Connect to Informix database using Visual Studio 2013 - visual-studio

I want to connect to informix database from Visual Studio 2013. I've checked the IBM site and it contains whole lot of drivers and plugins. I've installed Client SDK and then I installed IBM server driver package then I installed Visual Studio add-in.
I tried connecting using setnet 32 and I'm able to succeed.
I'm able to connect to database using Squirrel and IBM Data Studio.
I'm able to connect to server using Visual Studio but it crashes when I opened a new query.
How can I connect to an Informix database from Visual Studio 2013?

Can you please clarify how are you trying to connect IDS database.
Are you trying to connect the database by using application code such as ODBC, .NET, ESQL/C etc while it is debug using VS.
are you trying to create a connection node under VS database explorer.
If it is VS database explorer then Informix CSDK do not have support for it.
You will have to install IBM Database Add-Ins for Visual Studio 2013.
This Add-Ins are part of IBM Data Server driver package.
This connectivity uses DRDA protocol, so you will have to enable DRDA port on the IDS server.
Then try create VS database explorer entries by specifying the DRDA port.
(or connect if the entry already exist)


SSIS ORA-12638 Visual Studio 2017

I am using visual studio 2017 and I am trying to create a SSIS package that connects to oracle. I am getting the ORA-12638: Credential Retrieval Failed. The server connection and the username and password that I am using works. I can connect using the same information through a linked server in SQL Management Studio and SQL Oracle Developer.
I have made the SQLNET.ora change to SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES= (NONE). I have also ran the tnsping.exe for the server that I am connecting too and verified that I changed the correct file.
How can I make a oracle connection in SSIS to oracle?
I had to install the Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) bundle which includes "Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio" from oracle.

Connecting to ODBC Data Source in Visual Studio

I had this working on my old 32-bit Windows 7 machine running VS 2010 but am having trouble on my new 64-bit Windows 7 machine running VS 2015.
All I want to do is add an Oracle ODBC connection to Visual Studio's Server Explorer. I get the following error:
I have successfully configured and set up the 32-bit and 64-bit ODBC utilities with ODBC drivers, both pass the "test connection". Also I have set up Oracle SQL Developer to connect to the exact same source using the same credentials and I am able to read from the server in question. Here is the successful connection attempt in the ODBC utility:
I removed the Oracle ODP.NET developer toolset for Visual Studio and now the connections are working. I find Oracle's software incredibly frustrating and hard to use.
Wernfried thank you for taking the time to help.

Not able to modify tables on remote SQL Server 2012 database

I have Visual Studio 2010 installed on my Windows 10 PC. My website is on a shared hosting environment and utilizes a SQL Server 2012 database.
The hosting provider doesn't have web interface to manage database so I connect from the Visual Studio 2010 itself for management purposes.
Right now I am able to connect to the database and run my website locally but when I attempt to open table definition, I get this error:
This server version is not supported. Only servers up to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 are supported
Before upgrading to Windows 10, I was able to edit/add tables from Visual Studio 2010 Server explorer but now limited to read purposes only. This Windows 10 and Visual Studio is completely fresh install with nothing kept or saved from earlier windows version. I don't remember if I installed any SQL Server 2012 tools in earlier windows for managing the database from Server Explorer in Visual Studio.
I have searched a lot and even tried installing SQL Server 2012 Express which failed. Now, I am downloading SQL Server 2012 Management Studio from the same link to see if that will work. It will download in an hour or so but I don't remember downloading it earlier so wanted to ask you what can be done.
All I want is the ability to add/modify tables of SQL Server 2012 database from Server Explorer in Visual Studio 2010. Please tell me how can that be done and which tools are required for this purpose.

Oracle Connection through Visual Studio 2013

I'm trying to use the Microsoft Connectors v2.0 for Oracle ( to connect to an Oracle database through SSIS.
I am running Windows 7 SP 1 (64-bit), with Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate. I have installed the connector:
I also have the 32-bit Oracle client installed on my machine for PL/SQL Developer - it works.
But when I create a package in VS 2013 and try to connect to the Oracle DB - I don't have the option to connect to the Oracle source:either by trying to add a new connection through the connection manager or creating a Data Flow Task and dragging the Oracle Source from "Other Sources" within the data flow.
Any suggestions on how to make this work?
Apparently you need the Microsoft Connectors v3.0 for Oracle to work with VS 2013.
Microsoft Connectors v3.0 for Oracle and Teradata

Unable to Load Database project in VS2008

I have Database project which I'm unable to load in VS2008 and I have SQL Server 2008 Express edition installed on my machine..
I get following error message, when I try to load
Database projects require a connection
to a local instance of Microsoft SQL
Server 2005 for design-time
validation. To perform this operation,
you must open the Tools menu, click
Options and specify an instance of SQL
Server 2005 that is running and to
which you can connect in the Database
Tools, Design-time Validation Database
property page. When that is corrected,
you must then refresh or reload the
database project.
Any suggestions/update to solve this issue?
You don't mention if you have VS2008 SP1 installed, but this is a requirement for SQL Server 2008 support in Visual Studio (KB956139)
Did you verify your instance name is correct? Tools > Options > Database Tools > Data Connections -> SQL server instance name: SQLEXPRESS (or the name you chose during install)
Does your instance accept remote connections? (mine always does, not sure if this is required) (Source)
I know this is an old thread, but...
Were you able to get this combination working? Visual Studio 2008 with SQL Server Express 2008? I had the same issue that no matter what I entered into the instance fields in the Tools->Options->Database Tools boxes, it said I did not have them entered.
From what I could find on the interwebs, everything indicated that SQL Server Express 2008 should work with Visual Studio 2008 as long as you have the SP1 installed. I tried reinstalling SP1, but received the same error - "no instance specified".
So I downloaded and installed SQL Express 2005 x64 and specified a new instance name, SQLEXPRESS2005. Then I plugged that into Visual Studio 2008's settings and it worked right away.
