Unable to Load Database project in VS2008 - visual-studio

I have Database project which I'm unable to load in VS2008 and I have SQL Server 2008 Express edition installed on my machine..
I get following error message, when I try to load
Database projects require a connection
to a local instance of Microsoft SQL
Server 2005 for design-time
validation. To perform this operation,
you must open the Tools menu, click
Options and specify an instance of SQL
Server 2005 that is running and to
which you can connect in the Database
Tools, Design-time Validation Database
property page. When that is corrected,
you must then refresh or reload the
database project.
Any suggestions/update to solve this issue?

You don't mention if you have VS2008 SP1 installed, but this is a requirement for SQL Server 2008 support in Visual Studio (KB956139)
Did you verify your instance name is correct? Tools > Options > Database Tools > Data Connections -> SQL server instance name: SQLEXPRESS (or the name you chose during install)
Does your instance accept remote connections? (mine always does, not sure if this is required) (Source)

I know this is an old thread, but...
Were you able to get this combination working? Visual Studio 2008 with SQL Server Express 2008? I had the same issue that no matter what I entered into the instance fields in the Tools->Options->Database Tools boxes, it said I did not have them entered.
From what I could find on the interwebs, everything indicated that SQL Server Express 2008 should work with Visual Studio 2008 as long as you have the SP1 installed. I tried reinstalling SP1, but received the same error - "no instance specified".
So I downloaded and installed SQL Express 2005 x64 and specified a new instance name, SQLEXPRESS2005. Then I plugged that into Visual Studio 2008's settings and it worked right away.


How to install LocalDB 2016 along with Visual Studio 2017?

After installing Visual Studio 2017 with the SQL Server Data tools feature checked, I noticed LocalDB was not installed. How can I add SQL Server LocalDB 2016 to my Visual Studio 2017 installation? Did I miss a checkbox when installing VS2017, or is it simply not included with the installer? If so, how do I configure VS2017 so I can view and connect to my manually installed LocalDB database in Visual Studio's server browser?
It's automatically installed if .NET Desktop Development is checked.
You can check it in the Summary.
SQL Server Express 2016 LocalDB is in .NET desktop development. If you missed it to select while installing Visual Studio 2017, you can select and install it later.
To install SQL Server Express 2016 LocalDB, go to Start in your Windows OS, type Visual Studio Installer and run it. Then click Modify. It will open the Workloads selection screen where you can select .Net desktop development. .Net desktop development includes SQL Server Express 2016 LocalDB. After selecting, click Modify and you are done.
But although you select .NET desktop development, it may not install. Because SQL Server 2016 or later is not supported for many processors. To check this, visit Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server If this is your case, then you have to depend on SQL Server Express 2014 LocalDB or previous.
To install SQL Server Express 2014 LocalDB manually, download the installer from Microsoft® SQL Server® 2014 Service Pack 2 (SP2) Express and install SQL Server Express 2014 LocalDB by running the installer.
To connect to LocalDB, open Server Explorer in Visual Studio, right-click on Data Connections-> Add Connection. Enter Server name: (localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB and Test Connection. If test is success, click OK and you are now connected.
It is a component under the .NET desktop development workload.
As others have pointed out, LocalDB is automatically included if you select certain workloads, such as Desktop or ASP.Net.
However, you may not want one of those workloads. You may just want to add LocalDB.
In the Visual Studio Installer, navigate away from the Workloads tab to the second tab (Individual components). Here, the individual items are listed alphabetically, and can be selected or deselected for installation:
New to the conversation, but wanted to share what I ran into because it may not be apparent that localdb was installed already. Here's another step you can take to verify.
I ran into this same issue and found out that I'd already installed localdb via desktop.
I was getting a connection string error and thought I did something wrong, but what I ended up doing is opening the SQL Server Object Explorer from within Visual Studio and sure enough, it was there.
Shortcut, Ctrl+\ & Ctrl+S, or View -> SQL Server Object Explorer.
If you choose
ASP.NET and web development
then the option
SQL Server Express 2016 LocalDB
will also be checked and installed.
I have the same issue here, I followed the accepted answer but I think nothing has been installed. I followed the installer, and everything was checked ever since I installed my Visual Studio 2017 Professional Edition:
After all successful installation, and tried to modify it again using the installer, it will show the that I need to download the same tools which I installed multiple times. In other words, I have the same window as my image I showed above even though I already installed and modified it several times. And LocalDb still is not yet installed.
So I directly downloaded it here, you can even choose your own version: SQL Server Express LocalDB
Then upon successful installation using the link above, I was now able to confirm that LocalDb has finally installed on my machine.
To query, run command prompt and input:
I know this is a little different that what is asked, but the symptom is similar so I'm posting this. I figured out what I was missing. I was following a tutorial on Pluralsight, Bethany's Pie Shop, "Building Your First ASP.NET Core 2.0 MVC Application VS 2017", and tried running the solution downloaded. I had a failed login message... I re-watched a couple of the videos. This is what I was missing. I needed (in VS) to go to View->other windows->PkgMgrConsole
- Make sure you've built the application (build solution at top of VS)
- in console at bottom.... add-migration InitialMigration
- in console.... update-database
- run program
The person asking this didn't say how he got to the point that he thought he didn't have localDb installed. I checked, and I had it installed, but it was giving me a failed login message when I tried running the program without these steps.
If you use Visual Studio Installer and select only .Net desktop development,it will uninstall all workloads you had before.
It's a lengthy process beware.

