Laravel Eloquent nested query - laravel

I was working with Laravel and got stuck in a situation. I have following models:
CategoryProduct holds the information about which product belongs to which category (a product may belong to multiple categories).
Now, when I want to load all products belonging to a particular category, I need to run query on Product and CategoryProduct which is where I'm stuck.
I gave it the following try but was unsuccessful:
$products = Product::where('status', '=', 'active')
->where('category_id', '=', $category_id)
Obviously, it will say that category_id is not a column.
Here is my DB & Model structure:
categories table
products table
category_products table
product_id, ( Foreign key to )
category_id, ( Foreign key to )
Product model
class Product extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'products';
protected $hidden = array();
public static $rules = array('name' => 'required|min:3');
Category model
class Category extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'categories';
public static $rules = array('name' => 'required|min:3');
CategoryProduct model
class CategoryProduct extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'category_products';
public function product()
return $this->belongsTo('Product');
public function category()
return $this->belongsTo('Category');
A new question on this
I'm trying to display products. If category is not passed (value is -1), then I will show all products, otherwise I will show products from the passed category.
Now, when I show all products, those products may already exist in a category. I want to display ticked checkbox for products that are already in a category. I'm doing something like this:
$products = Product::where('status', '=', 'active')->take($count)->skip($skip)->get();
$products = Product::whereHas('categories', function($q) use ($category_id)
$q->where('category_id', $category_id);
})->where('status', 'active')
The table category_products have product_id, category_id as columns.
Now, the query:
$products = Product::where('status', '=', 'active')->take($count)->skip($skip)->get();
will pick products only from products table. If I check each product for its existence in category_products, then there will be too many database queries for large number of products.
Any idea, how to achieve this. I hope I was able to clear my situation. Thanks

The CategoryProduct model should not be necessary unless you have additional fields besides product_id and category_id which point to other relationships.
What is necessary are the methods for setting up the relationship on the Category and Product models.
In Category, add the relationship function...
public function products()
return $this->belongsToMany('Product', 'category_products');
In your Product model, do the same for categories.
public function categories()
return $this->belongsToMany('Category', 'category_products');
Then you can query for your active products that belong to that category using your relationship method and whereHas()
$products = Product::whereHas('categories', function($q) use ($category_id)
$q->where('id', $category_id);
})->where('status', 'active')

You don't need a model for a pivot table in Many-to-Many relationships. Look at this section of the Eloquent documentation for further explanation.
You still need to create a migration to set up the pivot table (or do it manually if you don't use migrations), but not a model. Instead, create a function for Category to designate the relationship:
public function products()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Product', 'category_products');
// - You might need to adjust the namespace of App\Product
// - category_products refers to the pivot table name
Likewise, Product needs a similar public function.
Then you're able to do it the other way around, by finding the category and then listing all its related products:
$products = Category::find($category_id)
->where('status', 'active')
This question could also be relevant to yours.


Laravel eloquent many to many relation deep conditions

I have two Model named Product and Category. Admin can change the status of Product and Category.
Here Product and Category has many to many relations. So that, all Product can belongs to multiple Category
Now at my user panel,
I want to show that all Product whose all Category's status is active.
you can do this in your product model
public function categories(){
return $this->belongsToMany(Category::class, CategoryProduct::class, 'product_id', 'category_id');
//->withPivot([]); if you need anything from the pivot table for any reason you can add the column names in the array
this is assuming that the pivot table have the columns product_id and category_id
$products = Product::with('categories')
->whereHas('categories', function ($query) {
$query->where('categories.status', 'active');
inside the where the word categories is the table name
The solution is:
$products = Product::with('category')
->whereHas('category', function ($query) {
$query->where('status', 'active'); // use your column & condition
It works for me, got all the products that have all the categories active. First time I thought complicated so I didn't solve.
$products = Product::whereDoesntHave('catagories',function($category){

How do I query data from a pivot table in Laravel 7 [duplicate]

