
- ((ooc))
- //ooc
I need to parse a message like this:
/me eats food "This is *munch* good!" [You're good at this]
or like this:
*eats food* This is *munch* good! ((You're good at this))
into a more generic, XML-like string like this:
<move>eats food <speech>This is <move>munch</move> good!</speech> <ooc>You're good at this</ooc></move>
but with regard to which is inside which. For example:
*eats food "This is munch* good" // You're good at this
should be parsed as:
<move>eats food "This is munch</move><speech> good" </speech><ooc> You're good at this</ooc>
even if that's not what the user intended. Note that the quotes in this last example weren't parsed because they didn't wrap a complete segment, and the current move segment had not finished by the time the first was encountered, and speech had already started when the second one was, and the second one didn't have another after it to surround a separate speech segment.
I've tried doing this iteratively, recursively, with trees, and even with regexes, but I haven't found a solution that works like I want it to. How do I parse the above RP-style messages into the above generic XML-style messages?
Also important is that the spacing is preserved.
Here are some other examples using the above-listed preferences:
I like roller coasters.
[what are you like?]
/me eats a hamburger // wanna grab lunch after this?
*jumps up and down* This ((the party)) is great!
/me performs *an action* within an action "And that's just fine [As is *an action* in ooc in speech]"
And messages /me can change contexts // at any point
[But ill-formatted ones *must be parsed] according "to* the rules"
-And text formatted in <non-specified ways> is &not treated; specially-
<speech>I like roller coasters.</speech>
<ooc>what are you like?</ooc>
<move>eats a hamburger <ooc> wanna grab lunch after this?</ooc></move>
<move>jumps up and down</move><speech> This <ooc>the party</ooc> is great!</speech>
<move>performs <move>an action</move> within an action <speech>And that's just fine <ooc>As is <move>an action</move> in ooc in speech</ooc></speech></move>
<speech>And messages <move>can change contexts <ooc> at any point</ooc></move></speech>
<ooc>But ill-formatted ones *must be parsed</ooc><speech> according <speech>to* the rules</speech></speech>
<speech>-And text formatted in <non-specified ways> is &not treated; specially-</speech>
What you have is a bunch of tokens that should trigger an xml tag. It is fairly straightforward to implement this using a function for each tag.
void move(){
Where the parse() consumes and classifies the input text.
void parse(){
if (text.startsWith("*")) action = MOVE;
... other cases
if ( action == MOVE){
... other actions.
The parse method has to check for all possible state-changers "*" -> move, "((" -> ooc, """ -> speech and so on.
Here MOVE is a class constant, action a state variable along with text and xmlPrintWriter. move and parse are both methods
This approach will not work though if you allow your last example. Then the situation becomes extremely hairy and would need to be decided on a case by case basis.
Something to this affect might do:
public static RPMessageSegment split(RPMessageSegment text)
ArrayList<RPMessageSegment> majorSegments = new ArrayPP<>();
scan: for(int i = 0, l = text.length() - 1; i < l; i++)
dels: for(Delimiter d : delimiters)
if (d.startsWith(text, i))
RPMessageSegment newSegment = d.extractSegment(text, i);
i += newSegment.lengthWithOriginalDelimiters();
continue scan;
if (majorSegments.length() == 1)
return majorSegments.get(0);
for(int i = 0, l = majorSegments.length(); i < l; i++)
majorSegments.set(i, split(majorSegments.get(i)));
return new RPMessageSegment(majorSegments);
Of course, this presumes that the referenced classes have these methods that respond as one might expect. They shouldn't be terribly hard to imagine, not to mention write.
After it's parsed into RPMessageSegments, those can easily be echoed out into strings surrounded by XML-style tags

Replacing scan by gsub in Ruby: how to allow code in gsub block?