Not able to modify tables on remote SQL Server 2012 database

I have Visual Studio 2010 installed on my Windows 10 PC. My website is on a shared hosting environment and utilizes a SQL Server 2012 database.
The hosting provider doesn't have web interface to manage database so I connect from the Visual Studio 2010 itself for management purposes.
Right now I am able to connect to the database and run my website locally but when I attempt to open table definition, I get this error:
This server version is not supported. Only servers up to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 are supported
Before upgrading to Windows 10, I was able to edit/add tables from Visual Studio 2010 Server explorer but now limited to read purposes only. This Windows 10 and Visual Studio is completely fresh install with nothing kept or saved from earlier windows version. I don't remember if I installed any SQL Server 2012 tools in earlier windows for managing the database from Server Explorer in Visual Studio.
I have searched a lot and even tried installing SQL Server 2012 Express which failed. Now, I am downloading SQL Server 2012 Management Studio from the same link to see if that will work. It will download in an hour or so but I don't remember downloading it earlier so wanted to ask you what can be done.
All I want is the ability to add/modify tables of SQL Server 2012 database from Server Explorer in Visual Studio 2010. Please tell me how can that be done and which tools are required for this purpose.

Visual studio wont open mdf file

The problem I have is that I'm unable to open my mdf file in Visual Studio 2010. I installed VS2010 along time ago, but just installed SQL server 2008 R2 few days ago.
I made the file in VS2010 and then attach it to SQL server in Management Studio to run a script I have to create all tables and such.
I then detach it in Management Studio and try to view it in VS2010 and get an error telling me that I cannot open database version 661. I can only go as high as 655.
I know this is because VS2010 is using SQL server 2008, but Management Studio is SQL Server 2008 R2.
How can I make VS2010 compatible with SQL Server 2008 R2?
You simply need to upgrade the local version 2008 Express to R2. You'd be able to open your file after that.
I had this problem too, but my problem was solved when I did this:
When you are opening SQL Server Managemnt Studio, in the connect to server window, type "\SQLEXPRESS" after the server name (your server name\SQLEXPRESS), then attach your database. When you detach it, it is compatible with VS2010. I hope this helps you.

Connecting SQL Server 2008 R2 with Visual Studio 2010

I'm trying to connect SQL Server 2008 R2 to Visual Studio 2010. It seems that the versions are not consistent, it's a little strange for me since SQL Server is 2008 and VS is 2010!!! Since I'm a new user and cant upload image here you may find a screen shot of the error here:
Would appreciate if anyone can help me.
Best Regards
Instead of using "Microsoft SQL Server Database File" use "Microsoft SQL Server"
Then connect using the server address and user information.
Visual Studio 2010 installs SQL Server Express 2008 and your database was created with SQL Server 2008 R2. You'll need to upgrade to SQL Server Express 2008 R2 to open this database.
You shouldn't be using the file option if the instance of SQL Server already exists and you plan to create a persistent database there (or use an existing one). You should be selecting a proper instance of SQL Server.
Follow the same steps as iamkrillin/Stecenko Ruslan suggested., If you had provided a username and password during the installation of SQL Server R2 , then choose the radio button "Use SQL Authentication" instead of "Use Windows Authentication"., in the "Add Connection" dialog of Visual Studio 2010.

Can't build dtproj [SSIS] project in Visual Studio

When I try to build a project in Visual Studio 2005 that has a .dtproj file, I get the error message:
Make sure the application for the project type (.dtproj) is installed.
This project was build on another system, but even after installing SQL Server 2005 & and SQL SP3, it still does not build.
You need to install the Business Intelligence Studio that is a part of the SQL Server Installation.
You may be missing development tools from your installation of SQL Server.
On my workstation at work I have VS.NET 2005, 2008 and 2010 loaded and needed to modify a package created in a 2005 environment. I only had SQL Server 2008 installed and therefore the BIDS environment for 2008 SSIS development. I had to go back and get the install for SQL Server 2005 and installed only the Integration Services component (instead of the entire SQL Server 2005 setup) and it resolved the issue mentioned above.