Searching from pivot table using laravel.
Here is my table structure:
product_category (Pivot table)
//products can have multiple categories
Product model:
public function categories(){
return $this->belongsToMany(Category::class, 'product_category');
What is the best way to search all products by category id?
Currently I am doing this way, and it seems not an efficient way:
$categories = product_category::where('category_id',1)->get();
Now I have to loop through categories and then get Products and pass it to views? Any idea how to do this in an efficient way?
For this you could use the whereHas() method:
$categoryId = 1;
$products = Product::whereHas('categories', function ($query) use($categoryId) {
$query->where('id', $categoryId);
The above will return all products that are in the Category where the id is equal to $categoryId.
You can eager load products for a given category. Try:
$category = Category::with('products')->where('category_id',1)->find(1);
When you do this, only 2 database queries will be executed: one for loading the category, and one for loading related products.
Then in your Blade view you can do:
#foreach($category->products as $product
{{ $product->name }}
You can use this inside your method in controller..this only works when $request->$query(search) have value .then here we use wereHas for get the relationship of model and with->() using for get pivot table values
->when($request->query('search'), function ($query)use($request) {
$q= $request->query('search');
return $query->whereHas('relation name', function (Builder $query) use ($q) {
$query->with('pivot table name.column name')
->where('pivot table name.column name', 'like', "%{$q}%")

Join tables in Laravel Eloquent method

How to write this code in eloquent method ?
$product = DB::table('products')
->join('purchase', '', '=', '')
->join('sales', '', '=', '')
->select('sales.*', 'purchase.*','products.*')
Create model Product and add one to many relationship with Purchase in Product model.
public function purchases()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Purchase');
Create model Purchase and add one to many relationship with Sale in Purchase model.
public function sales()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Sale');
Create model Sale.
You can retrieve data using following statement.
$products = Product::with('purchases.sales')->get();
Note: I am assuming the relationship as one to many you can also declare as per your data, also you can define one to many inverse relationship, please refer to laravel docs
You will get purchases and sales data in different key so you can use below syntax to loop over it.
foreach ($products as $product) {
foreach ($product->purchases as $purchase) {
//Purchase data for current product
foreach($purchase->sales as $sale){
//Sale data for current purchase

best approach to search from pivot table using laravel

Searching from pivot table using laravel.
Here is my table structure:
product_category (Pivot table)
//products can have multiple categories
Product model:
public function categories(){
return $this->belongsToMany(Category::class, 'product_category');
What is the best way to search all products by category id?
Currently I am doing this way, and it seems not an efficient way:
$categories = product_category::where('category_id',1)->get();
Now I have to loop through categories and then get Products and pass it to views? Any idea how to do this in an efficient way?
For this you could use the whereHas() method:
$categoryId = 1;
$products = Product::whereHas('categories', function ($query) use($categoryId) {
$query->where('id', $categoryId);
The above will return all products that are in the Category where the id is equal to $categoryId.
You can eager load products for a given category. Try:
$category = Category::with('products')->where('category_id',1)->find(1);
When you do this, only 2 database queries will be executed: one for loading the category, and one for loading related products.
Then in your Blade view you can do:
#foreach($category->products as $product
{{ $product->name }}
You can use this inside your method in controller..this only works when $request->$query(search) have value .then here we use wereHas for get the relationship of model and with->() using for get pivot table values
->when($request->query('search'), function ($query)use($request) {
$q= $request->query('search');
return $query->whereHas('relation name', function (Builder $query) use ($q) {
$query->with('pivot table name.column name')
->where('pivot table name.column name', 'like', "%{$q}%")

Relationship BelongToMany with additional data

I've 3 tables:
Courses (have category_id)
Categories (of courses)
In my Authors model I've added:
public function courses () {
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Course', 'courses2authors')->where('status','=', 1);
"courses2authors" is the pivot table.
Then in my controller I retrieve courses info with:
$authors = Author::where('status', '=', 1)->orderBy('pos')->with('courses')->get();
It's ok but I've only the category_id in ->courses, how to add category name in the model relationship.
I try something like:
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Course', 'courses2authors')
->where('status','=', 1)->join('categories', '', '=',
'courses.category_id')->select(' as categoria');
But in this way in take only the category name and not the course data.
You can define belongsTo relationship in Course Model with Categories.
Course Model
public function categories () {
return $this->belongsTo('App\Categories', 'category_id');
While retrieving Author with Courses then you can use like this. (Controller code)
$authors = Author::where('status', '=', 1)->orderBy('pos')
if you don't want to use like this then you can set $with attribute in Courses Model.
protected $with = ['categories']; // default with define here.
Use in controller :-
$authors = Author::where('status', '=', 1)->orderBy('pos')