I am parsing a Wiki text from an XML dump, for a string named 'section' which includes templates in double braces, including some arguments, which I want to reorganize.
This has an example named TextTerm:
section="Sample of a text with a first template {{TextTerm|arg1a|arg2a|arg3a...}} and then a second {{TextTerm|arg1b|arg2b|arg3b...}} etc."
I can use scan and a regex to get each template and work on it on a loop using:
section.scan(/\{\{(TextTerm)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\}\}/i).each { |item| puts "1=" + item[1] # arg1a etc.}
And, I have been able to extract the database of the first argument of the template.
Now I also want to replace the name of the template "NewTextTerm" and reorganize its arguments by placing the second argument in place of the first.
Can I do it in the same loop? For example by changing scan by a gsub(rgexp){ block}:
section.gsub!(/\{\{(TextTerm)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\}\}/) { |item| '{{NewTextTerm|\2|\1}}'}
I get:
"Sample of a text with a first template {{NewTextTerm|\\2|\\1}} and then a second {{NewTextTerm|\\2|\\1}} etc."
meaning that the arguments of the regexp are not recognized. Even if it worked, I would like to have some place within the gsub block to work on the arguments. For example, I can't have a puts in the gsub block similar to the scan().each block but only a string to be substituted.
Any ideas are welcome.
PS: Some editing: braces and "section= added", code is complete.
When you have the replacement as a string argument, you can use '\1', etc. like this:
string.gsub!(regex, '...\1...\2...')
When you have the replacement as a block, you can use "#$1", etc. like this:
You are mixing the uses. Stick to either one.
Yes, changing the quote by a double quote isn't enough, #$1 is the answer. Here is the complete code:
section="Sample of a text with a first template {{TextTerm|arg1a|arg2a|arg3a...}} and then a second {{TextTerm|arg1b|arg2b|arg3b...}} etc."
section.gsub(/\{\{(TextTerm)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\}\}/) { |item| "{{New#$1|#$3|#$2}}"}
"Sample of a text with a first template {{NewTextTerm|arg2a|arg3a...|arg1a}} and then a second {{NewTextTerm|arg2b|arg3b...|arg1b}} etc."
Thus, it works. Thanks.
But now I have to replace the string, by a "function" returning the changed string:
def stringreturn(arg1,arg2,arg3) strr = "{{New"+arg1 + arg3 +arg2 + "}}"; return strr ; end
section.gsub(/\{\{(TextTerm)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\}\}/) { |item| stringreturn("#$1","|#$2","|#$3") }
will return:
"Sample of a text with a first template {{NewTextTerm|arg2a|arg3a...|arg1a}} and then a second {{NewTextTerm|arg2b|arg3b...|arg1b}} etc."
Thanks to all!
There is probably a better way to manipulate arguments in MediaWiki templates using Ruby.

How to extract token information from attribute "elements"?

1. Overall Task:
I want to customize the Java.stg to modify the token display format in the comment of the code block for an alternative of grammar rule.
2. Context:
one rule in my current grammar is:
temporal returns [String ret]:
NEXT disj
{$ret= $ret= "X ".concat($disj.ret);}
{$ret= "F ".concat($disj.ret);}`
The corresponding generated code block (in parser) is as follows:
switch (alt2) {
case 1 :
// RERS.g:26:7: NEXT disj
ret = ret = "X ".concat(disj2);
case 2 :
// RERS.g:28:7: EVENTUALLY disj
ret = "F ".concat(disj3);
3. My Goal:
Change the comment from format like // RERS.g:26:7: NEXT disj to NEXT_disj, i.e., from <fileName>:<description> to <MyOwnAttribute>
4. Attempt so far:
I tried to modify the template "alt(elements,altNum,description,autoAST,outerAlt,treeLevel,rew)" as follows:
alt(elements,altNum,description,autoAST,outerAlt,treeLevel,rew) ::= <<
/* <elements:ExtractToken()> */
<elements:element()> // as I understand, it's just an template expansion to apply the sub templates in each elements
I checked that in this context, the value of attribute elements is something like {el=/tokenRef(), line=26, pos=7}{el=/ruleRef(), line=26, pos=12}{el=/execAction(), line=27, pos=7}.
I think I should "overload" the "tokenRef" template to spit out tokens formatted like "NEXT_disj"
5. Questions:
How to "overload" an existing template? I want to do that because I will have to modify the value of "elements" otherwise.
How can I only apply a template to a specific element in attribute "elements", instead of applying it to every element (like what template "element()" does)?
I think there should be some convenient way to achieve my goal. Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance.
